31 results on '"Personální management"'
Search Results
2. Upravleniye personalom organizatsii v rynochnykh usloviyakh
- Author
Alexandrova, Anastasia, Němec, Otakar, and Vladimirova, Svetlana
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSION ,personální management ,human resource management ,motivačního systému ,vzdělávání ,motivation system ,training of personnel - Abstract
The theme of bachelor work: "Human Resources Organization in market conditions" The aim of bachelor work is to develop recommendations of improving personnel management of company " M 3 Production ". Information and methodological basis of the study are legal sources, textbooks, manuals, articles from periodicals of experts in management, personnel management, economic analysis. The theoretical part includes of the scientific and theoretical foundations: the concept, the essence, the main objectives and functions of personnel management. The analytical part includes of the analysis of human resources of management system, personnel training and motivation system of company "M 3 Production" and identified the main deficiencies.
- Published
- 2016
3. Evaluation of employees in selected institutions from private and public sector
- Author
Papežová, Kateřina, Vláčil, Jan, and Mitwallyová, Helena
- Subjects
personální management ,remuneration ,zaměstnanec ,Hodnocení ,benefit ,employee ,odměňování ,Evaluation ,personnel management - Abstract
This thesis presents a comparison evaluation and remuneration system in selected institutions, public administration and private sector and evaluating their effectiveness. The aim of the work is based on personal interviews with recruiters in selected institutions determine differences but also the connection between the two sectors and to recommend possible improvements to processes within the institution. The theoretical part explains basic knowledge of evaluating and rewarding employees. These theoretical knowledge is then examined in the empirical part. Based on the questionnaire research is determined the current situation between Czech employers and employee preferences. From personal interviews with recruiters ensues specific differences between the sectors, but also among the institutions themselves within the sector. The conclusion presents recommendations and outcomes from the obtained information.
- Published
- 2016
4. Analysis of human resources activities in public administration
- Author
Výtisková, Iveta, Vláčil, Jan, and Khendriche Trhlínová, Zuzana
- Subjects
bureaucracy ,public clerk ,personální management ,public administration ,veřejná správa ,byrokracie ,management contact with citizens ,human resources ,organizational structure ,management styku s občany ,státní úředník ,organizační struktura ,personální činnost ,personnel management - Abstract
The thesis is devoted to theoretical problems of public administration in the Czech Republic, its institutions, instruments, exercised personnel activities and their peculiarities in the public administration, including defining the status of civil clerk. Further attention is paid to the management of organizational behavior in administrative organizations. In practical terms, the emphasis is primarily on how the ongoing activities of selected personnel, primarily evaluation, selected at public authorities (Generální finanční ředitelství and Úřad městského obvodu Ostrava-Jih) and what style of management executives of these agencies most frequently.
- Published
- 2015
5. The analysis of public administration from the perspective of selected national economic parameters in the Czech Republic from 1989 to 2012
- Author
Tomanová, Zuzana, Zeman, Karel, and Krebs, Vojtěch
- Subjects
veřejná správa ,the public administration reform ,personální management ,the human resources management ,the comparison of public administrations ,ekonomická transformace ,Veřejný sektor ,porovnání systémů veřejných správ ,reforma veřejné správy ,the financing of public administration ,financování veřejné správy ,the economic transformation ,The public sector ,the public administration - Abstract
The Thesis on topic The analysis of public administration from the perspective of selected national economic parameters in the Czech Republic from 1989 to 2012 summarizes these issues in order to understand the complexity of the topic. Those who said the issue more interested, this work should help to summarize the progress and crucial moments of public administration reform in the Czech Republic, to understand the principles and functioning of public administration and allow a comparison of public administration in the context of a centrally planned economy compared to today's economy operating under the market mechanism. The theoretical part covers the economic base of the topic and deals with basic definitions of the public sector, respectively public administration, personnel management and financial flows at all levels of public administration. Following chapters focus on the development of public administration from the beginning of the transformation of the economy in 1989, when the first signs appear necessary of reform public administration, until now. Individual chapters deal with the historical sections of the national economy in order to monitor the selected parameters in correspondence to the gross domestic product of the country, including the legislative framework. The thesis refers to the fact, that the aim of the state is considered to achieve a state of public administration, where it will be termed as a whole to be effective. Unsystematic changes in the performance of public administration are essential factors that make governance unstable and non-transparent. Finding ways of their elimination will be able to increase the efficiency of public administration under the current societal needs.
