6,529 results on '"casestudie"'
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2. En kropslig tilgang til STEM: Et casestudie omhandlende grundskolelæreres opfattelser og anvendelser af Embodied Cognition-perspektiver i STEM-undervisning
- Author
Kersting, Magdalena Elisabeth, Olesen, Mette Elsnab, Kersting, Magdalena Elisabeth, and Olesen, Mette Elsnab
- Abstract
Formålet med dette speciale er at bidrage til det STEM-didaktiske forskningsfelt ved at undersøge grundskolelæreres opfattelser og anvendelser af Embodied Cognition-perspektiver i STEMundervisning. Dette undersøges gennem et casestudie, seks interview med lærere og en fænomenografisk analysetilgang. Analysen resulterer i otte kvalitativt forskellige måder, hvorpå lærerne opfatter, italesætter, anvender og indtænker en kropslig tilgang til læring i deres praksis. De otte måder samler sig om tre indbyrdes afhængige temaer: didaktiske tilgange, læring og rammer. Resultaterne viser, at lærerne ikke er vant til at fokusere på kroppens rolle i STEM-undervisning, og at de mangler sprog og viden om Embodied Cognition som didaktisk tilgang til læring. Lærerne finder en kropslige tilgang meningsfuld og vigtig. De udtrykker et ønske om at integrere elevernes kroppe mere aktivt i deres STEM-undervisning, fordi de har erfaringer med, at kroppen bidrager til et øget læringsudbytte hos eleverne i form af øget motivation, bedre hukommelse og sansemæssige oplevelser. Lærerne oplever også praktiske og didaktiske udfordringer ved en kropslig tilgang, som de gerne vil ændre på ved at få mere viden og overblik over feltet. Lærernes oplevelser og anvendelser diskuteres i lyset af teoretiske vinkler fra Embodied Cognition, hvilket udmunder i et planlægningsværktøj for STEM-lærere, som kan hjælpe dem med at overskue og planlægge kropsligt orienterede aktiviteter samt sprogliggøre perspektiver fra Embodied Cognition. Dette sigter mod, at øge fokus på et mere kropsligt syn på læring og kan bidrage til udvikling af meningsfuld STEMundervisning i en mere kropsligt orienteret skolekultur., The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the STEM didactic research field by examining primary and lower secondary school teachers’ perceptions and applications of Embodied Cognition perspectives in STEM education. This is explored through a case study, six interviews with teachers, and a phenomenographic analysis. The analysis results in eight qualitatively different ways in which the teachers perceive, articulate, use, and incorporate an embodied approach to learning in their practice. These eight ways revolve around three interdependent themes: didactic approaches, learning, and contextual factors. The findings show that the teachers are not used to focusing on the role of the body in STEM education, and that they lack language and knowledge about Embodied Cognition as a didactic approach. The teachers find an embodied approach meaningful and important. They wish to integrate their pupils’ bodies more actively in their STEM teaching because they experience that the body contributes to increased learning outcomes in the form of motivation, memory, and sensory experiences. The teachers also encounter practical and didactical challenges with the embodied approach, which they would like to address by gaining more knowledge. The teachers’ experiences and applications are discussed in the light of theoretical perspectives from Embodied Cognition and culminate in a planning tool for STEM teachers. This tool can help teachers contemplate embodied activities as well as verbalize perspectives from Embodied Cognition. This aims to increase focus on a more embodied view of learning and to contribute to the development of meaningful STEM education in a more embodied school culture.
- Published
- 2024
3. Er was eens… een transhistorische tentoonstelling: Een casestudie naar de presentatie en interpretatie van The Swing (ca.1767-1768) bij Inspiring Walt Disney: The Animation of French Decorative Arts
- Author
Wouda, Jasmijn, Weststeijn, Thijs (Thesis Advisor), Wouda, Jasmijn, and Weststeijn, Thijs (Thesis Advisor)
- Abstract
Dit is een casestudie naar de mate waarin Inspiring Walt Disney: The Animation of French Decorative Arts als transhistorische tentoonstelling een vernieuwende bijdrage levert aan de presentatie en interpretatie van The Swing (ca.1767/1768) tot dan toe. Transhistorisch tentoonstellen is een opkomende museumpraktijk, waarbij objecten en artefacten uit verschillende perioden, kunsthistorische en culturele contexten gecombineerd worden in één tentoonstelling. Deze benadering staat tegenover de ‘traditionele’ tentoonstellingspraktijken die objecten groeperen aan de hand van tijdsperiode, nationaliteit, stijl, chronologie en medium. Bij Inspiring Walt Disney worden Franse, achttiende -eeuwse kunstobjecten met twintigste- en eenentwintigste -eeuwse animatie getoond in één museumopstelling. Deze masterscriptie hoopt bij te dragen aan het academische discours over transhistorisch tentoonstellen, wat tot nu toe voor een groot deel uiteengezet is in The Transhistorical Museum: Mapping the Field (2018). In dit boek wordt de assumptie gemaakt dat transhistorisch tentoonstellen het mogelijk maakt om interpretaties van individuele objecten te herzien, door een vernieuwende context. In de masterscriptie wordt deze assumptie getest middels het schilderij The Swing van Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732 - 1806) als case. De presentatie en interpretatie van The Swing in de vaste opstelling in de Wallace Collection te Londen wordt vergeleken met de presentatie en interpretatie van het gedeelte in Inspiring Walt Disney over het werk en de Disneyanimaties die erop geïnspireerd zijn. Het onderzoek is verdeeld over drie hoofdstukken die ieder een deelvraag beantwoorden. Een visuele en iconografische analyse van The Swing in hoofdstuk 1 en dezelfde analyse voor de Disneyanimatie in hoofdstuk 2 vormen de basis(kennis) voor het kunnen vergelijken van de manier waarop de werken worden geïnterpreteerd door de conservators van de vaste en tijdelijke opstelling. Het derde, laatste hoofdstuk gaat in op d
- Published
- 2024
4. 11. Forskningslitterasitet hos lærere og ledere i skolen – en casestudie
- Author
Mausethagen, Sølvi, primary and Hermansen, Hege, additional
- Published
- 2023
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5. Renoveren voor de Toekomst: Stakeholder en netwerkprocessen bij renovatieprojecten om te verduurzamen Een casestudie van een renovatieproject op het Marshallplein in Rijswijk
- Author
Alphen, Bram van, Loos, Eugene (Thesis Advisor), Alphen, Bram van, and Loos, Eugene (Thesis Advisor)
- Abstract
Methode Dit is onderzocht aan de hand van een single casestudie bij het Marshallplein in Rijswijk. Hier heeft een VVE met overheidsgeld een renovatieproject uitgevoerd, met als doel 100 woningen te verduurzamen. Er is eerst een literatuurstudie uitgevoerd waar de basisconcepten (duurzaamheid als valence issue – een kwestie waarbij er een grote mate van overeenstemming is en het gevoel heerst dat niemand tegen kan zijn - en Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)) uiteen zijn gezet. Ook zijn er theorieën (Agency Theory en Network Theory) naar voren zijn gekomen, welke de basis hebben gevormd voor de interviews. Met een stakeholderanalyse is duidelijk geworden welke stakeholders bij project aanwezig zijn geweest, waarna hier een selectie is gemaakt op basis van representativiteit en rol in het netwerk. Bij deze selectie zijn semigestructureerde interviews afgelegd aan de hand van een topiclijst die voortgekomen uit Conclusie en Discussie Concluderend hebben de stakeholders en netwerkprocessen zowel motiverende als remmende effecten op het verloop van renovatieprojecten voor de verduurzaming van woningen. Hierbij spelen de verschillende percepties van duurzaamheid een rol, die voortvloeien uit het feit dat duurzaamheid een valence issue is. Daarbij neemt de mate van CSR in de bouw toe, waardoor de sociale en economische aspecten van duurzaamheid een grotere rol gaan spelen (Edum-Fotwe & Price, 2009; Shen et al., 2007). Echter is de financiële kant van duurzaamheid nog leidend voor het handelen van stakeholders binnen renovatieprojecten, wat duidt op een nog te lage valency bij duurzaamheid om het handelen van stakeholders te bepalen (De Vreese & Boomgaarden, 2003; Hahn et al., 2014). Doordat de overheid financiële drempels wegneemt, zijn projecten zoals die van het Marshallplein mogelijk door de motiverende effecten van de financiële prikkels (Bossink, 2002; Chang et al., 2016; Ministerie van Algemene Zaken, 2022a). Daarbij kunnen de agency costs, van de principal-agent
- Published
- 2024
6. Annektering og identitetsforsterkning : En casestudie om internasjonalisering av höyere utdanning
- Author
Svensson, Lennart and Svensson, Lennart
- Published
- 2024
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7. Sponswerking van landschappen in Nederland : Casestudie Chaamse Beken
- Author
Penning, E., Louw, P. de, Kingma, V., Schoonderwoerd, E., Dahm, R., Uke, M., Penning, E., Louw, P. de, Kingma, V., Schoonderwoerd, E., Dahm, R., and Uke, M.
