38 results on '"Commercial banks -- Case studies"'
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2. An analytical framework for strategic alliance formation between a cooperative bank and a fintech start-up: An Italian case study
- Author
Bartolacci, Francesco, Cardoni, Andrea, Lasak, Piotr, and Sadkowski, Wojclech
- Subjects
New business enterprises -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Geography - Abstract
PURPOSE: The paper aims to identify the characteristics of the entities involved, the motivations and the processes of forming strategic alliances between a small cooperative bank and a fintech start-up. The paper bridges the research gap in the literature and explains the success factors of strategic alliance between considered entities. METHODOLOGY: We applied a typical qualitative research approach that consists of two steps. The first step was to develop an analytical framework to understand the critical success factors for the strategic alliance formation between banks and fintech start-ups. In the second step, we applied the analytical framework for a case study analysis, considering the strategic alliance between the Banca Popolare di Cortona and the NetFintech start-up. FINDINGS: Our research shows that there are different motives for strategic alliance formation for banks and fintech startups. From a theoretical point of view, banks' motivations are based on outsourcing, innovation, the evolution of the business model, competitive advantage, saving costs, improving service quality, and learning. The main motives for fintechs include access to customers, loans, banking license, economies of scale, trust, and credibility. In the empirical part, we found that the crucial success factors are strategic alignment and hybridization, competence and experience, cultural value and territorial closeness, and professionalism. IMPLICATIONS: The results develop the knowledge about the best conditions for cooperative banks and fintech start-ups strategic alliances. The main limitation is that the paper is based only on one case study and it is related to cooperative banks and does not embrace other groups of banks. For this reason, it can be a basis for further research in this area. The described case study can be a good example to compare other cases of such alliances. Cooperative banks and fintech start-ups involved in a strategic alliance should share the commitment at the governance level. Critical are also the procedures of the alliance formation. ORIGINALITY AND VALUE: This article provides two main contributions to the literature on the technology-driven transformations of the banking sector. First, we elaborated a theoretical framework of the critical success factors for the bank and fintech start-up strategic alliance formation. Second, we applied the framework with the bank-fintech start-up cooperation in the local market in Italy. Contrary to previous research, which focuses mainly on commercial banks, this article presents the relationship between cooperative banks and fintech start-ups. Keywords: incumbent bank, cooperative bank, fintech start-up, strategic alliance, success factors CEL: Celem artykutu jest identyfikacja cech charakteryzujqcych analizowane podmioty, motywacje oraz procesy tworzenia aliansow strategicznych pomiqdzy matym bankiem spotdzielczym a start-upem typu fintech. Artykut wypetnia lukq badawczq w literaturze dotyczqcej tej tematyki oraz wyjasnia czynniki sukcesu aliansu strate-gicznego zawieranego pomiqdzy badanymi podmiotami. METODYKA: Zastosowano jakosciowe podejscie badawcze, ktore sktada siq z dwoch etapow. Pierwszym krokiem byto opracowanie ram analitycznych, umozliwiajqcych zrozumienie kluczowych czynnikow sukcesu w tworzeniu aliansow strategicznych miqdzy bankami i start-upami typu