- Published
- 2015
6. Nové profesní pozice v hotelnictví a problematika jejich náboru
- Author
Kraliková, Klára, Jenčková, Jiřina, and Bakos, Tomáš
- Subjects
personální management ,hotel industry ,hotel ,e-commerce management ,human recources management ,e-commerce ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
The work follows the new trend of job offers in the hotel industry. The aim is to provide a comprehensive summary of selected new professional positions and put them into the context of hotel organization, and to analyze the current requirements for the position of Revenue Manager. The information obtained by monitoring the current job at the advertising portals and by an interview with a human recources officer of 5 * Prague hotel.
- Published
- 2014
7. Analysis of personal management in educational facilities
- Author
Dobrovolný, Michael, Vláčil, Jan, and Kořínek, Jaroslav
- Subjects
veřejná správa ,human resources ,vzdělávací zařízení ,personální management ,public administration ,lidské zdroje ,human resource management ,educational facilities - Abstract
Thesis is focused on personal management in public administration with accent on educational facilities. The base for quality as well as effective function of those facilities (schools) is created by human resources. Analysis and evaluation of personal management at selected schools located in the area of Chrudim district, incl. assessment of requirements for improvement of state-of-art situation, are the aim of the thesis. The positions of an officer and of an educational facility employee are compared. Individual activities of personal management are also engaged next to it. The thesis is based on professional literature as well as on the Act No. 561/2004 Coll. on pre-school, basic, secondary, tertiary professional and other education. Practical part of the thesis is based on materials provided by schools. Evaluation of this problem and proposal of recommendations are based on these materials.
- Published
- 2014
8. Differences in recruitment, remuneration and classification in the private and public sector
- Author
Talacová, Markéta, Vláčil, Jan, and Grycová, Veronika
- Subjects
veřejná správa ,public administration ,classification ,remuneration ,zaměstnanec ,recruitment ,nábor ,employee ,hodnocení ,odměňování ,personnel management ,personální management - Abstract
This thesis is focused on the theme of Personnel Management, which currently, due to a growing economy, is becoming increasingly important. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and assess the differences between the private-sector approach to personnel management and the public sector approach, especially in the areas of recruitment, remuneration, and evaluation of employees. If there are differences between the sectors, the aim is to find out what differences are, and suggest solutions. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the first part, theoretical, the process of recruitment and selection of employees is described in detail, in terms of their remuneration and evaluation. The second part, practical, includes and analysis of staffing activities in organizations that willingly provide information for the preparation of this thesis. It also evaluates the differences between private companies and public organizations.
- Published
- 2014
9. Recruitment, adaptation and education employees of the public adminstration
- Author
Sadilová, Markéta, Vláčil, Jan, and Zinkaizl, Libor
- Subjects
veřejná správa ,personální management ,public administration ,official ,úředník ,personnel management - Abstract
The thesis is focused on personal activities in local government units. First, the thesis outlines the theoretical foundations of public administration in the context of its reforms. Then there is described the theoretical basis of personal activities. The aim is through analytical methods to evaluate the recruitment, adaptation and education of employees in local government units. The theoretical part is followed by empirical research that is concerned with the level and the quality of the personnel activities in practice. From empirical research are drawn recommendations to improve the current state of human resource management in local government units.
- Published
- 2012
10. Personnel Management in the Public Sector
- Author
Fialová, Aneta, Němec, Otakar, and Pavlík, Marek
- Subjects
veřejná správa ,Public sector ,personální management ,HR ,lidské zdroje ,Personnel management - Abstract
Master's Thesis is focused on personnel management in public sector. Human Resources are the basis for quality and efficient managing of public administration. Theoretical aspects of personnel management in the public sector are stated in the first part of the thesis. There are described the roles of personnel management in public administration and subsequently there are described the theoretical differences between personnel management in the public and private spheres. In the second part of the theory there are specified individual personnel activities such as job analysis, recruitment and selection of employees, employee adaptation, employment closing, employee training, employee evaluation and employee wages and benefits. Beside usual literature there are quotes from the Act No. 312/2002 Coll. of local government officials and amending certain laws. The practical part describes and analyzes the personnel activities in two districts of Prague, namely the Municipal Authority of Prague 9 and Prague 13. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate personnel management in selected urban areas, compare them to each other and suggest some improvements and recommendations for the future.
