282 results on '"Sekundarbildung"'
Search Results
2. Zur Herstellung von Schulklassen: Erste Ergebnisse einer Praxeologie zum Anfang neuer 5. Klassen
- Author
Drope, Tilman, Rabenstein, Kerstin, Drope, Tilman, and Rabenstein, Kerstin
- Abstract
Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass Anfänge von Schulklassen an weiterführenden Schulen vermehrt aktiv gestaltet und so zum Gegenstand pädagogischer Bearbeitung gemacht werden, haben wir die ersten Tage neuer Klassen aus praxistheoretischer Perspektive untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der ethnografischen Beobachtungen an zwei Schulen stellen wir als Variationen einer Anfangsgestaltung dar, mit der die pädagogischen Herausforderungen der Herstellung neuer Schulklassen und die Bearbeitung dieser erkennbar werden. Herausgearbeitet wird, wie in den Adressierungen der Schüler*innen und dem Vollzug von Praktiken des 'Kennenlernens' eine über unterrichtliche Belange hinausgehende Ansprechbarkeit der Schüler*innen füreinander, eine Verantwortlichkeit aller für eine regelkonforme und kompetente "Mitspielfähigkeit" (Alkemeyer/Buschmann 2017, S. 272) in der Klasse und eine Imagination der Klasse als Klasse grundgelegt wird. Abschließend wird diskutiert, wie in weitergehenden Untersuchungen zur Herstellung der Klasse als pädagogischer Ressource den hier als konstitutiv für die Anfangstage rekonstruierten Praktiken gefolgt werden kann., Based on the observation that beginnings of school classes in secondary schools are actively designed and thus made the object of pedagogical intervention, we examined the first days of new classes from a practice-theoretical perspective. We present the results of ethnographic research at two schools as variations of a design of the beginning, with which the pedagogical challenges of creating new school classes and processing them become recognizable. We elaborate on how the addressing of students and the enactment of practices of 'getting to know each other' ground a responsiveness of students to each other that goes beyond instructional concerns, evolve a responsibility of all for a rule-compliant and competent "play-ability" (Alkemeyer/Buschmann 2017, p. 272) in the class, and create an imagining of the class as a discrete and specific group. Finally, it is discussed how in further studies on the production of the class as a pedagogical resource the practices reconstructed here as constitutive for the early days can be followed.
- Published
- 2022
3. Gemeinsame Gestaltung medialer Beiträge als Ziel interkultureller Begegnung: Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie zur interkulturellen Sensibilität von Schülerinnen und Schülern der Sekundarstufe I.
- Author
Seyferth-Zapf, Maria, Grafe, Silke, Seyferth-Zapf, Maria, and Grafe, Silke
- Abstract
Migrations- und Pluralisierungsprozesse stellen die deutsche Gesellschaft aktuell vor große Herausforderungen. Der Institution Schule kommt die Aufgabe zu, Jugendliche für ein Leben in kultureller Vielfalt zu sensibilisieren. Gleichzeitig werden digitale Medien als unterrichtliche Lehr- und Lernangebote immer wichtiger. Vor diesem Hintergrund geht der vorliegende Beitrag der Frage nach, welche Sichtweisen Schülerinnen und Schüler auf die gemeinsame Gestaltung medialer Beiträge in interkultureller Begegnung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung interkultureller Sensibilität haben. Basierend auf einer gestaltungsorientierten Bildungsforschung wird zunächst ein theoretischer Bezugsrahmen für ein Unterrichtskonzept zur Förderung interkultureller Kompetenz unter Verwendung und Gestaltung digitaler Medienangebote bzw. -beiträge in interkultureller Begegnung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung interkultureller Sensibilität weiterentwickelt. Daraus werden bedeutsame Bestandteile des Konzepts abgeleitet: zum einen die von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit und ohne Migrations- bzw. Fluchtgeschichte gemeinsame Gestaltung von Stop-Motion-Videos, zum anderen ein handlungs- und entwicklungsorientierter Ansatz. Anschließend werden unterrichtliche Vorgehensweisen für eine interkulturelle Begegnung für eine achte Jahrgangsstufe eines Gymnasiums differenziert beschrieben. Im Rahmen einer qualitativen Studie werden die Sichtweisen der Schülerinnen und Schüler des Gymnasiums auf die gemeinsame Videogestaltung in interkultureller Begegnung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass im Rahmen der Mediengestaltung in interkultureller Begegnung verschiedene Komponenten interkultureller Sensibilität zum Tragen kamen. Abschließend werden Schlussfolgerungen für Forschung und Praxis abgeleitet., Migration and pluralization processes are great challenges for German society. Especial- ly schools are asked to raise awareness among young people to issues of cultural diversity. At the same time, digital media has become more important for teaching and learning. Therefore, this article examines the question of how students assess the joint creation of media products as part of intercultural collaboration and cooperation in the light of intercultural sensitivity.
- Published
- 2022
4. Constructing the 'Competent' Pupil: Optimizing Human Futures Through Testing?
- Author
Dahmen, Stephan and Dahmen, Stephan
- Abstract
In the last decade, the German transition system has witnessed the large‐scale introduction of so‐called "analysis of potentials" (Potenzialanalysen) in secondary compulsory schooling. In most German Länder, 8th graders must participate in a two‐day assessment center which combines psychometric testing with observations of their social and professional competencies in pre‐specified tasks. The programmatic aim of these assessments is to "introduce pupils early to choosing a job" (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung [BMBF], 2017, p. 2) as well as to enhance the propensity of pupils to "take responsibility for their own future" (BMBF, 2017, p. 9). In the context of the German school‐to‐work system, the introduction of these new forms of diagnostics bear witness to a new preventive political rationality that aims at reducing the entry age into upper secondary education, reduce the recourse to so‐called "transition measures" and optimizing transitions into an apprenticeship market that is characterized by structural inequalities and "mismatch" between pupils' job aspirations and the offers in apprenticeship places. However, little is known on the role of competency testing devices for the construction of further trajectories and aspirations and their role in the reproduction of inequalities in transitions from school to work. Based on an in‐depth analysis of policy documents and competency profiles (the documents handed out to the pupils after undergoing testing), the article reconstructs the political rationale for the introduction of the so‐called Potenzialanalysen. Based on a Foucauldian framework, we show how pupils are constructed as "competent" subjects. We show that competency assessments are part and parcel of a political rationality that aims at the promotion of a specific (future‐oriented, optimized, self‐regulated) relation to one's own biographical future on the side of the pupils. Our results demonstrate that competency profiles construct the process
- Published
- 2022
5. Attitude towards Mathematics and Mathematics Achievement of Secondary School Learners in Banayoyo-Lidlidda District
- Author
Naungayan, Regie R. and Naungayan, Regie R.
- Abstract
The study aimed to assess and find the relationship between the attitude of high school students towards mathematics and their level of achievement in the subject. It made use of the descriptive correlation design with a validated questionnaire and documentary analysis as its main data gathering tool. Gathered data were analyzed and interpreted using weighted mean, and Pearson r. The attitude towards mathematics as reflected by the responses of the students was described as positive. Moreover, the mathematics achievement of the students is approaching proficiency level. Results revealed that a student's attitude towards the subject is related to their performance in the subject. Studies related to the subject matter may be conducted to testify to the results of this current study. Additional variables may be included to enhance the scope.
- Published
- 2022
6. Fortgeschrittene Einsteigerinnen*: Onlinelehre mit Schülerinnen* an einer TU
- Author
Greusing, Inka, Koca, Eda, Nahrwold, Lena, Niederstadt, Franziska, Greusing, Inka, Koca, Eda, Nahrwold, Lena, and Niederstadt, Franziska
- Published
- 2022
7. Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Bildungslaufbahnen im vorschulischen und schulischen Bereich auf die PIAAC-Schlüsselkompetenzen
- Author
Statistik Austria, Bönisch, Markus, Stöger, Eduard, Peterbauer, Jakob, Statistik Austria, Bönisch, Markus, Stöger, Eduard, and Peterbauer, Jakob
- Abstract
Erste Analysen der PIAAC-Daten weisen auf die hohe Relevanz des formalen Bildungssystems für den Aufbau der Schlüsselkompetenzen Lesen und Alltagsmathematik hin (vgl. Statistik Austria, 2013). Vor dem Hintergrund der Relevanz des Kompetenzerwerbs in der frühen Kindheit (vgl. Heckman, 2013) legt dieser Beitrag den Fokus bereits auf den Beginn der vorschulischen Betreuung und Erziehung, also den Kindergarten, und untersucht in einem nächsten Schritt die schulischen Bildungswege auf der Sekundarstufe I und II und deren Zusammenhang mit den bei PIAAC gemessenen Schlüsselkompetenzen.
- Published
- 2022
8. Was wissen wir über den Politikunterricht in der gymnasialen Oberstufe?
- Author
Weisseno, Georg, Busch, Matthias, and Keuler, Charlotte
- Subjects
secondary education upper level (Oberstufe) ,Unterrichtserfolg ,Politikwissenschaft ,Fachdidaktik ,competence ,Oberstufe ,Secondary education ,Politikdidaktik ,Politikkompetenz ,Unterrichtsqualität ,pupil ,subject didactics ,Education ,ddc:370 ,subject teacher ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,politischer Unterricht ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Political science ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,Fachlehrer ,teaching politics ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,Sekundarbildung ,secondary school (Gymnasium) ,effectiveness of teaching ,ddc:320 ,Gymnasium ,Schüler ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level ,Kompetenz - Abstract
Der Politikunterricht fordert die Kompetenzen der Lernenden und der Lehrkräfte. Der Beitrag stellt zunächst die den Forschungen zugrunde liegenden Kompetenzmodelle vor. Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse zur professionellen Kompetenz der Gymnasiallehrkräfte berichtet. Der Blickwinkel liegt auf der Frage, ob sie die Anforderungen an kompetenzorientierten Politikunterricht erfüllen. Die folgenden Ergebnisse zur Politikkompetenz der Schüler/innen gehen insbesondere ein auf motivationale und partizipative Einstellungen in ihrer Bedeutung für den Lernerfolg im Wissen und bezüglich der Urteilsfähigkeit. Abschließend wird das Bild durch eine Betrachtung der Unterrichtsqualität aus der Schülerperzeption ergänzt.
- Published
- 2022
9. How Did It Get So Late So Soon? The Effects of Time Management Knowledge and Practice on Students’ Time Management Skills and Academic Performance
- Author
Sebastian Trentepohl, Julia Waldeyer, Jens Fleischer, Julian Roelle, Detlev Leutner, and Joachim Wirth
- Subjects
Sekundarbildung ,learning ,time management ,self-regulated learning ,academic performance ,higher education ,Zeit ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Secondary education ,pupil ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,Lernen ,secondary education upper level ,ZIS 111 ,academic achievement ,Schulleistung ,Psychologie ,time expenditure ,Sekundarstufe II ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Schüler ,Zeitaufwand ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level ,time - Abstract
Time management is regarded as an important prerequisite for effective and efficient learning in higher education. However, university students’ time management frequently proves to be deficient, especially with freshman students, who can therefore benefit from appropriate time management interventions. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of an intervention focused on imparting time management knowledge with those of an intervention focused on time management practice. We conducted an experiment with N = 118 university students who took part in a course over the duration of one semester. Participants with a time management deficit at the beginning of the semester (n = 88) were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: (a) time management knowledge, (b) time management practice, (c) control group. Exam scores at the end of the semester were considered as an indicator of participants’ academic performance. The results showed significant time management improvements for both time management intervention groups, but the time management practice group appeared superior. Academic performance was better in the time management practice group also, although the results were inconsistent. The effect of time management practice on academic performance was mediated by students’ time management skills.