fintech. Wdrugim kroku zastosowano ramy analityczne do analizy studium przypadku, ktorym byt alians strategiczny pomiqdzy Banca Popolare di Cortona i start-upem NetFintech. WYNIKI: Zprzeprowadzonych badah wynika, ze istniejq rozne motywy tworzenia aliansow strategicznych miqdzy bankami i start-upami typu fintech. Z teoretycznego puntu widzenia motywacje bankow opierajq siq na outsourcingu, innowacjach, ewolucji modelu biznesowego, przewadze konkurencyjnej, oszczqdnosciach, poprawie jakosci swiadczonych ustug oraz uczenia siq. Gtowne motywy fintechow to dostqp do klientow, pozyczki, licencja bankowa, ekonomia skali, zaufanie i wiarygodnosc. W czqsci empirycznej ustalono, ze gtownymi czynnikami sukcesu sq strategiczne dopasowanie i hybrydyzacja, kompetencje i doswiadczenie, wartosc kulturowa i bliskosc terytorialna oraz profesjonalizm. IMPLIKACJE: Wyniki poszerzajq wiedzq na temat aliansow strategicznych miqdzy bankami spotdzielczymi i start-upami typu fintech. Gtownym ograniczeniem jest to, ze artykut opiera sie tylko na jednym studium przypadku i dotyczy wytqcznie bankow spotdzielczych, pomijajqc inne rodzaje bankow. Moze on byc punktem wyjscia do dalszych badah w tym obszarze. Opisane studium przypadku moze byc dobrym przyktadem do porownywania innych przypadkow takich aliansow. Banki spotdzielcze i fintechy typu start-up zaangazowane w alianse strategiczne powinny dzielic swoje zaangazowanie na poziomie zarzqdzania. Istotne sq rowniez procedury tworzenia aliansow strategicznych. ORYGINALNOSCI WARTOSC: Artykut wnosi istotny wktad do dotychczasowych badah na temat transformacji sektora bankowego pod wptywem technologii finansowych w dwoch obszarach. Po pierwsze opracowalismy teoretyczny model kluczowych czynnikow sukcesu podczas budowania aliansow strategicznych miqdzy bankami a start-upami typu fintech. Po drugie, zastosowalismy nasz model w kontekscie ksztattowania aliansow strategicznych miqdzy bankami i startupami na lokalnym rynku we Wtoszech. Wprzeciwiehstwie do wczesniejszych badah, ktore dotyczq gtownie bankow komercyjnych, nasz artykut dotyczy relacji miqdzy bankami spotdzielczymi i start-upami typu fintech. Stowa kluczowe: banki tradycyjne, start-up fintechowy, alians strategiczny, czynniki sukcesu, INTRODUCTION The integration between banks and fintech start-ups belongs to an important topic in the financial ecosystem innovation and development (Zachariadis & Ozcan, 2017). The latest innovative processes show that [...]
- Published
- 2023
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3. Capital Adequacy and Banking Distress: A Case Study of Commercial Banks in Pakistan
- Subjects
Bank capital -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Business, international - Abstract
Byline: Rabia Asif and Sabahat Nisar Keywords: Capital Adequacy, Distress, Soundness, Banks Introduction Capital adequacy ratios (CAR here onwards) denote the risk cushion available within the banks to safeguard them [...]
- Published
- 2022
4. Consumer Credit Market Set for Rapid Growth Forecast by 2024: Deutsche Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)
- Subjects
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. -- Forecasts and trends ,Deutsche Bank AG (Frankfurt, Germany) -- Forecasts and trends ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Consumer credit -- Case studies ,Credit markets -- Case studies ,Ecosystems ,Banks (Finance) ,Motor vehicle drivers ,Technology ,Finance ,Banking industry ,Investments ,Financial markets ,Market trend/market analysis ,General interest - Abstract
New Delhi, April 27 -- The report presents an in-depth assessment of the Global Consumer Credit including enabling technologies, key trends, market drivers, challenges, standardization, regulatory landscape, deployment models, operator [...]