- Published
- 2012
11. Personnel management in public administration
- Author
Eichlerová, Tereza, Vláčil, Jan, and Kadeřábková, Jaroslava
- Subjects
veřejná správa ,personální management ,public administration ,bureaucracy ,byrokracie ,personnel management - Abstract
My thesis is focused on the personnel management in public administration at local self-government units, which currently gains importance due to the ongoing reform. Human resources form the basis for quality and efficient work of offices. The aim of thesis is to analyze and evaluate personnel management in selected offices of Prague including recommendations for its improvement. The theoretical part, mainly focused on role of official in public administration and activities of personnel management, in addition to scientific literature is based mainly on Act No. 312/2002 Coll., on Officials of local self-government units. The practical part is based on the results of empirical research on which the current evaluation is made and provided recommendations.
- Published
- 2011
12. Analysis of the Human Resource Management Effectiveness in the Area of Public Administration Focused on the Development and Education of Employees
- Author
Stárková, Adéla, Peková, Jitka, and Kadeřábková, Jaroslava
- Subjects
Training of Emloyees ,veřejná správa ,personální management ,Public Administration ,Human Resource Management ,vzdělávání zaměstnanců - Abstract
The thesis called "Analysis of the Human Resource Management Effectiveness in the Area of Public Administration Focused on the Development and Education of Employees" deals with procedures of human resources first at the general level and then continues by introducing and evaluating their characteristics in the area of public administration. The attention is mainly paid to education of employees and descriptions of individual methods and procedures. Additionally, applicability in public administration where strict legislation is enforced is studied. My thesis is a synthesis of both theoretical knowledge and its concrete application at the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. All human resources activities are evaluated as the research in isolated areas would not be objective. At the end of the thesis, individual aspects of human resources and human resources activities in the area of public administration resulting from practical findings received from the Ministry of Transport are critically evaluated and certain recommendations which could lead into increase in effectiveness of the human resource management in the area of public relations are set.
- Published
- 2011
13. Internal communication in a bank institution
- Author
Zelová, Dagmar, Šikýř, Martin, and Němec, Otakar
- Subjects
interní komunikace ,personální management ,internal communication ,komunikace ,communication ,personnel management - Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the internal communication at Raiffeisenbank a.s., identify strengths and weaknesses and suggest measures to streamline the communication process between the target groups of internal communication. Theoretical bases are prepared using available literature and Internet resources devoted to internal communication. The practical part is to evaluate the results of the survey made among the selected employees of the bank.
- Published
- 2011
14. HR Marketing and its Association with Recruitment
- Author
Vejplachová, Iva, Vinšová, Tereza, and Hyťha, Pavel
- Subjects
recruitment ,personnel marketing ,personnel management ,HR marketing ,personální management - Abstract
Annotation Subject of this thesis is to analyze personnel marketing in a particular company and its relationship to recruitment procedure. Theoretical part of the paper is focused on identification of the term personal marketing, is orientated on more detailed description of personal activities. This part results by preparation of technical literature. The practical part is focused on personnel marketing and recruitment procedure in Ceskoslovanska obchodni banka, a.s. Based on description of particular activities, their analysis and comparison with Komercni banka and Ceska sporitelna, I put a recommendation for improvement and optimization of this process. The intention of the thesis is to propose measures to strengthen the perception of CSOB's brand as a quality employer and will help in obtaining a large number of relevant candidates from the labor market
- Published
- 2011
15. Personnel Management Economisation in the Building Industry
- Author
Bušina, Filip, Němec, Otakar, Dvořáček, Jiří, Horňák, Pavol, and Linkeschová, Dana
- Subjects
Management ,Ekonomizace ,Personální management ,Economisation ,Manažerský úspěch ,Managerial success ,Personnel management - Abstract
The building industry economic situation has shown a continuous descending tendency starting from 2008 in the field of efficiency and future development. Individual building companies have to undertake previously banned optimisation processes that affected both the company itself and its employees. Moreover, when assessing the role of the state and its involvement in the stabilisation of the current "bitter" situation, we cannot but state that such an involvement is zero. Therefore, this paper has two core objectives: the first one is to "define methods of the economisation of the personnel management in the building industry" and to "identify the economic policy of the state relative to building organisations and to determine the impacts of such policy on the behaviour of building organisations".
