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Authors :
Dragun, Monika
Blažević, Ines
Batarelo Kokić, Ivana
Ćavar, Sani
Publication Year :


Nastava na daljinu postoji godinama i smatra se oblikom suvremene nastave, ali nikada se nije provodila na ovakvoj razini. Rezultat je to pojave pandemije Covid-19 koja je u ožujku 2020. godine domove učenika i učitelja pretvorila u škole, a upravo su fizička razdvojenost i poučavanje u virtualnom okruženju ono što karakterizira nastavu na daljinu. Kako bi se ona uspješno provodila, važno je posjedovanje digitalnih kompetencija i poznavanje i korištenje digitalnih alata. Danas postoji veliki raspon digitalnih alata koji se mogu uspješno integrirati u nastavu na daljinu i upravo na to je orijentiran ovaj rad. Provedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj utvrditi koji su se digitalni alati najčešće koristili u nastavi na daljinu i ispitati osposobljenost učitelja i učenika za korištenje digitalnih alata. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 115 učitelja predmetne nastave u osnovnim školama te 109 njihovih učenika. Za potrebe istraživanja izrađena su dva anketna upitnika, jedan za učenike i jedan za učitelje. Rezultati pokazuju da su najčešće korišteni digitalni alati kod obje skupine PowerPoint, Wordwall i Kahoot, a komunikacijski digitalni alati Microsoft Teams, Gmail i Zoom meeting dok veliki broj digitalnih alata još uvijek ostaje neiskorišten. Rezultati pokazuju i kako postoji statistički značajna razlika u učestalosti korištenja digitalnih alata i komunikacijskih digitalnih alata s obzirom na promatrane skupine pri čemu učitelji imaju znatno veću učestalost korištenja za većinu digitalnih alata i komunikacijskih digitalnih alata od učenika, osim kod alata GeoGebre i Microsoft Teamsa gdje je učestalost veća kod učenika. Statistički značajne razlike postoje i kod procjene osposobljenosti za korištenje digitalnih alata gdje učenici bolje ocjenjuju sebe nego učitelji te kod osposobljenosti vlastitih kolega za korištenje digitalnih alata gdje učenici bolje ocjenjuju učitelje nego što učitelji ocjenjuju svoje kolege.<br />Distance learning and teaching has existed for years and is considered to be the modem teaching form but it has never been conducted at this level. This is the result of the Covid-19 pandemic that in march 2020 changed the homes of teachers and learners into schools and it is exactly the physical separation and teaching in a virtual environment that characterizes distance learning and teaching. In order to implement it successfully, it is important to possess digital competencies and knowledge of the use of digital tools. There is a large range of digital tools today that can successfully be integrated into distance learning and teaching which is exactly what this thesis is oriented at. The conducted research had the aim of determining which of the digital tools were the most commonly used in distance learning and teaching and to examine the competencies of the teachers and the learners for the usage of digital tools. 115 subject teachers in primary schools and 109 of their learners participated in the research. Two survey questionnaires were developed for research purposes, one for the teachers and one for the learners. The results show that the most commonly used digital tools within both groups are PowerPoint, Wordwall and Kahoot and the most commonly used communication digital tools are Microsoft Teams, Gmail and Zoom meeting, while a large number of digital tools still remains unused. The results also show the statistically significant difference in the frequency of the use of the digital tools and the communication digital tools between the observed groups, where the teachers have a significantly higher frequency of the use of the most digital tools and communication digital tools, except for the GeoGebra and Microsoft Teams tools where the frequency is higher for the learners. There are statistically significant differences in the assessment of the ability to use digital tools where the learners rate themselves better than the teachers and in the ability of their own colleagues for the use of the digital tools where learners rate teachers’ abilities better than the teachers rate their own colleagues’ abilities.


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