- Published
- 2022
10. Ein transnationaler Vergleich unterrichtlicher Praxen: Eine Replik zum Beitrag von Büşra Kocabıyık und Tanja Sturm
- Author
Hackbarth, Anja, Hoffmann, Stefanie, Klinge, Denise, Petersen, Dorthe, Rundel, Stefan, and centrum für qualitative evaluations- und sozialforschung e.V. (ces)
- Subjects
Canada ,10614 Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,10607 Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,Sociology & anthropology ,Education ,Leistung ,ddc:370 ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,secondary education lower level ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Sachunterricht ,instruction in natural science subjects ,Sekundarstufe I ,Sekundarbildung ,Wissenssoziologie ,achievement ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,teaching ,Kanada ,sociology of knowledge ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,10219 Sociology of Knowledge ,Unterricht ,ddc:301 - Abstract
Es handelt sich um eine Replik zum Beitrag von Büşra Kocabıyık und Tanja Sturm "Leistung als Konstrukt fachunterrichtlicher Praxen: empirische Analysen von Sozialkundeunterricht in Kanada und Deutschland" (https://doi.org/10.21241/ssoar.85960)., JDM - Jahrbuch Dokumentarische Methode
- Published
- 2022
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11. Leistung als Konstrukt fachunterrichtlicher Praxen: empirische Analysen von Sozialkundeunterricht in Kanada und Deutschland
- Author
Kocabıyık, Büşra, Sturm, Tanja, Hoffmann, Stefanie, Klinge, Denise, Petersen, Dorthe, Rundel, Stefan, and centrum für qualitative evaluations- und sozialforschung e.V. (ces)
- Subjects
Canada ,10614 Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,10607 Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,Sociology & anthropology ,Education ,Leistung ,ddc:370 ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,secondary education lower level ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Sachunterricht ,instruction in natural science subjects ,Sekundarstufe I ,Sekundarbildung ,Wissenssoziologie ,achievement ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,teaching ,Kanada ,sociology of knowledge ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,10219 Sociology of Knowledge ,Unterricht ,ddc:301 - Abstract
JDM - Jahrbuch Dokumentarische Methode
- Published
- 2022
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12. Reducing or Widening the Gap? How the Educational Aspirations and Expectations of Turkish and Majority Families Develop During Lower Secondary Education in Germany
- Author
Sebastian Neumeyer, Melanie Olczyk, Miriam Schmaus, and Gisela Will
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Social Psychology ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Bildungsverlauf ,educational inequality ,Bildungsziel ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,pupil ,ethnische Ungleichheit ,türkische Herkunft ,ethnic inequality ,Turkish origin ,ZIS 197 ,ZIS 216 ,course of education ,Turk ,secondary education lower level ,Migration, Sociology of Migration ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Migration ,Sekundarstufe I ,Sekundarbildung ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Migrationshintergrund ,Schulabschluss ,Migrant ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,migration background ,school graduation ,ddc:300 ,Schüler ,goal of education ,Türke ,Bildungsungleichheit - Abstract
Unterschiede in den Bildungsaspirationen zwischen Personen mit Migrationshintergrund und der Mehrheitsbevölkerung wurden häufig an spezifischen Punkten der Bildungskarriere analysiert. Wenig ist jedoch über die Verläufe von Aspirationen und die Entwicklung ethnischer Unterschiede im Zeitverlauf bekannt. Unter Anwendung gängiger Erklärungsansätze (Immigrant optimism, relativer Statuserhalt, antizipierte Diskriminierung, ethnische Netzwerke und Informationsdefizite) leiten wir spezifische Hypothesen über die Entwicklung von Bildungsaspirationen und -erwartungen im Zeitverlauf ab und konzentrieren uns dabei auf Familien aus der Türkei. Wir greifen auf Daten des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS) zurück, um zu untersuchen, wie sich die Aspirationen und Erwartungen für den höchsten Schulabschluss im Verlauf der Sekundarstufe I im stratifizierten Schulsystem Deutschlands entwickeln. Unter Anwendung einer Multi-Akteurs-Perspektive unterscheiden wir die von Schülerinnen und Schülern und ihren Eltern berichteten Aspirationsverläufe. Erstens analysieren wir die Entwicklung von Gruppenunterschieden. In Übereinstimmung mit früherer Forschung finden wir zu Beginn der Sekundarstufe I in Deutschland höhere Aspirationen und Erwartungen für türkische Schülerinnen und Schüler und ihre Eltern, wenn soziale Herkunft und Leistungsunterschiede kontrolliert werden. Die Herkunftsunterschiede für die Erwartungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler und die Aspirationen der Eltern nehmen im Verlauf der Sekundarstufe I ab. Zweitens zeigen die intra-individuellen Verläufe der Aspirationen und Erwartungen, dass türkischstämmige Eltern diese eher nach unten anpassen als Eltern der ethnischen Mehrheit, während türkischstämmige Schülerinnen und Schüler eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit stabil hoher Aspirationen und Erwartungen aufweisen als Schülerinnen und Schüler ohne Migrationshintergrund. Differences in educational goals between immigrants and the majority population have often been analysed at specific stages in their educational career. Little is known about longitudinal trajectories and the development of group differences over time. By applying common explanations (immigrant optimism, relative status maintenance, blocked opportunities, ethnic networks and information deficits), we derived specific hypotheses about the development of educational aspirations and expectations over time, focusing on families from Turkey. We drew upon data from the National Educational Panel Study to assess how aspirations and expectations for the highest school degree develop over the course of lower secondary education in Germany's stratified school system. Applying a multi-actor perspective, we observed trajectories reported by students and their parents. First, we analysed the development of group differences. In line with prior research, we found higher aspirations and expectations for Turkish students and their parents at the beginning of lower secondary education in Germany once social background and achievement differences were controlled for. Origin gaps for students' expectations and parents’ aspirations decreased over the course of lower secondary education. Second, intraindividual trajectories of aspirations and expectations revealed that parents of Turkish origin were more likely to experience downwards adaptations than majority parents, whereas students of Turkish origin were more likely to hold stable high aspirations and expectations than majority students.
- Published
- 2022
13. Intermediate School Students' Participation in School Press in Kuwait
- Author
Alrajehi, Menawer Bayan and Alrajehi, Menawer Bayan
- Abstract
The idea of this study has been emerged from the importance of school press in enriching and enhancing the educational press, and it also contributes in detecting talents early. The researcher has conducted this study on a random sample of 360 students from intermediate school in Kuwait. The results have revealed that the majority of students in Kuwaiti schools participate in school press as the get the required encouragement from their parents to write in school press, the students also ensured that these activities do not affect their study level negatively. The results indicate that the course newspaper is the most popular activity, in which most students always participate, and the rest of students sometimes do. Also, this study has shown that; there is a significant correlation between students' participation rate in the activity of school press and their interest to read public newspapers and magazines, and that elder students have more interest to participate in school press, so, Students' participation rate in the activity of school press varies significantly depending on the gender and grade
- Published
- 2021
14. SINUS.NRW: Motivation durch kognitive Aktivierung; Impulse zur Weiterentwicklung des Unterrichts in den MINT-Fächern
- Author
Roß, Joachim, QUA-LiS NRW, Roß, Joachim, and QUA-LiS NRW
- Abstract
Die Beiträge stellen innovative Konzepte für einen kognitiv aktivierenden Unterricht in den MINT-Fächern vor. Die Autorinnen und Autoren präsentieren fächerübergreifende Unterrichtskonzepte, die die Lernenden motivieren und Impulse für nachhaltiges Lernen und bewusstes Handeln geben. Themen sind unter anderem ein differenzierter Mathematikunterricht, das mathematische Prüfungsgespräch im mündlichen Abitur, Chemie in heterogenen Lerngruppen, Neuroenhancement, kompetenzorientierter Informatikunterricht oder das Niedrigenergiehaus als Beispiel für projektorientierten Technikunterricht. Alle vorgestellten Konzepte und Materialien wurden von Lehrkräften im Projekt SINUS.NRW entwickelt und wissenschaftlich begleitet. Das SINUS-Projekt zur Steigerung der Effizienz des Unterrichts in den MINT-Fächern wurde von der Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung initiiert und wird seit 2007 vom Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) fortgeführt.
- Published
- 2021
15. Does Postsecondary Education Attainment Matter in Community Service Engagement? Evidence from Across 18 OECD Countries
- Author
Hee Jung Gong and Jung Eun Hong
- Subjects
postsecondary education ,hierarchical linear model (HLM) ,PIAAC ,Public Administration ,civic engagement ,level of education attained ,Secondary education ,university level of education ,050602 political science & public administration ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,Computer Science (miscellaneous) ,OECD member country ,Civic engagement ,OECD-Staat ,Hochschulbildung ,Political science ,bürgerschaftliches Engagement ,OECD country ,media_common ,21. Jahrhundert ,05 social sciences ,Multilevel model ,050301 education ,Investment (macroeconomics) ,Democracy ,0506 political science ,Computer Science Applications ,higher education ,educational attainment ,Ordinary least squares ,Bildungsniveau ,lcsh:Education ,Higher education ,International studies ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Politikwissenschaft ,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation ,level of education ,Education ,Zivildienst ,community service ,Bildungsabschluss ,citizens' involvement ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,Sekundarbildung ,twenty-first century ,business.industry ,Educational attainment ,ddc:320 ,Demographic economics ,business ,lcsh:L ,0503 education ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level - Abstract
This study is concerned with the central issues of community service engagement (CSE) in 21st century democratic societies around the world. To examine the factors influencing postsecondary education attainment’s relationship to CSE, this study utilized data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries using ordinary least square (OLS) and two-level hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) methods, including various factors for each country’s individual and country levels. The results show that attainment in postsecondary education at the individual level and investment and enrollments in tertiary education both have an influence on increasing CSE in 18 OECD countries. The present study is expected to contribute to an understanding of the relationship between postsecondary education and CSE across the world.