- Published
- 2020
5. Risk management practices in IS outsourcing: an investigation into commercial banks in Nigeria
- Author
Adeleye, Bunmi Cynthia, Annansingh, Fenio, and Nunes, Miguel Baptista
- Subjects
Company systems management ,Risk management ,Commercial banks -- Information management ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Information systems -- Outsourcing ,Risk management -- Analysis ,Risk management -- Case studies - Abstract
This research work focuses on the risk management practices adopted by Commercial Banks in Nigeria that are related to the outsourcing of information systems (IS). The need for the research emerged from the lack of studies addressing these problems in developing countries in general and in this country in particular. The research reported in this paper shows that despite the globally increasing trend of IS outsourcing in the sector, Nigerian commercial banks are lacking in both strategic and operational risk management practices. Consequently, they are especially prone to the adoption inappropriate IS solutions and are vulnerable to IS failure and fraud. The research is empirically based drawing on an extensive literature and case study review as well as an extensive survey of banks in Nigeria. The main method of data collection was a questionnaire sent to 15 commercial banks, which was aimed at respondents in three distinct categories: executive management, systems managers and users. The analysis of the data included both a quantitative and an inductive qualitative approach. The latter was used to draw inferences on the current situation. The findings revealed that managers of commercial banks understand the nature of IS outsourcing and that they all agreed that adopting risk management practices is important. Nevertheless, the situation is critical. A significant proportion of the commercial banks have no documented and structured outsourcing strategy or policy; consequently no programme or procedural guidance is available at any level. The study also discovered that contrary to practice in developed countries, the regulatory authorities in Nigeria have not formulated substantive guidelines or procedural rules to be adopted nationally by commercial banks. Keywords: Information systems outsourcing; IS risk management; IS strategic thinking; Commercial bank
- Published
- 2004
6. Bank of Montreal invests in its workers
- Author
Flynn, Gillian
- Subjects
Bank of Montreal -- Human resource management ,Banking industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Human resource management -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Business ,Human resources and labor relations ,Banking industry ,Company personnel management ,Human resource management ,Case studies - Abstract
At this company, every workforce initiative feeds into another, ensuring satisfied, well-rounded employees - and record profits. Bank of Montreal people have attitude. They have an undiluted, refreshing frankness, an [...]
- Published
- 1997
7. First Commerce segments customers by behavior, enhancing profitability
- Author
Connelly, Debora and Read, Barbara
- Subjects
First Commerce Corp. -- Marketing ,Banking industry -- Marketing -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Market segmentation -- Case studies ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business ,Economics ,Company marketing practices ,Banking industry ,Case studies ,Marketing - Abstract
How can First Commerce Corporation (FCOM) efficiently and cost-effectively offer our customers what they are likely to want and need - and only what they are likely to want and [...]
- Published
- 1997
8. You call this a niche?
- Author
Davidson, Steven
- Subjects
Ocwen Federal Bank F.S.B. -- Management ,Bank management -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Management -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Company business management ,Banking industry ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business - Abstract
Proving That Community Banks Are Not All Alike, One Institution Has Carved Out an Unusual Niche for Itself While Significantly Enhancing Its Bottom-Line Performance William Erbey may represent a new [...]
- Published
- 1996
9. London calling
- Author
Kelly, James
- Subjects
Lloyds Bank PLC -- Management ,Bank management -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Management -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Business, general ,Business ,Company business management ,Banking industry ,Management ,Case studies - Abstract
Three passions have ruled the life of Brian Pitman Since he became chief executive of Lloyds Bank in 1983: a hunger for shareholder value, a conviction that it is only [...]
- Published
- 1995
10. Activity-based costing in banking: a case study
- Author
Mays, James W. and Sweeney, Robert B.
- Subjects
First Horizon National Corp. -- Accounting and auditing ,Process costing -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Accounting and auditing -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Cost accounting -- Case studies ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business, general ,Business ,Banking industry ,Accounting and auditing ,Case studies - Abstract
Here's how a U.S. regional bank is using ABC to do things right and to do the right things to increase profitability. Activity-based costing (ABC) has been used extensively in [...]
- Published
- 1994
11. Steps to successful business marketing
- Author
Lian, Tanja
- Subjects
CoreStates Trust and Investment Group -- Marketing ,Frankford Bank N.A. -- Marketing ,Meridian Bancorporation Inc. -- Marketing ,Bank marketing -- Case studies ,Trust companies -- Marketing -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Marketing -- Case studies ,Investment banks -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Company marketing practices ,Banking industry ,Advertising, marketing and public relations ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business - Abstract
Three Pennsylvania banks have successfully used innovative direct marketing campaigns to reach corporate customers. Pam Bennett Assistant Vice President CoreStates Trust and Investment Group Philadelphia, Pa. Objective: To increase corporate [...]
- Published
- 1994
12. Human resourcing following a merger
- Author
Kerr, Christine
- Subjects
Midland Bank PLC (London, England) -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments -- Human resource management -- Management ,HSBC Holdings PLC -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments -- Human resource management -- Management ,Bank mergers -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Human resource management -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments -- Case studies ,Human resource management -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Acquisitions and mergers -- Management -- Case studies ,Business, general ,Business ,Company business management ,Company acquisition/merger ,Banking industry ,Company personnel management ,Management ,Human resource management ,Case studies ,Mergers, acquisitions and divestments - Abstract
The dust has now settled following the dramatic takeover battle between HSBC Holdings plc (Hongkong and Shanghai Bank) and Lloyds Bank for control of Midland Bank. It was only after [...]
