
Showing total 86 results
86 results

Search Results

1. The religious and spiritual beliefs and practices of MSW program leaders across the United States.

2. Uncovering withdrawal use among sexually active US adolescents: high prevalence rates suggest the need for a sexual health harm reduction approach.

3. Social factors, alcohol expectancy, and drinking behavior: A comparison of two college campuses.

4. Alcohol Misuse Among Female Veterans: Exploring Associations With Interpersonal Violence and Mental Health.

5. Rural and Agricultural Natural Disaster Stress and Recovery: A Comparison.

6. Market and Organizational Factors Associated with Hospital Leadership of Accountable Care Organizations.

7. Body mass index and quality of life in people living with HIV.

8. Harnessing mobile technology to support type 2 diabetes self-management among Chinese and Hispanic immigrants: a mixed-methods acceptability study.

9. Assessing Sorority Women's Perceptions of Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assaults That Occur Within College Campus Greek Organizations.

10. Mental and sexual well-being in non-binary and genderqueer individuals.

11. Homonegative Victimization and Perceived Stress among Adolescent Sexual Minority Males: The Attenuating Role of Peer and Family Support.

12. Examination of risky truancy behaviors and gender differences among elementary school children.

13. Reducing racial/ethnic disparities in mental health service use among emerging adults: community-level supply factors.

14. Social influence of adult children on parental health behavior among South Asian immigrants: findings from the MASALA (Mediators of Atherosclerosis in South Asians Living in America) study.

15. Shadows into Light: The Potential Investigative Utility of Voice Analysis with Two Types of Online Child-Sex Predators.

16. Factors associated with PrEP adherence among MSM living in Jackson, Mississippi.

17. Revisiting hope's third pillar: Mattering, spirituality, and social connectedness among financially marginalized households.

18. Mental health in Somali youth in the United States: the role of protective factors in preventing depressive symptoms, suicidality, and self-injury.

19. Classification of senior tourists according to personality traits.

20. Good association between sprint power and aerobic peak power during asynchronuous arm-crank exercise in people with spinal cord injury.

21. Social support modifies the negative effects of acculturation on obesity and central obesity in Mexican men.

22. Empirical insights on technology use for navigating human services.

23. Korean and Vietnamese immigrants are not the same: Health literacy, health status, and quality of life.

24. Occupational Therapists' Implementation of Evidence- Based Practice: A Cross Sectional Survey.

25. Gendered Patterns in Depression and Anxiety among African Immigrants in the United States.

26. Worry about Lung Cancer is Related to Numeracy and Risk Perception of Diseases Associated with Smoking.

27. Mental Health Professionals’ Attitudes, Perceptions, and Stereotypes Toward Latino Undocumented Immigrants.

28. Processing and Comprehension of Accented Speech by Monolingual and Bilingual Children.

29. Social Workers’ Perceptions of Job Satisfaction, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, and Organizational Leadership.

30. Physician-Assisted Suicide and Midwest Social Workers: Where Do They Stand?

31. Midlife women's cardiovascular symptoms: A cluster analysis.

32. Care transitions among Latino diabetics: barriers to study enrollment and transition care.

33. Associations of Calcium and Milk Product Intakes with Incident, Sporadic Colorectal Adenomas.

34. Review of a single surgeon’s stapedotomy cases performed with a nickel titanium prosthesis over a 14-year period.

35. The relation between living alone and depressive symptoms in older Korean Americans: do feelings of loneliness mediate?

36. Exploring cultural differences in women's body weight perception: The impact of self-construal on perceived overweight and engagement in health activities.

37. Adverse Events in Childhood as a Risk Factor for Elevated BMI among People with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder.

38. Collateral Damage and Critical Turning Points: Public Health Implications of HPV Vaccine News Coverage for Boys and Men in 2011.

39. The Effect of Eye Drop Technique Education in Patients With Glaucoma.

40. The Impact of Content-Based Network Technologies on Perceptions of Nutrition Literacy.

41. Comparisons of Cocaine-Only, Opioid-Only, and Users of Both Substances in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC).

42. Age of Sexual Debut and Cannabis Use in the United States.

43. Comparison of baseline-referenced versus norm-referenced analytical approaches for in-theatre assessment of mild traumatic brain injury neurocognitive impairment.

44. Diabetes among US- and foreign-born blacks in the USA.

45. Acculturation, hazardous drinking and depressive symptomatology among Hispanics enrolled in a clinical trial.

46. What is the impact of self-stigma? Loss of self-respect and the “why try” effect.

47. The association between protective behavioral strategies and alcohol-related problems: An examination of race and gender differences among college drinkers.

48. Recovery between Work Shifts among Emergency Medical Services Clinicians.

49. Design and efficacy of a multilingual, multicultural HPV vaccine education intervention.

50. Characterization of acute stress reaction following an IED blast-related mild traumatic brain injury.