- Published
- 2021
16. Zur Herstellung von Schulklassen: Erste Ergebnisse einer Praxeologie zum Anfang neuer 5. Klassen
- Author
Tilman Drope and Kerstin Rabenstein
- Subjects
Sekundarstufe I ,Sekundarbildung ,Anfang neuer Klassen ,Klassenbildung ,Praxistheorie ,starting days ,classroom comunity ,practice theory ,school class ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,teaching research ,ethnography ,school research ,weiterführende Schule ,Ethnographie ,Unterrichtsforschung ,Schulforschung ,secondary school ,secondary education lower level ,Schulklasse - Abstract
Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass Anfänge von Schulklassen an weiterführenden Schulen vermehrt aktiv gestaltet und so zum Gegenstand pädagogischer Bearbeitung gemacht werden, haben wir die ersten Tage neuer Klassen aus praxistheoretischer Perspektive untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der ethnografischen Beobachtungen an zwei Schulen stellen wir als Variationen einer Anfangsgestaltung dar, mit der die pädagogischen Herausforderungen der Herstellung neuer Schulklassen und die Bearbeitung dieser erkennbar werden. Herausgearbeitet wird, wie in den Adressierungen der Schüler*innen und dem Vollzug von Praktiken des 'Kennenlernens' eine über unterrichtliche Belange hinausgehende Ansprechbarkeit der Schüler*innen füreinander, eine Verantwortlichkeit aller für eine regelkonforme und kompetente "Mitspielfähigkeit" (Alkemeyer/Buschmann 2017, S. 272) in der Klasse und eine Imagination der Klasse als Klasse grundgelegt wird. Abschließend wird diskutiert, wie in weitergehenden Untersuchungen zur Herstellung der Klasse als pädagogischer Ressource den hier als konstitutiv für die Anfangstage rekonstruierten Praktiken gefolgt werden kann. Based on the observation that beginnings of school classes in secondary schools are actively designed and thus made the object of pedagogical intervention, we examined the first days of new classes from a practice-theoretical perspective. We present the results of ethnographic research at two schools as variations of a design of the beginning, with which the pedagogical challenges of creating new school classes and processing them become recognizable. We elaborate on how the addressing of students and the enactment of practices of 'getting to know each other' ground a responsiveness of students to each other that goes beyond instructional concerns, evolve a responsibility of all for a rule-compliant and competent "play-ability" (Alkemeyer/Buschmann 2017, p. 272) in the class, and create an imagining of the class as a discrete and specific group. Finally, it is discussed how in further studies on the production of the class as a pedagogical resource the practices reconstructed here as constitutive for the early days can be followed.
- Published
- 2021
17. Constructing the 'Competent' Pupil: Optimizing Human Futures Through Testing?
- Author
Stephan Dahmen
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,pupil ,Berufsfindung ,German ,Promotion (rank) ,Germany ,Sociology ,Berufsberatung ,subjectivation ,Bildung und Erziehung ,media_common ,education policy ,vocational education ,testing ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,educational policy ,Berufsbildung ,language ,Schüler ,Construct (philosophy) ,Social Psychology ,Process (engineering) ,school‐to‐work‐transitions ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Context (language use) ,Federal Republic of Germany ,HM401-1281 ,Education ,ddc:370 ,Mathematics education ,Sociology (General) ,Education policy ,educational planning ,competencies ,Bildungsplanung ,Sekundarbildung ,career guidance ,governmentality studies ,institutional ethnography ,vocational education and training ,Bildungspolitik ,Macroanalysis of the Education System, Economics of Education, Educational Policy ,Witness ,language.human_language ,Makroebene des Bildungswesens ,Apprenticeship ,vocational counseling - Abstract
In the last decade, the German transition system has witnessed the large‐scale introduction of so‐called “analysis of potentials” (Potenzialanalysen) in secondary compulsory schooling. In most German Länder, 8th graders must participate in a two‐day assessment center which combines psychometric testing with observations of their social and professional competencies in pre‐specified tasks. The programmatic aim of these assessments is to “introduce pupils early to choosing a job” (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung [BMBF], 2017, p. 2) as well as to enhance the propensity of pupils to “take responsibility for their own future” (BMBF, 2017, p. 9). In the context of the German school‐to‐work system, the introduction of these new forms of diagnostics bear witness to a new preventive political rationality that aims at reducing the entry age into upper secondary education, reduce the recourse to so‐called “transition measures” and optimizing transitions into an apprenticeship market that is characterized by structural inequalities and “mismatch” between pupils’ job aspirations and the offers in apprenticeship places. However, little is known on the role of competency testing devices for the construction of further trajectories and aspirations and their role in the reproduction of inequalities in transitions from school to work. Based on an in‐depth analysis of policy documents and competency profiles (the documents handed out to the pupils after undergoing testing), the article reconstructs the political rationale for the introduction of the so‐called Potenzialanalysen. Based on a Foucauldian framework, we show how pupils are constructed as “competent” subjects. We show that competency assessments are part and parcel of a political rationality that aims at the promotion of a specific (future‐oriented, optimized, self‐regulated) relation to one’s own biographical future on the side of the pupils. Our results demonstrate that competency profiles construct the process of choosing a job as an individualized project of the self and that they invisibilize structural barriers and power relations. In doing so, competency assessments potentially contribute to the reproduction of inequalities in post‐secondary education through delegating “cooling out” processes from institutional gatekeepers to the interiority of persons.
- Published
- 2021
18. Fortgeschrittene Einsteigerinnen*: Onlinelehre mit Schülerinnen* an einer TU
- Author
Inka Greusing, Lena Nahrwold, Eda Koca, and Franziska Niederstadt
- Subjects
Digitalisierung ,Secondary education ,digitalization ,ddc:070 ,Interactive, electronic Media ,Electronic Learning ,university ,gender-specific factors ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,interaktive, elektronische Medien ,News media, journalism, publishing ,Online-Medien ,Sekundarbildung ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,secondary school (Gymnasium) ,Universität ,online media ,Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung ,geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren ,Gymnasium ,Schülerin ,ddc:300 ,Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender Studies ,Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen ,female pupil ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level - Abstract
Bibliographie: Greusing, Inka/Koca, Eda/Nahrwold, Lena/Niederstadt, Franziska: Fortgeschrittene Einsteigerinnen* – Onlinelehre mit Schulerinnen* an einer TU, FZG – Freiburger Zeitschrift fur GeschlechterStudien, 2021, S. 139-142. ----- Open-Access-Lizenz: Dieser Beitrag ist ab dem 15.11.2023 im Open Access unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz CC BY 4.0 (Namensnennung 4.0 International) verfugbar. Weitere Informationen zur Lizenz und den Nutzungsbedingungen finden Sie hier .
- Published
- 2021
19. Schutzfaktoren bei Kindern vor dem Übergang in die Sekundarstufe – Ergebnisse aus der STRESSStudie
- Author
Juliane Niemack
- Subjects
Secondary education ,Kind ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,Coping behavior ,Hesse ,primary school ,Resilienz ,ddc:150 ,soziale Faktoren ,Salutogenese ,Psychology ,secondary education lower level ,Applied Psychology ,Sekundarstufe I ,child ,05 social sciences ,Eltern kind beziehung ,Life events ,050301 education ,Federal republic of germany ,psychophysical stress ,Selbstbild ,Coping-Verhalten ,Family cohesion ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,coping behavior ,Übergang ,kognitiv-transaktionale Theorie ,Schutzfaktoren ,cognitive-transactional theory ,protective factors ,self-efficacy ,050104 developmental & child psychology ,Primary Education Sector ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Bildungswesen Primarbereich ,Stress ,angewandte Psychologie ,ddc:373 ,ddc:372 ,Hessen ,family socialization ,parent-child relationship ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,self-image ,Grundschule ,social factors ,resilience ,Sekundarbildung ,Primary education (elementary education) ,Eltern-Kind-Beziehung ,Selbstwirksamkeit ,Psychologie ,familiale Sozialisation ,Bayern ,Bavaria ,salutogenesis ,0503 education ,Humanities ,Primar- und Elementarbildung - Abstract
Der Übergang in die Sekundarstufe stellt für Kinder ein normativ kritisches Lebensereignis dar, das unterschiedlich bewertet und bewältigt wird. Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Schutzfaktoren dazu beitragen, dass Kinder dem Übergang mit Gefühlen der Vorfreude begegnen und sie dieses Ereignis problemorientiert bewältigen. Untersucht werden 596 ViertklässlerInnen aus Bayern und Hessen vor dem Übergang in die Sekundarstufe. In Anlehnung an die kognitiv-transaktionale Theorie von Lazarus und Folkman (1984) werden die Zusammenhänge von primärer Bewertung als Herausforderung und problemorientierter Stressbewältigung unter Berücksichtigung von personalen (akademisches Selbstkonzept, Selbstwirksamkeit) und sozialen Schutzfaktoren (Familienzusammenhalt, allgemeines förderndes Elternverhalten) analysiert. Mithilfe von Strukturgleichungsmodellen lassen sich Mediationseffekte der Schutzfaktoren nachweisen. Insbesondere das akademische Selbstkonzept und ein förderliches Familienumfeld erweisen sich als bedeutsame protektive Faktoren in der Phase vor dem Übergang., Transition to secondary school constitutes a normative critical life event for children, which is evaluated and managed individually. The present study focuses on the role of protective factors helping children to approach this transition with emotions of pleasant anticipation and problem-focused coping. 596 fourth graders from Bavaria and Hesse were examined prior to their transition to secondary school. Referring to the cognitive-transactional theory from Lazarus and Folkman (1984), correlations between primary appraisal as a challenge and problem-focused coping in consideration of personal (academic self-concept, self-efficacy) and social protective factors (family cohesion, general supportive parent behavior) have been analyzed. Using structural equation models, the mediation effects of protective factors can be confirmed. Academic self-concept and a supportive family environment particularly proved to be protective factors prior to the transition.
- Published
- 2019
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20. Sustainable Collaboration to Support Vulnerable Youth: Mental Health Support Teams in Upper Secondary School
- Author
Ragnhild Holmen Waldahl and Cecilie Høj Anvik
- Subjects
Service (systems architecture) ,pedagogical support ,Sociology and Political Science ,vulnerability ,Vulnerability ,Secondary education ,pupil ,secondary education upper level ,Boundary (real estate) ,0302 clinical medicine ,Sekundarstufe II ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Sociology ,Norwegen ,Secondary level ,support ,Norway ,Public relations ,lcsh:Sociology (General) ,Soziale Probleme und Sozialdienste ,Schüler ,vulnerable youth ,soziale Unterstützung ,Psychosocial ,mental health ,student ,Social Psychology ,collaboration ,drop out ,interprofessional team ,school ,lcsh:HM401-1281 ,Intervention ,03 medical and health sciences ,Social support ,Sozialwesen, Sozialplanung, Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik ,psychische Gesundheit ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,Sekundarbildung ,business.industry ,Social Work, Social Pedagogics, Social Planning ,social support ,Mental health ,030227 psychiatry ,Intervention (law) ,ddc:360 ,Vulnerabilität ,pädagogische Förderung ,Social problems and services ,business ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level - Abstract
Schools play a central role in preventing mental health problems from affecting the development and educational opportunities of youth. While school health and social pedagogical support services have expanded in many countries, they are still not considered sufficient in meeting the needs of vulnerable youth. We find particular challenges in the development of sustainable collaboration to support the target group. In this article, we present and analyze empirical data from ongoing trailing research on an interprofessional team focusing on the health and psychosocial conditions of students in various upper secondary schools in Norway. In the article, we discuss what conditions need to be in place for inter-professional collaboration to succeed in the efforts to support students at risk of dropping out of upper secondary school. The article is theoretically influenced by boundary literature and analyzes challenges and opportunities in boundary crossing between different professions and service areas. In the article, we argue for the need to spend time on establishing a reflecting understanding of which qualities the various actors possess and what they should contribute with to create a collaboration that constitutes more than the coordination of what already exists, thereby creating intersecting practices; so-called third spaces.
