111 results on '"zasebno varovanje"'
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2. Profesionalizacija zasebnega varstva v Sloveniji.
- Author
Dvojmoč, Miha and Sotlar, Andrej
- Abstract
Copyright of Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice & Security and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
3. Strokovna usposobljenost zasebnovarnostnega osebja ter sodelovanje s policijo pri zagotavljanju varnosti v Republiki Sloveniji.
- Author
Trstenjak, Sara
- Abstract
Copyright of Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice & Security and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
4. Zasebno varovanje kot nadzorovalec privatiziranih urbanih prostorov: študija primera nakupovalnega središča v Sloveniji.
- Author
Tominc, Bernarda, Dvojmoč, Miha, and Sotlar, Andrej
- Abstract
Copyright of Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice & Security and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
5. Zasebna obveščevalna dejavnost.
- Author
Britovšek, Jaroš and Sotlar, Andrej
- Abstract
Copyright of Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice & Security and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
6. Private intelligence activities
- Author
Britovšek, Jaroš and Sotlar, Andrej
- Subjects
udc:351.746.1 ,gospodarske družbe ,obveščevalna dejavnost ,zasebna obveščevalna dejavnost ,tveganja ,detektivska dejavnost ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je razmejiti državno od zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti, prikazati značilnosti in trende zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti po svetu ter opozoriti na zametke te dejavnosti v Sloveniji. Metode: Opravljena je analiza teoretičnih del in pristopov k obravnavanju državne in zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti, analiza konkretnih primerov razvoja in delovanja zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti ter analiza zakonodaje, ki to dejavnost ureja v Sloveniji. Deloma so bili uporabljeni tudi rezultati raziskave, ki je bila na to temo opravljena za potrebe doktorske disertacije na Fakulteti za varnostne vede Univerze v Mariboru. Ugotovitve: Zasebna obveščevalna dejavnost (v okviru zakonskih omejitev) postaja pomembna in legitimna gospodarska dejavnost, ki ni omejena na državo ali regijo, temveč deluje v globalnem okolju. Njene stranke so tako države kot velike korporativne družbe, ki se zanimajo za tveganja, ki bi lahko ogrozila njihove interese. Takšen trend, ki ga zaznavamo na Zahodu, bi se lahko v določeni meri pojavil tudi v Sloveniji, kjer zaradi narave in nelagodja ob omembi zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti dejansko ne moremo zagotovo trditi, kako zelo je ta razširjena. Kljub temu pa lahko z analizo slovenske zakonodaje zaznamo elemente zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti in predvsem dela protiobveščevalne dejavnosti, kot je zaščita poslovnih skrivnosti. Globalna konkurenca, prihod tujih gospodarskih družb in nastop slovenskih gospodarskih družb na svetovnem trgu bodo najverjetneje silili družbe v čim učinkovitejšo zaščito lastnih podatkov ter zbiranje in analizo novih podatkov, pomembnih za obvladovanje tveganj, to pa bo pozitivno vplivalo na razvoj zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Prispevek na enem mestu razloži evolucijo državne in zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti in slednjo brez ideologiziranja in moraliziranja predstavi kot logično posledico potreb in trendov v gospodarstvu kakor tudi dejavnosti držav, ki svoje mnogotere, nekoč tradicionalne dejavnosti, prepuščajo zasebni pobudi in so od nje včasih celo odvisne. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to delimit state intelligence from private intelligence, demonstrate features and trends of private intelligence activities around the world, and draw attention to the beginnings of these activities in Slovenia. Design/Methods/Approach: The methods span an analysis of theoretical works and approaches dealing with state and private intelligence operations, an analysis of concrete examples of the development and operation of private intelligence activities, as well as an analysis of the legislation that regulating this activity in Slovenia. Also used are the results of the survey conducted on this topic for the needs of the doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security of the University of Maribor. Findings: Private intelligence (within legal limits) is becoming an important and legitimate economic activity that is not limited by country or region, but it is spread in a global environment. Its customers are states as well as large corporations interested in the risks that could jeopardize their interests. This trend, as perceived in the West, could, to some extent, also appear in Slovenia. Due to the nature of this activity and discomfort at the mention of the term private intelligence, one cannot say here how much it is already widespread in Slovenia. Nevertheless, through the analysis of Slovenian legislation, we can detect elements of private intelligence activities, particularly those partly related to counterintelligence, such as protection of business secrets. Global competition, the arrival of foreign firms, and the performance of Slovenian firms on the world market will most likely be forcing Slovenian firms to maximize effective protection of their data and collection/analysis of new data relevant to risk control, which will have a positive impact on the development of private intelligence. Originality/Value: The article is an attempt to simultaneously explain evolution of state and private intelligence activities, presenting the latter without ideology and moralizing, i.e., as a logical consequence of needs and trends in the economy, as well as the manifold activities that states once traditionally controlled themselves but now cede to private initiative, sometimes even depending on it.
- Published
- 2020
7. Private Security as a Supervisor of Privatized Urban Spaces
- Author
Tominc, Bernarda, Dvojmoč, Miha, and Sotlar, Andrej
- Subjects
nakupovalna središča ,udc:351.746.2:711.552.1(497.4) ,Slovenija ,študije primerov ,zasebno varovanje ,privatizirani urbani prostori - Abstract
Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je proučiti opravila, ki jih pri varovanju nakupovalnega središča, kot privatiziranega urbanega prostora, izvaja zasebnovarnostno osebje. Avtorji želijo ugotoviti, kakšno je razmerje med tipičnimi varnostnimi/ policijskimi/nadzorstvenimi opravili, ki jih najbolje okarakterizirajo zakonsko opredeljeni ukrepi zasebnega varnostnika, in drugimi opravili, ki imajo za cilj predvsem zagotavljanje prijetnega in sproščenega počutja strank ter zadovoljstva naročnikov zasebnovarnostnih storitev. Metode: Prispevek temelji na raziskavi, ki je bila opravljena s pomočjo kvalitativnih metod raziskovanja, predvsem z metodo načrtnega neposrednega opazovanja za proučevanje dogajanj v nakupovalnem središču in reakcijo zasebnih varnostnikov na to dogajanje ter metodo intervjuja za pojasnitev organizacije varovanja in upravljanja z nakupovalnim središčem. Ugotovitve: Proučevano nakupovalno središče se je v opazovanem obdobju pokazalo za varen in do obiskovalcev prijazen urbani prostor. To dokazuje tudi opravljeno delo zasebnih varnostnikov, ki je obsegalo in zahtevalo predvsem ukrepe opozarjanja in izrekanja ustnih navodil (odredb) obiskovalcem, medtem ko dogodkov, ki bi zahtevali druge, ostrejše ukrepe varnostnikov (od preprečitve vstopa ali izstopa in zadržanja osebe do uporabe fizične sile ali sredstev za vklepanje in vezanje) v opazovanem obdobju ni bilo. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Raziskava vključuje le vidik varovanja skupnih prostorov nakupovalnega središča, ne opredeljuje pa se do razmerij med posameznimi ponudniki/ izvajalci zasebnovarnostnih storitev, ki jih najemajo poslovni subjekti znotraj nakupovalnega središča. To ostaja izziv za nadaljnje raziskovanje. Praktična uporabnost: Tako zasebnovarnostna podjetja kot tudi naročniki/uporabniki njihovih storitev so z raziskavo dobili nevtralen vpogled v dejanske razsežnosti opravljanja varnostno-nadzorstvenih in drugih funkcij zasebnih varnostnikov v nakupovalnem središču. Prav tako bodo ugotovitve pomembne za premislek o smotrnosti drobitve zasebnovarnostnih storitev med različne ponudnike teh storitev v enem nakupovalnem središču, kakor tudi o (ne)koordinaciji in (ne) sodelovanju med varnostniki v lokalih in varnostniki nakupovalnega središča. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Članek predstavlja rezultate raziskave o dejanski vlogi zasebnega varovanja kot neformalnega družbenega nadzorovalca v privatiziranih urbanih prostorih. Gre za prvo tovrstno raziskavo v Sloveniji. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine tasks of the private security personnel in shopping malls, as privatized urban space. The authors would like to find out the relationship between the typical security/police/supervisory tasks that are best legally defined as measures of private security guards, and other jobs that are aimed primarily to ensure a pleasant and relaxed well-being of customers in the shopping malls and contracting authority’s satisfaction with private security service. Design/Methods/Approach: The article is based on research that was conducted by using qualitative research methods, particularly the method of systematic direct observation. The goal of the research is to study occurrences in the shopping malls, and the reaction of private security guards at these events. To clarify the organization of the security and management of shopping malls the authors also used the interview method. Findings: In the observed period, the examined shopping mall has proved to be safe and visitor-friendly urban space. This is evidenced by the work of private security guards that has involved and required mainly actions of warning and imposing verbal orders to the visitors, while events that would require other, rougher security measures during the observation period were not needed (prevention of entering a protected area, detention of persons, use of physical force and other means of restraint). Research Limitations / Implications: The survey includes only the aspect of securing the common areas of the shopping mall, while it does not define the relationships between different providers of private security services hired by owners/managers of various premises within the mall. This remains a challenge for further research. Practical Implications: This research offers both, the private security companies as well as the users of their services (shopping mall’s owners), the neutral insight into the true extent of the provision of security, supervisory and other functions of private security guards in the mall. The findings are also important for considering the rationality/ effectiveness and efficiency of the fragmentation of private security services between various providers of these services in the shopping mall, as well as (un) coordination and (non)cooperation between the security guards of the single premises and security guards of the shopping mall. Originality/Value: The article presents the results of the study in which the authors attempt to define the role of private security as an informal subject of social control in privatized urban areas. This is the first survey of this type conducted in Slovenia.
- Published
- 2020
8. Professionalization of Private Security in Slovenia
- Author
Dvojmoč, Miha and Sotlar, Andrej
- Subjects
profesija ,usposabljanje ,izobraževanje ,profesionalizacija ,udc:351.746.2:331.542(497.4) ,poklic ,zasebno varstvo ,Slovenija ,detektivska dejavnost ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je bil opraviti analizo razvoja zasebnega varstva, predstaviti razvitost posameznih značilnosti poklicev/profesij in nakazati rešitve za nadaljevanje procesa profesionalizacije zasebnega varovanja in detektivske dejavnosti v Sloveniji. Metode: Opravljen je bil pregled znanstvenih in strokovnih del, zakonskih in podzakonskih aktov, evidenc, seznamov in spletnih strani državnih organov, zbornic, izobraževalnih ustanov, profesionalnih združenj idr. Prispevek je koncipiran okrog ključnih značilnosti procesa profesionalizacije, kot so zakonska zaščitenost poklica/profesije, izobraževanje in usposabljanje, profesionalna etika, obstoj strokovnih revij, profesionalna združenja in odnosi z javnostmi.Ugotovitve:Zasebno varovanje in detektivska dejavnost se v Sloveniji razvijata že približno trideset let. V tem času so se razvili različni poklici, določeni so bili poklicni standardi in nastale so ustanove, ki se ukvarjajo z izobraževanjem in usposabljanjem. Poklici na področju zasebnega varovanja so bolje zakonsko zaščiteni kot detektivski poklic. Med ostalimi značilnostmi procesa profesionalizacije sta zelo izražena profesionalna etika in obstoj profesionalnih združenj, kar pa ne preseneča, saj sta celo zapovedana z zakonom. Slabše kaže na področju strokovnih revij in odnosov z javnostmi, saj je zasebno varstvo v družbi še vedno slabo prepoznavno. Za uspešen nadaljnji razvoj in profesionalizacijo zasebnega varstva bo treba dokončno urediti področje izobraževanja in usposabljanja, preprečiti nelojalno konkurenco, zasebnovarnostnemu osebju pa zagotoviti boljše plače. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Gre za prvo celostno študijo in oceno procesa profesionalizacije zasebnega varstva v Sloveniji v zadnjih dvajsetih letih. Purpose: The purpose of the paper was to analyse the development of private security, to present how individual characteristics of occupations/professions are developed and to provide solutions for the continuation of the process of professionalization of private security and detective activity in Slovenia.Design/Methods/Approach:We reviewed the scientific and professional works, legislative and executive acts, records, lists and websites of public authorities, chambers, educational institutions, professional associations and others. The article is conceptualized around the key characteristics of the process of professionalization such as legal protection of occupation/profession, education and training, professional ethics, the existence of professional journals, professional associations and public relations. Findings:Private security and private detective activities have been developing in Slovenia for some thirty years. During this period, various occupations developed, professional standards were defined, and education and training institutions were established. Occupations in the field of private security are better legally protected than detective profession. Among other characteristics of the process of professionalization, the professional ethics and professional associations are highly expressed, which is not surprising, because they are even prescribed by law. It is worse in the field of professional journals and public relations, because private security is still poorly recognized in society. For the successful further development and professionalization of private security, the field of education and training will have to be finally regulated, the unfair competition will have to be prevented, while private security personnel will have to be provided with better salaries.Originality/Value: This is the first comprehensive study and assessment of the process of professionalization of private security in Slovenia in the last twenty years.