- Published
- 1996
13. Judy Albers: First vice president, manager of national learning resources, Bank One. (In Person)
- Author
Galvin, Tammy
- Subjects
Bank One Corp. -- Management ,Career development -- Management -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Management -- Case studies ,Human resource management -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Employee training -- Management -- Case studies ,Business, general ,Business ,Education ,Human resources and labor relations ,Company business management ,Banking industry ,Management ,Case studies - Abstract
Imagine that your company has 61 completely different and independent training units, each serving separate constituencies that collectively amount to 75,000 employees nationwide. Now, imagine that you are responsible for [...]
- Published
- 2002
14. The sentries of Mechanics Bank
- Author
Segerstrom, John R.
- Subjects
Mechanics Bank of Richmond -- Management ,Banking industry -- Management -- Case studies ,Asset-liability management (Banking) -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business ,Company business management ,Banking industry ,Management ,Case studies - Abstract
Rethinking the role of the bank's asset-liability management committee was the beginning of a new approach to risk-based management At a management retreat in late 1994, the executives of The [...]
- Published
- 1997
15. Synchronized strategies
- Author
Gonzalez, Maria
- Subjects
Bank of Montreal -- Human resource management ,Banking industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Human resource management -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Business, general ,Business ,Banking industry ,Company personnel management ,Human resource management ,Case studies - Abstract
Gone are the days, if they ever truly existed, when an organization could afford to pursue corporate strategy without consideration for the 'people' side of the equation, including employees only [...]
- Published
- 1997
16. Case study strategic challenges in the financial services industry
- Author
Henson, Steve W. and Wilson, Joey C.
- Subjects
Small business -- Finance ,Financial services industry -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Company financing ,SOHO ,Small business ,Financial services industry ,Advertising, marketing and public relations ,Business ,Business, general - Abstract
The case study of a commercial bank, which has attempted to develop and execute a successful strategy by targeting small businesses, is presented.
- Published
- 2002
- Author
Vittore, Vince
- Subjects
GoBeam -- Case studies -- Contracts -- Information management -- Management ,Western Sierra Bancorp. -- Case studies -- Contracts -- Information management -- Management ,Totalcom -- Contracts ,Computer services industry -- Case studies -- Contracts -- Information management ,Banking industry -- Case studies -- Information management -- Contracts ,Telecommunications services industry -- Case studies -- Information management -- Contracts ,VoIP (Network protocol) -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Value-added resellers -- Case studies ,Communications industry -- Case studies -- Information management -- Contracts ,Business ,Telecommunications industry ,VAR ,Company business management ,Telecommunications services industry ,Company systems management ,Contract agreement ,Computer services industry ,Banking industry ,Voice over IP ,Management ,Contracts ,Case studies ,Information management - Abstract
Byline: Vince Vittore Bill Grossner talks like a techie who has been stuffed into the costume of a numbers guy. As vice president and chief information officer of Western Sierra [...]