- Published
- 2018
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21. Die Lehrküche als Fachraum schulischer Berufsorientierung: eine Untersuchung in Theorie und Praxis
- Author
Peuker, Birgit and Peuker, Birgit
- Abstract
The dissertation looks at the equipment, function, utilisation and the didactic potential of Cooking classrooms at middle schools in Saxony. The author focuses specifically on options to refocus classroom activities with a view to vocational orientation at school., Die Dissertation untersucht die Ausstattung, Funktion, Nutzung und das didaktische Potenzial des Fachraums Lehrküche an sächsischen Mittelschulen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk legt die Autorin auf die Möglichkeiten, die Lehrküche thematisch neu zu besetzen und für die Berufsorientierung in der Schule zu nutzen.
- Published
- 2020
22. Drogen und Gewalt in den 90ern – zur Lage an bayerischen Schulen
- Author
Luedtke, Jens
- Subjects
school ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,pupil ,Prävention ,Jugendsoziologie, Soziologie der Kindheit ,drug-related crime ,Sociology & anthropology ,Peer Group ,Drogenkriminalität ,violence ,prevention ,empirisch-quantitativ ,Drogenkonsum ,Gewalt ,drug use ,quantitative empirical ,Sekundarbildung ,Schule ,Sociology of the Youth, Sociology of Childhood ,empirisch ,Jugendlicher ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,abweichendes Verhalten ,adolescent ,Bayern ,Bavaria ,Schüler ,deviant behavior ,ddc:301 ,empirical - Abstract
'Inwieweit beeinflusst der Drogenkonsum von Schülern ihr Gewalthandeln in der Schule? Dieser Frage wird anhand von zwei Repräsentativuntersuchungen zur Gewalt an bayerischen Schulen (1994 und 1999) nachgegangen. Es zeigte sich, dass der Drogenumgang bayerischer Schüler bis Ende der 90er-Jahre insgesamt anstieg (Lebenszeitprävalenz und Konsumintensität). Beim Einfluss des Drogenkonsums auf die Gewaltaktivität in der Schule ist die Annahme bestimmend, dass die Schüler in bezug auf Devianz eine hohe Konsistenz zeigen. Verschiedene Formen abweichenden Verhaltens treten häufig in verschiedenen Bereichen auf, wobei die Devianz der Peergroup (erfasst über die Polizeiauffälligkeit der eigenen Clique) als entscheidender Einflussfaktor vermutet wird. Daneben sind auch deviante Einstellungen (Lust an Verbotenem) und Handlungen (Waffenmitnahme in die Schule) von Bedeutung. Hier zeigen sich deutliche Zusammenhänge auch zur Art des Drogenkonsums: wer 'harte' Drogen nimmt, wendet fast durchgängig mehr Gewalt an, und gewalttätige Schüler weisen auch in anderen Bereichen (sozialer Kontext, Einstellungen, Handlungen) eine erhöhte Devianz auf.' (Autorenreferat) 'Based on two representative surveys on violence at schools in Bavaria (1994 and 1999) the author explores the causal connection between drug use and violence among students. Prevalence of drug use has been rising for students in Bavaria until the late nineties. With respect to the connection between drug use and violence among students in schools, most researchers assume that students who show violent behavior in school will show deviance in other aspects, too. This study concludes that students who behave violently against other students predominantly are members of deviant peer groups who often also carry weapons. We found strong evidence that the kind of drug use is highly connected with violent behavior: students who consume hard drugs commit more violence than other students do, and serious violence is endemic among students who are also deviant in other contexts.' (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2019
23. Study on Effectiveness of Lecture and Smart Class Method of Teaching on Academic Achievements among Upper Primary School Students
- Author
Poonam Bala, Maninder Kaur, and Tanivir Kaur
- Subjects
secondary education upper level (Oberstufe) ,Teaching method ,education ,Oberstufe ,India ,Secondary education ,pupil ,Education ,Südostasien ,ddc:370 ,Pedagogy ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Mathematics education ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,Indien ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,teaching method ,Sekundarbildung ,Class (computer programming) ,Lehrmethode ,Southeast Asia ,teaching ,Schüler ,Unterricht ,Psychology ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level - Abstract
This is an experimental study conducted on the upper primary school students in the district of S.B.S Nagar, Punjab. The study was conducted on the students of 6th and 7th class of an international School. Total of 100 students were enrolled for this experimental study who met the inclusion criteria and were randomly divided into 2 equal groups by simple randomization technique. They received either the lecture method teaching or the smart class method teaching. For conducting the experiment, the investigator used pre-test and post-test comparison group design. For collection of data, a structured questionnaire and a structured teaching programme was used. t-test was used for analysis and interpretation of the data. The results of the study revealed that the lecture method of teaching was more effective as compared to a smart class method of teaching.
- Published
- 2017
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24. Schülermitbestimmung im Kontext von Schulentwicklung: Wirkung von schulischen und klassenspezifischen Bedingungen; Supplementary Material
- Author
Wetzelhütter, Daniela, Gamsjäger, Manuela, Wetzelhütter, Daniela, and Gamsjäger, Manuela
- Abstract
Supplementary Material für Beitrag: Schülermitbestimmung im Kontext von Schulentwicklung: Wirkung von schulischen und klassenspezifischen Bedingungen. in: Erziehung & Unterricht, 2019 (3). Der Beitrag befasst sich mit Mitbestimmung von Schüler/innen im Kontext von Schulentwicklung. Auf Basis einer repräsentativen Stichprobe von Schüler/innen der Sekundarstufe II in Österreich wird untersucht, inwieweit schul- und klassenspezifische Merkmale Mitbestimmungsstrukturen in der Schule mitgestalten und in weiterer Folge für das Engagement sowie die Zufriedenheit der Schüler/innen ausschlaggebend sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Wahrnehmung des derzeitigen Angebotes und die Zufriedenheit durch Schulbeziehungen, Schulklima und erlebte demokratische Mitbestimmung beeinflusst wird, nicht jedoch das Engagement der Schüler/innen.
- Published
- 2019
25. Rezension: Olga V. Artamonova: 'Ausländersein' an der Hauptschule - Interaktionale Verhandlungen von Zugehörigkeit im Unterricht
- Author
Niemann, Mareke and Niemann, Mareke
- Published
- 2019
26. Schutzfaktoren bei Kindern vor dem Übergang in die Sekundarstufe - Ergebnisse aus der STRESS-Studie
- Author
Niemack, Juliane and Niemack, Juliane
- Abstract
Der Übergang in die Sekundarstufe stellt für Kinder ein normativ kritisches Lebensereignis dar, das unterschiedlich bewertet und bewältigt wird. Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Schutzfaktoren dazu beitragen, dass Kinder dem Übergang mit Gefühlen der Vorfreude begegnen und sie dieses Ereignis problemorientiert bewältigen. Untersucht werden 596 ViertklässlerInnen aus Bayern und Hessen vor dem Übergang in die Sekundarstufe. In Anlehnung an die kognitiv-transaktionale Theorie von Lazarus und Folkman (1984) werden die Zusammenhänge von primärer Bewertung als Herausforderung und problemorientierter Stressbewältigung unter Berücksichtigung von personalen (akademisches Selbstkonzept, Selbstwirksamkeit) und sozialen Schutzfaktoren (Familienzusammenhalt, allgemeines förderndes Elternverhalten) analysiert. Mithilfe von Strukturgleichungsmodellen lassen sich Mediationseffekte der Schutzfaktoren nachweisen. Insbesondere das akademische Selbstkonzept und ein förderliches Familienumfeld erweisen sich als bedeutsame protektive Faktoren in der Phase vor dem Übergang., Transition to secondary school constitutes a normative critical life event for children, which is evaluated and managed individually. The present study focuses on the role of protective factors helping children to approach this transition with emotions of pleasant anticipation and problem-focused coping. 596 fourth graders from Bavaria and Hesse were examined prior to their transition to secondary school. Referring to the cognitive-transactional theory from Lazarus and Folkman (1984), correlations between primary appraisal as a challenge and problem-focused coping in consideration of personal (academic self-concept, self-efficacy) and social protective factors (family cohesion, general supportive parent behavior) have been analyzed. Using structural equation models, the mediation effects of protective factors can be confirmed. Academic self-concept and a supportive family environment particularly proved to be protective factors prior to the transition.
- Published
- 2019
27. Lehre mit Matura - Ein Erfolgsmodell für Österreich? Barrieren, Hindernisse und Hürden auf dem Weg zur Berufsreifeprüfung
- Author
Mohl, Erich, Illedits, Stefan, Mohl, Erich, and Illedits, Stefan
- Abstract
Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit Lehre mit Matura, einer ausschließlich auf Lehrlinge beschränkten Form der Berufsreifeprüfung. Anhand problemzentrierter Interviews wurden sowohl Lehrlinge als auch Lehrkräfte, die in dieser Ausbildungsform unterrichten, über (a) Unterstützungsmaßnahmen von Firmen, Schulen und Eltern, (b) die Bewältigung der Mehrfachbelastung, (c) den Umgang mit Lernschwierigkeiten/ -schwächen, (d) die Motive, eine Lehre mit Matura zu absolvieren, sowie (e) über erwünschte Systemverbesserungen befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen Reformbedarf auf, da trotz hoher staatlicher Fördermittel (6.000 €/ Lehrling) und hoher Teilnehmer/innenzahlen (2015: 11.000) vergleichsweise wenige Lehrlinge (2008–2014: 3.200) eine Lehre mit Matura abschlossen. Dieser Bedarf besteht aufgrund differierender Organisationskonzepte, oftmals mangelnder Kooperation und Organisationsfähigkeit der Akteure (Betriebe, Berufsschule, Trägerorganisationen), zu geringer Ausbildungsstunden, aber auch durch erhöhten Coaching-Bedarf., The presented article deals with apprenticeships with matriculation, a limited form of the vocational matriculation examination exclusively for apprentices. Based on problem-centered interviews, a sample of teachers, who teach in this type of vocational training, as well as apprentices are being surveyed about (a) support measures for businesses, schools and parents; (b) overcoming multiple exposures; (c) how to handle learning difficulties & disabilities; (d) their motives to complete an apprenticeship with matriculation; and (e) required system improvements. The results show a need for reform, because despite high public investments (6.000 €/ apprentice) and a high number of participants (2015: 11.000), there is only a comparatively small number of successful apprentices (2008–2014: 3.200). This need for reform exists because of varying organisational concepts, frequently lacking cooperation and organisational capacity of the stakeholders (businesses, vocational college, host organisations), an insufficient number of training hours, and an increasing demand for coaching.