- Published
- 2010
16. Personnel Management of the Selected Company Operating in Tourism
- Author
Poulová, Magdaléna, Petrů, Zdenka, and Bakos, Tomáš
- Subjects
pracovní spokojenost ,motivation ,job satisfaction ,personální management ,motivace ,personnel management - Abstract
The thesis "Personnel Management of the Selected Company Operating in Tourism" aims at motivation of workers. Its key point is to analyse the factors which influence work motivation and job satisfaction that the bus attendants employed by the STUDENT AGENCY have. Another point is to evaluate the current situation and suggest possible steps for improving it. The thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. In the former, the concept "personnel management" is explained and particular development phases of personnel work concentrating on the most recent approach to it -- human resources management - are described. The next part deals with problems of work motivation where different forms of work motivation, basics of selected motivation theories and other problem fields are mentioned. Latter part includes a presentation of the STUDENT AGENCY, especially the department of bus attendants. Further, an analysis of the factors influencing work motivation and job satisfaction of the employees at the department is carried out. In the conclusion, particular steps that could help boost motivation of the employees working at the department are suggested.
- Published
- 2010
17. Personální management v teorii a praxi nemocnice Jindřichův Hradec, a.s
- Author
Švejdová, Iveta, Střítecký, Rudolf, and Šalamoun, Jan
- Subjects
Personální management ,Lidské zdroje ,Human resources ,Strategy ,Personální činnosti ,Strategie ,Personnel management ,Personnel activities ,education - Abstract
The diploma thesis examines human resource management in Nemocnice Jindrichuv Hradec Hospital, Inc. In the beginning, I described how the hospital management and hospital owner. In the next section, I analyze personnel activities. At the end, I present the final evaluation, which includes the evaluation of the hospital management, individual personnel activities, and propose measures that will improve hospital management and leadership of human resources.
- Published
- 2009
18. Communication - the key tool of personal management at work of manager
- Author
Zemanová, Jana, Beroušek, Petr, and Jindřich, Tomáš
- Subjects
Manažer ,Communication ,Komunikace ,Manager ,Personal management ,Personální management - Abstract
The goal of my thesis is to clarify the issue of communication and activities of manager at the company. In the theoretical part is first explained the general principles of communication, then the theory comes to a point of the description of the course of communication within the company, followed by the definition of manager's personality, his abilities and skills, which is complete range of activities in which the manager works with the personnel management. The practical part presents an evaluation questionnaire carried out in a particular company, the results should lead to the verification set of four hypotheses. In conclusion, it is evaluated the current situation in the company and proposed certain recommendations that could improve the status of some problem areas in the company.
- Published
- 2009
19. Procedural and financial aspects of human resources management in public administration, evaluation for selected cities
- Author
Karbanová, Monika, Peková, Jitka, and Kadeřábková, Jaroslava
- Subjects
územní samospráva ,personální management ,Local government and selfgovernment ,úředník ,Human resources management ,Officer - Abstract
Thesis "Procedural and financial aspects of human resources management in public administration, evaluation for selected cities", it focuses on personnel management activities in public administration. The thesis based on general procedures which are generally aplied to the private sector, it builds on the personnel management practices that are specially adapted to legislation for public administration and describes their practical application in the city of Nymburk and in the city of discrict Prague 7. Finally the present thesis assessts the above mentioned human resources management practices in public administration and formulates proposals for improvement.
- Published
- 2009
20. Personnel Management of Employees at Jihlava City Hall
- Author
Kořínek, Jan, Krbová, Jana, and Nový, Jan
- Subjects
územní samospráva ,personální management ,municipality personnel management ,human resources management of municipality ,management veřejné správy ,řízení lidských zdrojů ,personnel management - Abstract
The master thesis consists of a theoretical part and a practical one. In its theoretical part, first are defined key notions relevant to the topic of the thesis. Further there are explained the key areas of personnel management which are important for a practical part. The practical part is focused on a personnel management of municipality of the city Jihlava. The main part is a reserch that is conducted directly between the managers of the municipality. The practical part also deals with recruitment and training of stuff. In the conclusion of the practical part, the established data are interpreted; the results of this interpretation are certain recommendations of how to improve the quality of education at the Faculty of Management.