- Published
- 2002
18. Into the integration jungle Strong leadership and speedy decision-making helped J.P. Morgan Chase navigate a huge systems integration project
- Author
Sanborn, Stephanie
- Subjects
Company systems management ,Financial services industry ,Company acquisition/merger ,Banking industry ,Chase Manhattan Corp. -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments ,J.P. Morgan Chase and Co. -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments -- Information management ,Investment holding companies -- Case studies ,Financial services industry -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments -- Case studies -- Information management ,Banking industry -- Information management -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Acquisitions and mergers -- Case studies - Abstract
WHEN TWO OF the financial industry's largest players decide to join forces, integrating the technology and operations platforms isn't exactly a project that can be put on hold until economic […]
- Published
- 2001
19. Lending A Hand
- Author
Solomon, Melissa
- Subjects
Company business management ,Banking industry ,Merck & Company Inc. -- Donations -- Management ,United Parcel Service Inc. -- Donations -- Management ,Altria Group Inc. -- Donations -- Management ,Capital One Financial Corp. -- Donations -- Management ,Eastman Kodak Co. -- Donations -- Management ,Social service -- Management -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Donations -- Case studies ,Philanthropy -- Case studies ,Drugs -- Case studies ,Trucking -- Donations -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Photographic industry -- Donations -- Case studies ,Pharmaceutical industry -- Donations -- Case studies - Abstract
Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings Inc. and Microsoft Corp. have all become synonymous with philanthropy. The following are a few examples of volunteer efforts at other companies: […]
- Published
- 2001
20. Case Study: Implementing Enterprise Risk Management
- Author
- Subjects
Banking industry -- Management -- Case studies ,Risk management -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business ,Economics ,Company business management ,Risk management ,Banking industry ,Management ,Case studies - Abstract
There are many hurdles to implementing enterprise risk management (ERM). Many questions are common: 'Don't our auditors already do this for us?' 'I thought we have insurance?' 'Why should we [...]
- Published
- 2001
21. Technology vs. Fraud vs. Technology
- Author
Foster, Beverly
- Subjects
JPMorgan Chase & Co. -- Case studies -- Finance ,Citizens Bank -- Case studies ,Wachovia Bank -- Case studies ,Bank fraud -- Prevention -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Finance -- Case studies ,Financial services industry -- Finance -- Case studies ,Fraud -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Company financing ,Financial services industry ,Banking industry ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business - Abstract
Although fraud has been around since humankind's first opportunity to commit it, many banks are just now getting their feet wet in employing technology to fight it. This, of course, [...]
- Published
- 2001
22. Branding Strategies: BofA Touts Strengths: Marketing chief arrives at critical juncture
- Author
Dumiak, Michael
- Subjects
BankAmerica Corp. -- Marketing -- Management ,Bank marketing -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Marketing -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Advertising, marketing and public relations ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business ,Company marketing practices ,Company business management ,Banking industry ,Management ,Case studies ,Marketing - Abstract
The grand vision of amer- ica's first coast-to-coast financial services brand, a real Bank of America, is being framed for consumers not by a flashy marketing wizard, but by a [...]
- Published
- 2000
23. Case Studies in E-Commerce: Second Industrial Revolution?
- Subjects
Countrywide Home Loans Inc. -- Case studies -- Management ,Wachovia Corp. (Charlotte, North Carolina) -- Case studies -- Management ,Merrill -- Case studies -- Management ,Electronic trading (Securities) -- Case studies ,Electronic commerce -- Case studies ,Mortgage banks -- Case studies ,Electronic funds transfer systems -- Case studies ,Electronic banking -- Case studies ,Securities dealers -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Electronic commerce ,Company business management ,Online banking ,Online securities trading ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business ,Computers and office automation industries ,Economics - Abstract
Zealots of electronic commerce hail it with the kind of overheated rhetoric usually reserved to describe historical events. E-business, they contend, represents nothing less than a 'second Industrial Revolution,' a [...]
- Published
- 2000
24. How HSBC built up its millennium reserves
- Author
Vowler, Julia
- Subjects
Company systems management ,Year 2000 transition ,Banking industry ,Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. -- Information management ,Banking industry -- Information management -- Case studies ,Year 2000 transition (Computers) -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies - Abstract
In the second of a fortnightly series, Julia Vowler investigates the investment it took in terms of preparation to make one of the big four banks bug-proof for Y2K If […]
- Published
- 1999
25. Does Anyone Give Toasters Any More?
- Subjects
First Indiana Bank -- Marketing ,BankAmerica Corp. -- Marketing ,PNC Financial Services Group Inc. -- Marketing ,Chase Manhattan Corp. -- Marketing ,Bank marketing -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Marketing -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Company marketing practices ,Banking industry ,Advertising, marketing and public relations ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business - Abstract
Incentive gifts for new bank customers are getting more creative, according to a recent report in the newspaper USA Today. Here's a sample of some of the unusual giveaways currently [...]
