U ovome su radu analizirani govori videoblogera s YouTubea na hrvatskome jeziku kako bi se utvrdili položaj vloga u diskurznom polju te stilistička i prozodijska obilježja vloga, koji je veoma česta, ali relativno nova i nedovoljno istražena forma. Za analizu je odabrano 5 vlogova 5 različitih videoblogera te je promatrana upotreba elemenata razgovornosti, vokabulara i figurativnosti te gradnja (multi)teksta, kao i ostvarivanje stanki, ritma, tempa, intonacije i naglasaka. Analiza je pokazala da je vlog hibridna govornička forma s nejasnim granicama između privatnog i javnog diskurza, s izraženim obilježjima razgovornosti, a pritom je nedvojbeno i multimedijalan diskurz. Jezik i stil izražavanja vlogera sličan je govoru ciljane skupine, govoru mladih, koji se opire uobičajenosti, te, unatoč monološkoj formi, teži dijalogičnošću. Izraženo obilježje govora vlogera je hiperboličnost, kao i težnja za dinamičnosti i ekonomičnosti. Zamijećeno je često izrezivanje stanki, ubrzan tempo govora te uglavnom ravni ili uzlazni završeci intonacijskih jedinica, dok naglasci ovise o podrijetlu govornika. Funkcija vloga pridobivanje je publike za praćenje i uključivanje u autorov YouTube kanal i međusobna komunikacija, stoga nastoje biti atraktivni, dopadljivi, energični i zabavni, što pokazuju i stilom i prozodijom. This thesis represents an analysis of the speech of YouTube videobloggers in the Croatian language in order to determine the position of the vlog in the discourse field and point out the stylistic and prosodic characteristics of the vlog, which is a very common but relatively new and insufficiently researched form. Five vlogs from five different videobloggers were selected for analysis, observing the use of conversational elements, vocabulary and figurativeness, the construction of (multi)text, as well as the realization of pauses, rhythm, tempo, intonation and accents. The analysis showed that the vlog is a hybrid form of speech in which the private and public discourse merge, with pronounced conversational features, and at the same time, it unambiguously belongs to the multimedia discourse. The vlogger's language and style of expression are similar to the speech of their target group, the speech of young people, which resists the norm and, despite being a monologue, leans towards dialogue. A pronounced feature of the vlogger's speech is hyperbolic expression, as well as a desire for dynamism and economy. Frequent cutting of pauses, accelerated pace of speech and mostly flat or rising endings of intonation units were noted, while accents depend on the origin of the speaker. The goal of vlogs is to get the audience to follow and engage with the creator's YouTube channel and communicate with each other, therefore they make an effort to be appealing, likable, energetic and fun, which is shown both in their style and prosody.