- Published
- 2020
9. Examination of the Professional Qualifications of Security Personnel and their Cooperation with the Police in the Process of Ensuring Security in the Republic of Slovenia
- Author
Trstenjak, Sara
- Subjects
sodelovanje ,strokovna usposobljenost ,police ,private security ,professional qualifications ,policija ,cooperation ,Slovenija ,private security personnel ,udc:351.746.2(497.4) ,zasebnovarnostno osebje ,zasebno varovanje ,varnostniki - Abstract
Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je pregledati in oceniti stanje zasebnega varovanja, strokovno usposobljenost zasebnovarnostnega osebja ter sodelovanje s policijo po prehodnem petletnem obdobju od sprejetja Zakona o zasebnem varovanju leta 2011 do marca leta 2016. Metode: V prvem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo. Na podlagi izbrane domače literature in zakonodaje je bila uporabljena metoda analize in interpretacije vsebine pisnih in internetnih virov. Drugi del prispevka zaokrožuje empirična metoda. Izdelana je bila spletna anketa, ki so jo izpolnili varnostni menedžerji zasebnih varnostnih družb. Zbrani podatki so bili analizirani z uporabo programov za kvantitativno analizo (SPSS in Microsoft Excel). Ugotovitve: Večinsko mnenje oseb, odgovornih za zakonitost, strokovnost in učinkovitost storitev varovanja, je, da je regulativa na področju zasebnega varovanja ustrezna. Pogrešajo predvsem večji pomen tehničnega varovanja, konstruktivni nadzor s strani Inšpektorata RS za notranje zadeve, sodelovanje s predstavniki policije, teoretično in praktično kakovostnejša usposabljanja, strokovne monografije in posledično dvig kakovosti storitev zasebnega varovanja ter s tem ugled dela zasebnega varnostnika v družbi. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Zaradi načina zbiranja podatkov in vzorca izraža raziskava problematiko zasebnega varovanja skozi oči varnostnih menedžerjev. Ugotovitev zaradi manjšega vzorca ni mogoče posploševati in so namenjene predvsem strokovni javnosti, ki si prizadeva za izboljšanje zasebnega varovanja. Praktična uporabnost: Izsledki članka nam poleg vpogleda v značilnosti obravnavane tematike ponujajo podlago za nadaljnje raziskovanje, hkrati pa nakazujejo možne rešitve obravnavanega problema na ravni države. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Po pregledu obstoječe literature menimo, da prispevek tovrstno problematiko obravnava med prvimi. Purpose: The aim of the paper has been to review and assess the status of private security in Slovenia, professional qualifications of private security personnel, and the cooperation between the police and private security personnel after a transitional period of five years from the adoption of the Private Security Act of 2011. Design/Methods/Approach: In the first part the author applies a set of interpretative descriptive methods to analyse the selected literature and the existing domestic legislation. The second part is devoted to the empirical (quantitative) analysis. For the purposes of this paper, we designed an online survey intended for security managers. The link to the survey was sent to numerous Slovenian privates security companies. The acquired survey data was then analysed using selected quantitative analysis software (SPSS and Excel). Findings: The majority of security managers see existing regulation in the field of private security as appropriate. However, they do miss more emphasis on technical protection, constructive supervision by the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Interior, cooperation with representatives of the police, theoretical and practical quality training and professional monographs. All of the above would in their opinion help raise the quality of private security services, as well as the overall reputation of the occupation of private security guards in the Slovenian society. Research Limitations / Implications: Given the data collection methods, as well as the survey sample, our findings are mainly a reflection of the issue of private security as perceived by security managers. Due to the small sample, generalizations are not possible. The findings should prove useful primarily for professionals, who aim to improve the state of Slovenian private security industry. Practical Implications: In addition to yielding several important insight into the covered issue, the results of the paper also provide a basis for further research, and serve as a stepping-stone in devising future state-wide solutions to the addressed problems. Originality/Value: Via the review of the existing literature we have not found any similar paper, and thus believe that the paper is among the first to deal with such issues.
- Published
- 2020
10. Ustavnopravna vprašanja širjenja polja zakonite uporabe fizične sile
- Author
Špenko, Tilen and Zagorc, Saša
- Subjects
sorazmernost ,police ,legitimnost ,občinsko redarstvo ,fizična (telesna) sila ,physical force ,private security ,municipal wardenship ,policija ,proportionality ,legitimacy ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
V magistrskem diplomskem delu je obravnavano vprašanje širjenja polja zakonitosti uporabe fizične sile. Pregledani so nekateri filozofski pogledi na povezavo med silo in pravom. Razpravlja se o tesni povezanosti držav z uporabo sile in sprašuje o legitimnosti državne oblasti. V delu je nakazano nasprotje med osebno svobodo in silo. Sledi analiza ustavnih in zakonskih določb, ki urejajo situacije, v katerih je dopustno uporabiti silo. Na kratko so obravnavana vprašanja uporabe sile v horizontalnih pravnih razmerjih, zlasti pri samopomoči in silobranu. Podrobneje so preučena pooblastila za uporabo sile, ki so poverjena državnim in lokalnim organom ter nekaterim zasebnim organizacijam, zlasti tistim, ki se ukvarjajo z zasebnim varovanjem. Na področju občinskega redarstva in policije so izbrane določbe in pravni instituti zgodovinsko primerjani, z namenom, da se ugotovi, ali se polje zakonitosti pri uporabi sile širi. Predstavljeni so slovenski primeri pred ESČP, ki so povezani z uporabo sile. The theme of the thesis is the question of expansion of legality of the use of (physical) force in Slovenia. Some philosophical views on the relation between force and law are reviewed, followed by a discussion on the close connection of state with the use of force, while questioning the legitimacy of states in general. The conflict between personal liberty and the use of force is analysed to some extent followed by a more rigorous review and analysis of constitutional and statutory provisions that regard the use of force. Briefly, the question on the use of force in horizontal legal relationships is discussed, especially regarding the legal institutes of self-help and self-defence. The authorizations of the use of force, given to certain state and local authorities and some private security organisations, are thoroughly reviewed and studied. Selected legal provisions and legal institutes are historically compared, especially those regarding the police and municipal wardenship. The purpose of the comparison is to identify the movements of the field of legality of the use of force. Select Slovenian cases in front of the ECHR regarding the use of force are analysed.
- Published
- 2020
11. Port of koper as a critical infrastructure facility
- Author
Obštetar, Kaja and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
koprsko pristanišče ,threat sources ,critical infrastructure ,kritična infrastruktura ,ukrepi in pooblastila varnostnikov ,port of Koper ,diplomske naloge ,private security ,measures and powers of security guards ,udc:005.934:627.21(043.2) ,viri ogrožanja ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili kritično infrastrukturo s poudarkom na našem edinem pristanišču, kot enem izmed objektov kritične infrastrukture. Pojem kritične infrastrukture velja za kompleksnega in zahtevnega. Označuje tisto infrastrukturo, ki je bila na podlagi vseh sektorskih in medsektorskih kriterijev določena za kritično infrastrukturo. Njena pomembnost je tako velika, da bi v primeru prekinitve njenega delovanja ali celo uničenja močno ogrozili tako življenja ljudi kot tudi delovanje same države nasploh. Predstavili bomo pravno podlago, ki obravnava dotično področje. Na nacionalni ravni je to Zakon o kritični infrastrukturi, na nivoju Evropske unije pa Uredba o evropski kritični infrastrukturi ter ostale podzakonske akte. V nadaljevanju se bomo osredotočili na varovanje našega pristanišča, kot enega izmed objektov kritične infrastrukture, ki je mednarodno priznano in ki obenem predstavlja povezavo Srednje Evrope s preostalim delom sveta. Predstavili bomo pravno podlago, ki ureja varovanje, ukrepe in pooblastila varnostnikov s poudarkom na varovanju pristanišča, ki je specifično in se razlikuje od varovanja drugih objektov, in sicer trgovin, lokalov in drugih objektov. Ker je koprsko pristanišče objekt kritične infrastrukture, je vzpostavitev mehanizmov za samo zaščito ključnega pomena. Vključujoč zgolj pravno podlago, ki se nanaša na kritično infrastrukturo, na njeno varovanje in zaščito ne bi bilo dovolj za tako uspešno upravljanje koprskega pristanišča in varovanja le-tega. Zaradi navedenega so poleg zgoraj omenjene pravne podlage zasluženi še vsi interni akti, varnostno-tehnični sistem in ne nazadnje zaposleni v pristanišču z visoko pripadnostjo podjetju s Področjem pristaniške varnosti na čelu, ki se zavedajo pomembnosti in resnosti poklica, ki ga opravljajo v pristanišču. Diplomsko delo smo zaključili s potrditvijo prve zastavljene hipoteze: »V stalne ukrepe za zaščito kritične infrastrukture spadajo vsi ukrepi varnostnikov, ki jih določa Zakon o zasebnem varovanju«, in z zavrnitvijo druge, ki se glasi: »Država zagotavlja ustrezne podlage za učinkovito varovanje kritične infrastrukture«. Glede na to, da se temu področju šele v zadnjem času namenja več pozornosti imamo dobra izhodišča za nadaljnje urejanje varnosti kritične infrastrukture. In the herewith thesis we will talk about the critical infrastructure by focusing on just the only Port we do have in terms of being as one of the critical infrastructure facilities. The very concept of the critical infrastructure is considered to be both complex and challenging. It indicates the infrastructure that has been designated as critical on the basis of all sectoral and cross-sectoral criteria. Its importance is so great that in the event of an interruption of its own operation or even destruction, it would seriously endanger both the lives of the people and the general functioning of the country itself. Moreover, legal basis of the matter in question will be then introduced. On the national level it is to take into consideration the Critical Infrastructure Act and on the European Union level we should respect both the European Critical Infrastructure Regulation and all the other by-laws that may certainly prove helpful. As we proceed, particular attention will be placed on the protection of our port, being as one of the critical infrastructure facilities that is internationally recognized and at the same time represents the connection between Central Europe and the rest of the world. In addition, legal basis that regulates security, measures and powers delegated to the security officers, with emphasis placed upon port security which is no doubt quite specific and different from the security offered to other facilities, such as shops, outlets and other premises, will also be introduced. Given that the Port of Koper is in fact an object of critical infrastructure, establishing self-protection mechanisms is crucial. Including only the legal basis closely connected to the critical infrastructure, its security and protection would not be sufficient when it comes to successfully manage and protect the Port of Koper. What is more, to the aforementioned legal basis, all the internal acts, the security and technical system, and the employees working at the Port, being devoted and loyal to the company they work for, the merit should be attributed to. The fact is that they are the ones who are aware of the importance and seriousness of the profession they perform in the port. The diploma thesis was completed by confirming the first hypothesis stated: "Among the permanent measures implemented by the security guards to protect the critical infrastructure include all security measures stipulated by the Private Security Act". It is to underline that we had to reject the second hypothesis that was as follows: "The State provides adequate basis for an effective protection of the critical infrastructure". Considering the fact that more attention has only recently been devoted to this issue, we still have good starting points for further regulation of the critical infrastructure security.
- Published
- 2020
12. Analiza dosedanjega razvoja zasebnega varovanja v Sloveniji - med prakso, teorijo in empirijo.
- Author
Sotlar, Andrej and Čas, Tomaž
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Criminal Investigation & Criminology / Revija za Kriminalistiko in Kriminologijo is the property of Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia, Police and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
13. Policisti in varnostniki v procesu izvajanja policijske dejavnosti -- med tekmovanjem, konfliktom, sodelovanjem in partnerstvom.
- Author
Sotlar, Andrej
- Subjects
POLICE ,COMMUNITY policing ,SOCIAL control ,CRIMINALS ,ARREST ,SECURITY management - Abstract
Copyright of Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice & Security and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2008
14. Security of shopping centres and other service activities - case study of the planet tuš celje shopping centre
- Author
Hozjan, Daniela and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
trgovski centri ,private security ,študija primera ,varnostne službe ,magistrska dela ,Planet Tuš Celje ,varnostniki ,security measures ,shopping centres ,case study ,intervjuji ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,security guard ,analize ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Varnost je pomemben dejavnik v življenju vsakega posameznika. Do določene mere jo zagotavlja država preko svojih organov, ko pa se pojavi potreba po dodatnem varovanju, se po navadi angažira zasebno varovanje. Gre za obliko gospodarske dejavnosti, katere namen je varovanje ljudi in premoženja. Varovanje trgovskih centrov je tipično opravilo zasebnih varnostnih podjetij. Varnostniki opravljajo naloge in ukrepe, kot jih določa zakon, vendar ko gre za varovanje trgovskih centrov, se pojavlja vprašanje, ali opravljajo še kakšne druge naloge, celo t. i. »gospodinjska opravila«. To je tudi bistvo raziskovanja in rdeča nit magistrske naloge. Za namene raziskovanja smo izvedli opazovanje z udeležbo v trgovskem centru Planet Tuš Celje z varnostniki Sintala Celje, d. d. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da varnostniki pretežno izvajajo več »gospodinjskih opravil« kot pa opravil, ki so določena v zakonodaji s področja zasebnega varovanja. Da bi ugotovili, kako prebivalci trgovskega centra dojemajo poslanstvo varnostnikov, smo še dodatno anketirali naključno izbrane obiskovalce trgovskega centra Planet Tuš Celje. Ti so ocenili, da so z odnosom in delom varnostnikov zadovoljni in da zakonska podlaga na delo varnostnikov vpliva le v določeni meri. Raziskava je pokazala, da kljub pomanjkljivostim ter izboljšavam, ki bi jih lahko uvedli na področju varovanja trgovskih centrov, varnostno osebje izvaja varovanje v skladu s pričakovanji naročnika. Security is an important factor of life of each single individual. To some extent, it is provided by the state through its authorities, but when the need for additional security occurs, usually private security is engaged. Private security is a form of economic activity aimed at protecting people and property. Protecting shopping centres is a typical task of private security companies. Security guards perform tasks and measures as stipulated by the law, but when it comes to the protection of shopping centres, the question arises: Do they perform any other tasks and even so called “house chores”? The latter is also the basis of the research and the common thread of the following master’s thesis. For the purposes of the research, we conducted participant observation in the shopping centre Planet Tuš Celje, with security guards Sintal Celje, d. d. The findings have shown that security guards carry out mostly “household” tasks rather than tasks specified in the legislation on private security. In order to find out how the visitors of the shopping centre perceive the mission of security guards, we additionally surveyed randomly selected visitors of the shopping centre Planet Tuš Celje. They assessed that they are satisfied with the attitude and work of security guards and that the legal basis affects their work only to a certain extent. The research showed that, despite the shortcomings and improvements that could have been introduced in the area of shopping centres security, security personnel carries out security in line with the expectations of a client.