- Published
- 2009
21. Recruitment and selection of employees
- Author
Francová, Eva, Stříteský, Marek, and Krulichová, Renata
- Subjects
Recruitment and selection of employees ,personální management ,získávání a výběr pracovníků ,výběrové řízení ,Selection procedure ,Personal management - Abstract
Recruitment and selection of employees is one of the most important activities in the personal department of company. The aim of my thesis is to analyze the process of recruitment and selection of employees, firstly from the theoretical point of view and further from the practical experience in the company ČSOB, a.s. I have summarized theoretical findings and recommendations regarding the process of recruitment and selection of employees according to the available literature in the practical part of my thesis. The practical part continue with the analysis of this process in the company ČSOB, a.s. This analysis has been realized on the basis of internal documentation, interviews with employees of the personal department and my own findings acquired by participation in selection procedure and assessment centre. As a last source of information for evaluation of this process I have used results of questionnaire examination that was realized in cooperation with the bank in April 2010. To finish my thesis I have summarized possible recommendations for improvement of the process of acquirement and selection of employees in ČSOB, a.s.
- Published
- 2009
22. The Structure of Positions to be occupied by Higher School Graduates at Regional Authorities
- Author
Marková, Aneta, Krbová, Jana, and Luštický, Martin
- Subjects
personální management ,poziční místo ,positional place ,krajský úřad ,regional office ,personnel management - Abstract
This thesis analyzes the structure of positional places for graduates in the regional offices, particularly in the Jihočeský Region, Jihomoravský Region, Karlovarský Region, Plzeňský Region and Region Vysočina. It examines the requirements that are imposed on candidates for the position of the regional office. Then the thesis focuses on the profile of the graduate School of Management, specializing in public sector management and regional development, and determines whether the knowledge are applicable to positions in the regional offices.
- Published
- 2009
23. Education of Local Authorities' Employees in Mariánské Lázně
- Author
Černý, Jan Bc., Krbová, Jana, and Spirit, Michal
- Subjects
veřejná správa ,personální management ,samospráva ,vzdělávací instituce ,vzdělávání úředníků - Abstract
Diplomová práce porovnává stav ve vzdělávání úředníků územních samosprávných celků před účinností zákona č. 312/2002 Sb., o úřednících územních samosprávných celků a poté. Zaměřuje se na stav po roce 2003 a identifikuje vzdělávání úředníků jako činnost personálního managementu. Na příkladu městského úřadu Mariánské Lázně porovnává a vyhodnocuje změny, které znamenala účinnost zákona č. 312/2002 Sb., o úřednících územních samosprávných celků.
- Published
- 2008
24. Corporate Social Responsibility in the medium-sized enterprises and the role of personal management
- Author
Hájková, Jana, Beroušek, Petr, and Trnková, Markéta
- Subjects
Malé a střední podniky ,Personal Management ,Corporate Social Responsibility ,Personální management ,Small and Medium Enterprise - Abstract
The work is devoted mainly to differences in the concept of social responsibility small, medium and large enterprises in the Czech Republic. Today is in our country still not too well-known social responsibility theme mainly among small firms. This is perhaps the fact that small companies problems do not know, or feel that they are not concerned, or such investment comes unnecessary and, if appropriate, or do not know how to get started. this is the reason why I decided to devote a thesis of corporate social responsibility. Influence of personal management is to show that social responsibility is not only a marketing tool to improve the image of the company.
- Published
- 2008
25. Personnel Management in Public Administration
- Author
Augustín, Ľubomír, Krbová, Jana, and Šárová, Jaroslava
- Subjects
Classification ,Public administration ,Security Service Archives ,metody veřejné správy ,Vzdělávání ,Archiv bezpečnostních složek ,Hodnocení ,Personal management ,Education ,personální management - Abstract
The aim of the Diploma Work is to know how realised the personal management in Securite Services Archive on 2009 and under the basis analyses to recommend modification personal management accord to the trend in Czech Republic let us say EU.
