В статті аналізуються культурні та духовні процеси на території Східної Волині Радянської України та Західної Волині, яка входила до складу ІІ Речі Посполитої після завершення Першої світової війни. Дослідження дає змогу стверджувати, що соціально-економічні процеси на Волині у міжвоєнний період були цікавим суспільним феноменом, коли українці на своїх етнічних землях серед українців перебували в статусі іммігрантів. Лінія радянсько-польського кордону, що була межею протистояння, притягала до себе найактивніших учасників національно-визвольної боротьби, які вели її в нових умовах бездержавності, політичного й ідеологічного тиску, переслідувань та репресій з боку панівних режимів. Праця та діяльність у міжвоєнний період визначних політичних постатей доби УНР, релігійних, культурно-освітніх діячів на території Західної Волині мали доленосне значення не лише для населення регіону, але й для українського народу загалом. The article analyzes the processes that took place in the cultural and spiritual sphere in the territory of Soviet Ukraine, Eastern Volyn, and Western Volyn, which was part of the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Res Publica) after the end of the First World War. In the 20th century, the events of the centuries-old history of the Ukrainian people intertwined, which became a bunch of the most important milestones in the nation’s fate, in the survival struggle for the state and independence. This century has concentrated in itself a powerful national liberation movement and attempts to obtain state independence, the tragedy of defeats, and the division of ethnic Ukrainian lands between different states, the national revival, and the formation of the state at the end of the century. Volyn concerning the integrity of the Ukrainian lands played a special role due to its geopolitical position for a century. In the context of all these events, the period of the 1920’s and 1930’s occupies a significant place for the western Ukrainian lands, including Volyn. Its lands were a reflection of the most tragic pages in the history of Ukraine. More than once they played an outstanding role in the history of the Ukrainian people, reflected in their fate. The defeat of the national liberation struggle in 1917–1921 and the tragic consequences of these events for Ukrainian statehood turned Volyn into a specific socio-political and geopolitical region. The events in these territories, as well as the policies of the governments of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the USSR and the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, were decisive for the Ukrainian population living on ethnic Ukrainian lands and those in other countries. Our research allows us to argue that the socio-economic processes in Volyn in the interwar period were an interesting social phenomenon when Ukrainians in their ethnic lands in the Ukrainian environment were in the status of immigrants. The line of the Soviet-Polish border, which was the limit of confrontation, attracted the most active participants in the national liberation struggle, who continued it in the new conditions of lack of statehood, political and ideological pressure, persecution and repression by the ruling regimes. The work and activities during the interwar period of prominent political figures from the time of the Ukrainian National Republic (UNR), religious, cultural and education figures in the territory of Western Volyn, were of crucial importance not only for the population of the region but also for the Ukrainian nation. Volyn, despite the delimitation of the state border, remained the only region where the indigenous population lived compactly. Political and ideological pressure from the dominant regimes in the interwar years did not significantly affect the mentality of Volyn. The population of the region has preserved the Ukrainian language, Orthodox faith, spiritual and cultural traditions. Despite the confrontation between the political systems of the USSR and the Second Commonwealth, the people of Volyn treated the inhabitants living behind the region border with sympathy and liking. Therefore, immigrants who found themselves on Volyn lands adapted to the new environment without any particular problems. The local population often facilitated border crossings and provided temporary shelter. In Western Volyn, immigrants were not only quickly accepted into the new environment but also became the organizers of cultural and educational institutions and societies, leaders in political life. If we take into account the fact that after the defeat of the liberation struggle, Western Volyn became a kind of political refuge for many of their participants, then the experience of their struggle in the new conditions was used to develop active socio-political activities in the region. Moreover, the intellectual and political elite was concentrated among immigrants. Therefore, in the environment of the relatively backward eastern Volyn territory, thanks to the work of immigrants from Naddniprianska Ukraine, the level of national consciousness rises, education develops, and educational work is activated. Individual immigrants from Naddniprianska Ukraine were selected by the local population as ambassadors and senators in the Polish parliament. They headed political organizations, Ukrainian cooperation, took an active part in the life of the region. Local Enlightenment societies «Prosvita» played an important role in the cultural life of Volyn. Since a large part of the Naddniprianska Ukraine intelligentsia found themselves in immigration in Western Volyn, where the indigenous intelligentsia was relatively small, it mainly organized the Enlightenment movement. In their programs and charters, — county societies «Prosvita». A characteristic feature of the first post-war years was the opposing trends in this process of the Polish and Ukrainian sides. The Polish regime, established on Volyn lands, was forced to reckon with such authoritative cultural and public associations as «Prosvita » at that time. The Ukrainians, who found themselves in the lands occupied by Poland, still cherished the hope of a possible entry into the new state formation with the preservation of their own national and cultural interests. In July 1922 a congress of cultural and educational organizations of Volyn was held in Lutsk. The congress discussed the charter of the unifying center and the adoption of its name, namely: «Association of cultural and educational organizations of Volyn called “Volyn Prosvita”». The commission to edit the statute included well-known Ukrainian figures in immigration, such as Ivan Vlasovskyi, Mykhailo Cherkavskyi, Serhii Miliashkevych. The congress expressed demands to the Polish authorities to open in Volyn the number of state Ukrainian schools, corresponding to the number of the Ukrainian population in the region. To achieve their goals, societies opened reading rooms, bookstores, cinemas, arranged lectures, laid out for ordinary people, published books, magazines, and the like. To spread education, primary and secondary schools were organized, funds were created to assist capable students. It is advisable to compare the processes that took place in the cultural and spiritual sphere in the territory of Soviet Ukraine and Eastern Volyn. In fact, in the same period, the 30s, after the collapse of Ukrainization, the Soviet government began to actively pursue a national policy leading to the assimilation of the Ukrainian population. The slogan of culture «national in form, socialist, international in content», created in the formally «sovereign USSR, covered the comprehensive falsification of Ukrainian national culture with the widespread use of propaganda means of the press, school, theater, radio, etc., and inculcating Soviet patriotism with a lasting affirmation about the advanced role of the «great Russian nation». Thus, again, the two political regimes that ruled in Volyn in the interwar period, despite the polarity of their ideologies in the field of cultural and national policy, carried out identical measures. Their ultimate goal was the assimilation of the Ukrainian population, the loss of their national identity, culture, language. Thus, the integration of Western Volyn into the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, especially in the sphere of cultural and spiritual life, was contradictory and with great difficulty. Ukrainian public and cultural figures, a significant part of whom were immigrants from Prydniprovia, searched for ways of national-cultural coexistence in the political system of Poland. However, the course of the Polish authorities, which was taken to assimilate, militarize and catholicize the Ukrainian population, towards forced integration into the Polish state, sharpened Polish-Ukrainian relations more and more, giving rise to contradictions and conflicts. Such a policy of the states that divided Volyn was caused by the situation at that time. Firstly, an attempt was made to enlist the support of the local population in carrying out political reforms and strengthening local positions, when the situation at the borders was still unsettled, and the states themselves were weakened by the consequences of the war. Secondly, the centuries-old confrontation for the Ukrainian flock determined the relationship between Catholic Poleadership in the field of spiritual life announced a policy of atheism, and the Polish religious authorities in religious and spiritual life in the occupied lands took a course towards Catholicization, the opposition of these political regimes allowed the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church to arise and for some time to actively operate.