- Published
- 2019
15. Students' Trust in Private Security
- Author
Gašpar, Jasmina and Modic, Maja
- Subjects
študentje ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,students ,trust ,private security guards ,Private security ,zasebno varovanje ,zasebni varnostniki ,zaupanje - Abstract
Zasebno varovanje je zelo razširjeno, saj v marsikateri državi število zasebnih varnostnikov presega celo število policistov. Zasebni varnostniki pridobivajo čedalje večja in obsežnejša pooblastila oziroma ukrepe za opravljanje svojih nalog. Zato je zelo pomembno, da jim javnost zaupa, kar pomeni, da so njihova dejanja bolj legitimna in spoštovana. Zaupanje lahko pridobijo z usposobljenostjo in učinkovitostjo, saj morajo biti prebivalci zadovoljni z njihovim delom in imeti občutek varnosti. V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali, kakšno mnenje si je slovenska javnost ustvarila o zasebnem varovanju, pri čemer smo se omejili na študentsko populacijo. Študentje se z zasebnimi varnostniki srečujejo v nočnih klubih, v trgovskih centrih, na nogometnih tekmah in drugih športnih prireditvah, na koncertih in drugih kulturnih prireditvah ali pa tudi v študentskih domovih. Rezultati naše ankete so pokazali, da so si študentje ustvarili pozitivno mnenje o zasebnem varovanju. Večina mladih zaupa zasebnim varnostnikom in je zadovoljna z njihovim delom, ter menijo, da zasebni varnostniki primerno opravljajo svoje delo. Študentje prav tako menijo, da so zasebni varnostniki primerno usposobljeni, imajo primerne kompetence in lastnosti za opravljanje poklica. V njihovi prisotnosti se tudi počutijo varno. Private security is widespread, since, in many countries, the number of private security guards exceeds the number of police officers. Private security guards are gaining greater and more extensive powers to carry out their duties. It is therefore very important that the public trusts them, which means that their actions are more legitimate and respected. Citizens' trust is gained through competence and efficiency, as citizens must be satisfied with their work and have a sense of security. In the diploma thesis, we determined the opinion of the Slovenian public about private security, where we limited ourselves to the student population. Students meet with private security guards in nightclubs, shopping centres, at football matches and other sporting events, concerts and other cultural events, or even in student dormitories. The results of our survey showed that students have a positive opinion on private security. Most young people trust private security guards, are pleased with their work, and feel that private security guards are doing their job properly. Students also believe that private security guards are properly trained, have the appropriate competencies and qualities to pursue the profession. They also feel safe in their presence.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
STOJAKOVIĆ, TINA and Sever, Tina
- Subjects
posebni upravni postopek ,private security ,inspectorate ,inšpektorat ,hitri postopek o prekršku ,prekrškovni organ ,minor offence authority ,fast minor offence procedure ,zasebno varovanje ,inspection ,special administrative procedure ,inšpekcijski nadzor - Abstract
V diplomskem delu je obravnavano delovanje Inšpektorata Republike Slovenije za notranje zadeve kot inšpekcijskega in prekrškovnega organa. Predstavljene so pravne podlage za izvajanje inšpekcijskega nadzora. Področje inšpekcijskega nadzora je pomembno, saj se z rednimi nadzori zagotovita kakovostno delovanje in varnost na posameznem področju. Diplomsko delo obravnava težave, s katerimi se srečujejo inšpektorji pri izvajanju nadzorov, področja, na katerih se zgodi največ prekrškov, vprašanji, ali inšpektorji pri svojem delu sodelujejo z drugimi organi in če se v okviru svojega dela udeležujejo usposabljanj in izobraževanj. V teoretičnem delu je bila uporabljena metoda študije različne slovenske in tuje literature in virov. Za analizo zakonov z inšpekcijskega in prekrškovnega področja sta bili uporabljeni normativna analiza in deskriptivna metoda. Raziskava je bila izvedena z analizo letnih poročil IRSNZ in metodo intervjuja, osredotočena pa je bila na področje zasebnega varovanja. V okviru raziskave je bilo ugotovljeno, da se inšpektorji pri izvajanju nadzora na področju zasebnega varovanja največkrat soočajo z delom na črno, zaradi česar se je v zadnjem času povečalo število izdanih prekrškovnih odločb. Inšpektorji IRSNZ se v sklopu dela redno udeležujejo usposabljanj in izobraževanj, pri svojem delu pa sodelujejo tudi s Policijo in drugimi inšpektorati. Prispevek diplomskega dela se kaže v tem, da bo javnost seznanjena z načinom izvajanja inšpekcijskega nadzora s strani IRSNZ. V ospredju je izvajanje nadzora v praksi, pri čemer so izpostavljene ovire, s katerimi se pri svojem delu soočajo inšpektorji. The content of diploma paper deals with the work of the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Internal Affairs (IRSNZ) as an inspection and minor offence authority. Legal bases for conducting inspection are presented. The field of inspection is important since regular inspections ensure quality operation and safety in a particular field. The diploma paper deals with problems encountered by inspectors when carrying out supervision, since in this are areas most of the offenses occur, with the question whether inspectors cooperate with other authorities in their work and further on if they participate in training and education in field of their work. In the theoretical part the method of studying various Slovene and foreign literature and sources has been used. For the analysis of law on inspection and minor offences normative analysis and descriptive method have been used. The survey has been carried out by analyzing the annual reports of the IRSNZ and method of interviewing, with focus on the scope of private security. The survey concluded that inspectors mostly face undeclared work when performing supervision in the area of private security, which results in increased number of minor offense decisions issued. In the course of their work the IRSNZ inspectors regularly take part in training and education, and they cooperate with the police force and other inspectorates in their work as well. The contribution of diploma paper is to increase the public awareness on the manner of conducting inspection by the IRSNZ. The focus is on exercising supervision in practice, as well as the obstacles that inspectors face in their work.
- Published
- 2019
17. Security at events in catering establishments
- Author
Šolinc, Blaž and Čas, Tomaž
- Subjects
catering establishment ,Security Company ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,načrt varovanja ,security ,javne prireditve ,gostinski lokali ,varnostni ukrepi ,security plan ,legislation ,zasebno varovanje ,varnostniki - Abstract
Diplomsko delo se ukvarja s temeljnimi pojmi in zakonodajo, ki ureja področje zasebnega varovanja, posebej pa se osredotoča na varovanje prireditev v gostinskih lokalih. Teoretično se naloga v osnovi opira na aktualno zakonodajo s področja varovanja, predvsem Zakon o zasebnem varovanju, Zakon o javnih zbiranjih in Uredbo o obveznem organiziranju službe varovanja na javnih prireditvah, pri tem pa predstavi ukrepe varnostnikov pri varovanju ter sam način varovanja na prireditvah v gostinskih lokalih. Diplomsko delo daje posebej velik pomen varnostnemu načrtu kot temeljnemu dokumentu in osnovi za izvedbo varovanja, ki vsebuje oceno stopnje tveganja, program varovanja ter načrt fizičnega varovanja, in ga skozi elemente, zapisane v zakonodaji, tudi natančno opiše. Vsebuje tudi predstavitev in analizo konkretnega načrta za varovanje v gostinskem lokalu, ki ga varuje zasebno varnostna družba, ter intervju z direktorjem te družbe in tremi zaposlenimi – varnostniki. Namen intervjujev je ugotoviti, kako pomemben je za uspešno opravljanje varovanja načrt varovanja. V sklepnem delu naloga potrdi predpostavko, da je varnostni načrt temeljni dokument in – pripravljen strokovno, skrbno in temeljito – osnova vsakega dobro izvedenega varovanja. S tem se strinjajo tudi sogovorniki v empiričnem delu naloge, ki zakonska in strokovna izhodišča, na katerih temelji koncept varovanja prireditev (v gostinskih lokalih), ocenjujejo kot dobra in ustrezna, pri tem pa na podlagi izkušenj kot eno od pomembnih predpostavk za kakovostno opravljeno storitev varovanja posebej izpostavljajo timsko delo in možnost prenosa izkušenj z bolj izkušenih varnostnikov na tiste, ki so šele začeli opravljati to fizično in psihično zahtevno delo. The focus of this bachelor’s degree is basic terminology and legislation regulating private security, specifically security at events in catering establishments. Theoretical part of the paper is based on current legislation regulating security, especially the Law on Private Security and Regulation on compulsory organization of security Services at public events, highlighting the security and protection measures security guards take at events in catering establishments. This paper particularly focuses on the safety plan as the basic document and the ground for the implementation of security measures, including an assessment of the degree of risk, a security plan and a plan of physical protection. The security plan is described in detail through the articles and regulations of our legislation. In addition, this degree includes an analysis of a concrete security plan in a catering establishment, which is protected by a security company, as well as an interview with the director of this company and three employees’ security guards. The purpose of the interviews is to determine the importance of the security plan for a successful implementation of security. In the final part of the bachelor’s degree, the paper confirms the assumption that the security plan is the basic document and prepared in a professional, attentive and thorough manner the basis of every well-executed security. The empirical part of the paper shows that this is also supported by the interlocutors included in the analysis. They assess the legal and professional starting points on which the concept of protection (at catering establishments) is based, as good and appropriate. Drawing from their experiences, they conclude that one of the most important starting points for providing a quality security service is teamwork and the possibility of transferring experience and knowledge from more experienced security guards to those who have just begun to perform this physically and psychologically demanding job.
- Published
- 2019
18. Private security in Slovenia and international comparison
- Author
Pliberšek, Klemen and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,zadovoljstvo pri delu ,mednarodna primerjava ,international comparison ,varnostnik ,security officer ,Private security ,zasebno varovanje ,job satisfaction - Abstract
Varnost je dobrina po kateri človek hrepeni že od rojstva in se razvija skozi vse življenje že vrsto let. Zasebno varnostna podjetja postajajo čedalje pomembnejša pri zagotavljanju varnosti na varovanih območjih in nudijo oporo ostalim organom za zagotavljanje varnosti. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena dejavnost zasebnega varovanja v Sloveniji, na Finskem, Hrvaškem in v Estoniji. Pozornost smo namenili sami zakonodaji v določeni državi in s pomočjo strokovne literature primerjali med seboj kakšna upravičenja imajo varnostniki v določenih državah, na katerih področjih lahko delujejo, kakšna je urejenost oznak in delovnih oblek in katere pogoje morajo izpolnjevati podjetja za pridobitev licence ter varnostno osebje za pridobitev službene izkaznice. Ker pa je za zagotavljanje kvalitetne varnosti potreben zadovoljen zaposlen, smo v empiričnem delu s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov, ki smo jih razdelili med naključne zaposlene v zasebnem varovanju, proučevali kako so varnostniki zadovoljni s trenutnim delovnim mestom. Rezultate smo primerjali z rezultati izpred devetih let ko je podobno raziskavo izvedel diplomant Fakultete za varnostne vede Filip Slovša. Po zbranih podatkih smo ugotovili, da se stanje na področju zasebnega varovanja ni bistveno spremenilo, vendar pa se izboljšuje, saj bi trenutno na tem delovnem mestu ostalo več zaposlenih in manj bi jih zamenjalo to delovno mesto za drugega. Prav tako je glede na leto 2009 več zaposlenih zelo zadovoljnih s trenutnim delovnim mestom. Na koncu smo še preverili kaj povzroča zadovoljstvo oziroma nezadovoljstvo med zaposlenimi. Security is one of social goods that a person longs for from their birth and is developing throughout their life for many years. Private security companies are becoming increasingly important in ensuring safety in protected areas and providing support to other safety authorities. The theoretical part presents the activity of private security in Slovenia, Finland, Croatia and Estonia. We paid attention to the legislation in a particular country and carried out research into the scholarly literature in order to compare authorisations of the security officers in certain countries, in which areas they can operate, what is the organisation of labels and work clothes, and what conditions must be met by companies for obtaining a licence and security personnel for obtaining an identity card. However, in ensuring quality security, satisfied employees play a crucial role. In empirical part, we examined the current workplace satisfaction of security officers from data, obtained by the survey method of questionnaires, which were distributed among random employees in private security. We compared the obtained results with the previous results from nine years ago, when a similar study was carried out by the graduate of the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security Filip Slovša. According to the collected data we learned that situation in the field of private security did not change significantly, but it has been improving, since at this moment more employees would remain at their current workplace and fewer would change it. In comparison with the year of 2009, there is also a higher number of employees who are very satisfied with the current job position. In the end, we have also investigated the causes of satisfaction or dissatisfaction among employees.
