Motivacija turista za odlazak na putovanje te odabir destinacije za sobom povlače dugoročan proces koji je pod utjecajem velikog broja čimbenika, bilo da su posjetitelji toga svjesni ili ne. Definirajući motive i želje koji pokreću taj proces doveo nas je do podjele turizma na potkategorije, od kojih je jedan i kulturni turizam, čija je glavna tema ovog diplomskog rada. Uzimajući u obzir navedene karakteristike, pogotovo informaciju da se kulturni turist pomlađuje tijekom vremena, cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je istražiti koliko se mlađe grupne skupine s drugačijim radnim odnosom u suvremenom svijetu, primanjima i interesima mogu uklopiti u definiciju kulturnog turista. Za razumijevanje kulturnog turizma, bilo je neophodno razmotriti definiciju i poimanje same kulture i turizma, te kako međusobno utječu jedno na drugo. Samom interpretacijom definiran je kulturni turizam, međutim, kako postoji veliki broj definiranja kulture, teško je prihvatiti samo jednu definiciju kulturnog turizma, i samim time, kulturnog turista. Pa ipak, sagledavajući informacije koje su poznate o kulturnim turistima, tijekom istraživanja provedenog u sklopu diplomskog rada prikupljeni su podaci od ispitanika koji spadaju u ciljnu skupinu u dobi između 18 i 29 godina, istražujući koliko važnu ulogu ima njihov doticaj s kulturom na odabir destinacija putovanja pomoću polustrukturiranog upitnika distribuiranog preko interneta. Analizirajući prikupljene rezultate pomoću tri glavne skupine – sociodemografske karakteristike (dob, spol, osobna mjesečna primanja, trajanje radnog odnosa) prošla iskustva s kulturom ispitanika te njihovi interesi i slobodno vrijeme, anketa je distribuirana među hrvatskim i britanskim stanovništvom, te su rezultati uspoređeni kako bi se ustanovilo postoji li razlika u navedenim faktorima zbog različite etničke pripadnosti. Od ukupno 119 prikupljenih odgovora, zaključeno je kako kultura, iako nije primarni, odnosno odlučujući motiv koji potakne putnika da krene na putovanje, sigurno spada u jedan od tri najvažnija. Međutim, kultura nije primarni fokus putovanja ispitanika koji su sudjelovali u ovom istraživanju, već ispitanici spadaju u definiciju kulturnog turista sa sekundarnom motivacijom, što znači da iako su u konstantnoj interakciji s kulturom posjećene destinacije, nisu nužno svjesni učinka koji kultura ostavlja na njih. The motivation of tourists to go on a trip and the choice of a destination entails a long-term process that is influenced by many factors, whether visitors are aware of it or not. Defining the motives and desires that drive this process led us to divide tourism into subcategories, one of which is cultural tourism, which is the main topic of this thesis. Considering the aforementioned characteristics, especially the information that the cultural tourist gets younger over time, the goal of this thesis was to investigate how much younger groups with different work relationships in the modern world, incomes and interests can fit into the definition of a cultural tourist. To understand cultural tourism, it was necessary to consider the definition and understanding of culture and tourism itself, and how they mutually influence each other. Cultural tourism is defined by the interpretation itself, however, as there are a large number of definitions of culture, it is difficult to accept only one definition of cultural tourism, and thus, a cultural tourist. And yet, looking at the information that is known about cultural tourists, during the research carried out as part of the diploma thesis, data was collected from respondents who belong to the target group between the ages of 18 and 29, investigating how important a role their contact with culture has on the choice of travel destinations. using a semi-structured questionnaire distributed over the Internet. Analyzing the collected results using three main groups - sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, personal monthly income, length of employment), past experiences with the respondents' culture and their interests and free time, the survey was distributed among the Croatian and British population, and the results were compared to it was established whether there is a difference in the mentioned factors due to different ethnicity. Out of a total of 119 answers collected, it was concluded that culture, although it is not the primary, i.e., decisive motive that encourages a traveler to go on a trip, certainly belongs to one of the three most important. However, culture is not the primary focus of the travel of the respondents who participated in this research, but the respondents belong to the definition of a cultural tourist with secondary motivation, which means that although they are in constant interaction with the culture of the visited destinations, they are not necessarily aware of the effect that culture leaves on them.