Departamento Gene´tica Molecular de Plantas, CentroNacional de Biotecnologi´a (CSIC), Campus de Cantoblanco,Darwin 3, 28049 Madrid, SpainSummaryThe circadian clock plays a pivotal role in the control ofArabidopsis hypocotyl elongation by regulating rhythmicexpression of the bHLH factors PHYTOCHROME INTERACT-ING FACTOR 4 and 5 (PIF4 and 5). Coincidence of increasedPIF4/PIF5transcriptlevelswiththedarkperiodallowsnuclearaccumulation of these factors, and in short days it phasesmaximal hypocotyl growth at dawn [1–3]. During early night,PIF4andPIF5transcriptionisrepressedbytheEveningCom-plex (EC) proteins EARLY FLOWERING3 (ELF3), EARLYFLOWERING4(ELF4),andLUXARRHYTHMO(LUX)[4].WhileELF3 has an essential role in EC complex assembly, severallines of evidence indicate that this protein controls plantgrowth via other mechanisms that are presently unknown.Here, we show that the ELF3 and PIF4 proteins interact inan EC-independent manner, and that this interaction pre-vents PIF4 from activating its transcriptional targets. Wealso show that PIF4 overexpression leads to ELF3 proteindestabilization, and that this effect is mediated indirectly bynegativefeedbackregulationofphotoactivePHYTOCHROMEB(phyB).PhysicalinteractionofthephyBphotoreceptorwithELF3hasbeenreported,butitsfunctionalrelevanceremainspoorly understood. Our findings establish that phyB isneeded for ELF3 accumulation in the light, most likely bycompeting for CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1(COP1)-mediated ubiquitination and the proteasomal degra-dation of ELF3. Our results explain the short hypocotylphenotype of ELF3 overexpressors, despite their normalclockfunction,andprovideamolecularframeworkforunder-standinghowwarmtemperaturespromotehypocotylelonga-tion and affect the endogenous clock.Results and DiscussionELF3 Binds the PIF4 bHLH Domain and Suppresses PIF4Protein Transcriptional ActivityThe PIF4 and PIF5 bHLH factors control plant growth bydirectly activating the expression of genes involved in cellwall loosening and directional cell expansion [5–7]. The circa-dian clock regulates PIF4 and PIF5 gene expression, whereaslight-activatedphytochromessignalphosphorylationandspe-cific destruction of the PIF4/PIF5 proteins in the light [8–10].Such control at both the gene expression and protein levelsiscriticalformodulationofPIF4andPIF5nuclearaccumulationin diurnal light/dark cycles, and in short days phases maximalhypocotyl growth at dawn [1–3, 11, 12]. Rhythmic PIF4 andPIF5 expression is regulated by the Evening Complex (EC),formed by interaction of the ELF3, ELF4, and LUX proteins,whichbindthePIF4andPIF5promotersviatheLUXtranscrip-tionfactorandrepressPIF4/PIF5expressionduringearlynight[4]. Assembly of thismultiprotein complexrequiresELF3 func-tion, which acts as an interaction scaffold between the ELF4and LUX proteins. Mutations in the elf3, elf4,orlux geneslead to a tall hypocotyl and early flowering phenotype [13, 14]that is suppressed by loss-of-function mutations in the pif4and pif5 genes [4]. Loss of pif4pif5 function, however, doesnot rescue the arrhythmic clock function of these mutants[15–17], with more recent data showing that the ELF4-ELF3-LUX complex functions as an integral part of the core oscil-lator, as it mediates nighttime repression of the clock PRR9,PRR7, GI, and LUX genes [18–21].ELF3 also has an essential function in modulating light inputto the clock and in resetting the oscillator [15, 17, 22–24]through a poorly understood mechanism. Besides the ELF4and LUX proteins [4, 16], yeast interaction studies showedthat ELF3 binds a number of protein partners, including thered light photoreceptor phyB [15], the ubiquitin E3 ligaseCOP1 [25], the floral repressor SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE(SVP), and the clock proteins GIGANTEA (GI) and CIRCADIANCLOCK ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1) [25–27]. It was thus proposedthatELF3is amultifunctional protein,withtwoseparablerolesas acomponent of theEC complex,and in gating light input tothe oscillator by modulation of phyB signaling [23].In a yeast two-hybrid screen using the PIF4 protein as bait,weidentifiedELF3asadirectPIF4interactor(Figure1A).Inter-action studies using deleted versions of the ELF3 and PIF4proteins confirmed this interaction, and mapped the bindingdomainstothePIF4bHLH(Figure1A)andtheELF3C-terminalregions (Figures S1A and S1B available online). The ELF3C-terminal domain is necessary for nuclear localization [16]andprotein homodimerization [15],but PIF4is thefirst partneridentified in this conserved region.We confirmed this interaction in living plant cells usingbimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays inNicotiana benthamiana leaves. Nuclear fluorescence of the re-constitutedsplitYFP(yellowfluorescentprotein)wasobservedin leaves cotransfected with the ELF3-YFP