- Published
- 2018
19. Negative consequences of competition to security companies in slovenia
- Author
Kolar, Mojca and Repas, Martina
- Subjects
omejevalni sporazum ,neobičajno nizke cene ,unfair competition ,decision of an association of undertakings ,nelojalna konkurenca ,sklep podjetniškega združenja ,private security ,udc:346.545:343.123.12(043.3) ,abnormally low prices ,restrictive agreement ,tariff of security services ,Zasebno varovanje ,tarifa storitev varovanja - Abstract
Po osamosvojitvi Slovenije se je na slovenskem trgu začela intenzivno razvijati tudi dejavnost zasebnega varovanja in število varnostnih služb je začelo strmo naraščati. Močna konkurenca med njimi je z leti prinesla v dejavnost varovanja veliko negativnih posledic. Ena izmed teh so tudi plače varnostnega osebja, ki so danes daleč pod slovenskim povprečjem. Toda za sistemom plač zaposlenih stoji plačni sistem storitev na trgu varovanja. Magistrska naloga obravnava problematiko neobičajno nizkih cen fizičnega in tehničnega varovanja, kar je posledica nelojalne konkurence in drugih oblik izkrivljanja konkurence. Nelojalna konkurenca se lahko kaže na različnih področjih, tudi v tistih oblikah, ki jih ZPOmK-1 sicer taksativno ne našteva, vendar kljub temu sodijo v domet generalne klavzule. Zbornica za zasebno varovanje je konec 90. let sprejela sklepe združenja, s katerimi je želela preprečiti nezakonita ravnanja članic in nelojalno konkurenco med njimi. Urad za varstvo konkurence je nato odločil, da predmetni sklepi omejujejo konkurenco in so zato nični. ZPOmK-1 sicer pod določenimi pogoji dovoljuje izjemo od prepovedi sklepanja omejevalnih sporazumov, vendar kljub številnim pozitivnim razlogom ne moremo zagotovo trditi, da bi bil sklep podjetniškega združenja, s katerim bi se določile izhodiščne cene storitev zasebnega varovanja, dovoljen. Glede na to, da bi družbe za zasebno varovanje ali njihovo združenje težko dosegli veljavni sporazum, pa preostane le še vloga zakonodajalca, da uredi problematiko dejavnosti varovanja. V tem primeru govorimo o »izjemi glede na vrsto dejavnosti oz. sektorski izjemi«. Nekatere dejavnosti so namreč zelo pomembne za življenje ljudi ter za nemoteno delovanje organizacij in države. Država lahko takšne dejavnosti opravlja sama, lahko pa v določenem obsegu dejavnost ali del dejavnosti prepusti gospodarskim družbam. Družbe opravljajo dejavnost v javnem interesu države, ta pa njihovo delovanje strogo nadzira. Ena izmed takšnih dejavnosti je tudi zasebno varovanje. V takšnem primeru omejitve konkurence ne moremo pripisati, kot to zahteva 6. člen ZPOmK-1, samostojnemu protikonkurenčnemu dejanju družb in so te zaščitene pred vsemi posledicami kršitve omenjenega člena. Država lahko zato s posebnim zakonom v določenem obsegu regulira plačni sistem dejavnosti in v tem vidimo veliko priložnost za rešitev plačne problematike zasebnega varovanja. Stabilizacija plačnega sistema v dejavnosti zasebnega varovanja bi prispevala k ravoju kakovosti storitve, s tem pa večji varnosti naročnikov ter seveda k večji varnosti in zadovoljstvu zaposlenih. After the independence of Slovenia, the private security began to intensively develop on the Slovenian market, and the number of security services began to rise sharply. Over the years, strong competition between them has brought many negative consequences to the activity of private security. One of these is the salaries of private security personnel, who are now far below the Slovenian average. However, regarding the payroll system, the pay system of services in the security market must be taken into account. The master's thesis addressed the problem of abnormally low prices of physical and technical protection, which is due to unfair competition and other forms of distortion of competition. Unfair competition can be reflected in various areas, including in those forms that are not listed by the ZPOmK-1, but do not fall within the scope of the general clause. At the end of the 1990s, the Chamber for Private Security adopted the decisions to prevent the illegal conduct of members and unfair competition between them. The Competition Protection Office then decided that the decisions in question restrict competition and are therefore void. Although, under certain conditions, ZPOmK-1 allows exemption from the prohibition on the conclusion of restrictive agreements. However, despite numerous positive reasons, it cannot be concluded that the decision of an association of undertakings that determines starting prices of private security services would have been permitted. Given that private security companies or their association find it difficult to reach a valid agreement, only the role of the legislator remains to regulate the issue of private security. Namely in this case, the “exceptions according to the type of activity or sectoral exceptions”. Certain activities are of great importance for people's lives and for the smooth functioning of organisations and the country. A country can carry out such activities by itself. but may also, to a certain extent, leave the activity or part of the activity to another economic entity. Companies or economic entities perform activities in the public interest of the country, and the country is strictly controlling those activities. One of these activities is private security. According to Article 6 of ZPOmK-1, in such a case, restrictions on competition can not be attributed to an independent anti-competitive act by companies and are protected against all the consequences of a violation of that article. The state can therefore, to a certain extent, regulate the salary system of activities by a special law, which can be seen as a good opportunity to solve the salary problems of private security. The stabilization of the salary system in private security could contribute to the improvement of the quality of the service, thereby increasing the security of clients and, of course, to increasing the safety and satisfaction of employees.
- Published
- 2018
20. Opinion about Private Security Guards in Slovenia Given by Students of Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security: Comparison between the Years 2003 in 2017
- Author
Armič, David and Bren, Matevž
- Subjects
študenti ,students ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,private security ,opinion ,private security guard ,magistrska dela ,zasebno varovanje ,varnostniki ,mnenja - Abstract
Področje zasebnega varovanja je urejeno z Zakonom o zasebnem varovanju (ZZasV, 2011), ki ureja pravice in dolžnosti različnih subjektov zasebnega varovanja. Ključni akter zasebnega varovanja so zasebni varnostniki. To so osebe, ki neposredno opravljajo naloge zasebnega varovanja in lahko pri svojem delu uporabljajo ukrepe, določene v ZZasV (2011). V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, kakšno mnenje imajo študenti Fakultete za varnostne vede o zasebnih varnostnikih in predvsem, kako se je to spremenilo od leta 2003 do 2017. V raziskavi iz leta 2003 (Nalla, Meško, Sotlar in Bodiroža, 2004) so obravnavana vprašanja o strokovnosti in naravi dela varnostnikov, ki smo jih uporabili tudi v naši raziskavi (2017) in tako pridobili podatke za primerjavo ugotovitev obeh raziskav. Za leto 2017 smo s preverjanjem hipotez ugotovili, da študenti FVV menijo, da varnostniki svojega dela ne opravljajo zelo profesionalno, da ni razlike v mnenju med študenti in študentkami ter da imajo študenti s pozitivnimi izkušnjami z varnostniki boljše mnenje o njih kot tisti z negativnimi izkušnjami. V primerjavi z letom 2003 študenti FVV v letu 2017 zasebne varnostnike vidijo kot enako profesionalne, na drugi strani pa se jim njihovo delo zdi bolj pomembno, koristno in zahtevno (»narava dela varnostnikov«). Mnenje o profesionalnosti varnostnikov se torej ni izboljšalo, medtem ko se je mnenje o naravi dela izboljšalo, sprememb splošnega mnenja o varnostnikih pa ni mogoče ugotoviti. Lahko trdimo le, da se splošno mnenje o varnostnikih ni poslabšalo. The field of private security is regulated by the Private Security Act (Zakon o zasebnem varovanju, 2011), which regulates the rights and duties of various private security entities. The key actors in private security are private security guards. A security guard is a person that performs private security assignments and is allowed to use measures laid down in the aforementioned Private Security Act. This master’s thesis wished to determine the opinions of students of the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security about private security guards in Slovenia and how these opinions have changed from 2003 to 2017. A survey from 2003 (Nalla, Meško, Sotlar and Bodiroža, 2004) asked questions about security guards’ professionalism and the nature of their work. The same questions were used to obtain data for the present survey, which enabled excellent comparison between these two years. The key research findings of 2017 are: students of the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security are of the opinion that private security guards are not very professional there is no difference of opinion between male and female students and students with positive experiences have a better opinion of security guards, compared to students with negative experiences. Students in the 2017 survey view the work of security guards to be just as professional as it was in 2003, but they assess their work as more important, useful and hard (“nature of work”) than they did in 2003. Given the two above-mentioned findings it cannot be concluded that the general opinion about private security guards has improved since 2003, nor can it be disproved. It can only be concluded that students' opinions of private security guards in Slovenia have not worsened.
- Published
- 2018
21. Management of a security company through skills of the security personell
- Author
Novak, Aleš and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
varnost ,competences ,training ,security personell ,varnostno osebje ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,varnostna podjetja ,zagotavljanje varnosti ,company ,management ,zasebno varovanje ,varnostniki - Abstract
Kot je mogoče razbrati že iz naslova tega diplomskega dela, je njegov primarni cilj predstaviti vodenje varnostnega podjetja in kompetence varnostnega osebja. Za boljše izhodišče in lažje razumevanje sta poleg že omenjenega v nalogi predstavljena tudi področje vodenja podjetja oziroma menedžmenta in področje kompetenc. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljeno vodenje organizacije, ki zajema vodenje oziroma menedžment podjetja, kjer avtorji poudarjajo, da je za uspešno delovanje nekega podjetja potrebno njegovo učinkovito vodenje. Za učinkovito delovanje podjetja je treba uspešno voditi tudi zaposlene oziroma delovno osebje. Vodja tako glede na svoje podrejene in delovne naloge izbira ustrezen način in slog vodenja, zato so v nalogi predstavljeni različni slogi in načini vodenja. Drugi del naloge je namenjen predstavitvi kompetenc. Sodelavce je lažje voditi, če so ustrezno kompetentni ali če jim ustrezne sposobnosti, ki jih potrebujejo pri svojem delu, priučimo z izobraževanjem oziroma usposabljanjem. Glede ocenjevanja kompetenc obstajajo številne metode, v nalogi pa sta predstavljeni dve najpogostejši, in sicer ocena kompetenc z metodo 360 stopinj in metoda opazovanja na delovnem mestu. Ustrezna usposobljenost pa še toliko bolj pride do izraza pri varnostnem osebju, ki se pri delu veliko ukvarja z ljudmi in je po potrebi primorano uporabiti tudi silo. V tem delu naloge je obravnavan tudi projekt Kompetenčni center za izobraževanje varnostnega osebja, ki je veliko pripomogel k dvigu usposobljenosti varnostnega osebja. V panogi zasebnega varovanja ima ustrezna kompetentnost velik pomen, saj lahko pripomore k dvigu ugleda celotne panoge. V tretjem delu naloge sta predstavljeni še analiza ankete varnostnikov in razprava o rezultatih. As it derives from the title of the thesis, its primary goal is to present the management of a security company and competences of the security personnel. For a better starting point and easier understanding, the thesis additionally presents the field of company management and the field of competences. The first part of the thesis presents organizational management, which includes the management of a company, where authors stress out that successful business performance of a company demands effective company management and on the other hand successful employee or staff management. Considering his subordinates and the work tasks, the manager chooses an appropriate type leadership type and style, therefore the thesis presents different leadership types and styles. The second part of the thesis presents competences. Co-workers are easier to lead, if they have the necessary competences for their work or if they acquire them through education or training. There are numerous method for the assessment of competences, but the thesis only presents the two most common ones, namely the assessment of competences with the method 360 degrees and the method of observation at the workplace. Appropriate qualifications stand out even further in the case of the security personnel, who have a lot of contact with people during work and are sometimes even forced to use force. This part of the thesis also discusses the project Competitive centre for the education of security personnel, which contributed a lot to raise the qualifications of the security personnel. Appropriate qualifications are of significant importance in the private security branch, since they can contribute to the raise of the entire branch’s reputation. The third part of the thesis presents the analysis of the survey among security personnel and the discussion about the results.
