- Author
Pašalić, Mila, Batarelo Kokić, Ivana, Blažević, Ines, and Mandarić Vukušić, Anita
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Pedagogy ,inclusion ,inclusive education ,iskustva pomoćnika u nastavi ,pomoćnici u nastavi ,students with disabilities ,inkluzija ,teaching assistants ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Pedagogija ,experiences of teaching assistants ,učenici s teškoćama ,inkluzivno obrazovanje - Abstract
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je prikazati iskustva pomoćnika u nastavi u njihovu radu s učenicima s različitim poteškoćama. Na početku ovog diplomskog rada prikazan je teorijski osvrt na važnost koncepta inkluzije u različitim kontekstima, definirane su vrste poteškoća te je prikazan i detaljan uvid u ulogu pomoćnika u nastavi, a sve u svrhu boljeg shvaćanja samog empirijskog dijela rada. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je putem polustrukturiranog intervjua, a intervjuirano je ukupno deset pomoćnika i pomoćnica u nastavi iz različitih osnovnih škola. Po analizi rezultata opisani su određeni problemi na koje pomoćnici u nastavi nailaze poput nedostatnih edukacija, niskih plaća te određenih manjkavosti sustava podrške za pomoćnike u nastavi. Ovaj rad ponajviše može poslužiti trenutnim i budućim pomoćnicima u nastavi, ali i svima onima koji s njima surađuju ili koji ovakve teme iz raznih razloga smatraju zanimljivima i korisnima., The aim of this research was to present the experiences of teaching assistants in their work with students with different difficulties. At the beginning of this thesis, a theoretical overview of the importance of the concept of inclusion in different contexts is presented, the types of difficulties are defined, and a detailed insight into the role of teaching assistants is presented, all for the purpose of better understanding of the empirical part of the work itself. The empirical research was conducted through a semi-structured interview, and a total of ten teaching assistants from different elementary schools were interviewed. After analysing the results, certain problems that teaching assistants encounter are described, such as insufficient education, low salaries, and certain shortcomings of the support system for teaching assistants. This paper can, above all, be useful to current and future teaching assistants, but also to all those who collaborate with them or who find such topics interesting and useful for various reasons.
- Published
- 2023