Submitted by Sara Ribeiro ( on 2019-11-21T19:42:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseLucasJuniorDissertacao2019.pdf: 1106138 bytes, checksum: e9b9fa678d2541d571af3768d8346ded (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro ( on 2019-11-21T19:43:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseLucasJuniorDissertacao2019.pdf: 1106138 bytes, checksum: e9b9fa678d2541d571af3768d8346ded (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2019-11-21T19:43:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseLucasJuniorDissertacao2019.pdf: 1106138 bytes, checksum: e9b9fa678d2541d571af3768d8346ded (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019-08-15 Brazilian society has long been debating and discussing the participation of individuals involved in the teaching-learning process. Students have been criticized because of lack of interest, lack of responsibility, lack of enchantment and others, especially those in the public education system. For Demo (2005), even though the teacher is a fundamental part of the teaching-learning process, student participation cannot be overlooked, since they are in the same process. In addition, under the professor???s guidance, the best way to learn is not to listen to class, but to research and elaborate with his own hand. However, in order to analyze the participation of the students in the process, the present work seeks to know how much they have participated [in learning process] and the condition under which it occurs and if the process has any relevance to the final results obtained by the schools in the evaluation systems for the Education Development Index (Ideb). According to art. 205 of the Brazilian Constitution, "education is the right of all and the responsibility of the State and the family" (BRAZIL, 1988). Thus, in order to situate the rights and duties of the parties involved in the teaching-learning process, a bibliographical research has been carried out in the educational legislation, in the Brazilian Constitutions, in the Law on Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDB), in the national education plan (PNE), and the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC). From that point on, the authors who supported the central theses treated in the study were analyzed, and at the end an empirical research was carried out in the public schools of Una?? / MG, being chosen two of smaller and higher life standing index (Ideb). Questionnaires were applied to students from the second year of high school, exclusively for those who participated in the last national Schools evaluation. Thus, the results obtained in the questionnaires w ere compared with the results of the schools in the Ideb, which demonstrated that the participation, for example, in leisure and sports activities, in meetings with the school principals, in group activities, in study works performed by students as well as in welcoming teachers and their commitment with studies, is relevant to the results of schools. On the other hand, the participation in cultural activities, in student group and the reception of the students towards their teachers revealed not to be relevant to the results. Regarding the legal instruments, it was observed that a large part of the students do not know the Political Project Pedagogical (PPP) of their school (73.68%) nor the National Plan of Education (PNE) for high school (70, 87%). Also, in the questionnaire, t he students were encouraged to suggest activities they would like to have in their schools, and with this, several demands were observed, such activities outside the classroom, cultural and leisure activities, reinforcement classes and preparation for approval in universities, as well as more qualified teachers. A participa????o dos atores envolvidos no processo ensino-aprendizagem h?? muito vem sendo debatida e discutida pela sociedade brasileira. Com rela????o aos estudantes, sobretudo, os da rede p??blica de educa????o, as cr??ticas s??o as mais variadas, tais como falta de interesse, falta de responsabilidade, falta de encantamento e outras. Para Demo (2005), mesmo sendo o professor parte fundamental no processo ensino-aprendizagem, a participa????o do aluno n??o pode ser desprezada, visto que est??o no mesmo barco, e que a melhor maneira de aprender n??o ?? escutar aula, mas pesquisar e elaborar com m??o pr??pria, sob orienta????o do professor. Pois bem, objetivando analisar a participa????o dos discentes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, o presente trabalho busca saber o quanto eles t??m participado e como esta participa????o ocorre e, se esta tem alguma relev??ncia para os resultados obtidos pelas escolas nos sistemas de avalia????o para o ??ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educa????o B??sica (Ideb). Segundo o art. 205 da Constitui????o brasileira, ???a educa????o, direito de todos e dever do Estado e da fam??lia??? (BRASIL, 1988). Assim, com vista a situar os direitos e deveres das partes envolvidas no processo ensinoaprendizagem, foi feita uma pesquisa bibliogr??fica na legisla????o educacional, como nas Constitui????es brasileiras, na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educa????o Nacional (LDB), no Plano Nacional de Educa????o (PNE) e na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). A partir da?? foram analisados os te??ricos que sustentam as teses centrais tratadas no trabalho, e ao final foi realizada uma pesquisa emp??rica em escolas p??blicas de Una??/MG, sendo escolhidas as duas de menor Ideb e as duas de maior ??ndice e aplicado um question??rio aos alunos do segundo ano do ensino m??dio, exclusivamente para os que participaram da ??ltima avalia????o da escola. Com isso, foi feita a compara????o dos resultados obtidos nos question??rios com os resultados das escolas no Ideb, o que demonstrou que a participa????o, por exemplo, em atividades de lazer e esportivas, em reuni??es com a dire????o da escola, em atividades em grupo, em exposi????o de trabalhos escolares, bem como no acolhimento para com os professores e no engajamento com os estudos t??m relev??ncia para os resultados das escolas. Por outro lado, a participa????o em atividades culturais, em gr??mio estudantil e o acolhimento dos alunos para com seus professores revelou n??o ser relevante para os resultados. J?? em rela????o aos instrumentos legais, observouse que grande parte dos alunos n??o conhece o Projeto Pol??tico Pedag??gico (PPP) da sua escola (73,68%) e nem o Plano Nacional de Educa????o (PNE) para o ensino m??dio (70,87%). Tamb??m, no question??rio foi oportunizado aos estudantes sugerirem atividades que gostariam que existissem nas suas escolas, sendo, com isso, observadas v??rias reivindica????es, dentre elas atividades fora da sala de aula, atividades culturais e de lazer, aulas de refor??o e preparat??rias para vestibular, bem como professores mais qualificados.