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Th e analysis of the illocutionary force of charms and individual speech acts in the charms makes it possible to approach to criteria for distinguishing between performative and non-performative words in charms. Th e research is devoted to the illocutionary force of performative verbs in charms. Charms are analyzed as indirect speech acts. Th e theory of speech acts identifi es structural and semantic types of utterances, which are corresponding to a certain illocutionary force (explicit forms of requests, orders, etc.), although there is not strict symmetry between the illocutionary force and the verbal form. Th e acts of transferring the illocutionary force of one act through another are called indirect speech acts. Th e author discusses the relationship between the illocutionary force of charms and the performatives used in them (���I order, ask, exorcise, pray, summon���) and analyzes the cases of illocutionary multidirectionality of a charm speech act formed by a performative verb, and a charm containing this act. For example, the verbs of the act of request, used in a ritual-magical context, turn a request into a charm. Due to the involvement of charm material, it is possible to expand the explanation of the performative verb. In author���s analysis of performatives, not only speech acts, but some other acts are included, such as charm magic acts performed through speech: acts of physical impact on an object, for example, purifi cation or destruction, acts of ritual movement, acts od changes in the state of the object and its movement (���I wash up, trim, shoot, cut in two, whip, close, throw, scoop, wring, enclothe, tramp���). As a result of observation of the illocutionary characteristics of performative charm verbs, their classifi cation was built with the allocation of lexical-semantic groups.