ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education, Columbus, OH., International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. North American Chapter., Dossey, John A., Swafford, Jane O., and Parmantie, Marilyn
The conference proceedings volume for PME-NA-XIX contains a total of 72 reports: 34 research reports; 20 short oral reports; 11 poster session reports; and 7 discussion group reports. Only the research reports are full reports; the others are generally one-page abstracts. The full reports include: (1) "Equity, Teaching Practices, and Reform: Mathematics Teachers Discuss the Impact of the San Jose Mathematics Leadership Project" (Richard S. Kitchen, Joanne Rossi Becker, and Barbara J. Pence); (2) "One Teacher's Solution to Reforming Mathematics Teaching" (Karen Heinz, Margaret Kinzel, Martin A. Simon, and Ron Tzur); (3) "Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Experiences Using a Reform-Oriented Curriculum To Encourage Student Cooperation and Exploration" (Gwendolyn M. Lloyd and Melvin (Skip) Wilson); (4) "A Fourth-Grade Teacher Implements the 'Spirit' of the NCTM Standards" (Diana F. Steele); (5) "Construction and Validation of the Spatial-Symbolic Pattern Instrument" (Donna F. Berlin and Arthur L. White); (6) "Views about Mathematics Survey: Design and Results" (Marilyn P. Carlson); (7) "Changes in Teachers' Beliefs and Assessments of Students' Thinking across the First Year of Implementation of Cognitively Guided Instruction" (Anita H. Bowman, George W. Bright, and Nancy N. Vacc); (8) "Sustaining Cultures of Teaching for Constructive Mathematics Education" (M. Jayne Fleener and Roland G. Pourdavood); (9) "The Educational Benefits of Being a Participant in a Research Study: One Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teacher's Experience" (Deborah A. Gober); (10) "Preservice Mathematics Teachers' Constructions of Gender Equity in the Classroom" (Denise S. Mewborn and Deborah A. Gober); (11) "The Perceptions of Preservice Elementary Teachers about the Integration of Mathematics and Reading" (Kathryn S. Reinke, Kouider Mokhtari, and Elizabeth Willner); (12) "The Impact of Math Apathy Students on One High School Teacher" (Kenneth L. Shaw and Cylle Rowell); (13) "District-Wide Reflective Teaching in Mathematics: From Changing the Story to Storing the Change" (Christine D. Thomas and Karen A. Schultz); (14) "Teachers' Beliefs about Mathematics as Assessed with Repertory Grid Methodology" (Steven R. Williams, Miriam Pack, and Lena Licon Khisty); (15) "The Geometry Classroom: The Influence of Teachers' Beliefs" (Kay A. Wohlhuter); (16) "Mathematics Students Teachers' Development of Teacher Knowledge and Reflection" (Maria L. Fernandez); (17) "Using Videos To Provide "Case-Like" Experiences in an Elementary Mathematics Methods Course" (Susan N. Friel); (18) "Mathematics Culture Clash: Negotiating New Classroom Norms with Prospective Teachers" (Betsy McNeal and Martin Simon); (19) "A Model for Studying the Relationship between Teachers' Cognitions and Their Instructional Practice in Mathematics" (Alice F. Artzt and Eleanor Armour-Thomas); (20) "Mediating Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Social Interactions: A Prospective Teacher's Emerging Practice" (Maria L. Blanton and Sarah B. Berenson); (21) "Learning To Teach Algebraic Division for Understanding: A Comparison and Contrast between Two Experienced Teachers" (Jose N. Contreras); (22)"Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Interpretations of Mathematical Proof" (Eric J. Knuth and Rebekah L. Elliott); (23) "Why Do We Invert and Multiply? Elementary Teachers' Struggle To Conceptualize Division of Fractions" (Ron Tzur and Maria Timmerman); (24) "Shape Makers: A Computer Microworld for Promoting Dynamic Imagery in Support of Geometric Reasoning" (Michael T. Battista and Caroline Van Auken Borrow); (25) "Interactive Diagrams: A New Learning Tool" (Jere Confrey, Jose Castro Filho, and Alan Maloney); (26) "Conjecturing and Representational Style in CAS-Assisted Mathematical Problem Solving" (M. Kathleen Heid, Glendon W. Blume, Karen Flanagan, Kenneth Kerr, James Marshall, and Linda Iseri); (27) "Roles of Symbolic Representation in CAS-Assisted Mathematical Problem Solving" (M. Kathleen Heid, Glendon W. Blume, Linda Iseri, Karen Flanagan, Kenneth Kerr, and James Marshall); (28) "Analyzing Students' Learning with Computer-Based Microworlds: Do You See What I See?" (Janet Bowers); (29) "Warning: Asking Questions May Lower Your Mathematical Status in Small Groups" (Kathy M.C. Ivey); (30) "Occasioning Understanding: Understanding Occasioning" (Thomas Kieren, Elaine Simmt, and Joyce Mgembelo); (31) "An Analysis of Students' Development of Reasoning Strategies within the Context of Measurement" (Kay McClain, Paul Cobb, and Koeno Gravemeijer); (32) "Coordinating Social and Psychological Perspectives To Analyze Students' Conceptions of Measurement" (Michelle Stephan and Kay McClain); (33) "Learning as Sense-Making and Property-Noticing" (David Slavit); and (34) "Proportional Reasoning of Early Adolescents: Validation of Karplus, Pulos and Stage's Model" (Linda Gellings, Donald W. Wortham, Abbe H. Herzig, and Dave Eber). (ASK)