- Published
- 2018
22. Detectivs and detection of senders of anonymous letters
- Author
Krušnik, Tina and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
anonimna pisma ,detective activity ,grafologija ,detektivi ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,odkrivanje ,Detectives ,storilci ,graphology ,detektivska dejavnost ,anonymous letters ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava detektivsko dejavnost, delo detektivov, odkrivanje pošiljateljev anonimnih pisem in uporabo grafološke analize v detektivski dejavnosti. Anonimna pisma so vsa pisma, ki jih pisci zaradi različnih razlogov niso podpisali ali pa so se podpisali z lažnim imenom. Osebe, ki pišejo takšna pisma imajo pogosto psihične motnje, ali pa so pisma napisali pod vplivom različnih substanc. Takšna pisma ponavadi nastanejo zaradi različnih zamer, ki se lahko gojijo dolga leta, zaradi ljubezenskih zadev, strasti, hudobije, sovraštva in pohlepa. Pojavljajo se v različnih oblikah, kot rokopis, tiskanje, risanje, elektronsko sporočilo, grafitno pisanje na objektih ali pa kot letaki. Z odkrivanjem pošiljateljev anonimnih pisem se ukvarjajo tudi detektivi. Njihovo delo je zanimivo, dinamično, pestro, raznoliko, naporno, dolgočasno, utrujajoče, odgovorno, zelo zahtevno in pa tudi nevarno. Potrebujejo tudi različna znanja in spretnosti za svoje delo. Da detektiv odkrije pošiljatelja anonimnega pisma je zelo pomembna preiskava pisave, podpisa, sloga in jezika. S takšno analizo pa se ukvarjajo grafologi. Detektivi imajo izdelan načrt za preiskovanje anonimnih pisem, ki pa ga je potrebno spreminjati in prilagajati saj se pisma razlikujejo med seboj. Detektivom bi pri preiskavi prav prišlo grafološko znanje ali pa boljše sodelovanje z grafologi. Saj se grafologija ukvarja s preučevanjem pisave in tako odkriva osebnostne značilnosti pisca, kar pa lahko detektivom pomaga zožiti krog osumljencev. Pošiljatelja anonimnega pisma je najbolje iskati v bližini žrtve, saj pisci ponavadi živijo v neposredni bližini žrtev ali pa pogosto zahajajo na tisti kraj. Oseba, ki je odposlala svoje prvo anonimno pismo, bo najverjetneje čez nekaj časa poslala še drugo, saj lahko nekaterim ljudem to postane strast in jih zasvoji. A thesis deals with the detective activity, detective work, detection of senders of anonymous letters and the use of graphology analysis in the detective business. Anonymous letters are all letters, that writers didn't sign for different reasons or they signed with fake name. People who write such letters usually have psychological disorders, or letters have been written under the influence of different substances. Such letters happen because of different resentments, that they can be bred for a number of years, because of love matters, passion, mischief, hate and greed usually. They are appearing in different shapes, as writing, printing, drawing, electronic message, graphite writing on buildings or as leaflets. Also detectives engage in detection of senders of anonymous letters. Their work is interesting, dynamic, diverse, varied, exhausting, boring, tiring, responsible, very demanding and also dangerous. Detectives need different knowledges and skills for their work. To detect the sender of the anonymous letter, the detective finds a very important search for a script, a signature, a style, and a language. Graphologists deal with this analysis. Detectives have a plan to investigate anonymous letters, but they need to be modified and adapted because the letters are different from one another. Detectives would have acquired graphological knowledge in the investigation or better collaboration with graphologists. Graphology deals with investigating of font and discovering personality features of a writer. That help to narrow circle of suspects. The sender of the anonymous letter is best sought near the victim, as writers usually live in close proximity to victims or often go to that place. A person who has sent her first anonymous letter will most likely send another one after another, as some people may become passionate and addictive.
- Published
- 2017
23. Cash in tranzit with international comparation between Republic Slovenia and Croatia
- Author
Klobučar, Daša and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
Hrvaška ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,money ,prevoz vrednostnih pošiljk ,primerjave ,Transport ,Slovenija ,security ,security container ,prevoz denarja ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Diplomsko delo je namenjeno predvsem predstavitvi normativne ureditve varovanja prevoza gotovine in drugih vrednostnih pošiljk med dvema državama članicama Evropske unije (EU), Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Hrvaško. V diplomskem delu je bila povzeta tako dejavnost zasebnega varovanja kot tudi nadzor s strani pristojnih državnih organov, s katerim se dviga standard varnosti pri opravljanju prevozov in varovanja gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk. S samo primerjavo in pregledom sprememb zakonodaje tako v Republiki Sloveniji kot tudi v Republiki Hrvaški smo pokazali, da se obe spreminjata v skladu s smernicami in trendi, ki so na trgu. Pri pregledu in analizi predpostavk smo zastavili vprašanje, kako se razlikuje normativna ureditev v teh dveh državah članicah EU. Težišče celotne naloge je bilo normativni ureditvi in, zakonih o zasebnem varovanju v Republiki Sloveniji ter Republiki Hrvaški. Neposredna primerjava podzakonskih predpisov v obeh obravnavanih državah je pokazala nekatere skupne stične točke in nekatera razhajanja. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil potrditi oz. ovreči zastavljene hipoteze, ki opredeljujejo normativno dejavnost, urejenost in varnost področja varovanja prevozov gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk. Pri izvajanju prevozov gotovine in drugih vrednostnih pošiljk, upoštevajoč relevantne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na varen prenos in prevoz gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk, je prisotnih več standardov, ki imajo namen zagotoviti preglednost vseh postopkov in varnost varnostnega osebja ter varno dostavo varovanih pošiljk naročnikom. Iz ugotovitev lahko zaključimo, da so v Republiki Sloveniji postavljeni temelji, ki zagotavljajo visok nivo varnostnih standardov, ki pa je bil s sprejetjem novega pravilnika o načinu prevoza in varovanja gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk le še izboljšan. The Bachelor's thesis is mostly intended to introduce the normative regulatory framework of securing the transport of money and other valuable shipments between two European Union (EU) Member States, namely the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia. The thesis summarizes both the area of operation of private security providers as well as the supervision conducted on part of competent state agencies – the latter enables a growing standard of security in executing secure transports of money and other valuable shipments. The comparison between the two legislations together with an overview made of any amendments revealed that both legislations are adapting in line with new guidelines and trends existing in the market. While conducting the comparison and analysis of our hypotheses, we addressed the research question on how the normative regulatory frameworks in these two EU Member States differ from one another. The main focus of the thesis was based around the normative regulatory framework, and the laws on private security in Slovenia and in Croatia, respectively. The direct comparison of relevant sub-legal provisions in both countries revealed some commonalities as well as several issues of divergence. The thesis was set out to confirm or disprove the hypotheses, which define the area of activity, its normative regulation and the ensuring of security in the area of securing transports of money and other valuable shipments. In executing the transport of cash and other high value goods, considering all factors that influence the security of the transport, there are several relevant standards to observe and are intended to ensure the transparency of all procedures, the safety of the personnel as well as a safe delivery of secured shipments to the clients. The findings enable us to conclude that in the Republic of Slovenia, foundations have been set in place, which ensure a high level of security standards. The latter were further raised with the acceptance of the most recent »Rules on the Transport and Protection of Money and Other Valuable Shipments«.
- Published
- 2017
24. Knowing the work of private security guards and satisfaction with their work among the residents of ljubljana
- Author
Horvat, Lavra and Sotlar, Andrej
- Subjects
acquaintance with work ,satisfaction with work ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,stališča ,Ljubljana ,javno mnenje ,magistrska dela ,Private security ,zasebno varovanje ,varnostniki ,prebivalci - Abstract
Področje poznavanja dela zasebnih varnostnikov in zadovoljstva z njihovim delom je v Sloveniji še precej neraziskano, saj so bile dosedanje raziskave opravljene le med študentsko populacijo, ne pa tudi med splošnim prebivalstvom. Za potrebe magistrskega dela je bila v ta namen opravljena raziskava o poznavanju dela varnostnikov in zadovoljstvu z njihovim delom na reprezentativnem vzorcu prebivalcev Ljubljane. V raziskavi so sodelovali naključni prebivalci, ki bivajo v mestu Ljubljana, in sicer v starosti od 18 do 75 let. Raziskava je pokazala, da je, za razliko od predhodnih študij na študentskih populacijah, splošno prebivalstvo z delom, ki ga varnostniki opravljajo, zadovoljno. Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da prebivalci Ljubljane delo zasebnih varnostnikov ocenjujejo kot nevarno, stresno in zahtevno, varnostnike pa ocenjujejo kot izobražene in profesionalne. Na ocene narave dela varnostnikov ne vplivajo pretekle izkušnje respondentov z varnostniki, kot tudi ne zaposlenost njihovih staršev ali sorodnikov v zasebnovarnostnih podjetjih, temveč zaposlenost staršev ali sorodnikov v državnih službah ali policiji. Iz raziskave je tudi razvidno, da na mnenje o profesionalnosti varnostnikov vpliva starost prebivalcev Ljubljane, ne pa tudi spol anketiranih. Glede sodelovanja zasebnih varnostnikov in policistov pa Ljubljančani menijo, da le-ti pri zagotavljanju varnosti v mestu uspešno sodelujejo. The field of acquaintance with work of private security guards and the satisfaction with their work is substantially unexplored since previous research was only conducted among the student population but not the general population. For the purposes of this master's thesis, research on acquaintance with work of security guards and satisfaction with their work was carried out among a representative sample of Ljubljana's residents. Participants in the research are coincidental residents, from the ages of 18 to 75 years, who reside in the city of Ljubljana. Research shows that as opposed to previous studies among student population, the general population is satisfied with the work of security guards. Research findings indicate that the inhabitants of Ljubljana appraise the work of private security guards as dangerous, stressful as well as demanding and evaluate them as educated and well trained. Previous experiences of respondents with security guards do not impact the assessments of security guards' nature of work, and neither does their parents' employment in private security companies, but the employment of parents or relatives in civil services or police force does. It is also evident from the research that the opinion on security guards' professionalism is influenced by the age of Ljubljana's residents but not by gender of Ljubljana’s residents. In reference to the cooperation of private security guards and policemen, Ljubljana's inhabitants deem it successful when it comes to ensuring the safety in the city.
- Published
- 2017
25. Role of private detective in the performance of control sick leave
- Author
Ban, Boštjan and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
pooblastila ,sick leave control and supervision ,detektivi ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,bolniški stalež ,diplomske naloge ,extraordinary termination of the employment contract ,nadzor ,detective ,naloge ,detektivska dejavnost ,zasebno varovanje ,detective service - Abstract
Diplomska naloga obravnava vlogo detektivskega poklica na področju kontrole in nadzora bolniškega staleža nad zaposlenim delavcem. Za pravilno in strokovno razumevanje vloge detektiva in detektivskega poklica so na začetku naloge opredeljeni temeljni pojmi, kot so detektiv, detektivska dejavnost, delovno področje detektiva, upravičenja detektiva, prepovedi detektiva, bolniški stalež, bolniška odsotnost, bolniški dopust, posledice izkoriščanja bolniškega staleža, kontrola in nadzor bolniškega staleža, slovenska zakonska ureditev bolniškega staleža, zloraba bolniške odsotnosti z dela in izredna odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi. Skozi diplomsko nalogo je bilo ugotovljeno, kdo lahko opravlja detektivsko dejavnost in s katerimi metodami dela se pri svojem vsakdanjem delu srečuje. V nadaljevanju je bil podrobneje preučen bolniški stalež oziroma bolniška odsotnost zaposlenega z dela ter dejavniki izkoriščanja bolniške odsotnosti. V diplomski nalogi je bila temeljno opredeljena kontrola bolniškega staleža in nadzor bolniškega staleža, ugotovljene so bile razlike med tovrstnim detektivskim delom in oba pojma podrobneje opisana. Razčlenjena je bila slovenska zakonodaja na področju bolniške odsotnosti, s katero se detektivi srečujejo pri svojem delu. Opisan je bil tudi temeljni institut pri opravljanju kontrole in nadzora bolniškega staleža, to je izredna odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi. Največji poudarek v diplomski nalogi temelji na bolniškem staležu, saj je zloraba pravice o zadržanosti z dela zaradi bolezni ali poškodbe najbolj obsežna vrsta detektivskega dela med detektivi. Zaradi boljše opredelitve in lažjega razumevanja tematike ter potrditve ugotovitev so v diplomski nalogi predstavljeni štirje detektivski primeri nadzora bolniškega staleža in en primer sodbe Višjega delovnega in socialnega sodišča. Diplomska naloga vsebuje tudi intervju, ki je bil posredovan štirinajstim slovenskim detektivom. The diploma thesis elaborates the role of the detective profession in the field of sick leave control and supervision. In order to understand the role of the detective and detective profession correctly and from an expert point of view, the thesis starts with the definition of the basic terminology: detective, detective service, the field of work of a detective, the actions that a detective is entitled and prohibited to perform, sick leave, sickness absence, sick day, consequences of sick leave abuse, sick leave control and supervision, Slovene legislation related to sick leave, sick leave abuse and extraordinary termination of the employment contract. Throughout the diploma paper, it has been determined who is able to run detective service and what working methods he adopts at his everyday work. Further on, sick leave and sickness absence, and reasons for sick leave abuse have been analysed. The diploma paper demonstrates and contrasts sick leave control and sick leave supervision, and distinguishes between working methods that detectives use with each of these services. The paper analyses Slovene legislation related to sick leave and observed by detectives at their everyday work activities. In addition to this, the paper presents the fundamental institution of the sick leave control and supervision, that is extraordinary termination of the employment contract. Great emphasis is laid on the sick leave, as the abuse of the right to be absent from duty due to sickness or injury is the most commonly performed line of detective business. For an adequate definition, good understanding and confirmation of the findings in this diploma thesis, four detective cases of sick leave supervision and Higher Labour and Social Court judgement have been presented. Part of the paper is also an interview that was passed to fourteen Slovene detectives.