- Published
- 2019
28. Sustainable Collaboration to Support Vulnerable Youth: Mental Health Support Teams in Upper Secondary School
- Author
Anvik, Cecilie, Waldahl, Ragnhild Holmen, Anvik, Cecilie, and Waldahl, Ragnhild Holmen
- Abstract
Schools play a central role in preventing mental health problems from affecting the development and educational opportunities of youth. While school health and social pedagogical support services have expanded in many countries, they are still not considered sufficient in meeting the needs of vulnerable youth. We find particular challenges in the development of sustainable collaboration to support the target group. In this article, we present and analyze empirical data from ongoing trailing research on an interprofessional team focusing on the health and psychosocial conditions of students in various upper secondary schools in Norway. In the article, we discuss what conditions need to be in place for inter-professional collaboration to succeed in the efforts to support students at risk of dropping out of upper secondary school. The article is theoretically influenced by boundary literature and analyzes challenges and opportunities in boundary crossing between different professions and service areas. In the article, we argue for the need to spend time on establishing a reflecting understanding of which qualities the various actors possess and what they should contribute with to create a collaboration that constitutes more than the coordination of what already exists, thereby creating intersecting practices; so-called third spaces.
- Published
- 2018
29. Study on effectiveness of lecture and smart class method of teaching on academic achievements among upper primary school students
- Author
Bala, Poonam, Kaur, Tanivir, Kaur, Maninder, Bala, Poonam, Kaur, Tanivir, and Kaur, Maninder
- Abstract
This is an experimental study conducted on the upper primary school students in the district of S.B.S Nagar, Punjab. The study was conducted on the students of 6th and 7th class of an international School. Total of 100 students were enrolled for this experimental study who met the inclusion criteria and were randomly divided into 2 equal groups by simple randomization technique. They received either the lecture method teaching or the smart class method teaching. For conducting the experiment, the investigator used pre-test and post-test comparison group design. For collection of data, a structured questionnaire and a structured teaching programme was used. t-test was used for analysis and interpretation of the data. The results of the study revealed that the lecture method of teaching was more effective as compared to a smart class method of teaching.
- Published
- 2018
30. Enrolment & dropout percentage among boys & girls up to secondary level in India: a comparative study
- Author
Pandita, Ramesh and Pandita, Ramesh
- Abstract
Purpose: The present paper seeks to examine the enrolment and dropout percentage of children in India, supported with empirical findings up to secondary level. Although, the study is general in nature, but the emphasis has been laid on the girl child education, which is one of the greatest concerns in the Indian school education sector. Some of the aspects studied include, enrolment and dropout of children during the period of study, under both boys and girls category, their corresponding growth rate in enrolment, their corresponding decline rate in dropout and many other allied aspects.Scope: The study is confined to secondary level education and the findings have direct bearing on the Indian school education system. Given the population size of India and the socioeconomic conditions of the country, there is a need to observe caution, while generalizing the findings for other countries.Methodology/Approach: The present study is purely based on the analysis of secondary data retrieved from the official website of the Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Govt., of India. The data lasts for the decade 2001-02 to 2010-11 and was retrieved on October 02, 2014. Since the data on the website stands up-dated up to the year 2010-11, as such the findings simply reflect a trend in the enrolment and dropout percentage in India and may show variation by the time figures are updated.Findings: The study reveals that during the period of study, the enrolment percentage of girls has improved over two fold to that of boys. As, compared to 18,17% increase in the overall enrolment of boys, the enrolment percentage of girls increased by 40,52% during the decade. The corresponding growth surely reflects the changed mindset of male dominated Indian social setup towards the girl child. Even, the average annual dropout percentage of girls remained better to that of boys, as the girls recorded a corresponding decline in their dropout percentage by 3,53%, while as in case of boys the
- Published
- 2018
31. The most common primary school pupils' misconceptions based on the concept of protection in the chemical context
- Author
Šindelková, Monika, Plucková, Irena, Šindelková, Monika, and Plucková, Irena
- Abstract
Each pupil brings from his/her everyday life a lot of personal experiences and ideas. These ideas about various concepts and topics can sometimes be mistaken or completely wrong. A complex term misconception is used for a summary of these mistaken ideas. Misconception is seen as a wrong notion, wrong idea. It occurs in the context of the pupil's mistaken notions and mistaken conception of the curriculum or one of the forms of pupils' conception of the curriculum. In the course of teaching, pupils are affected not only by teachers, but also by pupil's ideas and experiences that pupils bring from their surroundings. Teachers should be able to work with these ideas and try to correct pupils' misconceptions. A part of this contribution is not only a literature review of the misconception issue, but mainly the results of a research carried out on pupils in the eighth and ninth grades in nine primary schools. The aim of the research was mapping the most common misconceptions associated with the concept of protection in the chemical context of the curriculum.
- Published
- 2018
32. Intermediate School Students’ Participation in School Press in Kuwait
- Author
Menawer Bayan Alrajehi
- Subjects
Sekundarbildung ,Linguistics and Language ,Medical education ,Literature and Literary Theory ,School press ,intermediate school ,scholastic media ,journalism ,communication ,media ,business.industry ,Communication ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,education ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,Kommunikatorforschung, Journalismus ,Affect (psychology) ,ddc:070 ,Language and Linguistics ,Newspaper ,Communicator Research, Journalism ,Rest (finance) ,Journalism ,Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen ,business ,Psychology ,News media, journalism, publishing ,Mass media - Abstract
The idea of this study has been emerged from the importance of school press in enriching and enhancing the educational press, and it also contributes in detecting talents early. The researcher has conducted this study on a random sample of 360 students from intermediate school in Kuwait. The results have revealed that the majority of students in Kuwaiti schools participate in school press as the get the required encouragement from their parents to write in school press, the students also ensured that these activities do not affect their study level negatively. The results indicate that the course newspaper is the most popular activity, in which most students always participate, and the rest of students sometimes do. Also, this study has shown that; there is a significant correlation between students’ participation rate in the activity of school press and their interest to read public newspapers and magazines, and that elder students have more interest to participate in school press, so, Students’ participation rate in the activity of school press varies significantly depending on the gender and grade.
- Published
- 2018
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33. Praktiken der Differenzbearbeitung im Fachunterricht einer integrativen Schule der Sekundarstufe. Zur Überlagerung von Schulleistung, Peerkultur und Geschlecht
- Author
Monika Wagner-Willi and Tanja Sturm
- Subjects
Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,German language teaching ,teaching practice ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,mathematics instruction ,Sociology & anthropology ,integrative Erziehung ,Peer Group ,Education ,integrative education ,empirisch-qualitativ ,qualitative empirical ,Exklusion ,ddc:370 ,Schulleistung ,gender-specific factors ,Schweiz ,Pedagogy ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,secondary education lower level ,Bildung und Erziehung ,exclusion ,Sekundarstufe I ,Sekundarbildung ,empirisch ,Video sequence ,Deutschunterricht ,Unterrichtspraxis ,academic achievement ,Sociology of Education ,inclusion ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie ,geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren ,ddc:301 ,empirical ,Psychology ,Humanities ,Mathematikunterricht ,Inklusion ,Switzerland ,Teaching research - Abstract
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie im Deutsch- und Mathematikunterricht einer integrativen achten Klasse einer nicht-gymnasialen Schulform Leistung konstruiert und von peerkulturellen, geschlechtsbezogenen Formen uberlagert wird. Die dokumentarische Interpretation von Videosequenzen beider Unterrichtsfacher zeigt Prozesse der Inklusion und der Exklusion von SchulerInnen im Unterrichtsgeschehen. Diese stehen im Kontext der expliziten unterrichtlichen Rahmung seitens der Lehrpersonen und daraus resultierender Moglichkeiten der kooperierenden bzw. konkurrierenden Teilhabe, die ihrerseits von den SchulerInnen aufgegriffen und umgearbeitet werden. Schlusselworter: Differenzkonstruktionen, Fachunterricht, Sekundarstufe I, videobasierte Unterrichtsforschung, Dokumentarische Methode ----- The practical construction of differences in mathematics and German classes in an integrative school – on the overlapping of achievement, peer culture and gender milieus. Summary The article examines how performance is both constructed and overlaid by peer-cultural, gender-related forms in mathematics and German lessons in an inclusive, lower-level class of a secondary school (non-grammar school). At the same time the documentary interpretation of video sequences of both subjects shows processes of pupil’s inclusion and exclusion during classroom activities. These processes are connected to an explicit curricular framing on the part of the teachers and the resulting possibilities of cooperating and competing participation, which in turn are taken up and reworked by the pupils. Keywords: difference constructions, specific subject, teaching/content-based learning, secondary school, video-based teaching research, documentary method ----- Bibliographie: Sturm, Tanja/Wagner-Willi, Monika: Praktiken der Differenzbearbeitung im Fachunterricht einer integrativen Schule der Sekundarstufe. Zur Uberlagerung von Schulleistung, Peerkultur und Geschlecht, GENDER, 1-2015, S. 64-78. https://doi.org/10.3224/gender.v7i1.18157
- Published
- 2015
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34. Die Entwicklung des Fachinteresses Deutsch, Mathematik und Englisch in der Adoleszenz: Ein personenzentrierter Ansatz
- Author
Irene M. Schurtz and Cordula Artelt
- Subjects
Secondary education ,interest ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Differenzierung ,research deficit ,Interesse ,Adoleszenz ,Federal Republic of Germany ,German language teaching ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,pupil ,Jugendsoziologie, Soziologie der Kindheit ,Fachwissen ,mathematics instruction ,Sociology & anthropology ,Forschungsdefizit ,orientation ,Mathematics instruction ,Sekundarbildung ,secondary school (Gymnasium) ,Sociology of the Youth, Sociology of Childhood ,Englischunterricht ,Orientierung ,Federal republic of germany ,differentiation ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Deutschunterricht ,English language lessons ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Gymnasium ,Schüler ,expertise ,adolescence ,ddc:301 ,Psychology ,Humanities ,Mathematikunterricht - Abstract
Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag werden die individuell verschiedenen Verlaufe der Interessensentwicklung innerhalb der Schulfacher Deutsch, Mathematik und Englisch anhand eines personenzentrierten Ansatzes untersucht. Unter Ruckgriff auf die BiKS-8-14 Studie werden Daten von N=1301 Schulerinnen und Schulern von der 4. bis zur 7. Jahrgangsstufe analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der latenten Klassenanalyse verweisen auf Subgruppen von Schulerinnen und Schulern mit spezifischen Interessensverlaufen. Es ergeben sich funf latente Klassen, die sowohl stabil undifferenzierte, zunehmend undifferenzierte als auch differenzierte Interessensprofile aufzeigen. Fur die Annahme einer zunehmenden Differenzierung der Fachinteressen im Schulverlauf findet sich jedoch nur geringe Evidenz. Schlagworter: Interessensentwicklung, Fachinteresse, Latente Klassenanalyse ----- Development of Students‘ Interests in Language Arts, Mathematics and English during Adolescence: A Person-Centered Approach Abstract In this paper, a person-centered approach is used to investigate the various ways in which students’ interests in Language Arts, mathematics and English (as a first foreign language in school) develop over time. Based on the BiKS-8-14 study data of N = 1301, students are analyzed from grade 4 to grade 7. The findings of the latent class analysis point to sub-groups of students with different structures of interest development. These include five different latent classes. The respective profiles of interest development include stable, undifferentiated, increasingly undifferentiated and differentiated patterns of interest development. However, little evidence was found for a pattern of increasingly differentiated interests during the school course. Keywords: Interest development, Subject interests, Latent-Class-Analysis ----- Bibliographie: Schurtz, Irene/Artelt, Cordula: Die Entwicklung des Fachinteresses Deutsch, Mathematik und Englisch in der Adoleszenz: Ein personenzentrierter Ansatz, Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 3-2014, S. 285-301. https://doi.org/10.3224/diskurs.v9i3.16623
- Published
- 2014
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35. Moderiert die soziale Kompetenz adoleszenter Schüler den Zusammenhang zwischen ihren schulischen Peer-Beziehungen und ihrer Motivation?