- Abstract
Binnen het project ‘Sponswerking van landschappen in Nederland’ (Penning et al, 2024) zijn voor twee specifieke casestudies detailberekeningen gemaakt die inzicht geven in de sponswerking van specifieke landschappen. Deze technische bijlage bevat een beschrijving van de casestudy naar het effect van droogtemaatregelen in de Chaamse Beken op de sponswerking (droogte en wateroverlast situaties). De casestudy voor de Chaamse Beken is opgestart binnen het KLIMAP-project (Klimaat Adaptatie in de Praktijk) (zie ook (Schoonderwoerd et al., 2023)). Binnen deze casestudy voor het KLIMAP project is een eerste verkenning uitgevoerd met een grondwatermodel om te onderzoeken op welke manier het gebied ingericht kan worden zodat het watersysteem leidend is en wat dit betekent voor de verschillende functies (focus op natuur en landbouw).
- Published
- 2024
8. 25. Casestudie: Prosessuell rettferdighet ved lukking av leppefisket
- Published
- 2023
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9. 26. Casestudie: Diskrimineringsforbud og lukking av leppefisket
- Published
- 2023
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10. Mindre konflikt, mer matsikkerhet: En casestudie av Cauca, Colombia
- Author
Fenella Carpena and Nury Bibian Bejarano
- Subjects
sult ,matmengde ,kostholdskvalitet ,vold ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
Denne artikkelen undersøker forholdet mellom konflikt og matsikkerhet i Cauca, Colombia. Vi benytter oss av det naturlige eksperimentet som kom i stand som følge av våpenhvilen i 2014 erklært av Colombias revolusjonære væpnede styrker (FARC), den største opprørsgruppen i landet. Våpenhvilen resulterte i en kraftig nedgang i FARC-relatert vold, som ble ytterligere befestet da den colombianske regjeringen og FARC inngikk en fredsavtale i 2016. Vi har gruppert kommunene vi studerer i Cauca i de som var svært utsatt for FARC-relatert vold ved referansetidspunktet (eksponeringsgruppen) og de som var mindre utsatt (kontrollgruppen). Ved å bruke difference-in-differences finner vi at på kort sikt er matsikkerheten større i husholdninger i eksponerte kommuner enn i husholdningene i kontrollkommuner, idet inngåelse av fredsavtalen er assosiert med 51 prosent fall i andelen husholdninger som opplever sult. Effektene varierer innenfor husstanden ved at barn får større forbedringer i sin kostholdskvalitet og matmengde enn voksne. Vi finner også bevis som tyder på at forbedringene i matsikkerhet kan ha vedvart på mellomlang sikt, fem år etter fredsavtalen. Denne casestudien av Cauca fyller et viktig tomrom i litteraturen, da sammenhengenen mellom matsikkerhet og konflikt så langt ikke har blitt studert på lokalt nivå.
- Published
- 2023
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11. En casestudie av studenter med nedsatt funksjonsevne
- Author
Lisa Bye, Marianne Hedlund, and Aud Elisabeth Witsø
- Subjects
nedsatt funksjonsevne ,studenter ,digitale læringsformer ,covid-19 ,disability ,students ,Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology ,HV1-9960 - Abstract
I denne studien undersøker vi hvordan studenter med usynlige funksjonsnedsettelser opplever digitale læringsformer under koronapandemien. Studien er en casestudie basert på intervjuer av studenter ved et stort norsk universitet samt observasjon. Resultatene viser at studentene kan oppleve at digitale læringsformer gir dårlige forutsetninger for læring. Andre opplever bedre tilpasset læring med digital undervisning sammenlignet med studiehverdagen på campus. Studien viser også at det sosiale aspektet er viktig for studentenes læring, og at digitale læringsformer kan virke hemmende på det sosiale. Konklusjonen er at studenter med funksjonsnedsettelser opplever både fordeler og ulemper ved digitale læringsformer, og at dette er avhengig av hver enkelt student samt type funksjonsnedsettelse. Dette kan påvirke disse studentenes oppfatning av digitale læringsformer som noe positivt eller negativt.
- Published
- 2023
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12. Ledelsens rolle for utvikling av inkluderende praksis – en casestudie
- Author
Mjøs, Marit, primary and Moen, Vegard, primary
- Published
- 2023
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13. Hvordan kan elever på 10-11 år deltage i tilberedning og servering af LOMA-skolemad til deres kammerater? Et casestudie
- Author
Thomsen, Anne, primary and Ruge, Dorte, primary
- Published
- 2023
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14. Bronherkenning voor muskusratten op basis van ruimtelijke genetica : Een genetische kaart voor muskusratten in Noord-Nederland en een casestudie voor het detecteren van migratie in en naar Friesland
- Author
de Groot, Arjen, Laar, Margreet, van der Grift, Edgar A., de Groot, Arjen, Laar, Margreet, and van der Grift, Edgar A.
- Abstract
After years of intensive eradication, the number of muskrats in The Netherlands has significantly declined in recent years and in parts of the country, such as the Province of Friesland, large rural areas are considered ‘muskrat-free’. This allows a change in management, from a full spatial coverage of trapping activities towards an approach aiming at eradication of remaining populations and prevention of recolonisation. For such an approach it is relevant to study the origins of any individuals that are still being caught, so that catching activities can be targeted at closing off migration routes. This report presents the development of a method and reference dataset for genetic source tracking of muskurats, using the management región Wetterskip Fryslân as a case study., De laatste jaren neemt het aantal muskusratten in Nederland significant af. In sommige provincies van Nederland, zoals Friesland, zijn grote delen van het landelijk gebied inmiddels ‘muskusrat-vrij’. Dit maakt het mogelijk om de manier van bestrijden aan te passen: van vlakdekkende bestrijding naar bestrijding op specifieke plekken, gericht op het uitroeien van ‘laatste’ populaties en het voorkomen van herkolonisatie. Dit maakt het relevant om te kunnen achterhalen waar individuen die nog wel worden gevangen vandaan komen, om hier vervolgens de vanginspanningen op aan te passen. Het in dit rapport beschreven onderzoek, uitgevoerd als onderdeel van het LIFE MICA-project, richt zich op de ontwikkeling van een methode en referentiedataset voor genetische bronherkenning voor muskusratten, met de beheerregio Wetterskip Fryslân als casestudie.
