Automated management of physical resources is critical or reducing the operational costs of virtualized environments. An effective resources management solution must provide performance isolation among virtual machines, handle resource fragmentation across physical hosts and optimize scheduling for multiple resources. It must also utilize the underlying hardware infrastructure efficiently. Vmware distributed resource scheduler manages the allocation of physical resources to set of virtual machines deployed in a cluster of hosts, each running in the Vmware ESxi hypervisor. DRS maps VMs to hosts and perform intelligent load balancing in order to improve performance and to enforce both user specified policies and system level constraints. This project mainly concentrate on maintain load balance across available hosts in a cluster, and properly utilize the overloading or underlying resources., {"references":["Appleby, K., Fakhouri, S., Fong, L., Goldszmidt, G., Kalantar, M., Krishnakumar, S., & Rochwerger, B. (2001, May). Oceano-SLA based management of a computing utility. In 2001 IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Integrated Network Management Proceedings. Integrated Network Management VII. Integrated Management Strategies for the New Millennium (Cat. No. 01EX470) (pp. 855-868). IEEE.","Aron, M., Druschel, P., & Zwaenepoel, W. (2000, June). Cluster reserves: a mechanism for resource management in cluster-based network servers. In Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems (pp. 90-101).","Barham, P., Dragovic, B., Fraser, K., Hand, S., Harris, T., Ho, A., & Warfield, A. (2003). Xen and the art of virtualization. ACM SIGOPS operating systems review, 37(5), 164-177.","Box, G. E., Jenkins, G. M., Reinsel, G. C., & Ljung, G. M. (2015). Time series analysis: forecasting and control. John Wiley & Sons.","Chase, J. S., Anderson, D. C., Thakar, P. N., Vahdat, A. M., & Doyle, R. P. (2001). Managing energy and server resources in hosting centers. ACM SIGOPS operating systems review, 35(5), 103-116.","Clark, C., Fraser, K., Hand, S., Hansen, J. G., Jul, E., Limpach, C., & Warfield, A. (2005, May). Live migration of virtual machines. In Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation-Volume 2 (pp. 273- 286).","Govil, K., Teodosiu, D., Huang, Y., & Rosenblum, M. (1999, December). Cellular Disco: Resource management using virtual clusters on shared-memory multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the seventeenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles (pp. 154- 169).","Grit, L., Irwin, D., Yumerefendi, A., & Chase, J. (2006, November). Virtual machine hosting for networked clusters: Building the foundations for\" autonomic\" orchestration. In First International Workshop on Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing (VTDC 2006) (pp. 7-7). IEEE.","Gupta, D., Cherkasova, L., Gardner, R., & Vahdat, A. (2006, November). Enforcing performance isolation across virtual machines in Xen. In ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing (pp. 342-362). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.","Gupta, D., Gardner, R., & Cherkasova, L. (2005). Qos monitoring and performance profiling tool. Technical Report HPL-2005-187, HP."]}