- Published
- 2017
26. Basics of the detective activity and international comparison
- Author
Prešljić, Mitja and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
pooblastila ,detektivi ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,detective ,international comparison ,detectiv activity ,pravna ureditev ,licence ,detektivska zbornica ,detektivska dejavnost ,legislation ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Varnost je za človeka prav gotovo ena izmed največjih dobrin, h kateri teži že od rojstva. Ker pa smo v zadnjem času priča številnim izrednim varnostnim dogodkom, je pomembno, da se zavedamo, da je v naši bližini ogromno institucij, ki se trudijo doseči občutek največje možne varnosti. V največji meri varnost prav gotovo zagotavlja policija, so pa tudi druge organizacije, ki strankam nudijo plačljive varnostne storitve. Ena izmed teh so prav gotovo zasebni detektivi, ki v zameno za plačilo za stranko opravijo dogovorjeno storitev. Ti med drugim svetujejo na področju kaznivih ravnanj, pridobivajo pomembne podatke od oseb tudi s pomočjo vpogleda v številne evidence, pri svojem delu pa si pomagajo še s tehničnimi pripomočki. Detektivi zbrane podatke obdelajo in posredujejo naročniku. Pomembno je, da detektiv opravlja svojo dejavnost v skladu z Zakonom o detektivski dejavnosti, saj v kolikor deluje izven zakonskih okvirjev, pridobljeni podatki niso zakoniti in verodostojni na sodišču. Ker je bila detektivska dejavnost v začetku dokaj slabo opredeljena in jo je bilo zato treba podrobneje urediti, je leta 1994 stopil v veljavo prvi Zakon o detektivski dejavnosti. Omenjeno leto štejemo kot prelomnico detektivske dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji. V začetku smo podrobneje spoznali pravice, dolžnosti in zakonske okvire delovanja detektivov pri nas in v tujini. Analizirali smo tudi naslednje izbrane države: Nemčijo, Združene države Amerike in Hrvaško. V nadaljevanju smo potrdili ali ovrgli zastavljene hipoteze in sicer s pomočjo intervjujev ter s prebiranjem strokovne literature. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da je v Republiki Sloveniji zakonodaja veliko bolj dodelana kot v tujini in da slovenski zakonodajalec sledi pobudam detektivov ter jih tudi upošteva. Ker pa detektiv svoj poklic opravlja v zameno za plačilo, nas je zanimalo, ali povpraševanje po njihovih storitvah narašča ali upada. Za lažjo predstavo ter boljše razumevanje vsebine je opisan tudi praktični primer dela detektivov v Republiki Sloveniji. Safety is definitely one of the greatest goods for us humans, which we have been striving for since our birth. However, as we have recently witnessed a number of extraordinary security events, it is important to be aware that there are a lot of institutions in our vicinity trying to achieve a sense of maximum security. Security is certainly provided to the greatest extent by the police, but there are also other organisations offering payable security services to their customers. One of these are definitely private detectives who, in return for payment, perform a contracted service for a client. Among other things, they provide advice in the field of criminal behaviour, acquire important data from and on people, also through the insight into a number of records and by using various technical aids in their work. Detectives process the collected data and forward it to the client. It is important for the detective to carry out his activity in compliance with the Detective Activities Act because if he works outside the legal framework, the obtained data cannot be accepted before the court in terms of their legality and credibility. As the detective activity was initially rather poorly defined, it had to be regulated in detail, so in 1994 the first Detective Activities Act was brought into force. This year is considered a turning point in detective activity in the Republic of Slovenia. At the beginning, we have learnt more about the rights, duties and legal frameworks of detective activity in Slovenia and abroad. We have also analysed the following selected countries: Germany, United States of America and Croatia. In the continuation, we have confirmed or refuted the hypotheses, through interviews and by consulting scentific literature. The findings have shown that the legislation is much more developed in the Republic of Slovenia than in the rest of the world, and that the Slovenian legislator follows the initiatives of detectives and takes them into account. However, as the detective pursues his profession in exchange for payment, we were interested in whether the demand for their services is on the increase or decrease. A practical example of the work of detectives in the Republic of Slovenia is also described in order to facilitate the perception and better understanding of the content.
- Published
- 2017
27. An analysis of security agencies websites in terms of website optimization
- Author
Pavšič, Jan and Kofjač, Davorin
- Subjects
spletna optimizacija ,Search engines ,spletni iskalniki ,spletna stran ,Web page ,Web optimization ,Private security ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
V času razvoja tehnologije in povečanju obsega uporabe spleta za iskanje informacij, komuniciranje, nakupovanje in druge možnosti, ki jih ponuja svetovni splet, tudi spletni marketing pridobiva na svoji veljavi. V to kategorijo uvrščamo tudi spletne strani podjetij, s katerimi se podjetja želijo približati potencialnim strankam oziroma v primeru naše naloge naročnikom storitev zasebnega varovanja. Primerno optimizirana spletna stran je v tem smislu izjemno pomembna. Na začetku naloge smo opredelili nekaj pomembnih pojmov, ki so ključnega pomena za razumevanje naloge v nadaljevanju. Jedro naloge sestoji iz analize spletnih strani ponudnikov storitev zasebnega varovanja v Sloveniji z vidika spletne optimizacije. Za podrobnejšo analizo smo izbrali deset spletnih strani podjetij z največjim kapitalom na podlagi podatkov, dostopnih na AJPES (2017). S pomočjo analize, opravljene na spletnih straneh Alexa (2017), Seomastering (2017), Searchmetrics (2017) in Seositecheckup (2017), smo preverjali dvanajst značilnosti spletnih strani. Pridobljene rezultate smo s pomočjo večparametrskega odločitvenega modela ovrednotili z metodo Kepner-Tregoe (1981) ter spletne strani razvrstili od najbolje do najslabše optimizirane spletne strani. Za vsako od analiziranih spletnih strani smo predstavili nekaj predlogov izboljšav, ki bi povečale vidnost spletnih strani na spletnih iskalnikih ter s tem ugodno vplivali na poslovno uspešnost podjetij. Izpostavili smo predloge, kot so povezovanje spletne strani z enim od socialnih omrežij, gradnja povezav na spletni strani brez uporabe podčrtajev in vrsto drugih. Naša splošna ocena spletnih strani z vidika spletne optimizacije z izjemo najbolje ocenjene ni najboljša, saj med vsemi spletnimi stranmi podjetij, ki nudijo storitve zasebnega varovanja, ki smo jih s pomočjo desetih ključnih besed poiskali na svetovnem spletu s pomočjo uporabe spletnega iskalnika Google, kar 27 odstotkov spletnih strani ne deluje oziroma podjetja spletnih strani v namen promocije svojih storitev sploh nimajo. With the development of technology and the increase of web usage for searching for information, communication, shopping and other possibilities offered by the World Wide Web, internet marketing also increases its importance. This category also includes websites of companies which the companies want to approach potential clients with or, in the case of our thesis, to clients of private security services. A properly optimized website is extremely important for this purpose. At the beginning of the master’s thesis, we identified some important concepts that are of key importance for understanding the thesis below. The core of the thesis consists of analyzing the websites of providers of private security services in Slovenia from the web optimization point of view. For a more detailed analysis, we selected ten websites of companies with the largest capital based on data available on AJPES (2017). We analyzed twelve web page features using the analysis carried out on Alexa (2017), Seomastering (2017), Searchmetrics (2017) and Seositecheckup (2017). The obtained results were evaluated using a number of parametric decision models with the Kepner-Tregoe (1981) method, and the websites were ranged from the best to the worst optimized website. For each of the analyzed websites, we presented some suggestions for improvements that would increase the visibility of web pages on search engines, and thus favorably affect the business success of the companies. We outlined suggestions, such as linking a website to one of the social networks, building links on a site without using underscores and a number of others. Our overall assessment of web pages from the web optimization point of view, with the exception of the best ranked website, is not the best, since among all the websites, companies providing private security services that we searched on the world wide web with the help of ten keywords using Google's search engine, 27 percent of websites do not operate or companies do not even have websites for the purpose of promoting their services.
- Published
- 2017
28. Prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk
- Author
Bajramović, Elvin and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
cash cycle ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,private security ,cash transport ,prevoz vrednostnih pošiljk ,prevoz denarja ,cash supply ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk je zagotovo ena izmed najzahtevnejših oblik zasebnega varovanja. Zaradi navedenega je nujno, da je to področje ustrezno regulirano ali da obstajajo vsaj neke vrste standardi. V nalogi je predstavljena zakonska urejenost tega področja v Sloveniji in v 7 izbranih evropskih državah (Avstrija, Nemčija, Francija, Nizozemska, Belgija, Italija in Španija). Pri analizi držav je poudarek na tem, kako je s pridobitvijo licenc, kakšne vrste licenc imajo posamezne države, kakšne so zahteve glede strokovnega usposabljanja in izpopolnjevanja, opreme in posesti ter uporabe strelnega orožja. Glede na navedene kriterije so analizirane države razdeljene v tri skupine. V eno skupino sodijo države, ki imajo precej ohlapna določila in imajo to področje manj regulirano sem sodita Nemčija in Avstrija. Nekatere države so zelo striktne in imajo stroga določila. Sem nedvomno sodita Belgija in Španija. Preostale države so nekje vmes. Slovenija ima to področje precej podrobno regulirano in jo zato lahko uvrščamo med bolj regulirane države. Pri logistiki denarja je pomembno tudi, kako ima država organiziran gotovinski cikel. Analizirane države imajo različne modele gotovinskega cikla, ki se med seboj razlikujejo predvsem po tem, kakšno vlogo imajo v procesu centralna banka s podružnicami, poslovne banke, podjetja za prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter ostali udeleženci. Slovenski sistem oskrbe z gotovino je poseben, saj nimamo tipičnih podjetij za prevoz in varovanje gotovine, kot jih imajo druge države. Tovrstna podjetja drugje po Evropi so bolj vpeta v sistem oskrbe z gotovino, saj skrbijo tudi za razvrščanje in sortiranje gotovine, nekatera imajo organizirane tudi lastne gotovinske centre. Naša podjetja z licenco za prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk največkrat pobirajo dnevne izkupičke trgovcev in jih dostavljajo v dnevno nočne trezorje. Samo nekatera večja podjetja sodelujejo z depotnimi bankami in kot zunanji partner opravljajo prevoze in oskrbo bankomatov. Transport and security of cash and other insured items is one of the most demanding forms of private security. Consequently, it is essential to adequately regulate this field or to set up some sort of standards. The thesis presents the legislative framework in the Republic of Slovenia and in 7 selected European member states (Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Spain). The analysis of countries was focused on the acquisition of licences and specific types of available licences in each country, as well as the requirements related to professional training and in-service training, equipment, and the carrying and use of firearms. On the basis of the listed criteria the analysed countries were divided in three groups. The first group includes countries with rather loose regulations and consequently a less regulated field, such as Germany and Austria. The second group includes countries with very strict provisions, which definitely include Belgium and Spain, while the third group includes countries which are somewhere in the middle. Slovenia regulated the relevant field in a lot of detail, therefore we can include it in the second group. From the cash logistics perspective the cash cycle organisation in a specific country is essential. The analysed countries implemented different cash cycle models, which differ mainly in the role of the participants (i.e. central bank and its subsidiaries, commercial banks, cash transport and security providers and others) in the process. Slovenian cash supply system is very specific, since we do not have typical companies for cash transport and security compared to those in other countries. Such companies in other parts of Europe are more integrated in the cash supply system, since they are also responsible for the sorting of cash while some of them also set up their own cash centres. Licenced Slovenian companies for the transport and security of cash and other insured items mostly collect daily revenues of retailers, which they deliver to day and night vaults. Only specific major companies work together with depository banks, and serve as contracts for the transportation and supply of ATM machines.
- Published
- 2017
29. Approach to protecting the company, whether employed security guards are cost or benefit
- Author
Kotnik, Sandi and Lobnikar, Branko
- Subjects
varovanje ,Company ,the security of a company ,podjetja ,fizično varovanje ,security ,varnostna politika ,udc:005.934+351.746.2(043.2) ,varnostne službe ,security guard ,varnostniki ,varnost ,tehnično varovanje ,diplomske naloge ,varnostno svetovanje ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava varovanje podjetja in varnostnike v podjetju. Da je podjetje varno in uspešno, ga je treba nenehno varovati pred vsakim škodnim pojavom, pretiranim tveganjem in negotovostjo (Vršec, 1993). Podjetje lahko za varovanje izbere fizično ali tehnično varovanje. Oba načina varovanja imata enak cilj, in sicer preprečiti škodne dogodke na varovanem območju ali objektu. Fizično varovanje je varovanje, ki ga v podjetju izvajajo strokovno usposobljeni varnostniki. Podjetje ima dve možnosti, in sicer varnostno službo lahko sestavljajo lastni varnostniki, ali pogodbeno najeti varnostniki (Podbregar, 2007). V obeh primerih je glavna naloga varnostnika preprečiti nepooblaščenim osebam dostop v varovani objekt, zaščititi ljudi in materialne dobrine, varovati pred uničenjem, poškodovanjem, odtujitvijo in preprečiti oziroma hitro zaznati kriminalna dejanja (Zarič in soavtorji, 2013). Pri fizičnem varovanju podjetja se postavi vprašanje, ali so zaposleni varnostniki strošek ali korist. Nekateri lastniki podjetij funkcijo varnostnika vidijo le kot strošek in menijo, da ga podjetje ne potrebuje. Pri tem je potrebno poudariti, da za varovanje podjetja ne zadošča samo tehnično varovanje, saj tehnika ni vedno popolnoma zanesljiva. Varovanje podjetja je lahko v tem primeru popolnoma zanesljivo samo, če v podjetju izvaja varovanje tudi varnostnik, ki je stalno prisoten na varovanem območju (Zarič in soavtorji, 2013). Seveda mora biti način varovanja in stopnja ogrožanja ter iz nje izhajajoča posledica tako velika, da je uvedba smiselna (Podbregar, 2007). Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na več poglavij. Najprej na splošno predstavi podjetje in opisuje škodne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na podjetje in kaj vse lahko ogroža varnost v podjetju. Spoznamo notranje in zunanje škodne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na varnost podjetja. Nato predstavi, kako se mora podjetje lotiti vzpostavitve varnostnega sistema in katere lastnosti potrebuje za dober varnostni sistem. Prikazana so fizična in tehnična sredstva varovanja podjetja. Sledi predstavitev organiziranja varnostnih služb v podjetju in predstavitev varovanja podjetja z lastnimi varnostniki ter pogodbeno najetimi varnostniki. Pri tem je podrobneje opisan poklic varnostnika v podjetju. Na koncu diplomskega dela je predstavljeno, ali je varnostnik v podjetju strošek ali korist. Narejen je tudi intervju z varnostniki v podjetju in z lastniki ter vodstvom podjetij. Present diploma paper discusses the security of a company and security guards in a company. For a company to be safe and successful, it must always be protected against all damaging occurrences, excessive risk-taking and uncertainty (Vršec, 1993). A company can choose physical or technical security. Both methods have the same goal: to prevent damaging occurrences in a protected area or facility. Physical security in a company is conducted by trained security guards. A company has two options: the security service can be comprised of a company’s own or contracted security guards (Podbregar, 2007). In both cases the main tasks of a security guard is to prevent the unauthorized persons to access the protected facility, protect people and material goods, guard against destruction, damage or theft, and prevent or quickly detect criminal acts (Zarič et al., 2013). Physical security raises the question of whether the employed security guards are an expense or a benefit. Some company owners see the function of a security guard only as an expense and believe that the company does not need them. It is important to emphasize that technical security only is not enough for the security of a company because the technology is not always completely reliable. The security of a company can be completely reliable only when it is conducted by a security guard who is constantly present at the area (Zarič et al., 2013). When using this method of security the threat level and the resulting consequence must be high enough for the physical protection to be reasonable (Podbregar, 2007). The diploma paper is divided into several chapters. First, the company in general and the damage factors affecting the company are presented, along with all the security threats in the company. We learn about internal and external damage factors which affect the security of the company. Then the establishment of a security system in a company and the properties of a good security system are described. Physical and technical means of security in a company are presented, followed by the organization of security services in a company and the presentation of security in a company with own and contracted security guards. The profession of a security guard in a company is described. The final part of the diploma paper shows whether the security guard in a company is an expense or a benefit. An interview with security guards, owners and the management of the company is conducted as well.