- Published
- 2023
15. Popularisering af greenwashing - et casestudie af H&Ms bæredygtighedspraksis
- Author
Wink, Georg Walter, Hvidt, Anna Jacobina, Wink, Georg Walter, and Hvidt, Anna Jacobina
- Abstract
Den globale tøjindustri er i stigende grad blevet en central faktor i miljøforurening og klimakrisen. Virksomheder som H&M har hjulpet med at etablere forretningspraksis og forbrugsmønster der hverken er bæredygtige eller etiske, ofte kaldet fast fashion. Denne industris konsekvenser er allerede tydelige i produktionslandene, de påvirkede miljøer og bjerge af kasserede tekstiler og beklædning. Den voksende interesse og bekymring vedrørende bæredygtighed samt vores påvirkning på miljøet, er et lovende tegn, men den har også resulteret i et bekymrende fænomen. Samtidig med at grønne firmaer begyndte at få positiv feedback på deres udvalg af bæredygtige produkter, opdagede virksomheder som H&M en måde at kapitalisere på denne interesse. Strategisk markedsføring og vage formuleringer kunne let overbevise forbrugere, der gerne ville købe tøj uden at bekymre sig om den miljømæssige påvirkning. Denne strategi, kaldet greenwashing, har gjort det vanskeligere end før for forbrugere at træffe bæredygtige valg, når de køber tøj. Samtidig er der dog tegn på en ny tid for tøjindustrien idet flere begivenheder tyder på at forandringer er på vej. En af de nævnte begivenheder er en anlagt retssag af Chelsea Commodore i 2022 mod det kendte svenske tøjfirma H&M. Commodore anklager firmaet for bevidst at lyve og vildlede deres forbrugere om deres produkters bæredygtighed til en sådan grad, at det svarer til strafbare handlinger i retten i USA. Dette projekt vil derfor fokusere på at analysere denne betydningsfulde retssag i konteksten af både den moderne tøjindustri og firmet H&M. Denne analyse vil være bygget på etableret teori om industrien og et casestudie af H&M, som vil undersøge virksomheden, deres forretningspraksis og markedsføring, med et særligt fokus på enhver omtale eller henvisning til bæredygtighed. Dette vil blive udført ved hjælp af analyseredskaberne PESTEL, Porter’s five forces og SWOT/ TOWS. Analysen vil først fokusere på at undersøg
- Published
- 2023
16. Kommunal samskabelse: mægtiggørelse eller maskefald? : et kvalitativt casestudie af samskabelsesprocesser, samskabelses muligheder og udfordringer i en dansk kommunal kontekst
- Author
Dahler-Larsen, Peter, Viuf, Markus Holm, Dahler-Larsen, Peter, and Viuf, Markus Holm
- Abstract
Dette speciale undersøger samskabelse i en dansk kommunal kontekst gennem en casestudieanalyse af to samskabelsesstiltag i Hørsholm kommune. Undersøgelsen er fokuseret på forholdet mellem formålet, faciliteringen og udbyttet af disse samskabelsesstiltag. Dette undersøges gennem forskningsspørgsmålet: Hvordan stemmer Hørsholm Kommunes formål med de to borgerinddragelsestiltag, som er en del af udarbejdelsen af Hørsholm Kommunes DK2020-klimaplan, overens med udformningen af de konkrete samskabelsesaktiviteter og udbyttet af samskabelsestiltagene? Undersøgelsen har til formål at give ny indsigt i, hvordan samskabelse foregår i en dansk kommunal kontekst, og hvordan det kan forstås og gribes an både teoretisk og i praksis. Denne undersøgelse er designet som et casestudie af samskabelse i Hørsholm kommune, hvor to underenheder undersøges, nemlig de to samskabelsestiltag klimaborgerpanelet og masterclass i klimahandling. Undersøgelsen har til formål at skabe en dybdegående kontekstafhængig forståelse af disse tiltag. Dette gøres gennem tre teoretiske perspektiver på samskabelse, beskrevet af Vanleene et. al. (2015) og Agger et al. (2018), hvilket giver undersøgelsen mulighed for at undersøge formålet med og udbyttet af disse initiativer fra forskellige perspektiver. Endvidere undersøges selve faciliteringen af samproduktionsaktiviteterne gennem Jens Ulrichs (2016) typologi for kommunal samskabelse. Undersøgelsen konkluderer, at der er en positiv sammenhæng mellem formål, facilitering og udbytte for initiativet masterclass i klimahandling, som opnår den mægtiggørelse af borgerne, som den satte sig for at gøre. Men den organisatoriske og demokratiske kontekst i en dansk kommune påvirker klimaborgerpanelet, da panelets mest innovative forslag blev ignoreret af kommunalbestyrelsen. Tiltaget opnåede øget legitimitet, men det førte ikke til innovative politiske forslag, som var en del af dets formålet. Dette illustrerer behovet for at være opmærksom på den orga, This study examines co-production in a Danish municipality context through a case study analysis of two co-production initiatives in Hørsholm municipality. The study is focused on the relation between the purpose, the facilitation, and the yield of these co-production measures. This is examined through the research question: How does the purpose of Hørsholm Municipality's two co-production initiatives, which are part of the preparation of Hørsholm Municipality's DK2020-climate plan, align with the design of the specific co-production activities and the yield of the two initiatives? The study aims to provide new insight into how co-production is carried out in the context of Danish municipalities, and how it can be understood and approached theoretically and in practice. This study is designed as a case-study of co-production in Hørsholm municipality, with two sub-units being examined, that being the two co-production initiatives the climate citizen panel (klimaborgerpanelet) and masterclass in climate action (masterclass i klimahandling). The study aims to create an in-depth context-depended understanding of these initiatives. This is done through three theoretical perspectives on co-production, described by Vanleene et. Al. (2015) and Agger et. al. (2018), which allows the study to examine the pur-pose and yield of these initiatives from different perspectives. Furthermore, the actual facilitation of the co-production activities is examined through Jens Ulrich’s (2016) typology of municipality co-production. The study concludes that there is positive relation between purpose, facilitation and yield for the masterclass in climate action-initiative, which achieves the empowerment of citizens that it set out to do. But the organizational and democratic context of a Danish municipality affect the climate citizen panel, as the panel’s most innovative proposals were ignored by the municipal council. It did achieve increased legitimacy but didn’t lead to innovat
- Published
- 2023
17. Organisatoriske særtrekk i samordningen mellom skole og arbeidsliv i yrkesfagutdanningen: Empirisk belysning gjennom en norsk casestudie
- Author
Merete Chatrin Rekdahl and Jan Merok Paulsen
- Subjects
Organizational characteristics ,collaborative learning ,didactical core practices ,sensemaking ,organizational routine ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
The current study provides an in-depth investigation of critical factors of successful inter- organisational collaboration involving upper secondary schools, vocational communities situated at department levels, and labour market partners in the school’s local environment. The research question that has guided the study is: What are the organisational characteristics of schools and subject departments which are well-performing in terms of a high degree of student completion in vocational education and training? The concept of ‘organisational characteristic’ refers to structures, roles and institutionalised patterns of collaboration involving school teachers, school leaders and labour market partners. The study is designed as a single case study encompassing two units of analysis, embracing school and department levels in their interactions with partners in the labour market. The findings of the study highlight the importance of collaborative learning through the creation and development of specific organisational routines directed towards the core practices of vocational didactics. Moreover, the findings underscore the process of local adaptation activated at the subject- department level and directed towards corresponding businesses and relevant parts of the public sector. Implications for further research and practice are discussed.
- Published
- 2023
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18. Sportspsykologiske problemstillinger i lyset af acceptance and commitment therapy: et casestudie
- Author
Breinholst, Sonja, Walczak, Monika Anna, Espensen, Frederik Ganci, Breinholst, Sonja, Walczak, Monika Anna, and Espensen, Frederik Ganci
- Abstract
This thesis investigates how clinical perspectives grounded in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can shed light upon sport psychological issues on an individual level and how these issues may be addressed to enhance the performance of elite athletes. In the thesis it is asked 1) what Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is, and what scientific theoretical philosophies it assumes, 2) which psychological issues are particularly relevant to negatively impact individual sports performances, and 3) what aspects and methods of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy are particularly relevant for a performance-oriented practice in individual sport psychological work. The thesis uses a qualitative approach consisting of three case studies of elite athletes from martial arts, cycling and dressage riding. These case studies are presented as case examples with the purpose of illuminating and exemplifying hypotheses, assumptions and postulations presented throughout the thesis. ACT is a practice-oriented theoretical framework based on functional contextualism which seeks to promote psychological flexibility within the client. It is a psychology of the normal rather than of syndromes. ACT takes a pragmatic and ideographic approach and is characterized by using whatever methods that works best as well as being flexible in the development, selection, and adaption of therapeutic methods for the individual client. Through the case examples a sample of psychological issues are highlighted. These involve giving up, sports related anxiety, fixating on negative aspects of the athlete’s own performance, and intense nervousness. The focal point of therapeutic methods in relation to ACT in the thesis is the six therapeutic core processes of ACT. These consist of acceptance, cognitive defusion, self-as-context, present moment, commitment, and values. Through these processes it is assumed that psychological flexibility of the athletes is promoted. It is found that the concept of the six therape
- Published
- 2023
19. Blaserthedens pris:Et casestudie i resonanserfaringer
- Author
Kaaber Pors, Kristine, Grube Juul, Kirsten, Knox-Seith, Elizabeth, Berring Nielsen, Bent, Lybke, Steen Hjul, Kaaber Pors, Kristine, Grube Juul, Kirsten, Knox-Seith, Elizabeth, Berring Nielsen, Bent, and Lybke, Steen Hjul
- Published
- 2023
20. Een casestudie naar hoe de niet-medische zorginnovatie ‘arbeidsgerichte zorg’ geïmplementeerd wordt in de huidige zorgpraktijk [masterthesis]
- Author
Rientjes, V.P.A.M., Visser, Annemieke, Lippényi, Zoltán, Rientjes, V.P.A.M., Visser, Annemieke, and Lippényi, Zoltán
- Abstract
In deze masterscriptie is onderzoek gedaan naar de vraag: ‘Welke kenmerken van het model van Fleuren et al. kunnen invloed hebben op het implementatieproces van de niet-medische zorginnovatie ‘arbeidsgerichte zorg’ in de huidige zorgpraktijk?’. Uit cijfers van het CBS blijkt dat mensen met een chronische ziekte of beperking minder werken dan mensen zonder deze diagnose. Hiernaast blijkt uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat er een wisselwerking is tussen arbeid en gezondheid en daarom is het van belang dat arbeidsgerichte zorg wordt meegenomen in het zorgsysteem. In dit onderzoek is er gekeken naar welke rol de kenmerken uit het implementatiemodel van Fleuren et al. (2004) spelen in de implementatie van de arbeidsgerichte zorg. Hiernaast is er ook onderzoek gedaan naar de invloed van institutionele logica op het implementatieproces. Op organisatie- en beroepsniveau bestaan vaak meerdere institutionele logica’s. De dominante logica bepaalt vaak het gedrag van individuen en heeft daarmee invloed op de keuze van een individu om een nieuwe innovatie te adopteren. Aan de hand van een casestudie naar het BAAN-project van het UMCG TGO is de invloed van de kenmerken van het model van Fleuren et al. (2004) en de invloed van institutionele logica onderzocht. Voor de casestudie zijn er tien semigestructureerde interviews gehouden met zorgprofessionals en met twee informateurs. De zorgprofessionals hadden verschillende zorgberoepen, namelijk manager, arts, verpleegkundige en medisch maatschappelijk werker. Informateurs zijn mensen die betrokken zijn geweest bij het BAAN-project en daardoor informatie kunnen geven over het implementatieproces, maar geen zorgprofessional zijn. De informateurs waren de adviseur arbeid en de projectleider van het BAAN-project. Hiernaast is er onderzoek gedaan aan de hand van het analyseren van documenten, zoals het KNMGvisiedocument en het organisatiebeleid van het UMCG. Op basis van de resultaten van het onderzoek zi