- Published
- 1999
26. Bank Encourages Customers to Stick Around
- Author
Albro, Walt
- Subjects
United Bank and Trust (Tecumseh, Michigan) -- Marketing ,Bank marketing -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Marketing -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Company marketing practices ,Banking industry ,Advertising, marketing and public relations ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business - Abstract
Every weekday, several local businessmen in Tecumseh, Mich., take bagged lunches and walk over to the main office of the United Bank & Trust to eat. Sitting in comfortable chairs [...]
- Published
- 1999
27. Web banking via cell phone, Palm catching on Bank of America to deploy software that lets users do financial transactions from mobile devices
- Author
Toft, Dorte
- Subjects
Internet/Web server software ,Company systems management ,Software quality ,Internet ,Banking industry ,724 Solutions Inc. -- Case studies -- Information management ,BankAmerica Corp. -- Information management ,Telecommunication systems -- Case studies ,Computer software industry -- Case studies -- Information management ,Software -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Information management -- Case studies ,Internet server software -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Internet -- Case studies - Abstract
Beginning next year, Bank of America will allow its 30 million customers to do their banking over the Web via wireless devices such as cell phones and 3Com's Palm computing […]
- Published
- 1999
28. Warehouses grow more ambitious
- Author
Stedman, Craig
- Subjects
DBMS ,Data warehousing software ,Data warehousing/data mining ,DBMS utility ,Market trend/market analysis ,Banking industry ,Charles Schwab & Company Inc. -- Forecasts and trends ,Sears, Roebuck and Co. -- Forecasts and trends ,First Commerce and Loan Ltd. -- Forecasts and trends ,Telecommunication systems -- Case studies ,Clothing industry -- Case studies -- Forecasts and trends ,Database marketing -- Case studies ,Database management systems -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Case studies -- Forecasts and trends ,Data warehousing software -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Investment companies -- Case studies -- Forecasts and trends ,Data mining -- Case studies ,Data warehousing -- Case studies - Abstract
Leading-edge companies hungry for competitive marketing advantages are expanding their data warehouses beyond basic transactions and demographic data. The new frontier for Charles Schwab & Co., Sears, Roebuck and Co. […]
- Published
- 1997
29. Bank uses Java to move online
- Author
Gaudin, Sharon
- Subjects
Company systems management ,Online information service ,Banking industry ,Java ,First Horizon National Corp. -- Information management ,Telecommunication systems -- Case studies ,Online information services -- Case studies -- Information management ,Banking industry -- Case studies -- Information management ,Online services -- Case studies -- Information management ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Information services -- Case studies -- Information management ,Java (Computer program language) -- Case studies - Abstract
First Tennessee National Corp. is using Java to connect with its customers over the Internet. The bank, which has $13.4 billion in assets and is the 50th-largest bank in the […]
- Published
- 1997
30. Checks and balances
- Author
Vowler, Julia
- Subjects
64-bit operating system ,32-bit operating system ,MIS ,Communications technology ,Company systems management ,Operating system ,Banking industry ,National Westminster Bancorp Inc. -- Information management ,Telecommunication systems -- Case studies ,Operating systems -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Case studies -- Information management ,Telecommunication -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Management information systems -- Case studies - Abstract
Technology has transformed banks, which must walk a tightrope between the threats and opportunities it brings. Julia Vowler asks Achi Racov, the man in charge of IT strategy at NatWest, […]
- Published
- 1997
31. USTrust casts a wider net
- Author
DiDio, Laura
- Subjects
Virtual LAN ,Company systems management ,System conversion ,Pre-packaged LAN ,LAN ,Banking industry ,USTrust -- Information management ,Local area networks -- Design and construction -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Information management -- Case studies ,Computer system conversion -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies - Abstract
Matt Rice, vice president and senior network manager at USTrust, says there is a place for every network technology and that many have a place in his organization. That's why […]
- Published
- 1997
32. Catalysts for career development: four case studies
- Subjects
3M Co. -- Human resource management ,AT&T Corp. -- Human resource management ,Ford Motor Co. -- Human resource management ,Westpac Banking Corp. -- Human resource management ,Ceramics -- Case studies ,Automobile industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Career development -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Mineral industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Building stones -- Case studies ,Telecommunications services industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Mining industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Ceramic materials -- Case studies ,Automobiles -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Communications industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Business ,Education ,Human resources and labor relations ,Telecommunications services industry ,Automobile Industry ,Banking industry ,Company personnel management ,Human resource management ,Case studies - Abstract
Effective career development systems don't materialize--they evolve. One thoughtfully planned initiative can spark, enhance, or refine other efforts. That's what synergism is all about: capitalizing on disparate strengths to heighten [...]
