Panel : "Intralingual Translation Practices And Textual Production In Late Imperial And Early Republican China: New Tools And Approaches"Panel Abstract: "This panel introduces new and updated researches and methodologies in the context of intralingual translation and rewriting applied to Chinese literature. Following the seminal studies on intralingual translation by Korning-Zethsen, in recent years a steady body of literature on reformulation and rewriting practices has emerged in the field of translation studies making it an important issue in translation theory and practice. In the case of Chinese language, the intralingual perspective is particularly valuable in consideration of the complex interrelationship between the classical language and the written vernacular language that characterized the emergence and development of vernacular literature in the premodern period, as well as the position of the classical language and the consolidation of the vernacular language in the early Republican period. This panel proposes new research directions in relations to these aspects. On the one hand, Lanselle’s paper introduces a new tool in digital humanities specifically designed to analyze the textual transformations between classical language sources and vernacular texts in the production of literary narratives in premodern China. Moving to the early Republican period, Bisetto’s paper further develops the research on textual transformations and reverses the direction of the linguistic research by focusing on a lesser-known example of narrative rewriting in classical language of a famous premodern theatrical play, while Sibau examines the strategies that informed the vernacular editions of the classics and the elements of continuity and discontinuity with previous commentarial tradition. Through different perspectives spanning from the premodern period to the early Republican period, this panel aims at stressing the multi-directionality of the dialogical relations between the classical and vernacular languages in the Chinese context, and the important role of translational approaches and methodologies in analyzing these phenomena."Co-panelists abstracts:Barbara BISETTO (Università degli Studi di Verona):"From Drama to Novel: Intralingual Translation and Rewriting in the Xixiang Ji Yanyi""In their historical development the concept of yan 演 and the derived textual category of yanyi 演 義 represented a dynamic combination of practices of commentary, translation, rewriting and adaptation. In recent years, various studies have suggested the relevance of these notions for research on the history of translation in China, focusing on examples of paraphrasing strategies in premodern commentarial notes (Bisetto 2017, 2018), on seventeenth-century vernacular rewriting of classical language sources (Bisetto 2014) or translation of Western learning into Chinese (Hsu 2015), and on the translation of Western short narrative forms during the late Qing and early Republican period (Zhang 2013).Another interesting, although lesser-known, instance of the process of modulation of the yanyi category in relation to translational practices is represented by the rewriting of famous classical plays into novels in classical language, a form that gained short momentum within the context of the Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies literature in the early decades of the twentieth century, thanks to the publication of the work Xixiang ji yanyi 西廂記演義, followed by Taohua shan yanyi 桃花扇 演義 and Pipa ji yanyi 琵琶記演義.This paper examines the first novel, the Xixiangji yanyi written by Yu Xuelun 喻血輪 and published in 1918. This work is particularly important not only because it represented the model for the other novels, but primarily because in the prefatory remarks the author explicitly qualified his endeavor in the rewriting of the original gist of the classical sources in terms of yi 譯 (translation).This paper explores the linguistic and discursive strategies adopted by the author in the rewriting process by undertaking a close comparative analysis of the yanyi text and its classical sources, namely the Tang novella Huizhen ji 會真記, significantly included in the printed edition of the novel, and the Yuan play Xixiang ji by Wang Shifu. The main purpose of the research is to evaluate the linguistic and cultural parameters informing the translational activities implied in the novelistic rewriting and how they are related to the notion of translation in the early Republican period and to the notion of yanyi in premodern literature."Maria Franca SIBAU (Emory University):"Remastering the Master: Vernacular Translations and Commentaries of Mengzi in the Republican Period""At the turn of the twentieth century commercial publishers large and small rushed to produce new vernacular translations and commentaries of the classics in a bid to win a share of the lucrative book market amidst the waves sof curriculum reforms, language debates, and uncertainty surrounding the position of the classics during