- Published
- 2022
21. Mindre konflikt, mer matsikkerhet: En casestudie av Cauca, Colombia.
- Author
Carpena, Fenella and Bejarano, Nury Bibian
- Abstract
Copyright of Internasjonal Politikk is the property of Cappelen Damm Akademisk and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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22. Coverage initiations : an exploratory casestudy
- Author
Ek, Lina, Karlsson Osipova, Maria, Ek, Lina, and Karlsson Osipova, Maria
- Abstract
This master thesis is exploring the influence of coverage initiation reports issued by commissioned equity research analysts on stock prices and trading volumes. Equity research actors, with their expertise and skill, are providing the market with valuable information and filling the knowledge gaps that investors may have. It is suggested that analysts' publications, being reliable, professional and unbiased, should have a strong weight in an investor’s decision-making process. At present, the challenge lies in investigating the impact of publications by relatively new actors in the field of equity research - sponsored equity research providers. The topic has yet seen only limited attention in research despite of its ever more increasing popularity. It is further suggested that the published reports in some cases affect stock prices of the analyzed company significantly. It is of value for both financial institutions and investors to see if that is the case. The method applied is a classic event study - a time tested method widely used for analysis of impact of events on stock prices. Three different models are used to calculate abnormal returns and excessive trading volumes: mean adjusted, market adjusted and ordinary least squares market adjusted models. The conclusion is drawn by the authors that initiation coverage reports issued by sponsored equity research actors do have a significant impact on stock prices and trading volumes. All models used in the event study have shown that there are significant abnormal returns (on average around 4%) and excessive trading volumes (for the majority of the companies in the dataset) on the day of publication. The yielded knowledge can be used by retail investors in their investment strategies. It is also of interest for the equity research actors themselves to see what impact, if any, their work has on the stock prices and trading volumes to further stimulate the willingness to provide unbiased and qualitative research for i, Det här examensarbetet undersöker inflytandet av uppdragsanalytikers initieringsrapporter på aktiekurser och handelsvolymer. Aktieanalytiker, med sin expertis och skicklighet, förser marknaden med värdefull information och fyller de kunskapsluckor som investerare kan ha. Det föreslås att analytikers publikationer anses vara pålitliga, professionella och opartiska, och bör därför ha en stark inverkan på en investerares beslutsfattande. För närvarande ligger utmaningen i att undersöka effekterna av publikationer från relativt nya aktörer inom aktieanalys - uppdragsanalysaktörer. Ämnet har ännu bara fått begränsad uppmärksamhet i forskningen trots dess alltmer ökande popularitet. Det föreslås vidare att de publicerade rapporterna i vissa fall påverkar aktiekurserna för det analyserade bolaget avsevärt. Det är av värde för både institutioner och privata investerare att se om så är fallet. Metoden som tillämpas är en klassisk eventstudie - en tidsbeprövad metod som ofta används för analys av händelsers påverkan på just aktiekurserna. Tre olika modeller har använts för att beräkna abnormal avkastning och abnormala handelsvolymer: medelvärdesjusterade, marknadsjusterade och OLS-justerade marknadsmodeller. Slutsatsen dras av författarna att initieringsrapporterna utgivna av uppdragsanalytiker har en betydande inverkan på aktiekurser och handelsvolymer. Alla modeller som använts i studien har visat att det finns betydande abnormal avkastning (i genomsnittcirka 4%) och abnormala handelsvolymer (för majoriteten av företagen i datamängden) på publiceringsdagen. Resultat som genereras kan användas av privata investerare i sina investeringsstrategier. Det är också av intresse för aktieanalysaktörerna själva att se vilken inverkan, om någon, deras arbete har på aktiekurserna och handelsvolymerna för att ytterligare stimulera viljan att tillhandahålla opartisk och kvalitativ analys för investerarna.
- Published
- 2023
23. Hybridisering: Et casestudie af Men In Black
- Author
Andersen, Peter Birkelund, Storgaard, Lea Beck, Andersen, Peter Birkelund, and Storgaard, Lea Beck
- Abstract
This master’s thesis examines the Danish protest group Men In Black as an example of “hybridization”, a term presented this year by the Danish Center for Terror Analysis. The term refers to a new form of extremism, found in certain Danish environments, where a worldview that consists of both religion, conspiracies and political ideologies can be seen. The thesis examines the religious ideas and the conspiracies found in Men In Black. Through Ann Taves’ theory of building blocks and special things, I look at the religious ideas and identify many overlaps between religious rites and Men In Black’s demonstrations. Men In Black’s narrative and conspiracy revolve around a secret elite that controls the world – in Denmark this means the prime minister and the queen. The secret elite created the corona virus, to implement the great reset in the countries and the people. Furthermore, I examine whether Men In Black are mostly driven by their ideological beliefs or their religious beliefs, and here I conclude that even though there are religious elements and beliefs present in their worldview, their political beliefs seem to be the most important factor. In the final part of the thesis I turn to already existing theories of religion, in my attempt to explain Men In Black. I use theories of secularization and individualization to conclude that Men In Black are a phenomenon that can be explained with these two theories. It is nothing new that individuals construct their own religion by taking parts from different religions to create something new – the same can be seen within the political landscape of Denmark, where ideologies get mixed together. Therefore I conclude that even though the mix of religions, conspiracies and ideologies might be something new, the mechanism itself is well explained within the science of religion. Lastly I conclude that even though one can look at Men In Black as either religious or political, it may be better to look at them as a product of both.
- Published
- 2023
24. Annektering og identitetsforsterkning : En casestudie om internasjonalisering av høyere utdanning
- Author
Sørensen, Charlotte and Sørensen, Charlotte
- Abstract
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what happens when the management idea of internationalisation becomes a management strategy for organisational change. Academic operations are a key driving force and concern colleges imitating universities and wanting to become universities. This is the case because a university provides more benefits and is perceived as more attractive in society. Internationalisation is thus being used as a tool to change the status of the institution from college to university. The starting point of applying the management idea of internationalisation as a management strategy for organisational change is that academia has inherent international features. To develop on those, the academics in this study propose that internationalisation must fit with current practice and that international activities must be enjoyable to engage in. Instead, if the management rolls out a strategy aimed at altering the international practice of the academics, a strategy infused with specific content aimed at changing the academics’ identity, then the academics perceive this as the annexation of their work. There are two reactions, loyalty and resistance, both driven by identity reinforcement, which involves emphasising that one’s identity is rational, appropriate and correct within the context in which the work is performed. As a result of identity reinforcement, identity as part of the work is given more emphasis than before. The initial reaction of loyalty from academics involves staying employed at the organisation, despite dissatisfaction. Loyalty thus fosters various forms of resistance, that is, actively antagonising the management, with a focus on its strategy of identity work. Academics may employ five forms of resistance: distancing and dissent, discursive resistance, pseudo-loyalty, humour, and professional reinforcement. These resistance forms are aimed at safeguarding the academics’ integrity and autonomy., Dette er en studie om endringsprosesser i høyere utdanning, sett fra akademikernes ståsted. Studiens formål er å undersøke hvordan ledelsens strategier og verktøy for endringsprosesser virker på ansatte og hvordan ansatte reagerer med motstand for å ivareta egen integritet og autonomi i arbeidet. Det er to sentrale begreper som beskriver ledelsens handlinger på den ene siden og akademikernes reaksjoner på den andre: annektering og identitetsforsterkning. Annektering handler om hvordan ledelsen tar eierskap til akademikernes praksis gjennom identitetsarbeid. I denne studien introduserer jeg begrepet identitetsforsterkning. Identitetsforsterkning innebærer å vektlegge at ens egen identitet er rasjonell, hensiktsmessig og riktig innenfor den konteksten som arbeidet utføres. Forsterkning betyr at identitet som en del av arbeidet blir tillagt større vekt enn før. Studien er et bidrag til å forstå ledelsesutøvelse fra et ansattperspektiv og hvilke virkemidler ansatte tar i bruk ved misnøye.
- Published
- 2023
25. Consistentie of adaptatie? : casestudie naar verschillende merken en de consistentie in hun contentstrategieën op TikTok en Instagram: een inhoudsanalyse
- Author
Tiebosch, L.J., Tiebosch, L.J., Tiebosch, L.J., and Tiebosch, L.J.