- Author
Diana Raufelder and Sabine Bünger
- Subjects
Secondary education ,school ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Adoleszenz ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,pupil ,Prävention ,Lernen ,Jugendsoziologie, Soziologie der Kindheit ,Sociology & anthropology ,Peer Group ,Sozialisationsbedingung ,motivation ,prevention ,Moderator ,soziale Kompetenz ,Sekundarbildung ,Schule ,secondary school (Gymnasium) ,learning ,Sociology of the Youth, Sociology of Childhood ,school success ,social competence ,Federal republic of germany ,Peer group ,Moderation ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,condition of socialization ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Gymnasium ,Schüler ,adolescence ,Social competence ,ddc:301 ,Psychology ,Schulerfolg ,Social psychology - Abstract
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Studie galt es, soziale Kompetenz als Moderator in der Beziehung von soziomotivationalen Schuler-Beziehungen und Motivation in einer grosen Stichprobe von Schuler/-innen der 7. und 8. Klassen (N= 1088; MAge= 13.7) an Brandenburger Gymnasien und Oberschulen zu testen. Mittels latenter moderierter Strukturgleichungsanalyse (LMS) wurden mogliche Interaktionseffekte von sozialer Kompetenz und sozio-motivationalen Schuler-Beziehungen in Bezug auf die Motivation der Schuler/-innen getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass soziale Kompetenz die Beziehung zwischen der wahrgenommenen Schuler-Schuler-Beziehung und extrinsischer Motivation sowie Ausdauer und Fleis moderiert. Zusatzlich fungiert soziale Kompetenz als Moderator zwischen Peers als positiven Motivatoren und intrinsischer Motivation sowie Ausdauer und Fleis. Zusammenfassend lasst sich festhalten, dass positiv wahrgenommene Peer-Beziehungen basierend auf sozialer Kompetenz einen effektiven Ansatzpunkt zur Pravention und Intervention hinsichtlich der sinkenden schulischen Motivation in der Adoleszenz darstellen. Schlagworter: Soziale Kompetenz, Schuler-Schuler-Verhaltnis, Peers, Motivation, Adoleszenz ----- Does students’ social competence moderate the association between their scholastic peer relationships and motivation? Abstract This study examines whether social competence moderates the association between students’ sociomotivational peer relationships and their academic motivation. The research is based on a large sample, consisting of 7th and 8th grade students (N= 1088; MAge= 13.7) attending secondary schools in Brandenburg, Germany. Latent moderated structural equations (LMS) were used to estimate possible interaction effects of social competence and socio-motivational peer relationships on students’ academic motivation. The results demonstrated that social competence moderates the association between students’ perception of the student-student relationship and extrinsic motivation, as well as perseverance and effort. In addition, social competence functions as a moderator in the association between students’ perception of peers as positive motivators and intrinsic motivation, as well as perseverance and effort. To summarize, positive peer relationships within the school environment that are based on social competence are able to prevent and intervene in adolescents’ general tendency towards a decline in motivation. Keywords: Social competence, Student-student relationship, Peers, Motivation, Adolescence ----- Bibliographie: Bunger, Sabine/Raufelder, Diana: Moderiert die soziale Kompetenz adoleszenter Schuler den Zusammenhang zwischen ihren schulischen Peer-Beziehungen und ihrer Motivation?, Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 3-2014, S. 339-353. https://doi.org/10.3224/diskurs.v9i3.16626
- Published
- 2014
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36. (No) Time to Spare? Leisure in the Context of the Reduction of Grammar-School Years from Pupils’ Perspectives
- Author
Isabell van Ackeren, Lena Blumentritt, and Svenja Mareike Kühn
- Subjects
Nordrhein-Westfalen ,Secondary education ,Leisure time ,Schulzeitverkürzung ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,pupil ,Schulpolitik ,370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen ,Belastung ,Freizeitforschung, Freizeitsoziologie ,stress ,Germany ,Empirische Bildungsforschung ,Ressourcen ,Kindheit ,school policy ,Secondary school ,North Rhine-Westphalia ,Erziehungswissenschaften ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,secondary school (Gymnasium) ,Empirische Untersuchung ,Federal republic of germany ,Freizeitorientierung ,leisure time orientation ,Schulzeit ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Empirical study ,Freizeitbeschäftigung ,Gymnasium ,Leisure Research ,ddc:300 ,Schüler ,370 Education ,scope of action ,Psychology ,Time budget ,Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Art history ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Context (language use) ,Freizeit ,Education ,Zeitbudget ,ddc:370 ,Experimental school ,Deutschland ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Handlungsspielraum ,time budget ,Schooling ,Experimentation ,North-Rhine Westphalia ,childhood ,Sekundarbildung ,Schulversuch ,German academic secondary school ,recreational activity ,Grammar School ,resources ,Humanities - Abstract
Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung 9 (2014) 3, S. 355-370, Eine zentrale Annahme im Zusammenhang mit der Reduzierung der Schulzeitdauer bis zum Abitur (G8) ist, dass durch eine mit der Schulzeitverkürzung verbundene gestiegene zeitliche Belastung der Schülerinnen und Schüler kaum mehr Zeit für außerschulische Aktivitäten bleibe. In diesem Beitrag wird mit Hilfe eines Mixed-Methods-Designs der Frage nachgegangen, wie Schülerinnen und Schüler acht- und neunjähriger Bildungsgänge (G8: n=534; G9-neu: n=521) ihre Freizeitressourcen einschätzen und inwiefern eine entschleunigte Lernzeit – im Rahmen des neuen G9-Bildungsganges in Nordrhein-Westfalen – erweiterte Möglichkeiten für außerschulische Aktivitäten bietet. Die quantitativen Analysen bei Schülerinnen und Schülern von 13 Gymnasien weisen, u.a. auf Basis von Zeittagebüchern, weniger auf zeitliche Differenzen zwischen den Bildungsgängen, sondern vielmehr auf eine unterschiedliche Gestaltung von Freizeit hin und lassen danach fragen, wie die Kinder selbst Differenz zwischen G8 und G9-neu verhandeln. Dazu wird die Rekonstruktion eines Transkriptionsausschnitts aus insgesamt 20 Gruppendiskussionen mit Schülerinnen und Schülern dargelegt, der mittels dokumentarischer Methode einen exemplarischen Einblick in die Differenz kommunikativen und konjunktiven Wissens ermöglicht. (DIPF/Orig.), Reducing the number of school years until graduation from academic-track secondary schooling from nine to eight years (G8) has been one of the most important structural changes to schooling in Germany in the past few years. It has been assumed that the increased time strain on pupils as a result of the reduction in years of schooling would leave them with almost no time for extracurricular activities. This paper uses a mixed methods design to examine how pupils in eight- and nine- year educational programs (G8: n=534; G9: n=521) assess their leisure time resources, and to which degree extended learning time – as afforded by a new nine-year educational program (G9) in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia – provides them with additional opportunities for extracurricular activities. The quantitative analyses were conducted with pupils from 13 secondary schools, using time diaries among other methods. While the quantitative results illustrate only minor differences in total leisure time between pupils in both educational programs, they show differences in the composition of leisure time. This leads to the question of how children articulate differences between G8 and G9. Additionally, a reconstruction of segments of transcriptions from a total of 20 group discussions with pupils is presented, which provides insight into the children’s different “communicative” and “conjunctive space of experience” by means of the documentary method. (DIPF/orig.)
- Published
- 2014
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37. Curriculum Reform and the Teaching of History in High Schools during the Ma Ying-jeou Presidency
- Author
Vladimir Stolojan
- Subjects
China ,Presidency ,Sociology and Political Science ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Fachdidaktik ,nationale Identität ,Geschichtsbild ,Subject (philosophy) ,Taiwan ,curriculum ,Secondary education ,subject didactics ,history instruction ,Education ,ddc:370 ,Economic history ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,national identity ,Sociology ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Curriculum ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,media_common ,Sekundarbildung ,secondary school (Gymnasium) ,conception of history ,Independence ,Geschichtsunterricht ,Law ,Political Science and International Relations ,National identity ,Gymnasium ,School history ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance ,Administration (government) ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level - Abstract
The last two years of Ma Ying-jeou's (Ma Yingjiu) presidency saw the eruption of a controversy surrounding proposed revisions to the high school history curriculum. Although not the first time that the subject of history has exacerbated the tensions between holders of a China-centred view of Taiwan's history and those favouring a more Taiwan-centred approach, this crisis, which took place mainly between 2014 and 2015, was undoubtedly the fiercest witnessed by the Taiwanese society in the sphere of educational issues. By putting the 2014–2015 dispute into perspective through a review of the different attempts made by the pro-Taiwan independence Chen Shui-bian (Chen Shuibian) and the pro-unification Ma Ying-jeou governments to edit the history curriculum, this article will underline the specificities of this particular controversy. This contribution will, therefore, help to shed new light not only on the perception of Taiwan's history promoted by the Ma administration, but also the policy-making process which characterised the last years of Ma's presidency.
- Published
- 2017
38. Warum besuchen Mädchen mit Spitzenleistungen in Mathemathik so selten eine höhere technische Lehranstalt? Ursachen und Folgen von Geschlechterunterschieden bei der Schulwahl
- Author
Schlögl, Peter, Stock, Michaela, Moser, Daniela, Schmid, Kurt, Gramlinger, Franz, Salchegger, Silvia, Glaeser, Anna, Widauer, Katrin, Bitesnich, Heidelinde, Schlögl, Peter, Stock, Michaela, Moser, Daniela, Schmid, Kurt, Gramlinger, Franz, Salchegger, Silvia, Glaeser, Anna, Widauer, Katrin, and Bitesnich, Heidelinde
- Abstract
Es wird anhand der PISA-2012-Daten gezeigt, dass die Fähigkeitskonstellation einen bedeutsamen Einfluss auf die Wahl einer höheren technischen Lehranstalt (HTL) hat: HTL werden eher dann gewählt, wenn sehr hohe mathematische bei gleichzeitig weniger hoch ausgeprägten sprachlichen Kompetenzen vorliegen - eine Fähigkeitskonstellation, die bei Burschen häufiger auftritt als bei Mädchen. Doch selbst unter Kontrolle des Fähigkeitsprofils wählen Burschen wesentlich häufiger eine HTL als Mädchen.