- Published
- 2017
30. 18th Days of Criminal Justice and Security, Maribor, 7. and 8. June 2017
- Author
Tinkara Pavšič Mrevlje
- Subjects
information security ,policijska dejavnost ,private security ,Dnevi varstvoslovja ,security ,migration ,peacekeeping operations ,varnost ,detective work ,migracije ,kriminalistika ,kriminologija ,criminal justice ,kazensko pravosodje ,varstvoslovje ,Days of Criminal Justice and Security ,udc:351.74(082)(0.034.2) ,policija ,zborniki ,kazenske sankcije ,policing ,detektivi ,mirovne operacije ,informacijska varnost ,detektivska dejavnost ,criminology ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
18. dnevov varstvoslovja, nacionalne konference s področja varnosti, se letos udeležuje prek 200 znanstvenikov in strokovnjakov iz državnih institucij, gospodarstva, lokalnih skupnosti in civilne družbe. Na konferenci s prispevki sodeluje več kot sto govorcev. V zborniku so zbrani napovedniki osmih okroglih miz, povzetki prispevkov v enajstih tematskih sekcijah in predstavitve posterjev študentov doktorskega študija na Fakulteti za varnostne vede Univerze v Mariboru. Prispevki odpirajo obsežen nabor vprašanj nacionalnovarnostnega sistema, kazenskega pravosodja in drugih področij varstvoslovnega raziskovanja. V program in zbornik 18. dnevov varstvoslovja smo poleg tradicionalnih vsebinskih sklopov uvrstili nekatere teme, ki so se v zadnjem obdobju pokazale kot posebej aktualne: vzroki, posledice in pristopi k reševanju migracijske problematike, odprta vprašanja sodelovanja Republike Slovenije v mednarodnih mirovnih operacijah, dileme in izzivi pri vzpostavljanju službe za probacijo ter aktualna vprašanja in izzivi policijskega dela v skupnosti, kriminalističnoobveščevalne dejavnosti, zasebnega varovanja in detektivske dejavnosti. In June 2017, the 18th Days of criminal justice and security, the national conference in the field of security, will host over two hundred scientists and experts from governmental institutions, the business sphere, local communities, and civil society. Papers will be presented by over a hundred speakers. The conference proceedings include abstracts of eight round tables, eleven thematic sections, and poster presentations by doctoral students at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor. Papers address a wide range of issues relating to the national security system, criminal justice, and other areas of safety and security. In addition to traditional criminal justice topics, the program includes some that have recently become particularly relevant: causes, consequences and approaches to migration issues pressing issues about the participation of the Republic of Slovenia in international peacekeeping operations dilemmas and challenges in developing probation services as well as current issues and challenges of community policing, criminal intelligence, private security, and detective work.
- Published
- 2017
31. Ensuring security with access control at the entrance of the company
- Author
Jovanović, Milan and Markelj, Blaž
- Subjects
pristopne kontrole ,risk ,tehnično varovanje ,diplomske naloge ,udc:005.934(043.2) ,Security ,access control ,entering person ,company ,zasebno varovanje ,varnostni sistemi - Abstract
Sistem pristopne kontrole se uporablja za identifikacijo oseb tudi pri vstopanju v podjetje. Da bi zagotovili varen in učinkovit sistem identifikacije, smo ugotavljali prednosti in slabosti sistema ter možnost kombiniranja različnih metod identifikacije za večjo varnost podjetja. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo se osredotočili na tehnično varovanje kot pripomoček fizičnemu varovanju ter v nadaljevanju odkrivali korelacijo obeh sistemov varovanja oziroma medsebojno vplivanje na ustreznost varovanja vhoda v podjetje. Izziv je bil omogočiti nemoteno delovanje sistema pristopne kontrole brez vpliva ali posredovanja varnostnega osebja pri kontroli vstopajočih oseb. Za lažje raziskovanje smo najprej spoznali, kateri so elementi varnostnega sistema, da bi vedeli, kaj varujemo, pred kom varujemo in s čim ter kako varujemo. Raziskavo smo usmerili v iskanje kombinacije tehničnih sredstev sistema pristopne kontrole za vzpostavitev varnega vstopanja zaposlenih. Potreba po kombiniranju varnostnih mehanizmov se je pokazala po izvedeni kategorizaciji vstopajočih oseb in oceni tveganja za podjetje. Pri izbiri tehničnih sredstev za kontrolo oseb na vstopu v podjetje nam je pomagala tudi izvedena anketa, s katero smo potrdili nekatere domneve o uporabi biometričnih ali drugih bolj konvencionalnih metod identifikacije. Access control system can be used for person identification on the entrance of the company. To insure secure and effective identification system we had to search what are advantages and disadvantages of the system and to increase security of the company we had to combine some different methods of identification. In theoretical part of our work, we focused on technical security as additional accessory to physical security due to discovering of some correlations of either security system or mutual impact on adequacy of security system at the entrance of the company. Challenge was how to enable uninterrupted functioning of access control system and how to reduce actions and impact of security personnel on the access control system when checking entering people. For better understanding what we are protecting, what are the threats and how we are protecting and what equipment we are using for protection we had to research what the elements of security system are. Research was pointed in searching of the best combination of technical equipment for access control system to insure secure entering of employees. The need for combining security mechanisms was revealed after we implemented categorization of entering people and risk assessment of the company. When choosing technical equipment for person control at the entrance of the company we used survey to help us confirm presumptions of biometrical and some other more conventional methods of identification.
- Published
- 2017
32. Zasebna obveščevalna dejavnost v Republiki Sloveniji
- Author
Britovšek, Jaroš and Sotlar, Andrej
- Subjects
private security ,obveščevalna dejavnost ,zasebna obveščevalna dejavnost ,doktorske disertacije ,detectives ,intelligence ,private intelligence ,detektivska dejavnost ,private counterintelligence ,zasebna protiobveščevalna dejavnost ,udc:351.746.1/.2(043.3) ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Obveščevalna dejavnost, ki je bila vedno obravnavana kot klasična dejavnost države, se je začela pojavljati tudi v zasebnem sektorju. Ta proces je potekal predvsem na Zahodu, zato nas je zanimalo, ali obstajajo tudi v Republiki Sloveniji zametki zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti pri zasebnem varovanju. V doktorski disertaciji smo zasebno obveščevalno dejavnost v Republiki Sloveniji preučevali s teoretičnega, pravnega in praktičnega vidika. Na podlagi razvoja državnih in zasebnih obveščevalnih organizacij smo vzpostavili teoretično−konceptualni okvir obveščevalne dejavnosti. Obveščevalna dejavnost poteka v prostoru podatkov in informacij, sestavljajo jo temeljni elementi: zbiranje, analiza podatkov in protiobveščevalna dejavnost. Pojmi, ki opredeljujejo obveščevalno dejavnost in jo razlikujejo od drugih oblik zbiranja podatkov, so tveganja, tajnost in nadzorovanje. Na podlagi teoretičnega modela smo pregledali ustrezno zakonodajo Republike Slovenije in izvedli spletno anketo med predstavniki gospodarskih subjektov, ki se ukvarjajo z zasebnim varovanjem, varnostnim svetovanjem, informacijsko varnostjo in detektivsko dejavnostjo. Zaradi večkrat zaznane negativne konotacije ob omenjanju zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti in njene narave ne moremo z gotovostjo trditi, koliko je v Republiki Sloveniji resnično razširjena. V Republiki Sloveniji tudi ni družbe, ki bi svoje obveščevalne in protiobveščevalne storitve oglaševala na trgu. Kljub temu smo lahko s pomočjo teoretičnega modela, pregleda zakonodaje in spletne ankete ugotovili, da vendarle obstajajo elementi zasebne obveščevalne dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji, ki se izražajo pri nekaterih dejavnostih detektivov in zasebnih varnostnih družb. Zakonodaja in praksa kažeta na to, da se zasebna protiobveščevalna dejavnost v Republiki Sloveniji izvaja predvsem v obliki pasivnih varnostnih ukrepov. Intelligence has long been perceived as a classic example of a state function, but it has also recently developed in the private sector. Because the privatization of intelligence functions has primarily been observed in the West, questions arise if a parallel development has also taken place in the Republic of Slovenia. Seeking to answer these questions, this doctoral dissertation examines private intelligence in the Republic of Slovenia through theoretical, legal and practical perspectives. Based on an historical examination of the evolution of intelligence as a state function, a theoretical and conceptual framework was constructed to define and analyze intelligence. Intelligence is a broad concept, but at its core it is concerned with information and data and consists of main elements: gathering and analysis of data and information, and counterintelligence. In addition to the above core elements, other concepts that define and distinguish intelligence from other forms of data gathering include risk, secrecy and surveillance. The theoretical model developed and used in this dissertation permited the review of legislation related to intelligence, as well as the conduct of an online survey of business subjects involved in private security, security advising, information security and private detective services. Due to the often percived negative connotation when reffering to private intelligence and its nature, it is not possible to claim how widespread private intelligence is in the Republic of Slovenia. No private Slovenian company could be found that advertises it services as intelligence or counterintelligence. However, the theoretical model, legislation review and online survey revealed some elements of private intelligence in the Republic of Slovenia, primarily in the work of private detectives and private security companies. Legislation and business practices have also shown that private counterintelligence is being practiced in the Republic of Slovenia, though as more passive security measures.
- Published
- 2017
33. Users of securiy services on the case of a night club surveillance
- Author
Stopar, Žiga and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
varovanje ,safety ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,security guard ,varnostne storitve ,nočni lokali ,javne prireditve ,law ,night clubs ,varnostne službe ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Za izdelavo diplomskega dela, smo obdelali tematiko varovanja javnih prireditev na primeru varovanja v nočnih lokalih. Na podlagi prebrane in analizirane literature lahko trdimo, da je varovanje v nočnih lokalih v veliki meri odvisno od naročnika službe varovanja (primer: lastnik lokala) in od tega ali se drži zakonskih predpisov. Veliko ljudi namreč meni, da so varnostniki nepotrebni in nepomembni, zato njihovega dela in njihovih navodil ne jemljejo tako resno kot pri posredovanju policije. Skozi diplomsko delo smo ugotovili, da so varnostniki zelo pomembni pri zagotavljanju varnosti tako s svojim preventivnim delovanjem kot tudi z uporabo dovoljenih ukrepov s katerimi preprečujejo razna nasilna ravnanja. V povezavi s tem smo opredelili zasebno varovanje, uporabnike varnostnih storitev, vlogo varnostnikov pri varovanju javnih prireditev, aktualne zakone na tem področju, licence, ki so potrebne za zagotavljanje tovrstne varnosti. Opisali in navedli smo pogoje, ki so potrebni za pridobitev službene izkaznice. Poseben poudarek smo namenili varovanju nočnih lokalov – ustrezne licence, število varnostnikov, videonadzor, vloga varnostnika pri zagotavljanju varnosti. Kot dodatek k diplomski nalogi smo izdelali anketo o obiskovanju nočnih lokalov, poteku varovanja, ter o občutku varnosti in odnosu varnostnikov do obiskovalcev nočnih lokalov. For our dissertation we focused on security actions in public events while closely examining the security in night clubs. After reviewing and analysing the referenced literature it is possible to claim that security in night clubs mostly depends on the person that hires the security service (example: the night club owner) and also on them following the laws. It is a common opinion that security guards are unnecessary and unimportant and that is why their jobs are not taken as seriously as the policemen’s. Throughout our dissertation it has been acknowledged that the security guards are very important for keeping the environment safe, mostly with their preventive actions as with the use of allowed actions to stop any possible violent acts. Furthermore private security industry, users of the security service, the role of security guards in public events, current laws in that field and licences needed to do the job have been defined. Together with that we have described the conditions under which one can obtain a work card. With this in mind the main focus was on the security in night clubs, in other words researching the appropriate licenses, the number of security guards, video surveillance and the role of the security guard in providing a safe environment. In addition a questionnaire was made and it included the questions about visiting the night clubs, the course of security, the sense of security visitors have and the relationship between the security guards and the visitors of night clubs.