- Published
- 2023
26. Vejen til fuldtid : et casestudie af fuldtidsinitiativet ved Hjemmeplejen Vejen Nord
- Author
Pedersen, Lene Holm, Larsen, Jakob Skak Vestergaard, Petersen, Annika Bonita Styelsgaard, Pedersen, Lene Holm, Larsen, Jakob Skak Vestergaard, and Petersen, Annika Bonita Styelsgaard
- Published
- 2023
27. Gender and Jihad: Women as Active Perpetrators and Main Characters: Et casestudie af Den Islamiske Stats diskursive praksisser i onlinemagasinerne Dabiq for at rekruttere kvinder til det forhenværende kalifat i Syrien og Irak
- Author
Raudvere, Helena Catharina, svt249, svt249, Raudvere, Helena Catharina, and svt249, svt249
- Published
- 2023
28. Een eerste haalbaarheidsstudie naar grootschalige implementatie van waterkrachtcentrales in de toekomstige Maas-stuwen: Een casestudie naar de vervangingsopgave van de stuw bij Grave
- Author
van Bergen, Jeroen (author) and van Bergen, Jeroen (author)
- Abstract
With the growing demand for expanding sustainable energy production in the Netherlands, investigating potential renewable energy sources has become imperative. Scheduled replacement projects for weirs along the river Meuse within the next decade present an excellent opportunity to assess the feasibility of integrating hydropower plants into these future weirs. This thesis explores the feasibility of implementing hydropower plants in future weirs along the river Meuse, addressing criteria such as hydraulic aspects, impact on vessel navigation, fish migration, and economic viability. To achieve this objective, an initial case study was conducted, focusing on the development of a design for the weir replacement at Grave. Subsequently, the broader applicability of the developed design was explored to investigate large-scale implementation in the river Meuse. At the outset of this study, no specific design existed for the future weir at Grave. Therefore, the initial research phase concentrated on creating a future weir design for the Grave location. Following this, the optimal method for integrating a hydropower plant into this future weir was explored, employing the basic engineering design cycle as applied in civil engineering. The Archimedean screw turbine technology was selected, leading to the development of multiple hydropower plant designs using this technology. Initially, their direct integration into the weir was explored. However, it was determined that placing more than two of these turbines directly within the weir was hydraulically unfeasible, posing risks to water safety. To overcome this challenge, three potential implementation concepts were developed: temporary removable turbines, a hydropower plant in the floodplain, and turbine integration into weir pillars. The optimal design for integrating a hydropower plant into the future weir complex at Grave was determined through a Multicriteria Analyses and the calculation of the internal rat, Civil Engineering | Hydraulic Engineering
- Published
- 2023
29. eerste haalbaarheidsstudie naar grootschalige implementatie van waterkrachtcentrales in de toekomstige Maas-stuwen : Een casestudie naar de vervangingsopgave van de stuw bij Grave
- Author
Bergen, J.T. van and Bergen, J.T. van
- Abstract
Vanwege de toenemende behoefte aan uitbreiding van duurzame energieproductie in Nederland, is het essentieel om potentiële energiebronnen nader te onderzoeken. Binnen de komende 10 jaar staan vervangingsprojecten van stuwen in de Maas gepland, wat dit een uitstekend moment maakt om onderzoek te doen naar de mogelijkheden om in de toekomstige stuwen waterkrachtenergie te gaan opwekken. Dit onderzoek levert hier een bijdrage aan. Een grondige verkenning is nodig om de potentie van waterkrachtenergie te beoordelen en een vervolgtraject te bepalen. Het doel van deze thesis is het uitvoeren van een eerste haalbaarheidsstudie naar grootschalige waterkrachtcentrale-implementatie in nieuw te ontwerpen stuwen in de Maas., Feasability study towards turbines implementation in an weir complex. Due to the increasing need for expanding sustainable energy production in the Netherlands, it is essential to explore potential sustainable energy sources further. Replacement projects for weirs along the river Meuse are scheduled within the next 10 years, making this an excellent opportunity to investigate the possibilities of harnessing hydropower in future weirs. This research contributes to this exploration. A comprehensive assessment is required to evaluate the potential of hydropower and determine a follow-up plan. The objective of this thesis is to conduct an initial feasibility study towards large-scale implementation of hydropower plants in the weirs along the river Meuse that have to be designed.
- Published
- 2023
30. Om tøjrecycling og dets cirkulære kompromis: Et casestudie om Bestsellers prægning af tøjrecycling som fænomen
- Author
Wink, Georg Walter, Bondu, Olivia, Wink, Georg Walter, and Bondu, Olivia
- Published
- 2023
31. Casestudie af tre deltageres udbytte af et mindfulnessbaseret kognitiv terapiforløb for tinnitus
- Author
Nemholt, Susanne Steen, Uhrskov, Anne Vogn, Nemholt, Susanne Steen, and Uhrskov, Anne Vogn
- Abstract
Within the last 15 years, international studies have shown promising results for the intervention of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for tinnitus (MBCT-t). Thus far, there have seemingly not been any MBCT-t intervention studies carried out in Scandinavia. In this study three participants with distressing tinnitus followed an eight-week MBCT-t-intervention consisting of mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, and tinnitus psychoeducation in a Danish “Kommunikationscenter”. The intervention had predominantly positive but also negative aspects for the participants. Among the positive aspects were a significant decline on the score of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) questionnaire and a decline on the score of the Inventory of Hyperacusis Symptoms questionnaire and the visual analog scale for distressing tinnitus. The participants appreciated being part of a compassionate group. They gained further knowledge about tinnitus and reached a more acceptive attitude towards tinnitus. Two of the participants did not consider tinnitus as a problem anymore after the intervention. On the other hand, one participant had a higher score on the THI after the intervention and felt tinnitus to be more present than before. Based on the analysis of the study, it is suggested that MBCT-t is mostly effective for people that are willing to work at accepting their tinnitus and be reflectively aware of their own reactions to tinnitus. Being open to new approaches to manage difficulties and developing skills of giving tinnitus accepting and non-judgmental attention was also shown to have an importance. The intervention seems more suitable for the participants who were fond of meditating and did not experience any adverse effects from meditating after a few weeks of training. The intervention is possibly more effective for people with moderate, severe, or a catastrophic handicap from tinnitus than for people with a mild handicap. On the other hand, it seems more difficult to
- Published
- 2023
32. KULTUROVERTAGELSE : Et casestudie af kulturelle problemstillinger i post-overtagelsesintegrationen med udgangspunkt i Rockwool Japans overtagelse af Bansyo Holdings
- Author
Roesgaard, Marie Højlund, Sørensen, Anders Colding Egholm, Roesgaard, Marie Højlund, and Sørensen, Anders Colding Egholm
- Abstract
This thesis is an account of the cultural clashes that can occur as a result of foreign acquisition of a Japanese company. This thesis explores specific observable cultural phenomena in the case of the acquisition of Bansyo Holdings by the foreign owned entity Rockwool Japan. I tell of a Japanese economic landscape that is actively seeking funds from foreign investors, while at the same time, some of said investors are hesitant to enter business with Japan due to heavily perceived cultural barriers. Current studies on the subject assess that in cross-cultural M&As, poorly estimated cultural risks significantly decrease the chances of successful integration. However, if acquisition is done right, the literature tells us that great boons are lying in wait. Through literature research and interviews with the CEO and an employee at Rockwool Japan, I identify two concrete challenges that the management at Rockwool Japan is still faced with two years after the formal acquisition. They are challenges surrounding Senpai-Kōhai-relations and entrepreneurial spirit, which I analyze these through the lens of organizational- and national culture. Based on the interviews, accumulated literature, and my analysis, I conclude: Firstly, that Senpai-Kōhai-relations exist as a national culture only as a hierarchy in the sphere of language. Secondly, I conclude that Senpai-Kōhai-relations exist as an organizational culture at Rockwool Japan in a traditional sense with rigid hierarchy and high dependence from Kōhai on Senpai, caused by high technical demands and partly due to high average age. Thirdly, I reject that a lack of entrepreneurial spirit exists as an organizational culture at Rockwool Japan. Despite assumptions I was unable to find sufficient backing for this hypothesis. Finally, I reject the hypothesis that there exists a hesitant national culture in Japan when it comes to feedback and criticism. I discuss the findings with an emphasis a more
- Published
- 2023
33. Rolverdeling, verbinding en cliëntvertegenwoordiging binnen Netwerken. Integrale Ouderenzorg Verdiepende casestudie in de regio's Drenthe, Zoetermeer en de Mijnstreek
- Author
J Asmoredjo, L Lemmens, F Baâdoudi, J Asmoredjo, L Lemmens, and F Baâdoudi
