1. Evaluation of In-Class Activities Contributed by Graduate School: Provisions of ICT Materials for English Lessons
- Subjects
course development ,授業開発 ,ICT materials ,英語授業 ,連携 ,ICT教材 ,English lessons ,collaboration - Abstract
本研究は、大阪教育大学(本学)教職大学院の授業の中で、受講生が主体となり、英語科授業におけるICTの活用法を考案し、本学附属校へ教材等を提供することを通して、大学院・学校間の連携をめざした大学院授業を開発することを目的とした。受講生である大学院生が、英語教育関連の理論を参照しながらICT教材を製作し、「ICT教材説明書」「ICT教材説明動画」「理論編レポート」を作成した。その後、それらを本学附属校へ提供した。受講生と附属校教員を対象にアンケート調査を実施し、結果を分析したところ、附属校へ教材等を提供することを授業の目標にしたことに関して肯定的な意見が見られた。また、事前に学校のニーズを分析することでより強固な協力関係の構築につながる可能性が示唆された。, The purpose of this study was to develop a graduate school course with collaboration between schools and the graduate school through the development of ICT materials for English lessons. Students took the initiative and provided teaching materials to our university-attached schools. The graduate students, who participated in this course, referred to theories related to English education to produce ICT materials such as the “ICT Teaching Materials Manual," “ICT Teaching Materials Explanatory Video," and “Theory Report". These materials were then given to teachers of the attached schools. Questionnaires were conducted on students and teachers and the results were analyzed. Findings showed an overall positive response regarding the goal-setting of said materials which were provided to the affiliated schools. However, further analysis of the schools' needs, done in advance, may lead to a stronger cooperative relationship.
- Published
- 2023