the late Qing and early Republican periods. The emergence of the duben 讀本 or readers’ guides as a bibliographic heading is especially worth closer examination. Texts that appeared under this rubric run the gamut from reproductions of traditional commentaries, to editions that offer vernacular annotations and full-scale translations, illustrations, catechistic question-and-answer sections, and contextual materials of various kinds. Some editions focus on the literary quality, rather than the moral import and canonical status of the classic; others re-arrange the original text topically.Focusing on the Mencius, I will examine the strategies deployed by several compilers and publishers who took part in the grand enterprise of vernacularization and repackaging of the masters anew for the modern audiences, including Tuhua sishu baihua jie 圖畫四書白話解(Biaomeng shushi, ca. 1914), Yanwen duizhao guangzhu Mengzi duben 言文對照廣註孟子讀本 (Shijie shuju, ca. 1924), Baihua Mengzi duben 白話孟子讀本 (Guangyi shuju, ca. 1927). I am especially interested in the traits of continuity and discontinuity between the modern vernacular translations and premodern commentaries and popularizations of the Mencius, including the late Ming pingdian commentaries attributed to Su Xun (Ping Mengzi 評孟子), Li Zhi (Mengzi ping 孟子評), and Jin Shengtan (Shi Mengzi 釋孟子, early Qing) but also stories included in the huaben collection Qishi’er chao renwu yanyi 七十二朝人物演義. I will pay special attention to the passages that deal with exemplary or proverbial figures, such as the sage emperor Shun, the recluse Bo Yi, the minister Yi Yin, or the tigerwrestler Feng Fu."; International audience; The aim of this paper is to present a new tool in digital humanities called IntraTexTT (for "Intralingual Textual Transformation Tool"), currently developed by myself and a research engineer specialized in digital corpus editing with the financial and technical support of the CRCAO (Research Center on East Asian Civilizations), EPHE and CNRS (National Center for Scientific research), Paris, France. This tool is intended for the analysis of textual transformations between source texts and target texts in the production of literary narratives in pre-modern China (ca. 13th-18th centuries). As is well known, this production involved complex processes of intertextuality, entailing rewriting and intralingual translation, particularly in the context of the diglossic/schizoglossic situation of Chinese between classical (“literary Chinese”) and vernacular languages (“plain Chinese”). The IntraTexTT tool will be used for the analysis, statistical reporting, online publishing and sharing of data related to said situations, in which textual production was operated via intertextual transformations. These included a web of intricate strategies of intralingual resemantization it is the function of this tool to sparse and identify.In this paper I will first give the rationale and context for the need to develop such a tool. I shall give the general principles of the methodology, detail the typologies, and describe the textual strategies and micro-strategies, with their precise naming, to be considered for the realization of a relevant and efficient digital tool. I will show how the latter may be useful in order to conduct a detailed philological investigation of intralingual transformation processes, and to compare versions as closely as possible, as this exploration is likely to reveal a considerable amount of information on how the texts were produced. This could help us put into light how authors managed their references in their highly intertextual environment, and what was the logics behind their textual production. Second, based a concrete example, I will deliver a demonstration in real time of the whole process of the use of IntraTexTT, from the textual analysis to the entering and treatment of the data, resulting in a systematized, interpretable and exploitable database of a given intralingual ST/TT transformation case. This tool is powerful as it is able to combine completely different categories of data, including micro-strategies and stylistic/linguistic characteristics. It can treat simultaneously multiple ST as sources for a single TT. I will also give some details about the conception of the tool, based on an XML software modified with coding in Javascript and uploaded online for easy operating and data sharing.Funded by public financing, the IntraTexTT tool, once fully operational, is intended to be shared free of charge with the community or scholars and researchers. The tool itself will be adaptable in any language, but will remain designed for textual comparisons between Chinese texts, as it is primarily focused on the analysis of intralingual processes. This presentation would be a good opportunity to publicly present this state-of-the-art new tool, that should be completed in the course of 2019, and the creation of which has been motivated by the recent development of a new research dynamics around the concept of intralingual translation.