- Published
- 2017
39. Respuestas de los docentes a las presiones institucionales de cambio: el caso de un programa de capacitación en una escuela pública de Villa El Salvador
- Author
Benavides, Martín, Neira, Paul, GRADE Group for the Analysis of Development, Arteta, Natalia, Benavides, Martín, Neira, Paul, GRADE Group for the Analysis of Development, and Arteta, Natalia
- Abstract
Trata de comprender, desde el punto de vista de los docentes, el tinglado de interacciones, respuestas y reacciones ante una presión institucional externa. Específicamente, el estudio se llevó a cabo en una institución educativa pública del distrito de Villa El Salvador (Lima) que venía aplicando un programa de mejoramiento de lectoescritura enfocado en los grados de tercero a sexto de primaria.
- Published
- 2017
40. De quinto de primaria al fin de la secundaria en seis años: un estudio longitudinal en Puno
- Author
GRADE Group for the Analysis of Development, Cueto, Santiago, Guerrero, Gabriela, León, Juan, Zevallos, Alvaro, Sugimaru, Claudia, GRADE Group for the Analysis of Development, Cueto, Santiago, Guerrero, Gabriela, León, Juan, Zevallos, Alvaro, and Sugimaru, Claudia
- Abstract
El presente estudio reporta los resultados de un diseño longitudinal en el que se siguió a 304 estudiantes de zonas urbanas y rurales de Puno. Los estudiantes incluidos se encontraban en quinto grado de primaria en el 2000 y debían estar en quinto de secundaria (el fin de la educación básica) en el 2006, cuando se los volvió a encuestar y entrevistar. Se logró volver a entrevistar a 76% de los estudiantes de la muestra original; del resto, la mayoría había migrado fuera de Puno, de acuerdo con reportes de amigos y familiares. De los entrevistados, 69% habían avanzado sin repetir, 13% habían abandonado la escuela y el resto habían repetido uno o más grados. Por un lado, los resultados sugieren que el rendimiento en una prueba estandarizada de matemática en quinto de primaria tiene un peso estadísticamente significativo para explicar el rendimiento en comprensión de lectura y matemática seis años después, así como la probabilidad de avanzar de grado sin repetir. Por otro lado, la deserción escolar se asoció principalmente a la necesidad del estudiante de trabajar. En conjunto, el estudio sugiere la necesidad de encontrar mecanismos para apoyar el desempeño educativo de estudiantes de contextos de mayor pobreza y/o menor rendimiento, que si bien no son discriminados por el sistema, tampoco son atendidos en sus necesidades específicas., This study presents the results of a longitudinal follow up of 304 children from urban and rural Puno. Students were in 5th grade elementary school in 2000 and should have been in 5th grade of high school (last) in 2006, when they were again surveyed. We contacted 76% of the original sample; most of the remaining children, according to friends and relatives, had for the most part migrated outside Puno. From those we interviewed, 69% had advanced to the end of secondary without repeating, 13% had dropped out and the remaining had repeated one or more grades. The results suggest that mathematics achievement in 2000 was a significant predictor of achievement in math and reading comprehension in 2006, as well as the chances of the child advancing grades without repeating. On the other hand, drop-out was mostly associated with the need of the students to work. The results of the study suggest the need to develop mechanisms to reinforce the achievement of children in impoverished areas and/or with lower achievement in early grades, given that while they are not discriminated actively in schools, they are also not supported in ways to overcome specific needs.
- Published
- 2017
41. Curriculum Reform and the Teaching of History in High Schools during the Ma Ying-jeou Presidency
- Author
Stolojan, Vladimir and Stolojan, Vladimir
- Abstract
The last two years of Ma Ying-jeou’s (Ma Yingjiu) presidency saw the eruption of a controversy surrounding proposed revisions to the high school history curriculum. Although not the first time that the subject of history has exacerbated the tensions between holders of a China-centred view of Taiwan’s history and those favouring a more Taiwan-centred approach, this crisis, which took place mainly between 2014 and 2015, was undoubtedly the fiercest witnessed by the Taiwanese society in the sphere of educational issues. By putting the 2014–2015 dispute into perspective through a review of the different attempts made by the pro-Taiwan independence Chen Shui-bian (Chen Shuibian) and the pro-unification Ma Ying-jeou governments to edit the history curriculum, this article will underline the specificities of this particular controversy. This contribution will, therefore, help to shed new light not only on the perception of Taiwan’s history promoted by the Ma administration, but also the policy-making process which characterised the last years of Ma’s presidency.
- Published
- 2017
42. Análise comparativa das representações de alunos e professores sobre as relações entre ensino e aprendizagem
- Author
Rosely Palermo Brenelli and Andréia Osti
- Subjects
Sekundarbildung ,Representação social ,Relação professor-aluno ,Ensino ,Aprendizagem ,Lehrende, Erziehende, Lernende ,Data collection ,Secondary education ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,Education ,ddc:370 ,Social representation ,Teacher-student relationship ,Learning ,Representação social. Relação professor-aluno. Ensino. Aprendizagem ,Pedagogy ,Learning disability ,medicine ,Difficulty learning ,medicine.symptom ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Teachers, Students, Pupils ,Psychology ,lcsh:L ,lcsh:Education - Abstract
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e comparar as representações de professores e de seus respectivos alunos (com e sem dificuldade de aprendizagem) sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Buscamos verificar em quais aspectos as representações de alunos e professores se correspondem e se elas se diferenciam entre alunos com e sem dificuldades de aprendizagem. A coleta de dados foi organizada por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada, contendo 15 questões abertas para professores e alunos. Participaram deste estudo 20 professores e 40 alunos (sendo 20 com dificuldade e 20 sem dificuldade de aprendizagem) do 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental da rede municipal de uma cidade da região Metropolitana de Campinas. As respostas das entrevistas foram categorizadas e analisadas através do teste exato de Fisher, Qui-Quadrado e de Proporções. O nível de confiança foi de 95%. Os resultados demonstraram que professores e alunos apresentam uma visão parcial dos fatores envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. O aprender, tanto para professores quanto para alunos, é sinônimo de ausência de erros, sendo um processo individual e não social. Professores e alunos sem dificuldades representam positivamente o ambiente da sala de aula, diferentemente dos alunos com dificuldades. This research aimed to identify and compare the representations of teachers and their students (with and without learning disabilities) on the process of teaching and learning. We seek to determine which aspects of the representations of students and teachers to meet and if they differ between students with and without learning difficulties. Data collection was organized through a semi-structured interviews with 15 open questions for teachers and students. The study included 20 teachers and 40 students (20 with and 20 without difficulty learning disability) in the 5th year of elementary school in the municipal city of a metropolitan region of Campinas. The responses from the interviews were categorized and analyzed using the Fisher exact test, Chi-square and Proportions. The confidence level was 95%. The results showed that teachers and students present a partial view of the factores involved in teaching and learning. The learning, for both teachers and students, is synonymous with the absence of errors, being an individual process and not social. Teachers and students without difficulties represent a positive environment of the classroom, unlike the students with difficulties.
- Published
- 2012
43. Assessment of health risk behaviours and their interrelationships among young people from two counties of Romania
- Author
Carmen Ionut, Hein de Vries, Valeria Laza, and Lucia Maria Lotrean
- Subjects
Poison control ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,pupil ,Suicide prevention ,Health risk behaviours ,Occupational safety and health ,Sociology & anthropology ,tobacco consumption ,prevention ,health behavior ,empirisch-quantitativ ,Medical Sociology ,gender ,quantitative empirical ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Romanian adolescents ,Health Policy ,risk behavior ,empirisch ,Jugendlicher ,Human factors and ergonomics ,health ,Rumänien ,Risikoverhalten ,Health education ,sex behavior ,Gesundheitsverhalten ,ddc:300 ,Schüler ,Original Article ,Gesundheitspolitik ,ddc:301 ,Student ,medicine.medical_specialty ,alcohol consumption ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,education ,Prävention ,Tabakkonsum ,Alkoholkonsum ,Environmental health ,Injury prevention ,medicine ,health education ,Drogenkonsum ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Health policy ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,drug use ,Sekundarbildung ,business.industry ,Romania ,anwendungsorientiert ,Public health ,Gesundheit ,Geschlecht ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Gesundheitserziehung ,applied research ,adolescent ,Sexualverhalten ,Schülerin ,female pupil ,business ,empirical ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level ,Medizinsoziologie - Abstract
Aim: The first goal of this study was to assess the prevalence of different health risk behaviours among Romanian young people. Next, the interrelationship between different health risk behaviours as well as age and gender differences with respect to health risk behaviours were examined. Subjects and methods: Self-administered questionnaires were completed by a sample of 1,598 junior high school students, senior high school students and university students from urban and rural areas of two counties of Romania. Results: The results showed that 31% of junior high school students, 59.7% of senior high school students and 64.8% of university students reported more than one risk behaviour. Many of the risk behaviours were likely to correlate with each other and the strongest correlation was found between smoking, alcohol-related behaviour and precocious sexual intercourse. Factor analysis revealed that among junior high school students all health risk behaviours loaded on one factor. In senior high school students and university students the risk behaviours split into two factors, based probably on their frequency and severity. Factor 1 comprised smoking, alcohol-related behaviours as well as precocious sexual intercourse, while factor 2 included less common behaviours: violence, delinquency and illicit drug use. No gender differences were observed regarding the relationship between health risk behaviours. Conclusion: The results stress the importance of developing prevention programmes among Romanian youth for the behaviours discussed. Further research is needed to identify how to best offer these programmes: as stand-alone programmes or as an integrated set of programmes and whether the same approach has to be taken for younger and older adolescents.
