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1. A method of establishing a time reference without a free paper time scale and its performance

2. A method of polygon aggregation for complex buildings based on shortest adjacent lines

3. Model and implementation of geographic data transaction certificate and copyright protection based on blockchain and digital watermarking

4. A method of road network selection based on case and ontology reasoning

5. A evaluation model of relative influence among landmarks considering distance constraint

6. A road curb points extraction algorithm combined spatial features and measuring distance

7. Road intersection recognition based on a multi-level fusion of vehicle trajectory and remote sensing image

8. A multi-feature approach for modeling visual saliency of dynamic scene for intelligent driving

9. What can surveying and remote sensing do for intelligent driving?

10. Water extraction model of multispectral optical remote sensing image

11. AOD adaptive prediction method based on GNSS PWV

12. Preliminary study on theory and method of ground-based GNSS-IR wind speed

13. Multi-agent cooperative control for traffic signal on geographic road network

14. Sliding window Gaussian fitting algorithm for ranging error suppression of full-waveform spaceborne laser

15. Technology and applications of dynamic and precise engineering surveying

16. Surveying robot and its key technology

17. Progress and challenges of geospatial artificial intelligence

18. From geographic information service to geographic knowledge service: research issues and development roadmap

19. Study on man-machine collaborative intelligent extraction for natural resource features

20. Analysis and outlook of the operational topographic surveying and mapping capability of the SAR satellites

21. A GNSS water vapor tomography method considering boundary signals and vertical constraint

22. Bootstrap method and the modified method based on weighted sampling for nonlinear model precision estimation

23. A hybrid model combining tensor and mutual information for multi-modal image registration

24. Blockchain technology for vector geographic provenance information organization and verification

25. The cognitive view of the Earth with the cases of path-finding based on Google Earth

26. A naive Bayesian method for eye movement recognition of map linear elements

27. The theory,map tools and development directions of geographic spatial cognition

28. Weighted least squares regularization iteration solution and precision estimation for ill-posed multiplicative error model

29. Monitoring and analysis of subsidence along Lian-Yan railway using multi-temporal Sentinel-1A InSAR

30. High-precision and quick algorithm for multibeam sounding coordinates considering the propagation surface

31. A regional weighted mean temperature model that takes into account climate differences: taking Shaanxi, China as an example

32. Extracting an ionospheric phase scintillation index based on 1 Hz GNSS observations and its verification in the Arctic region

33. Low latency cycle slip determination for ultra-high sampling rate kinematic GNSS measurement

34. A self-adaptive regression algorithm with noise density function difference and its application to artificial target extraction

35. Accuracy evaluation and improvement strategies of BeiDou broadcast clock error model

36. A divided and stratified extraction method of high-resolution remote sensing information for cropland in hilly and mountainous areas based on deep learning

37. Spatial relation reasoning and representation for image matching

38. Seafloor classification based on combined multibeam bathymetry and backscatter using deep convolution neural network

39. Multi-temporal remote sensing imagery semantic segmentation color consistency adversarial network

40. A real-time analysis and visualization for area coverage of remote sensing satellite

41. The method of progressive typification for building groups with straight linear patterns

42. Design and optimization of spatial vector data storage model based on HBase

43. Refinement of BeiDou satellite antenna phase center correction model and its impact on precision orbit determination and positioning

44. A new generation of global bathymetry model BAT_WHU2020

45. Ionospheric tomography method by reducing grid resolution locally

46. Method of close-range space intersection combining multi-image forward intersection with single hidden layer neural network

47. A joint geometric calibration technique for GF-3 SAR image in wide area

48. A method for mitigating GNSS multipath effect based on multi-point hemispherical grid model

49. Rethinking ubiquitous mapping in the intelligent age

50. Urban expansion cellular automata model based on multi-structures convolutional neural networks