A detailed algebraic-geometric background is presented for the tropical approach to enumeration of singular curves on toric surfaces, which consists of reduc- ing the enumeration of algebraic curves to that of non-Archimedean amoebas, the images of algebraic curves by a real-valued non-Archimedean valuation. This idea was proposed by Kontsevich and recently realized by Mikhalkin, who enumerated the nodal curves on toric surfaces. The main technical tools are a refined tropicalization of one-parametric equisingular families of curves and the patchworking construction of singular algebraic curves. The case of curves with a cusp and the case of real nodal curves are also treated. §1. Introduction The rapid development of tropical algebraic geometry over recent years has led to interesting applications to enumerative geometry of singular algebraic curves, proposed by Kontsevich (16). The first result in this direction was obtained by Mikhalkin (18), who counted the curves with a given number of nodes on toric surfaces via lattice paths in con- vex lattice polygons. Our main goal in the present paper is to explain this breakthrough result, notably the link between algebraic curves and non-Archimedean amoebas, which is the core of the tropical approach to enumerative geometry. Our point of view is purely algebraic-geometric and differs from Mikhalkin's method, which is based on symplectic geometry techniques. Briefly speaking, we count equisingular families of curves over a punctured disk. The tropicalization procedure extends such families to the central point, and these tropical limits are basically encoded by non-Archimedean amoebas. In its turn, the patchworking construction restores an equisingular family out of the central fiber. Tropicalization. Let ∆ ⊂ R 2 be a convex lattice polygon, and let TorK(∆) be the toric surface associated with the polygon ∆ and defined over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic zero. We denote by ΛK(∆) the tautological linear system on TorK(∆) generated by the monomials x i y j ,( i, j) ∈ ∆ ∩ Z 2 . We would like to count the n-nodal curves belonging to ΛK(∆) and passing through r =d im Λ K(∆) − n = |∆ ∩ Z 2 |− 1 − n generic points in TorK(∆), i.e., we want to find the degree of the so-called Severi variety Σ∆(nA1). Let K be the field of convergent Puiseux series over C, i.e., power series of the form b(t )= � τ ∈R cτ t τ ,w hereR ⊂ Q is contained in an arithmetic progression bounded from below, and � τ ∈R |cτ |t τ < ∞ for sufficiently small positive t. The field K is equipped with a non-Archimedean valuation Val(b )= − min{τ ∈ R : cτ � } ,w hich