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:Op veel plekken in Nederland zijn netwerken opgericht die de zorg voor thuiswonende ouderen willen verbeteren. Dit doen deze netwerken door voor meer samenwerking te zorgen tussen verschillende zorgorganisaties en zorgverleners, zoals het ziekenhuis, de huisarts, wijkverpleegkundige en casemanager. Hierdoor is de zorg voor ouderen efficiënter georganiseerd en is de kwaliteit beter. Deze netwerken integrale ouderenzorg bestaan vaak uit verschillende lagen: een overkoepelende laag met bestuurders van betrokken organisaties en een uitvoerende laag dat zich richt op bepaalde thema’s of knelpunten. Het RIVM heeft onderzocht wat een goede rolverdeling tussen de lagen is en gekeken hoe de lagen goed met elkaar in verbinding kunnen staan. Het RIVM verzamelde hiervoor ervaringen van enkele netwerken die goed werken. Een duidelijke rolverdeling tussen de verschillende lagen blijkt belangrijk. De bestuurders bepalen de overkoepelende doelen, projectgroepen op de uitvoerende laag werken deze doelen uit in concrete projecten. Daarnaast hebben de onderzochte netwerken een tussenlaag ingesteld, als schakel tussen de bestuurlijke en uitvoerende laag. Deze tussenlaag blijkt goed te werken. Van daaruit wordt belangrijke informatie van de bestuurlijk laag en de uitvoerders met elkaar gedeeld. De tussenlaag overziet alle projecten die aan een netwerk verbonden zijn en kan snel(ler) handelen. Ook kunnen mensen die op meer lagen tegelijk in het netwerk zitten (linking pins) ervoor zorgen dat belangrijke informatie bij de juiste laag terechtkomt. Het RIVM onderzocht ook hoe netwerken ervoor kunnen zorgen dat ouderen en mantelzorgers mee kunnen denken en praten binnen het netwerk. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld met cliëntvertegenwoordigers. Door hen standaard op zowel de bestuurlijke als uitvoerende laag te betrekken, blijven alle partijen zich bewust van het perspectief van ouderen en mantelzorgers. Tegelijkertijd is het belangrijk dat de cliëntvertegenwoordigers in contact staan met hun achterban., In many parts of the Netherlands, networks have been established to improve care for elderly people who live independently. These networks promote increased cooperation between various care organisations and providers, such as hospitals, general practitioners, district nurses and case managers. Their efforts have improved both the organisation and the quality of care for elderly people. Most of these integrated elderly care networks consist of multiple layers, with an overarching management layer supplied by stakeholder organisations and an operational layer that focuses on particular topics or bottlenecks. RIVM studied how roles should be divided between these layers and looked at effective ways of connecting them. To this end, RIVM gathered experiences from a number of networks that are operating effectively. It appears that a clear division of roles between the respective layers is important: the management layer sets out overarching objectives, while project groups in the operational layer develop specific projects to reach these objectives. Moreover, the networks featured in the study had created an intermediate layer to act as ‘connective tissue’ between the management and operational layers. This intermediate layer appears to work well. It shares key management-layer information with the operational layer and vice versa. As the intermediate layer has an overview of all projects associated with the network, it is able to take swift action. In addition, deploying individuals that are active in multiple layers of a network (linking pins) ensures that important information reaches the right layer. RIVM also studied how networks can enable elderly people and informal carers to share their input and ideas. One option is through the use of client representatives. Consistent involvement of such representatives in both the management and operational layers keeps all stakeholders attuned to the perspective of elderly people and informal carers. Equally important is tha
- Published
- 2023
34. Ideer om sammenhængende pleje omsat til fragmenteret omsorg: Et kvalitativt casestudie af digital dokumentationspraksis i det kommunale sundhedsvæsen.
- Author
Jensen, Julie Duval
- Subjects
PUBLIC hospitals ,DOCUMENTATION ,CONTINUUM of care ,MANAGEMENT of medical records - Published
- 2024
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35. Opbygning af korpsånd i en dansk bataljon – et casestudie
- Author
Lennart Schou Jeppesen
- Subjects
esprit de corps ,spirit ,cohesion ,leadership ,military ,Military Science - Abstract
In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in esprit de corps in the Danish Army. Many units have actively worked with enhancing their esprit de corps. Only to a very limited extent, can there be found guidance and support of this work in the military research literature or in the Armed Forces’ guidelines, regulations or doctrine. This article seeks to investigate ways to work with the promotion of esprit de corps through a single case study at a Danish battalion. Data were collected respectively at a management seminar and three months later by interviewing managers in the unit. The study shows how the management group in practice has worked to promote the spirit of the corps in the battalion. They have done so, this study argues, by focusing on three central efforts: 1. Creating a common narrative that embraces the history, values and transformation of the soldiers, 2. Tying the management group together and create leadership power and inspiration 3. Accepting unit differences. This study can be used as inspiration for those who want to work with the promotion of esprit de corps. Abstrakt I de sidste år har der været en øget opmærksomhed på korpsånd i hæren. En opmærksomhed der har fået flere enheder til aktivt at opbygge og fremme korpsånd. Kun i meget begrænset omfang kan der søges vejledning og støtte til dette arbejdet i den militære forskningslitteratur eller i Forsvaret vejledninger, bestemmelser eller doktrin. Denne artikel søger at undersøge, hvordan der kan arbejdes med korpsåndsfremme gennem et single casestudie ved en dansk bataljon. Data blev indsamlet ved henholdsvis et ledelsesseminar og tre måneder senere ved interviews af ledere i enheden. Studiet viser, hvordan ledelsesgruppen rent praktisk har arbejdet med at fremme korpsånden i bataljonen gennem målrettet arbejde med tre centrale indsatser: 1. At skabe en fælles fortælling, der rummer både historien, værdier og transformationen af soldaterne. 2. Binde ledelsesgruppen sammen, skabe ledelseskraft og inspiration. 3. At acceptere og arbejde med enhedsforskelle. Studiet kan med fordel anvendes af andre, der vil arbejde med korpsåndsfremme. Nøgleord: Korpsånd; samhørighed; lederskab; militær ledelse
- Published
- 2023
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36. Skolelivskvalitet under implementering av samundervisning og iPad. En longitudinell casestudie av erfaringene til elever med spesialundervisning
- Author
Fredrik Danielsen
- Subjects
samundervisning ,inkludering ,ipad ,skolelivskvalitet ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Denne studien foregikk ved en grunnskole som omorganiserte spesialundervisningen fra segregerte smågruppesettinger til samundervisning i det ordinære klasserommet. Samtidig implementerte skolen en-til-en-dekning av iPader. Åtte elever med spesialundervisning i 3.–6. klasse ble intervjuet to ganger med ett års mellomrom om hvordan disse endringene påvirket deres skolehverdag. Elevenes erfaringer analyseres tematisk gjennom Tangens KART-modell for skolelivskvalitet med sine fire erfaringsdimensjoner: kontroll, arbeid, relasjon og tid. Funn i kontrolldimensjonen viser at overgangen til klasserommet var utfordrende. Elevene mente arbeidsroen og lærerstøtten var bedre i smågruppesettinger enn i klasserommet. Et grep fra lærerne var å la elevene velge læringssetting under arbeidsøkter. Funn i arbeidsdimensjonen viser at spesialundervisningen utviklet seg i retning samundervisning, og at elevene etter hvert opplevde bedre lærerstøtte i klasserommet, noe som, i kombinasjon med bruk av iPad, ga en positiv faglig utvikling. Funn i relasjonsdimensjonen viser at elevsamarbeid også var en kilde til faglig støtte og trivsel. Det samlede støttenivået ble dermed større enn det som tidligere hadde vært tilgjengelig for elevene i det ordinære, solounderviste og ikke-digitaliserte klasserommet.
- Published
- 2022
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37. Anarkisme og radikalisering av jødiske immigranter i New YorkEn casestudie på begynnelsen av 1900-tallet
- Author
Frank Jacob
- Subjects
jødiske immigranter ,arbeiderbevegelse ,politisk radikalisering ,klassekamp ,New York City ,Jewish immigrants ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
På slutten av det 19. og begynnelsen av det 20. århundre var New York City sentrum for en økende politisk radikalisering blant immigranter, i særlig grad i det jødiske samfunnet. Dette viste seg å være et komplekst fenomen med mange faktorer som spilte hver sine roller i en radikaliseringsprosess. USA var «mulighetenes land», og mennesker søkte seg dit for å forbedre sine levevilkår. Men for en stor del av immigrantene ble drømmene knust, og de endte opp med å bli desillusjonerte. Det viste seg å være en solid grobunn for radikalisering av jødiske immigranter. Denne artikkelen utdyper de årsakene som hovedsakelig lå til grunn for at så mange av de jødiske immigrantene ble politisk radikale og engasjerte medlemmer av arbeiderbevegelsen, i tillegg til å problematisere det jødiske aspektet som årsak til økt radikalisering. Casestudien om Isidore Wisotsky gir innsikt i denne radikaliseringsprosessen. Wisotsky var en ung jødisk immigrant som representerer de mange i den samme livssituasjonen, og deres vei mot å bli unge radikale i den amerikanske metropolen tidlig på 1900-tallet. Hans vei mot anarkismen og kamp for arbeidernes rettigheter var et resultat av hans personlige erfaringer som ung immigrant i New York City med både fattigdom og utnyttelse. Denne artikkelen viser at radikaliseringsprosessene blant jødiske immigranter i denne tidsperioden var et komplekst fenomen som fikk stor betydning for arbeiderbevegelsen og klassekampen.
