Okul müdürleri öğretmenlerin iş doyumlarının, verimliliklerinin ve iş yaşamları hakkındaki vizyonlarının geliştirilmesinde belirleyici bir role sahiptirler. Okul müdürleri ve öğretmenler sadece entelektüel akademik bireyler olmayıp aynı zamanda sosyal ve duygusal varlıklardır ve tüm bu boyutlar okul müdürleri ve öğretmenlerin etkileşim içinde olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Okul yöneticilerinin her türlü yönetim faaliyetleri esnasında sürekli etkileşim halinde bulunduğu kişiler olan öğretmenlerin okul yöneticileriyle ilgili zihinlerinde çeşitli algılar oluşacağı bir gerçektir. Günümüz okul müdürü günlük idari rutin görevleri yerine getirmekten çok daha fazlası olmak zorunda kalmıştır. Günümüz okul müdürü öğrencilerin ebeveynleri ile iletişim, okul yönetimi, danışmanlık, koçluk, rol model olma, planlayıcı, gözetici gibi birçok görevleri üstlenmektedir. Birçok rolü üstlenen okul müdürünün öğretmenleri tarafından nasıl görüldüğü ve tanımlanması bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, okul müdürlerinin olumlu ve olumsuz tarafları figüratif soyutlama anlayışıyla yorumlanıp tartışılacaktır. Bir başka ifadeyle bu çalışmada okul müdürlerinin olumlu ve olumsuz taraflarının görsel sanatlar öğretmenleri tarafından yapılan figüratif soyutlama çalışmalarına göre incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırma nitel desende olup verilere ilişkin temalar ikonografik analiz ve içerik analizi ile yorumlanmış, görsel sanatlar öğretmenlerinin çizim ve doğrudan alıntıları ile desteklenmiştir. Bu amaç çerçevesinde çalışmada nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından biri olan olgu bilim ve ikonografik analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. İkonografik analiz, sanat nesnelerinde kompozisyonu oluşturan biçimlerle, tema ve kavramlar arasında bir bağ kurulmasını, imgelerin çözümlenerek öykü ve alegoriler saptanmasını amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmaya, maksimum çeşitlilik örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak seçilen İzmir ili Bornova ilçesinde 2018-2019 öğretim yılında görev yapan 11 özel ortaokul, 10 devlet ortaokulu görsel sanatlar öğretmeni katılmıştır. Araştırma, veri toplama formuna eksiksiz geri dönüş yapan 20 görsel sanatlar öğretmeninin verileri üzerinden analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma gurubunda yer alan 20 öğretmenden olumlu okul müdürü için bir, olumsuz okul müdürü için bir olmak üzere, toplamda 40 adet figüratif soyutlama çalışması yapmaları istenmiştir. Ayrıca, öğretmenlerden yaptıkları figüratif soyutlamalardaki öne çıkardıkları imgeleri gerekçeleri ile açıklamaları istenmiştir. Veri toplama sürecinde yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ve figüratif soyutlama resim çalışmaları kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, devlet okulu ile özel okul müdürlerinin olumlu taraflarına ilişkin yapılan figüratif soyutlama çalışmalarındaki ortak temalarda "Sevgi Dolu" teması en fazla sayıda gerekçeyle temsil edilen tema olmuştur. Devlet okulu ile özel okul müdürlerinin olumsuz taraflarına ilişkin yapılan figüratif soyutlama çalışmalarındaki ortak temalarda "Sinirli" teması en fazla sayıda gerekçeyle temsil edilen tema olmuştur. Araştırmanın ikonografik analiz sonuçlarına göre ise devlet okulu ve özel okul müdürlerinin olumlu taraflarına ilişkin yapılan figüratif soyutlama çalışmalarının ortak ikonografik analiz sonucuna göre en çok "el" görseli resmedilmiş ve renk olarak ise en fazla "beyaz" renk kullanılmıştır. Devlet okulu ve özel okul müdürlerinin olumsuz taraflarına ilişkin yapılan figüratif soyutlama çalışmalarının ortak ikonografik analiz sonucuna göre en çok "sert bakan gözler" görseli resmedilmiş ve renk olarak ise en fazla "beyaz" renk kullanılmıştır., School principals play a decisive role in the development of teachers' job satisfaction, productivity and their vision about working life. School principals and teachers are not only intellectual academic individuals but also social and emotional entities, and all these dimensions enable school principals and teachers to interact. It is a fact that various perceptions will occur in the minds of the teachers, who are the people in constant interaction with school administrators during all kinds of management activities. The quality of these perceptions will determine the direction and quality of the relationship between teachers and school administrators, and more importantly, it will directly affect the quality of educational activities. Schools are the places where teachers spend most of their time and that's why schools should be a living space for teachers, not a place they come just because they have to. What schools as living spaces and other concepts related to school such as education, principals, teachers, and students mean and how they make sense to teachers is very important. Therefore, drawings are as important as verbal expressions in revealing their perceptions about educational and structural processes in the school. The role of the school principal in today's understanding of education is shaped in a multilateral manner. Today's school principal has had to do much more than performing daily administrative routine tasks. Today's school principal takes on many tasks such as communicating with parents, school management, counselling, coaching, role modelling, planning and supervising. How the school principal, taking on many roles, is seen and defined