This article focuses on the data warehousing maturity model developed by The Data Warehousing Institute. The maturity model consists of six stages: prenatal, infant, child, teenager, adult and sage. Business value increases as the data warehouse moves through each successive stage. The stages are defined by a number of characteristics, including scope, analytic structure, executive perceptions, types of analytics, stewardship, founding, technology platform, change management and administration. Most established organizations have management reporting systems that generate a standard set of static reports, which are printed and distributed to large numbers employees on a regular basis. Spreadmarts are spreadsheets or desktop databases that function as surrogate data marts. Each contains a unique set of data, metrics and rules that do not align with other spreadmarts, management reports or analytical systems. In the child stage, departments recognize the need to empower all their knowledge-workers with timely information and insight, not just the business analysts and executives who primarily benefit from spreadmarts. A data mart is a shared, analytic structure that generally supports a single application area, business process or department. In the adult stage, organizations make a firm commitment to achieve a single version of the truth. Executives view data as a corporate asset that is as valuable as people, equipment and cash. The model has matured once the data warehouse becomes a strategic enterprise resource that drives the business with an ever growing panoply of mission-critical applications. However there are additional opportunities to increase the strategic value of your EDW by driving the resource outward and downward.