- Published
- 2010
44. Secondary Students’ Thinking about Familiar Phenomena: Learners’ explanations from a curriculum context where ‘particles’ is a key idea for organising teaching and learning
- Author
Keith S. Taber and Alejandra García Franco
- Subjects
Sekundarbildung ,Secondary education ,Context (language use) ,Significant learning ,National curriculum ,Scientific modelling ,Science education ,Education ,Key (music) ,ddc:370 ,Pedagogy ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Mathematics education ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,Sociology ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Curriculum ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II - Abstract
Particle models of matter are widely recognised as being of fundamental importance in many branches of modern science, and particle ideas are commonly introduced and developed in the secondary school curriculum. However, research undertaken in a range of national contexts has identified significant learning difficulties in this topic, and suggests that notions of particles that match scientific models are generally only attained over periods of some years. The implementation of a National Curriculum in Science in England was followed by increasingly prescriptive guidance to teachers. This culminated in a framework for teaching lower secondary science, which identified ‘particles’ as one of five key ideas for organising teaching and learning of science to all 11-14 year olds. In this curriculum context, a basic particle model is introduced at the start of secondary education, and consolidated by being revisited in various contexts over three years. However National Tests suggest that only a minority of pupils attain levels of understanding matching target knowledge. The present paper reports an interview study that explored how a sample of English secondary students explained phenomena commonly met in school science. It was found that students generally used the notion of particles, although most of their particle-based explanations reflected alternative conceptions that have been reported in previous research. It is concluded that a curriculum strategy of early introduction and regular application during the early secondary years is not of itself sufficient to support the desired progression in thinking with particle models, and more sophisticated research-informed pedagogy is needed.
- Published
- 2009
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45. Comparison of Two Small‐group Learning Methods in 12th‐grade Physics Classes Focusing on Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance
- Author
Martin Hänze and Roland Berger
- Subjects
Expectancy theory ,Cooperative learning ,Sekundarbildung ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Secondary education ,Academic achievement ,Education ,Jigsaw ,Interpersonal relationship ,ddc:370 ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Small group learning ,Mathematics education ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Psychology ,Social psychology ,Competence (human resources) ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,Autonomy ,media_common - Abstract
Twelfth grade physics classes with 344 students participated in a quasi-experimental study comparing two small-group learning settings. In the jigsaw classroom, in contrast to the cyclical rotation method, teaching expectancy as well as resource interdependence is established. The study is based on the Self-Determination Theory of motivation which states that the satisfaction of the ‘basic needs’ for experiencing autonomy, competence, and social relatedness is essential to promote intrinsic motivation. Regarding the experience of competence, a small effect in favour of the jigsaw classroom was found, whereas students in the cyclical rotation setting showed medium-sized benefits in experiencing autonomy. A path analysis revealed that these opposing effects balanced each other, that is, no effect from small-group method to intrinsic motivation was found. In contrary to the motivational variables, achievement effects depended on the underlying study topic: based on scanning electron microscopy, the cyclical rotation setting outperformed jigsaw classroom, whereas an opposed trend is observed with regard to the microwave oven learning unit. The higher interestingness of the latter learning unit was revealed as a week mediator from study topic to academic achievement.
- Published
- 2009
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46. High‐school Students' Conceptual Difficulties and Attempts at Conceptual Change: The case of basic quantum chemical concepts
- Author
Georgios Tsaparlis and Georgios Papaphotis
- Subjects
Rote learning ,instruction ,Secondary education ,chemistry ,Education ,symbols.namesake ,mental models ,ddc:370 ,Atomic orbital ,Concept learning ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Cognitive development ,Mathematics education ,molecules ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,Bildung und Erziehung ,science ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,Sekundarbildung ,atoms ,Knowledge level ,Conceptual change ,Bohr model ,Epistemology ,Critical thinking ,symbols ,misconceptions ,Psychology ,physics ,mechanics ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level - Abstract
This study tested for deep understanding and critical thinking about basic quantum chemical concepts taught at 12th grade (age 17-18). Our aim was to achieve conceptual change in students. A quantitative study was conducted first (n = 125), and following this 23 selected students took part in semi-structured interviews either individually or in small groups that were allowed to interact under the coordination of the investigators. The planetary Bohr model was strongly favoured, while the probabilistic nature of the orbital concept was absent from many students' minds. Other students held a hybrid model. In some cases, students did not accept that the electron cloud provides a picture of the atom. Many students had not understood the fundamental nature of the uncertainty principle. Finally, the mathematical description of the formation of molecular orbitals caused problems in the case of destructive (antibonding) overlap of atomic orbitals. Our approach to conceptual change employed active and cooperative forms of learning, which are consistent with social-cultural constructivism and with Vygotsky's zone of proximal development. It proved effective in a number of cases, and ineffective in others. The variation in students' approaches was explained on the basis of Ausubel's theory about meaningful and rote learning and of the ability to employ higher-order cognitive skills. Nevertheless, the methodology used can be useful for all students, irrespective of their behaviour in traditional written examinations. International Journal of Science Education
- Published
- 2009
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47. Developing High Quality Decision‐Making Discussions About Biological Conservation in a Normal Classroom Setting
- Author
Marcus Grace
- Subjects
Sustainable development ,Value (ethics) ,Sekundarbildung ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Teaching method ,Foundation (evidence) ,Peer group ,Secondary education ,Science education ,Education ,ddc:370 ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Mathematics education ,Normal science ,Quality (business) ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Psychology ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II ,media_common - Abstract
The conservation of biodiversity is an important socio-scientific issue, often regarded as a precondition to sustainable development, and the foundation for citizens’ understanding of conservation issues can be laid down in formal school education.This research focuses on decision-making discussions about biological conservation issues among 131 15-16 year old students, to address two main research questions: 1. Can peer-group decision-making discussions, in a normal science lesson setting, help develop students’ personal reasoning in relation to conservation issues? 2. Are there features common to high-quality discussions about conservation which might be readily identified by classroom teachers?Findings indicate the positive value of students taking part in these short decision-making discussions, guided by a structured framework, as part of their normal science classroom activities. Students increase their quality of personal reasoning, and modify their solutions to the issues. The study begins to uncover features about students, as individuals and as members of discussion groups, which can be associated with high quality decision-making about conservation issues, and which teachers might realistically identify. The work calls for the need to cultivate these features, and integrate them appropriately with learning about the scientific concepts that underpin the theory and practice of conservation management. Such integration will facilitate the development of teaching strategies for dealing effectively with the complex topic of biological conservation; not just in terms of science content, but also in terms of how students are expected to engage with the issues.
- Published
- 2009
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48. How choosing science depends on students' individual fit to 'science culture'
- Author
R Ruurd Taconis, Ursula Kessels, Eindhoven School of Education, Eindhoven University, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie, and Freie Universität Berlin
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Matching (statistics) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Self-concept ,050109 social psychology ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,Sociology & anthropology ,Education ,Perception ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Mathematics education ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Social Sciences & Humanities ,media_common ,Sekundarbildung ,4. Education ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,Subject (documents) ,Unpopularity ,Variance (accounting) ,Acculturation ,Sociology of Education ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie ,ddc:301 ,Psychology ,0503 education - Abstract
International audience; Abstract In this paper we propose that the unpopularity of science in many industrialized countries is largely due to the gap between the subculture of science, on the one hand, and students' self-image, on the other hand. We conducted a study based on the self-to-prototype matching theory (Burke & Reitzes, 1981), testing whether the perceived mismatch between the typical representative of the science culture (the science prototype) and students' self-image is linked to not choosing science as a major. Fifty-four Dutch 9th-grade students currently choosing their subject majors (so-called profiles) completed a Dutch version of a questionnaire previously designed by Hannover and Kessels (2004), which measures students' perceptions of typical peers favouring different school subjects (prototypes for physics, biology, economics, languages) and students' self-image. Students chose a profile to the extent that they conceived of themselves as similar to the typical peer who likes the key subject of that profile. Fifty percent of variance was explained when using an aggregated science vs. humanities distance score and predicting whether a student had chosen a science- or a humanities-related profile. A comparison of Dutch students' description of the physics prototype with the German data from Hannover and Kessels (2004) revealed similar prototypes in both countries. The traits ascribed to the physics prototype were in line with science-related values and the culture of science as described by Merton (1973) and Traweek (1992), for example. The relevance of the perceived fit of the culture of science to students' selves for academic choices is discussed.
- Published
- 2009
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49. Upper Secondary French Students, Chemical Transformations and the 'Register of Models': A cross‐sectional study
- Author
Aytekin Çökelez, Alain Dumon, Keith S. Taber, and Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Register (sociolinguistics) ,Sekundarbildung ,Chemistry education ,Knowledge level ,conceptual development ,misconception ,secondary school ,alternative conception ,chemistry education ,Secondary education ,National language ,National curriculum ,Education ,ddc:370 ,Cultural diversity ,Concept learning ,Pedagogy ,Curriculum, Teaching, Didactics ,Mathematics education ,Unterricht, Didaktik ,Bildung und Erziehung ,Psychology ,Curriculum ,Secondary Education Sector Upper Level ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe II - Abstract
WOS: 000254947600004 The purpose of this study is to identify how upper secondary school French students (Grade 10-12) interpret chemical transformation with regards to the changes within molecules and atoms, and in terms of intramolecular and/or intermolecular bond breaking. In order to identify and describe the students' assimilated knowledge, four questions were asked to 930 students using a written questionnaire submitted a long time after the related teaching took place. There is much research into student learning in the concept areas discussed here (atoms and molecules, chemical change, chemical bonding), as reviewed in the paper. The present study presents data from an educational system where limited work has been reported in the international literature. The French system has its own unique curriculum, and is taught in the national language (where much of the existing research has concerned learning in Anglophile systems). The research reported here found that French secondary students experienced many similar difficulties in understanding these key scientific concepts to those that have been reported elsewhere, showing the cross-cultural nature of the key educational issues. For example, many have difficulties in understanding the changes undergone by atoms and molecules in the course of a chemical reaction; many are not able to justify explicitly the breaking of inter-molecular bonds and to interpret the breaking of intramolecular bonds in terms of reorganization of atoms, the target level of understanding in the curriculum from the end of Grade 9. However, it is also suggested that some of the specific characteristics identified here are linked to the ordering and language used in the French curriculum, and such cultural idiosyncrasies may offer useful insights into both problematic and valuable aspects of science pedagogy.
- Published
- 2008
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50. Die Lehrküche als Fachraum schulischer Berufsorientierung. Eine Untersuchung in Theorie und Praxis
- Author
Peuker, Birgit and wbv Media Repository
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Praxisbezug ,Bildungswesen Sekundarstufe I ,Lernortkooperation ,Lehrplan ,action orientation ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Schulpädagogik ,Secondary education ,Secondary Education Sector Lower Level ,Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik ,Lernen ,Berufsorientierung ,Handlungsorientierung ,Lehrerbildung ,educational setting ,secondary education lower level ,Dissertation ,practice relevance ,Sekundarstufe I ,Sekundarbildung ,Sachsen ,Didaktik ,Lernort ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Saxony ,Mittelschule ,Berufsbildung ,syllabus ,vocational guidance ,middle school - Abstract
The dissertation looks at the equipment, function, utilisation and the didactic potential of Cooking classrooms at middle schools in Saxony. The author focuses specifically on options to refocus classroom activities with a view to vocational orientation at school. Die Dissertation untersucht die Ausstattung, Funktion, Nutzung und das didaktische Potenzial des Fachraums Lehrküche an sächsischen Mittelschulen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk legt die Autorin auf die Möglichkeiten, die Lehrküche thematisch neu zu besetzen und für die Berufsorientierung in der Schule zu nutzen.
- Published
- 2016
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