Bu calismada, gelecekte toplumun fiziksel ve sosyal yasam ortamini olusturma eylemine aday olan ve birlikte calismalari onem kazanan tasarim ogrencilerinin manzara algilari ve yukledikleri anlamlarin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Calisma-nin birinci asamasinda, standart anket formu araciligiyla Cukurova bolgesindeki uc universitenin Peyzaj Mimarligi ve Mimarlik bolumleri ogrencilerinin manzara algilari ve yukledikleri anlamlar ortaya konulmustur. Algi ve anlamlar kapsamin-da; olumlu ve olumsuz manzara kompozisyonu ve bilesenlerinin belirlenmesi hedeflenmistir. Ikinci asamada, ogrencilerin verdikleri yanitlar yorumlanarak, olumlu manzarayi olusturan kavramlarin kompozisyo-nunda hangi tasarim oge ve ilkelerinin agirlik kazandigi ve hangi tasarim uslubunun yeglendiginin belirlen-mesine calisilmistir. Olumsuz manzara olusturan kavramlar ise verilen yanitlar-daki kullanim sikliklari temel alinarak degerlendirilmistir. Calismada ulasilan ana bulgular; a) Olumlu manzara kompozisyonunda bitkisel tasarim ilkelerine uyularak duzenlenmis agac ve cali kitleleri ile gorsel ve islevsel nitelikli genis su yuzeylerinin one ciktigini, b) Yapisal kompozisyon kapsaminda mekâni olusturan elemanlarin dogal malzemeler kullanilarak tasarlanmasinin mekânin gorsel ve islevsel niteligini artirdigini ve yapay kent dokusunun ortaya cikardigi olumsuz etkileri azalttigini, c) Manzaranin genis ve ferah kullanim alan ve mekânlarindan, genis cim alanlardan, ic ice gecmemis kullanimlardan olusmasi ve bu alan ve mekânlarin gorsel derinlik ve cesitlilik kazanmasi durumunda daha fazla olumlu-luk kazandigini, d) Geometrik tasarim uslubunun benimsenmedigini, dogaya oykunen tasarim uslubunun bitkisel tasarimda, karma tasarim uslubunun yapisal tasarimda daha yogun yeglendigini, e) Betonarme yapilarin, yapay malzemelerin, tasarimda karmasa ve bakim yetersizliginin manzarayi olumsuzlastiran onemli elemanlar olarak agirlik kazandigini ortaya koymaktadir. The aim of the study is to determine the landscape perceptions of design students who are candidates for creating future physical and social life environment and who are important to work together. The study consists of two stages. In the first stage, the Landscape Architecture and Architecture students of three universities in Cukurova region examined perceptions of landscape and their meaning through the standard questionnaire. It was aimed to determine positive and negative landscape composition and its components under the perception and meanings. In the second stage, which design elements and principles gained weight and which design styles preferred in the composition of the concepts forming the positive landscape were determined by interpreting the responses of the students. While the concepts forming the negative landscapes were evaluated on the basis of the frequency of use in the responses given. The main findings of the study were revealed that; a) in favorable landscape composition, trees and shrubs are arranged according to highlighted plantation principles and visual and functional large water surfaces, b) the designing elements of spaces using natural materials enhances the visual and functional quality of the space and reduces the negative effects of urbanization, c) the formation of the landscape and the use of a large grass area give more positive effect to landscape as well as the visual depth and diversity, d) Geometric design style is not adopted by students, the natural design style is more intensively used in plant design, and the mixed design style is more intense in structural design, e) reinforced concrete structures, artificial materials, complexity in design, and lack of maintenance have gained weight as important elements that negate the landscape.