- Published
- 1993
33. South African bank solves an object puzzle
- Author
Condon, Ron
- Subjects
Object-oriented programming ,Reusable code ,Company Web site/Web page ,Company systems management ,Distributed object technology ,Banking industry ,Java ,Rand Merchant Bank Ltd. ,Telecommunication systems -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Case studies -- Information management ,Web sites -- Case studies ,Object-oriented programming -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Java (Computer program language) -- Case studies - Abstract
At first sight, the problems facing Vincent Coetzee, chief technologist at Rand Merchant Bank in Johannesburg, South Africa, are much like those at any other company. He has legacy systems […]
- Published
- 1997
34. Big fish in a growing pond
- Author
Duclaux, Denise
- Subjects
Community First Bankshares Inc. -- Management ,Bank management -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business ,Company business management ,Management ,Case studies - Abstract
When First Bank System, the Minneapolis holding company, announced in 1984 that management would have the first shot at purchasing the 42 banks it was selling, the company had in [...]
- Published
- 1996
35. Lessons from the First Interstate shootout
- Author
Asher, Joseph
- Subjects
First Interstate Bancorp. -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments ,Wells Fargo & Co. -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments ,U.S. Bancorp (Minneapolis, Minnesota) -- Mergers, acquisitions and divestments ,Bank mergers -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business ,Company acquisition/merger ,Case studies ,Mergers, acquisitions and divestments - Abstract
The battle between Wells Fargo & Co. and First Bank System Inc. to acquire First Interstate Bancorp, which ended with a victory for Wells, was historic in size and dollar [...]
- Published
- 1996
36. NewSchools to manage Merton
- Subjects
John Mowlem and Company PLC -- Contracts ,The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC -- Contracts ,WS Atkins PLC -- Contracts ,Business consultants -- Contracts -- Case studies ,Building -- Case studies ,Construction industry -- Contracts -- Case studies ,School construction -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Contracts -- Case studies ,Public-private sector cooperation -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Consulting services -- Case studies -- Contracts ,Education -- Case studies -- United Kingdom ,Contract agreement ,Banking industry ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business - Abstract
The NewSchools consortium, including WS Atkins Investments, Mowlem and the Royal Bank of Scotland, has been appointed preferred bidder on the Merton Schools PFI scheme, worth 270m £ over 25 [...]
- Published
- 2001
37. Redesign works in diverse situations
- Author
Seitel, Susan
- Subjects
BankAmerica Corp. -- Human resource management ,Mondel?z International Inc. -- Human resource management ,Work design -- Case studies ,Food industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Job enrichment -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Business ,Human resources and labor relations ,Food and beverage production/distribution software ,Banking industry ,Company personnel management ,Human resource management ,Case studies - Abstract
One of the most amazing things about this report is the diversity of these companies, their industries and their employees. A Kraft Foods pizza plant, fighting major difficulties in filling [...]
- Published
- 2000
38. Use empowerment for bottom-line results
- Author
Kirwan, Jr., John P.
- Subjects
First Maryland Bancorp. -- Human resource management -- Management ,Participatory management -- Case studies ,Banking industry -- Human resource management -- Case studies ,Employee suggestions -- Management -- Case studies ,Commercial banks -- Case studies ,Business ,Human resources and labor relations ,Company business management ,Banking industry ,Company personnel management ,Management ,Human resource management ,Case studies - Abstract
Empowerment. Self-directed work teams. Entrepreneurship. For many companies, these merely are concepts that have little or no direct connection to the organization's bottom line. It doesn't have to be that [...]
- Published
- 1995
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