- Published
- 2022
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38. Helsepersonells erfaringer med reinnleggelser fra primærhelsetjenesten – en oppsummering av en casestudie
- Author
Malin Knutsen Glette, Tone Kringeland, Olav Røise, and Siri Wiig
- Subjects
Nursing ,RT1-120 - Published
- 2022
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39. Bronherkenning voor muskusratten op basis van ruimtelijke genetica : Een genetische kaart voor muskusratten in Noord-Nederland en een casestudie voor het detecteren van migratie in en naar Friesland
- Author
de Groot, Arjen, primary, Laar, Margreet, additional, and van der Grift, Edgar A., additional
- Published
- 2023
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40. Ambisjoner og realiteter i kommunenes prioriteringer av helse- og omsorgstjenester – en casestudie fra tre norske kommuner
- Author
Oddvar Førland, Olbjørg Skutle, Herdis Alvsvåg, and Kari Margrete Hjelle
- Subjects
tjenesteprofil ,prioriteringsprinsipper ,tidlig innsats ,potensialitet ,investering ,etikk ,Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology ,HV1-9960 - Abstract
Bakgrunn: Begrensede ressurser i kommunenes helse- og omsorgssektor gjør prioriteringer nødvendig. Vi har undersøkt hvordan faglig ansatte og mellomledere i sektoren erfarer prioriteringene, og hvordan de håndterer konsekvensene av dem. Metode: Fokusgruppeintervju med faglig ansatte og mellomledere i hjemmesykepleien, ergo- og fysioterapitjenesten/rehabiliteringstjenesten, sykehjem og tildelingskontor i en stor, mellomstor og liten kommune, til sammen 18 gruppeintervjuer med 53 deltakere. Intervjuene ble analysert gjennom en kvalitativ deskriptiv innholdsanalyse. Funn: Informantene erfarte en tydelig ambisjon om å «snu tjenesteskuten» ved å prioritere forebyggende, rehabiliterende og tidlig innsats-tjenester og ved å styrke aktiverings- og mestringstilnærminger. En rekke følge- og prioriteringsdilemmaer oppsto i kjølvannet, knyttet til ressursknapphet, samtidighetskonflikter og brukeres manglende potensial for bedring. Diskusjon og konklusjon: Statlige ambisjoner om økt «venstreforskyvning» av tjenestene på systemnivå og økt vekt på brukermestring på individnivå synes å være en etablert tenkning i kommunene. Det er imidlertid vanskelig å realisere ambisjonene, og faglig ansatte må selv håndtere følgedilemmaene, ofte uten støtte fra ledelsen. Kommuneambisjonene kan betraktes som et uttrykk for en investeringstenkning med vekt på bedringspotensialitet som prioriteringskriterium. Dette aktualiserer faglige og etiske debatter om vektleggingen av grunnleggende behov kontra potensialitet som kriterium i framtidens helse- og omsorgstjenester.
- Published
- 2021
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41. Når forberedelse er en pligt, og undervisningen er et privilegium: et casestudie af universitetsstuderendes forberedelsespraksis
- Author
Kim Jesper Herrmann and Anna Bager-Elsborg
- Subjects
Forberedelse ,undervisning ,pligt ,casestudie ,praksisteori ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
Kvantitative tværsnitsundersøgelser har de senere år kortlagt omfanget af danske universitetsstuderendes forberedelse, hvorimod der kun i beskedent omfang er for-sket i, hvorfor og under hvilke omstændigheder studerende forbereder sig lidt eller meget. Med afsæt i praksisteori analyserede vi gruppeinterview med studerende fra et bachelorfag, hvor studerende kun kunne møde op til undervisningen, hvis de var forberedte (forberedelsespligt). Analysen viste, at de studerende var imod forbere-delsespligt generelt, men til gengæld accepterede forberedelsespligten i det pågæl-dende fag. Derfor analyseredes de omstændigheder, under hvilken de studerende accepterede forberedelsespligten. Studiet bidrager til den eksisterende viden om universitetsstuderendes forberedelse ved at undersøge forberedelse som en praksis, som ikke alene vedrører individuelle studerendes adfærd, men ligeledes omhandler uudtalte normer, undervisningens organisering og karakteren af relationerne stude-rende og underviser imellem. Studiet peger på, at forberedelsespligt ikke nødven-digvis står i modsætningsforhold til universitetets kerneværdier, men tværtimod kan komplementere værdier som frihed, mulighed og selvstændighed.
- Published
- 2018
42. Kontinuerlig samskaping? En casestudie av digitaliseringsinitiativer på NAVs hjelpemiddelområde
- Author
Barbala, Astri, primary and Sporsem, Tor, additional
- Published
- 2024
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43. Øving på cybersikkerheit: Ein casestudie av ei cybersikkerheitsøving
- Author
Mass Soldal Lund
- Subjects
education ,exercise ,cyber security ,defensive cyberspace operations ,cdx ,cyber range ,Military Science - Abstract
This article presents a case study of a cyber security exercise in military education, and uses this case study to reflect on some challenges with cyber security exercise for educational purposes. The case study discusses central decisions in the design of the exercise, the evaluation of the exercise, as well as challenges with the exercise concept. Through a survey of the literature, we compare the exercise with similar exercises, and have a look at how these exercises are evaluated. Finally, we use the case study and the literature survey to reflect on how further investigations into cyber security exercise could be made. Samandrag Denne artikkelen presenterer ein casestudie av ei cybersikkerheitsøving i militær utdanning, og nyttar denne casestudien til å drøfte nokre utfordringar med cybersikkerheitsøvingar til utdanningsføremål. Casestudien gjer greie for sentrale avgjerder i designet av øvinga, evaluering av øvinga og utfordringar i øvingskonseptet. Gjennom ein litteraturgjennomgang samanliknar vi øvinga med liknande øvingar, og ser på korleis desse øvingane har blitt evaluert. Avslutningsvis nyttar vi casestudien og litteraturgjennomgangen til å gjere betraktningar om vidare undersøkingar av cybersikkerheitsøvingar. Nøkkelord: Utdanning; øving; cybersikkerheit; defensive cyberoperasjonar; CDX; cyberrange
- Published
- 2022
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44. Konglomeratrabat - Et casestudie af GN Store Nord A/S: Et casestudie af GN Store Nord A/S
- Author
Kjær, Poul, Saul, Frederik Olai, Kjær, Poul, and Saul, Frederik Olai
- Published
- 2022
45. Effektevaluering af adjunktuddannelse i en programteoretisk ramme – et casestudie
- Author
Marianne Ellegaard and Kristian Kildemoes Foss
- Subjects
Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
Vi evaluerede lektorkvalificeringsforløbet på Københavns Professionshøjskole (KP), efter at alle elementer i denne havde været udbudt mindst én gang (ca. 1 år), med henblik på at vurdere hele forløbets sammensætning samt få input til evt. revision. Vi valgte at lave denne evaluering i en programteoretisk ramme, hvor vi så på lektorkvalificeringen som en intervention beregnet på at øge kvaliteten af og samarbejdet om undervisningen på KP. Vi formulerede derfor de ønskede effekter og rettede evalueringsspørgsmålene mod at undersøge 1) om programmet har de ønskede effekter; 2) hvilke justeringer eller andre handlinger der evt. bør foretages. I denne artikel præsenterer vi som det første resultat programteorien for KP’s lektorkvalificering og diskuterer vores begrundelser for og erfaringer med at bruge programteori som ramme for evaluering af denne type program. Herudover analyserer vi udvalgte resultater, som er centrale for vores programteori, og diskuterer, om disse giver os anledning til at genbesøge programteorien.
- Published
- 2022
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46. Å velge bort læring i skolen til fordel for læring i praksis: En casestudie om veien frem til fagbrev via praksisbrev
- Author
Åshild Tårnesvik and Evi Schmid
- Subjects
vocational education and training ,dropout ,apprenticeship training ,learner identity ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
This article focuses on the training practice scheme, a two-year apprenticeship scheme that was implemented as a measure to reduce dropouts from vocational education and training (VET). After completing a two-year apprenticeship, apprentices may continue their training to obtain a full trade certificate. In this article, we examine how the scheme contributes to inclusion in regular VET. Based on interviews with ten apprentices who continued their education and training in a regular apprenticeship after a two-year apprenticeship, and interviews with their supervisors in apprenticeship training, this article presents two case studies. The apprentices’ narratives about school reveal negative educational experiences, feelings of disengagement, failure and exclusion, leading both of them to withdraw from school and construct an identity as practically-oriented learners. During the first year of upper secondary education, both were offered a two-year apprenticeship in sales. The two case studies show how practice-oriented learning provided opportunities to experience success and mastery, a sense of belonging, and the feeling of being members of communities of practice. The article argues that these experiences contributed to a shift in the apprentices’ self-view and thereby created opportunities for learning and motivation to continue education and training.
