Rural tourism has many economical, environmental, and socio-cultural benefits. However, the development of rural tourism compared to urban tourism is also faced with several challenges added to the disadvantages of rural tourism. The aim of this study is to design a model of the factors affecting the motivations of rural tourists, in an attempt to improve the understanding of rural tourism motivation for the development of that form of tourism. The proposed model is based on a sound theoretical framework. It was designed following a literature review of tourism motivation theoretical frameworks and of rural tourism motivation factors. The tourism motivation theoretical framework that fitted to the best all rural tourism motivation factors was then chosen as the basis for the proposed model. This study hence found that the push and pull tourism motivation framework and the inner and outer directed values theory are the most adequate theoretical frameworks for the modeling of rural tourism motivation., {"references":["E. Alyward, \"Rural tourism development: proposing an integrated model\nof rural stakeholder network relationships,\" In IAM conference 2009,\n2nd- 4th September, Galway Mayo institute of technology, 2009.","M. Basher, and A. Ali Ajloni, \"Motivating foreign tourists to visit the\nrural site in Jordan, village of Petra,\" Australian Journal of Business and\nManagement Research, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 1-7, 2012.","L, Bothma, Travel motivation to selected national parks in South Africa:\nKaroo-, Tsitsikama-, and Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Potchefstroom\nUniversity of Northwest, North West, 2009.","G. Dann, \"Anomie, ego-enhancement and tourism,\" Annals of Tourism\nResearch, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 184-194, 1977.","M. M. A, de Almeida, \"From island mass tourism to rural tourism in\nMadeira: Is there a place for a re-definition of islands- image?\" Tourism\nResearch, vol. 13, no. 14, pp. 97-110, 2010.","A. Farmaki, \"An exploration of tourist motivation in rural setting,\" The\ncase of Troodos, Cyprus, Tourism management perspective, vol. 2, no.\n3, pp. 72-78, 2012.","J. Gnoth, \"Tourism motivation and expectation formation,\" Annals of\nTourism Research, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 283-304, 1977.","P. Gray, International Travel-International Trade. Lexington,\nMassachussets: Heath Lexington Books, 1970.","P. Haldar, \"Rural tourism - Challenges and opportunities,\" In\ninternational marketing conference on marketing & society, IIMK 8-10\nApril, Kozhikode: Indian institute of management Kozhikode, 2007,\npp11-129.\n[10] Z. A. A. Hallab, An exploratory study of the relationship between\nhealth-living and travel behaviour. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and\nState University, 1999.\n[11] L. Hins, The motivational factors of visiting to ocean parks. Faculty of\nOrganisation and Management, Sheffield Hallam University, 2009.\n[12] J. Holland, M. Burian, and L. Dixey,. Tourism in pro-poor rural areas:\nDiversifying the product and expanding the benefits in rural Uganda and\nthe Czech Republic. PPT working paper, no. 12, 2003. (Online)\navailable from htt://\n(Accessed 10 December 2012).\n[13] H. Madhavan, and R. Rastogi, Social and psychological factors\ninfluencing destination preferences of domestic tourists in India, Leisure\nStudies, DOI:10.1080/02614367.2011.632781, 2011.\n[14] R. Mannell, and S. Iso-Ahola, \"Psychological nature of leisure and\ntourism experience,\" Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 14, pp. 314-331,\n1987.\n[15] R.W. McIntosh, and C.R. Goeldner, Tourism: Principles, Practices,\nPhilosophies, New York: Wiley, 1990.\n[16] L. C. Ortigueira, and D. Gómez-Selemeneva, \"Critical success factors of\na tourist destination in the Caribbean,\" Book of proceedings,\ninternational conference on tourism and management studies, Algarve,\n2007, vol. 1.\n[17] J. A. Pesonen, \"Segmentation of rural tourists: Combining push and pull\nmotivations,\" Tourism and Hospitality Management, vol.18, no.1, pp.\n69-82, 2011.\n[18] J. Pesonen, and R. Komppula, \"Rural wellbeing tourism: Motivations\nand expectations,\" (Online) Journal of hospitality and tourism\nmanagement, vol.17, no. 1, pp. 150- 157, 2010.\n[19] E. B., Romera, G. J., Brida, C. A., Martínez, E. Riaño, and M. J. S.\nDevesa, \"Rural tourism at Arqitectura Negra villages (Guadalajara\nSpain): Demand analysis,\" Tourism Management, 27, 1011-1013, ISSN:\n1139-7861, 2011.\n[20] L. Zhang, The UK as a destination choice for Chinese tourists: An\nanalysis of tourist motivation factors. The University of Nottingham,\n2006."]}