
Showing total 143 results
143 results

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1. Statistical inference in abstracts of 3 influential clinical pharmacology journals analysed using a text‐mining algorithm.

2. Methodology and pitfalls in interobserver agreement studies: Visualization of case data with graphs improves understanding and transparency.

3. Single‐fit bootstrapping: A simple alternative to the delta method.

4. Findings From 12-lead Electrocardiography That Predict Circulatory Shock From Pulmonary Embolism: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

5. Comparative optimism about infection and recovery from COVID‐19; Implications for adherence with lockdown advice.

6. Enhancing nursing students' cultural awareness through Community of Inquiry‐guided online 'Internationalization at Home' strategies—An intervention study.

7. Effects of responsive breastfeeding intervention on breastfeeding and infant growth in China: A randomised controlled trial.

8. Factors associated with cognitive function in patient with Alzheimer's disease with newly prescribed acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: A 1‐year retrospective cohort study.

9. Psychophysical, electrofunctional, and morphological evaluation in naïve neovascular AMD patients treated with intravitreal anti‐VEGF.

10. Effect of Intubation for Gamma-hydroxybutyric Acid Overdose on Emergency Department Length of Stay and Hospital Admission El Efecto de la Intubación en la Intoxicación por ácido gamma-hidroxibutírico en los Resultados Clave del Paciente en el Servicio de Urgencias

11. Self‐efficacy, resilience and healthy ageing among older people who have an acute hospital admission: A cross‐sectional study.

12. The prevalence of breastfeeding aversion response in Australia: A national cross‐sectional survey.

13. Montessori education's impact on academic and nonacademic outcomes: A systematic review.

14. Dietary aflatoxin exposure of lactating mothers of children 0–6 months in Makueni County, Kenya.

15. Challenge, threat, coping potential: How primary and secondary appraisals of job demands predict nurses' affective states during the COVID‐19 pandemic.

16. Development and validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, behaviour and care preference of family members of Chinese older adults related to palliative care.

17. Evaluation of the "hemoptysis" item in clinical decision rules for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in the emergency department.

18. Incidence of Adverse Events in Adults Undergoing Procedural Sedation in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

19. Choosing Wisely in Emergency Medicine: A National Survey of Emergency Medicine Academic Chairs and Division Chiefs.

20. Short-term Efficacy of a Brief Intervention to Reduce Drug Misuse and Increase Drug Treatment Utilization Among Adult Emergency Department Patients.

21. A novel screening tool to predict severe acute malnutrition through automated monitoring of weight‐for‐age growth curves.

22. Predicting preschool children's emotional eating: The role of parents' emotional eating, feeding practices and child temperament.

23. Nurses' attitudes towards hospitalized older adults in a tertiary care setting in Ghana.

24. Psychological impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on nursing students in the first wave: A cross‐sectional survey.

25. A quantitative approach to the choice of number of samples for percentile estimation in bootstrap and visual predictive check analyses.

26. Cerebrovascular disease hospitalizations following emergency department headache visits: A nested case–control study.

27. A new algorithm for reconstructing tree height growth with stem analysis data.

28. Threshold for defining fever varies with age, especially in children: A multi‐site diagnostic accuracy study.

29. The association between diabetes‐related distress and fear of hypoglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A cross‐sectional descriptive study.

30. Opt‐in or opt‐out health‐care communication? A cross‐sectional study.

31. Home gardening improves dietary diversity, a cluster‐randomized controlled trial among Tanzanian women.

32. Long‐term effects of a healthy eating blog in mothers and children.

33. Feeding during the first 3 days after birth other than breast milk is associated with early cessation of exclusive breastfeeding.

34. Breastfeed4Ghana: Design and evaluation of an innovative social media campaign.

35. Outcome predictors for wound healing in patients with a diabetic foot ulcer.

36. The Yield of Computed Tomography of the Head Among Patients Presenting With Syncope: A Systematic Review.

37. Building A Longitudinal Cohort From 9‐1‐1 to 1‐Year Using Existing Data Sources, Probabilistic Linkage, and Multiple Imputation: A Validation Study.

38. Prevalence and predictors of overweight and obesity among Cameroonian women in a national survey and relationships with waist circumference and inflammation in Yaoundé and Douala.

39. Associations of maternal nutrition during pregnancy and post‐partum with maternal cognition and caregiving.

40. Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and intelligence quotients in the offspring at 8 years of age: Findings from the ALSPAC cohort.

41. Energy and nutrient intake increased by 47-67% when amylase was added to fortified blended foods-a study among 12- to 35-month-old Burkinabe children.

42. Nutritional status, food insecurity, and biodiversity among the Khasi in Meghalaya, North‐East India.

43. Mothers' groups enrich diet and culture through promoting traditional Quichua foods.

44. Dietary quality and household food insecurity among Mexican children and adolescents.

45. Association of maternal characteristics and behaviours with 4-year-old children's dietary patterns.

46. Association of prenatal lipid-based nutritional supplementation with fetal growth in rural Gambia.

47. Moderately elevated maternal homocysteine at preconception is inversely associated with cognitive performance in children 4 months and 6 years after birth.

48. Dietary patterns by cluster analysis in pregnant women: relationship with nutrient intakes and dietary patterns in 7-year-old offspring.

49. High inspired oxygen versus low inspired oxygen for reducing surgical site infection: a meta-analysis.

50. Effect of ready-to-use foods for preventing child undernutrition in Niger: analysis of a prospective intervention study over 15 months of follow-up.