- Published
- 2008
26. Návrh systému hodnocení pracovníků
- Author
Vodrážková, Miroslava, Pauknerová, Daniela, and Jarošová, Eva
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_MANAGEMENTOFCOMPUTINGANDINFORMATIONSYSTEMS ,Performance Managament ,personální management ,popisy pracovních pozic ,Human Resources ,hodnocení pracovníků ,Employee Appraisal ,InformationSystems_MODELSANDPRINCIPLES ,ComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSION ,ComputerApplications_COMPUTERSINOTHERSYSTEMS ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
Employee Appraisal System design.
- Published
- 2008
27. Nábor, výběr a adaptace pracovníků
- Author
Foltýnová, Romana, Jarošová, Eva, and Lorencová, Hana
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSION ,Nábor pracovníků ,Personální management ,Výběr pracovníků ,Adaptace pracovníků ,adaptation of employees ,recruitment ,Psychologie a sociologie řízení (obor dipl. práce) ,psychology and sociology in leading ,selection of employees ,personnel management - Abstract
The goal of this thesis is to analyse the processes of recruitment, selection and adaptation of employees in the technology and consultant company, to evaluate them and create proposals and recommendations to improve them. In the first part are described the teoretical knowledges about recruitment, selection and adaptation of employees. In the second part is the analysis of this processes in the company on the basis of questionnaire examination between the employees of the company and interviews with the HR manager and one chosen employee. In conclusion are proposed the changes, which could help to increase the efficiency of the recruitment, selection and adaptation processes.
- Published
- 2007
28. Specific forms of employee´s benefits
- Author
Paslerová, Alena, Formánková, Dana, and Ortová, Jana
- Subjects
zaměstnanecké výhody ,stimulace pracovníků ,personální management - Abstract
Práce analyzuje rozdíly v oblasti nestandardních forem zaměstnaneckých výhod z různých hledisek - regionálního, způsobu vlastnictví, počtu pracovníků podniku a oboru podnikání. Ze zjištěných skutečností je nastíněn budoucí trend v oblasti zasměstnaneckých výhod.
- Published
- 2007
29. Personální management krajů
- Author
Zítková, Martina Bc., Krbová, Jana, and Musil, Martin
- Subjects
vzdělávání pracovníků ,vytváření a analýza pracovních míst ,personální činnosti ,získávání, výběr a přijímání pracovníků ,personální management - Abstract
Teoretická část diplomové práce se věnuje třem oblastem personálních činností, a to analýze a vytváření pracovních míst, dále získávání, výběru a přijímání pracovníků a na závěr vzdělávání pracovníků. V praktické části jsou tyto tři oblasti personalistiky analyzovány na konkrétní instituci veřejné správy, kterou je Krajský úřad Královéhradeckého kraje. Jednotlivé podkapitoly obsahují návrhy a doporučení.
- Published
- 2007
30. Diplomová práce
- Author
Švejda, Jiří, Formánková, Dana, and Wolfová, Maritna
- Subjects
Outsourcing ,demografická analýza ,personální management ,analýza HR procesů - Abstract
Práce hodnotí připravenost společnosti na její rozšíření a přesun závodu. Navrhuje, jak by měl být řešen dočasný HR management a jaké by měl mít pravomoce. Demograficky analyzuje novou lokalitu závodu. Práce přináší návod, jak by měly být v budoucnu zpracovány některé pracovně právní dokumenty.
- Published
- 2007
31. Řízení lidských zdrojů ve franchisingu
- Author
Loukotová, Lucie, Dvořáková, Dana, and Šůla, Vladimír
- Subjects
personální management ,franchising ,franchisor ,franchisant ,řízení lidských zdrojů ,franchisingový systém - Abstract
V diplomové práci jsou popsány specifika řízení lidských zdrojů ve franchisingu. Jsou zde uvedeny reálné příklady firem Yves Rocher a Subway. Z těchto praktických znalostí a pomocí teoretického základu jsou vyvozeny tři druhy strategií řízení lidských zdrojů ve franchisingových systémech. Jeden z těchto modelů je aplikován na společnost Pompo, která se připravuje na podnikání pomocí franchisingu. Jsou zde rozpracovány jednotlivé činnosti personálního managementu. V práci je také navržen franchisingový balík, který by měla společnost Pompo nabízet jako součást franchisingové licence.
- Published
- 2007
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