- Published
- 2022
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47. BORGEN BAART ZORGEN? : Een casestudie naar de vormen van control bij het Centraal Militair Hospitaal om de patiëntzorg en patiëntveiligheid te borgen
- Author
Tros, E.T.T. and Tros, E.T.T.
- Abstract
NLDA Bachelor Eindstudie, In 2019 heeft het Centraal Militair Hospitaal een Qualicor-accreditatie ontvangen, wat betekent dat ze een aantoonbaar kwalitatief voldoende patiëntzorg en patiëntveiligheid hebben. De directie wil echter het management control systeem dat hieraan ten grondslag ligt nog verder verbeteren, wat inhoudt dat ze inzicht willen in de invloeden die verschillende controlvormen hebben op het bevorderen en waarborgen van patiëntzorg en patiëntveiligheid. Het doel van dit onderzoek is dan ook het verschaffen van een dergelijk inzicht, door het doen van aanbevelingen over de inzet van verschillende controlvormen om de patiëntzorg en patiëntveiligheid te bevorderen en te waarborgen. Dit is gedaan door vanuit een management control perspectief te kijken naar vijf hard controls (verbijzonderde interne controle, risicobeheersing, primaire registratie, procedurebeschrijving en controletechnische functiescheiding) en zeven soft controls (helderheid, voorbeeldgedrag, uitvoerbaarheid, betrokkenheid, transparantie, bespreekbaarheid en handhaving). Het krijgen van inzicht in de invloed die verschillende controlvormen op patiëntzorg en patiëntveiligheid hebben is gedaan middels het houden van interviews en het uitzetten van een beperkt vragenlijstonderzoek. Om achter de opzet van de controlvormen in het management control systeem te komen zijn interviews gehouden met vier directieleden. Om de werking van de controlvormen te toetsen zijn interviews gehouden met vijf zorgmedewerkers en zijn responsies op het vragenlijstonderzoek verwerkt met een frequentieanalyse. Uit het onderzoek is gebleken dat elke controlvorm in meer of mindere mate wordt ingezet in het Centraal Militair Hospitaal. Hierbij worden de hard control procedurebeschrijving en de soft control bespreekbaarheid het vaakst gebruikt, en de hard control controletechnische functiescheiding en de soft control helderheid het minst vaak. De controlvormen hebben over het algemeen een positieve invloed op patiëntzorg en patiëntveilighei
- Published
- 2022
48. Medie-tacklingen af dansk kvindefodbold: Et empirisk casestudie af danske sportsmediers dækning af kvindefodbold
- Author
Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard, Agergaard, Jeppe Plagborg, Hansen, Mathilde Valsgaard, Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard, Agergaard, Jeppe Plagborg, and Hansen, Mathilde Valsgaard
- Abstract
Football is the world’s biggest sport and a huge social phenomenon, which forms culture, communities and individuals. Or rather, men’s football. The cultural and commercial status of women’s football is far behind its masculine counterpart. In this context, the media is of great influence. Historically, the media has contributed to the lack of equality in football through a distinct favoritism of men's football and a simultaneous marginalization of women's football. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how three Danish sports media operating under different media mandates cover women’s football, and to examine media specific challenges and opportunities for women's football that emerge from the analysis. We investigate the topic from a macro level, such as culture and mediatization, to textual analysis on a micro level. Theoretically, we examine the topic from a media industry-, journalistic and gender and equality perspective. The methodological framework is based on a case study approach with a production analytical perspective. The research design is constructed as mixed methods, and we conduct information through quantitative and qualitative content analysis of journalistic articles and semistructured interviews with the media directors. We present our findings in separate case analyses followed by comparative analysis and discussion. The thesis finds that the media organizations’ journalistic practices and priorities are directed by the logic of their media mandates whether it is a non-commercial public service or commercial logic. They have different purposes for disseminating women’s football, but they compensate each other and contribute to the coverage in different ways and to different users in a diverse media landscape. The analyzes also show that the case media cover women's football through predominantly non-marginalizing discourses, sympathetic and source-based content - especially in the journalistically processed articles. This repres, Football is the world’s biggest sport and a huge social phenomenon, which forms culture, communities and individuals. Or rather, men’s football. The cultural and commercial status of women’s football is far behind its masculine counterpart. In this context, the media is of great influence. Historically, the media has contributed to the lack of equality in football through a distinct favoritism of men's football and a simultaneous marginalization of women's football. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how three Danish sports media operating under different media mandates cover women’s football, and to examine media specific challenges and opportunities for women's football that emerge from the analysis. We investigate the topic from a macro level, such as culture and mediatization, to textual analysis on a micro level. Theoretically, we examine the topic from a media industry-, journalistic and gender and equality perspective. The methodological framework is based on a case study approach with a production analytical perspective. The research design is constructed as mixed methods, and we conduct information through quantitative and qualitative content analysis of journalistic articles and semistructured interviews with the media directors. We present our findings in separate case analyses followed by comparative analysis and discussion. The thesis finds that the media organizations’ journalistic practices and priorities are directed by the logic of their media mandates whether it is a non-commercial public service or commercial logic. They have different purposes for disseminating women’s football, but they compensate each other and contribute to the coverage in different ways and to different users in a diverse media landscape. The analyzes also show that the case media cover women's football through predominantly non-marginalizing discourses, sympathetic and source-based content - especially in the journalistically processed articles. This repres
- Published
- 2022
49. Frihed - men for hvem og hvordan? : et kvalitativt casestudie af danske politiske partiers frihedsforståelse
- Author
Rostbøll, Christian Fogh, Hansen, Mads Bjerggaard, Rostbøll, Christian Fogh, and Hansen, Mads Bjerggaard
- Abstract
The concept of political freedom has been one of the most potent and central concepts in politics for several centuries and along the way and has attained different understandings and interpretations along the way, to such an extent, that it rightly can be defined as a contested concept. While the question of political freedom has been examined by a long range of political philosophers and thinkers and the literature in political theory is extensive, we know surprisingly little about how political actors truly understand and apply freedom to politics. This master thesis explores how Danish political parties understand political freedom using a qualitative case study. Conducting eleven semi-structured interviews with national and municipal politicians as well as political candidates representing parties from the Danish parliament, the understanding of freedom was not only uncovered in broader terms, but also examined, how it manifests itself across various policy areas. Using a deductive approach, insights from liberalism, republicanism and communitarianism correspondingly formed the framework for the methodological approach and subsequent analysis. The analysis illustrates several findings. First, Danish political parties use different understandings of political freedom to form their underlying views, which largely differ from the idea of whether freedom is something that is given to the citizens or something that must be preserved to the greatest extent possible. Secondly, it is only the most ideologically rooted parties that have a fairly consistent understanding of freedom across political areas. Finally, the thesis concludes, that for the vast majority of parties, the understanding is more pragmatic and can vary from area to area. It also applies analogously to the vast majority of the parties that their understanding of freedom is reflected in several of the theoretical perspectives in the thesis. On the basis of the results and the government pl
- Published
- 2022
50. MODAK-app: 'Er du klar?' : Et empirisk casestudie af et fire-ugers intensivt, tabletbaseret træningsforløb for seks personer med kronisk afasi
- Author
Poulsen, Mads, Nielsen, Mads Møllevang, Poulsen, Mads, and Nielsen, Mads Møllevang
- Abstract
Background: Aphasia is an acquired language and communication disorder, typically caused by a stroke, that in various ways impairs auditory comprehension, verbal expression, reading and writing. For certain individuals the impairments seem chronic. Research highlights positive effects of intensive intervention for people with chronic aphasia, but intensive treatment is seldom administered in this phase. One solution, that seems feasible is to provide intensive therapy by implementing technology. An app version of the widely used MODAK method will be released in January (2023). This explorative study is a first look into the potential of the MODAK app. Aims: This thesis aims to investigate the outcome and possible generalization of a four-week intensive (20 h. total) MODAK-app intervention for six persons with chronic aphasia. Furthermore, the feeling of autonomy is of interest. Method: The study had a Multiple Baseline Across Behaviors design, testing participants twice during the baseline and once post intervention. The Digital MODAK test was used to measure improvement in app-performance. The Analogue MODAK test was used to measure generalization to the physical method, and subtest 17 from Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT) was used to measure generalization to confrontation naming of untrained nouns. The participants were audiotaped in the Analogue MODAK test and in subtest 17 (CAT), recordings were rated by a blind rater. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, requiring baseline stability with maximum 5% variation. An AIQ-inspired questionnaire focusing on feeling of autonomy and the acceptance of the given intensity was completed post-intervention. Results: 9/10 available post-intervention measurements were positive. The data showed small improvements (0,4 to 5,8%-points) for 5/6 participants in the Digital MODAK test. In Analogue MODAK test 2 participants improved 13.9 and 8.4%-points, respectively. 2 participants gained 8.3 and 10.5%-point
- Published
- 2022
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