by the teachers forms the subject of this study. In this research, the positive and negative sides of school principals will be interpreted and discussed with the understanding of figurative abstraction. In other words, in this study, the positive and negative sides of school principals are aimed to be examined according to figurative abstraction studies done by visual arts teachers. In this study, the visual arts teachers were asked to explain the profile of the principal through figurative abstraction. The research has a qualitative design and the themes related to the data have been interpreted by iconographic analysis and content analysis and supported by drawing and direct quotations of visual arts teachers. The research was conducted using a qualitative research model. For this purpose, one of the qualitative research approaches, phenomenology and iconographic analysis method were used in the study. Case science method is defined as the explanation of subjective opinions and a research understanding where the individual differences are put on the foreground. Iconography is a branch of art history that deals with the subjects and meanings of art objects. Therefore, iconographic analysis aims to establish a connection between the forms that make up the composition and the themes and concepts in art objects and aims to identify the stories and allegories by analysing the images. The iconographic analysis method is a method used in the analysis of the related studies put forward by Panofsky for image analysis. Visual arts teachers who work at 11 secondary private schools and 10 secondary public schools in the Bornova district of İzmir in 2018-2019 educational year who were selected by the use of the maximum diversity sampling method attended the study. The research was analyzed on the data of 20 visual arts teachers who replied to the data collection form completely. 20 teachers in the study group were asked to perform 40 figurative abstraction studies, one for the positive school principal and one for the negative school principal. In addition, teachers were asked to explain the images they highlighted in their figurative abstractions with their reasons. Semi-structured interview form and figurative abstraction painting were used in the data collection process. In the research, the visual arts teachers in the study group were asked to explain the positive aspects of the school principal as figurative abstraction and explain the image or images that are prominent in their positive figurative abstraction regarding the school principal with their reasons and in the common themes of figurative abstraction studies on the positive sides of the public and private school principals, the theme of "loving" was the most represented theme with the largest number of reasons. In this theme, 6 positive figurative abstraction studies have taken place. In figurative abstraction studies conducted on the positive aspects of public school principals, the theme "Guiding" is the theme represented with the highest number of reasons. In this theme, 5 positive figurative abstraction studies have taken place. In the figurative abstraction studies conducted on the positive aspects of private school principals, the theme of "Loving" is the theme represented with the highest number of reasons. In this theme, 4 positive figurative abstraction studies have taken place. In the study, the visual arts teachers in the study group were asked to express the negative side of the principal of the school in the form of figurative abstraction and to explain the image or images that are prominent in the negative figurative abstraction that they make about the school principal and in the common themes in the figurative abstraction studies conducted on the negative sides of the public and private school principals "Nervous" theme was the one that was represented with the highest number of reasons and 8 negative figurative abstraction studies have taken place in this theme. In the research, "Nervous" theme was the most represented one in figurative abstraction studies conducted on the negative sides of public school principals and 5 negative figurative abstraction studies have taken place in this theme. In the research, "Nervous" was the most represented theme in figurative abstraction studies conducted on the negative sides of private school principals and 3 negative figurative abstraction studies have taken place in this theme. According to the results of the iconographic analysis, "hand" was the most commonly depicted image according to the common iconographic analysis of the figurative abstraction studies on the positive aspects of the public and private school principals. The most commonly used colour was "green". According to the common iconographic analysis of the figurative abstraction studies on the negative sides of the public and private school principals, "strict-looking eyes" image was most commonly depicted. The most commonly used colour is "white". According to the iconographic analysis of the figurative abstraction studies on the negative sides of the principals of the public school, the "frowning eyebrows" was the mostly depicted image. The most commonly used colour is "white". According to the iconographic analysis of the figurative abstraction studies conducted on the negative aspects of the private school principals, mostly "strict-looking eyes" image was depicted. The most commonly used colour is "white".