51. National Conflicts and Nationalism in Historiography on the Habsburg Monarchy
- Author
Botić, Slaven and Šimetin Šegvić, Filip
- Subjects
južni Slaveni ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska moderna i suvremena povijest ,„nova povijest“ ,nacionalizam ,Habsburgovci ,Habsburg Monarchy ,historiography ,historiografija ,nationalism ,Habsburgs ,Prvi svjetski rat ,„new history“ ,World War I ,Habsburška Monarhija ,Austro-Ugarska ,Austro-Hungary ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History ,southern Slavs - Abstract
Odnos historiografije prema evoluciji problema nacionalizma u Habsburškoj Monarhiji razlikovao se je u međuraću, Hladnom ratu te suvremenom periodu. Ovaj rad usporedno prikazuje razlike između starije historiografije, koja je imala veći animozitet prema Habsburškoj Monarhiji, te novih pristupa u historiografiji koji su naklonjeniji pozitivnijim ocjenama i koji u svoja istraživanja unose neke nove teme koje su do tada bile slabo ili nikako istraživane. Predočene su teze nekih eminentnih povjesničara europske i američke historiografije. Pokušalo se prikazati nastanak i razvitak nacionalističkih pokreta raznih naroda koji su sačinjavali Austro-Ugarsku te kakav je bio njihov odnos prema vlastima, odnosno kako je vlast pokušavala ukomponirati te nacionalizme u promociju vlastitog, monarhijskog patriotizma. Usporedno se prikazuje odnos Habsburgovaca i vladajućih struktura prema nacionalnostima u austrijskom i mađarskom dijelu Monarhije te njihov recipročan odgovor. Nakon Prvog svjetskog rata javlja se određeni pozitivan sentiment prema Habsburškoj Monarhiji pa se stoga u ovome radu opisuju i određene ustavne promjene, kao i kulturni te znanstveni napredak koji je doveo do toga sentimenta. Južni Slaveni također su u fokusu ovoga rada, posebno preko prizme Prvog svjetskog rata, gdje će biti prikazani određeni elementi koji su doveli do raspada Austro-Ugarske. Metodama komparativne historije postavljen je usporedni međuodnos između glavnih teza istaknutih povjesničara Habsburške Monarhije, kojim se nastoji dati odgovor na pitanje zašto je ona propala. The viewpoint of historiography towards the evolution of the problem of nationalism in the Habsburg Monarchy differed in the interwar period, Cold War period, and the modern period. This thesis compares the differences between older historiography, which had a greater animosity towards the Habsburg Monarchy, and the new approaches in historiography which are more favorable to positive assessments, and which introduced new topics that were barely researched, if at all, until then. The theories of some eminent historians of European and American historiography are presented. What is tried to be depicted is the origin and development of the nationalist movements of the various nations that were part of Austro-Hungary and their attitude towards the authorities, i.e., how the government tried to incorporate these nationalisms in the promotion of its own, monarchical patriotism. Simultaneously presented are the relations between Habsburgs and the ruling structures towards the nationalities in the Austrian and Hungarian part of the Monarchy and their reciprocal response. There was a certain positive sentiment towards the Habsburg Monarchy following the World War I, so this thesis describes certain constitutional changes, as well as the cultural and scientific progress that led to that sentiment. Southern Slavs are also a point of interest in this thesis, especially through the prism of the World War I, where certain elements that led to the disintegration of Austro-Hungary will be introduced. The methods of comparative history set out to compare the relations between the main theories of prominent historians of the Habsburg Monarchy, aiming to give an answer to the question of why it fell apart.
- Published
- 2021