- Published
- 2017
34. Javna pooblastila na področju zasebnega varovanja
- Author
Klemenčič, Lea and Kovač, Polonca
- Subjects
javna pooblastila ,diplomske naloge ,udc:351.746.3(043.2) ,zasebno varovanje - Published
- 2017
35. Zasebno varovanje javnih zbiranj na primeru nogometnih tekem
- Author
Oblak, Urška and Rakar, Iztok
- Subjects
varnost ,nogometne tekme ,diplomske naloge ,udc:351.746.2/.3:796.093(043.2) ,zasebno varovanje ,javno zbiranje - Published
- 2017
36. Inšpekcijski nadzor na področju zasebnega varovanja
- Author
Pirman, Maja and Kovač, Polonca
- Subjects
diplomske naloge ,udc:351.746.2.078.3(043.2) ,inšpekcijski nadzor ,zasebno varovanje - Published
- 2017
37. Problematika usposobljenosti na področju fizičnega varovanja
- Author
Aleksić, Bojana and Benčina, Jože
- Subjects
diplomske naloge ,poklicno usposabljanje ,udc:005.963.5(043.2) ,zasebno varovanje - Published
- 2017
38. Logistika in licenciranje prevoza in varovanja gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk
- Author
Klemenc, Milan and Pevcin, Primož
- Subjects
denarni tok ,udc:351.746:336.7(043.2) ,magistrske naloge ,prevoz gotovine ,licenciranje zasebnega varovanja ,zasebno varovanje - Published
- 2017
39. Security of Administrative Authorities in the Republic of Slovenia
- Author
Pušnar, Mitja and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
varovanje ,security guard measures ,fizično varovanje ,Ministry of Labour ,self-protection ,policija ,security ,the police ,varnostne službe ,upravni organi ,varnost ,administrative authority ,tehnično varovanje ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,in-house security ,Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities ,security service ,Centre for Security and Protection ,Family ,powers ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Nagle tehnološke spremembe in s tem povezana globalizacija, intenzivna prepletanja različnih kultur in vrednot, nove oblike groženj tako doma kot v tujini, vse to spreminja naš pogled na varnost in s tem na načine zagotavljanja le te. Prilagajanje takšnim faktorjem je nujno, saj le na tak način lahko zagotovimo ustrezno delovanje družbe in posameznikov v njej. Kako je v Republiki Sloveniji normativno in dejansko urejeno varovanje upravnih organov, in kateri subjekti so tisti, ki so v prvi vrsti odgovorni za zagotavljanje varnosti le tem, je osrednje vprašanje tega diplomskega dela. Skozi delo je tako predstavljena ureditev sistema varovanja upravnih organov v Republiki Sloveniji v mirnodobnem času, in sicer na konkretnem primeru Ministrstva za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti, katerega varnost, v smislu varovanja ljudi in premoženja, zagotavlja zasebno varnostna družba v sodelovanju s policijo. Opredeljena in primerjana so upravičenja tako varnostnikov kot policistov, predstavljena je primerjava njihove usposobljenosti in opisano tudi njihovo medsebojno sodelovanje pri opravljanju nalog varovanja. Rapid technological changes, globalization related to them, intense intermingling of different cultures and values, new forms of threats both at home and abroad, all that changes our view of safety and ways of ensuring safety. Adjusting to such factors is essential, since it is the only way to ensure suitable operation of society and individuals in society. The manner in which the normative and actual protection of administrative bodies is regulated, and which entities are the ones who are primarily responsible for providing security, is the central question of this diploma paper. The paper thus presents a regulation of the system of protection provided for the administrative bodies in the Republic of Slovenia in peacetime, in a particular case, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, whose safety in terms of protecting people and property is provided by a private security company in cooperation with the police. The diploma paper identifies and compares entitlements of both the security guards and the police officers, presents a comparison of their qualifications and also describes their mutual cooperation in carrying out the security tasks.
- Published
- 2016
40. A business plan of a private investigator
- Author
Podjed, Damjan and Čas, Tomaž
- Subjects
services ,detektivi ,business plan ,udc:351.746.2+005.511(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,poslovni načrti ,guidelines ,detektivska dejavnost ,competition ,zasebno varovanje ,trženje ,a private detective - Abstract
S konkurenco na trgu se mora sprijazniti vsak gospodarski subjekt, če ima namen dobičkonosno tržiti svoje izdelke in storitve. Tako to velja tudi za zasebne detektive, ki morajo delovati v skladu s tržnim in konkurenčnim pravom ter sodobnimi poslovnimi navadami. Na trg je potrebno vstopati načrtno, organizirano, korektno in z vsem spoštovanjem do konkurence. Trg oziroma konkurenčne razmere namreč terjajo natančno in podrobno planiranje vsakega poslovnega koraka. Dober pripomoček pri planiranju in tudi kasnejšem poslovanju je kvaliteten poslovni načrt. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo opisali obstoječe stanje in prikazati značilnosti poslovnega načrta na področju dejavnosti zasebnih detektivov. Bodočim detektivom bo diplomsko delo lahko olajšalo pripravo poslovnih načrtov. Cilj je bil vzpostaviti smernice za poslovni načrt zasebnega detektiva, ki so ključnega pomena v tržnem gospodarstvu in zmanjšujejo poslovna tveganja. Zasebni detektivi nastopajo na trgu detektivskih storitev, kjer se soočajo z mehanizmi konkurence in potrebami ter zahtevami naročnikov/porabnikov detektivskih storitev. Any economic subject in the market should accept competition if it intends is to profitably sell their products and services. The same applies to private detectives, who must operate in accordance with market and competition law and modern business practices. To enter the market it is necessary to work methodically organized, correctly and with all respect due to the competition. Market and competition require precise and detailed planning of every business step. A good tool for planning and subsequent cooperation is a quality complete business plan. In the theoretical part of thesis we describe the existing situation and highlight the characteristics of the business plan for the activities of private detectives. This thesis might help prospective detectives how to prepare business plans. The aim is to establish guidelines for the business plan of a private detective, which are crucial in a market economy and also reduce business risks. Private detectives working on the market of detective services, which are faced with the mechanisms of competition and the users requirements. Taking into account all the above findings, we set up the hypothesis that the business plan is very useful, helpful and indispensable document for the work of private detectives. Development of detective field in Slovenia has started in the nineties, as previously there was no normative basis. Therefore it is a relatively new activity which still has time to search new market niches in this business. So we also raised the hypothesis that there are good prospects for the implementation and success of the new private detectives.
- Published
- 2016
41. Protection of nightclubs in Slovenia - case studies of Lipa and Global
- Author
Gatnik, Urška and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
Lipa ,fizično varovanje ,Global ,študija primera ,change of regulations ,legislation ,protecting nightclubs ,varnostne službe ,security officer licence/licence for a security officer ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,private property protection ,nočni lokali ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
V zadnjem desetletju je bilo zasebno varovanje, zlasti varovanje nočnih lokalov, pod nenehnim drobnogledom stroke, politike in javnosti. Gre za pomembno panogo, ki dopolnjuje državno varnost vojske in policije. Danes zasebno varovanje po ocenah zaposluje več kot 6500 oseb, od tega, glede na gospodarski delež, jih je v gostinskih lokalih skoraj 1000. Ti skrbijo za varnost v javnem življenju v nočnih lokalih, še posebno mladih. Razlog za povečano zanimanje javnosti, poglobljen nadzor in nagle regulativne spremembe so tudi nekateri tragični primeri, ki so se zgodili zaradi pomanjkljive zakonodaje ali neupoštevanja le-te, terjali pa človeška življenja. Med njimi sta bila gotovo najbolj odmevna primera Lipa in Global, ki ju podrobneje obravnavamo. Poleg analize dogodkov in samega pregleda obeh primerov in dejanj, ki so jima sledila, poskušamo v tem diplomskem delu analizirati tudi njune posledice in dolgoročnejši vpliv. Na podlagi obeh dogodkov poskušamo ugotoviti njuno vlogo na spremembe v regulativi in zakonodaji, dotaknemo pa se tudi analize primernosti teh sprememb ter teoretičnega in praktičnega nadzora dejanskega upoštevanja in spoštovanja zakonodaje in predpisov. Splošna ugotovitev tega dela je, da je stanje danes znatno bolje urejeno, kot je bilo pred desetletjem, kar je najverjetneje tudi vplivalo na zmanjšanje tovrstnih tragičnih primerov. Private property protection, especially protecting nightclubs, has been subjected to continuous scrutiny of professionals and politicians as well as to public pressure. It is an important branch of economy which completes the regular state protection provided by the army and the police. It currently employs over 6500 people, among them over thousand in public places, especially the young in nightclubs. The reason for the increase in public interest, stricter control and quick regulation changes are also some tragic cases, which happened either because of insufficient legislation or because of its disrespect and led to loss of lives. The two most echoing cases among these were certainly those of Lipa and Global, which are discussed in detail in this diploma work. Apart from analysing the events and overviewing both cases as well as the activities that followed, this diploma work also tries to analyse the consequences and the long- term effects of these events. On the basis of both events we try first of all to find out their effect on the changes in regulation and legislation, but we also touch on the analysis of the adequacy of these changes as well as the theoretical and practical control of the actual consideration and respect of the legislation and regulations. The overall conslusion of our diploma work is that the current situation is much better regulated than it was just a decade ago, which has probably also resulted in the decrease of such tragic cases.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Ledinek, Iztok and Zupančič, Igor
- Subjects
tehnično varovanje ,personal protection ,diplomske naloge ,personal data ,cameras ,udc:005.934(043.2) ,pravna ureditev ,video surveillance ,videonadzorni sistemi ,security system ,zasebno varovanje ,protection of property - Abstract
Video nadzor je varnostni ukrep, ki je z uvedbo novih informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij postal tako enostaven in poceni, da je primeren za široko in ne več le za profesionalno uporabo. Da bi bilo to možno, je bilo potrebno varnostnim subjektom vzeti izključno pravico do uporabe video nadzora ter ga prepustiti širšemu naboru uporabnikov. Tako so zadovoljni proizvajalci, trgovci in kupci, pa tudi zasebno varovanje, saj tako uspešnega prodajnega artikla še ni imelo. Zasebno varovanje je popolnoma brez pretresov sprejelo spremembo svojega krovnega zakona, ko je zakonodajalec iz njega izbrisal uporabo video nadzora iz nabora ukrepov varnostnika. Pravna ureditev video nadzora, ki je še vedno prvenstveno namenjen varovanju ljudi in premoženja, je bila prenesena v zakon, ki je namenjen varovanju osebnih podatkov, kjer pa je verjetno tudi zaradi pričakovane neprofesionalne rabe, bistveno bolj natančno opredeljen. Vendar je tak le zunanji videz video nadzora kot družbenega pojava. V resnici gre za občutljivo področje tehtanja med varnostjo in svobodo, nadzorom in vohljanjem, legalnostjo in legitimnostjo. Teh odločitev ni modro prepuščati ne trgu ne presoji posameznika, oba sta namreč razcepljena: do lastnih interesov popustljiva, do drugih stroga. Ponovna profesionalizacija video nadzora je videti kot dobra rešitev teh dilem, tako mu je najlažje zagotoviti zakonito, strokovno in sorazmerno oziroma humano rabo. Pod takimi pogoji bi morebiti lahko dodelili upravljavcem, varnostnim subjektom, pravnim osebam s strokovnim in varnostno preverjenim kadrom nekoliko večja pooblastila pri uporabi te izjemne tehnologije, da bo končno lahko dajala rezultate, ki bodo uporabnikom res v prid. Video surveillance is a security measure which has with the introduction of information and communication technology become so simple and cheap that it is suitable for a wide and not only for professional use. To make this possible it was necessary to take the exclusive right of using video surveillance from security operators and leave it to a wider range of users, so producers, buyers and customers are satisfied and private security as well because they have never had such a successful selling item yet. Private security accepted completely without stress a change to its general law when the legislature deleted the use of video surveillance from a set of measures of security guard. Legal arrangement of video surveillance, which is still primarily aimed at protecting people and property, has been transposed to the law, which is designed for the protection of personal data, where it is, probably also because of the expected professional use, far more precisely defined. However this is only the external appearance of video surveillance as a social phenomenon. In fact it is a sensitive area of balancing between security and freedom, control and snooping, legality and legitimacy. It is not wise to leave these decisions nor to the market nor to the individual judgment, because both are namely partitioned: indulgent to their own interests and strict towards others. Re-professionalization of video surveillance seems to be the best solution to these dilemmas, so this is the easiest way to provide legal, professional, proportional and human use. Under such conditions it would possibly be assigned slightly bigger powers to administrators, security operators and legal entities with professional verified staff in the usage of this exceptional technology, that it could finally give some results that could buyers really benefit from.
- Published
- 2016
43. Providing security of mayor technical trading companies
- Author
Aljić, Ksenija and Zupančič, Igor
- Subjects
primeri ,fizično varovanje ,security ,objekti ,physical security ,trgovine ,varnostni sistemi ,tehnično varovanje ,diplomske naloge ,udc:005.934(043.2) ,criminal offence ,technical security systems ,zasebno varovanje ,Elektronabava d. o. o - Abstract
Po uvodnem delu smo v diplomskem delu predstavili metodološki pristop pri nastajanju dela. Opisali smo predmet in cilje, teze in uporabljene metode, ki smo jih uporabili v diplomskem delu. Nadalje smo opredelili osnovne pojme. V diplomskem delu so pomembni naslednji pojmi: kraja, rop, vlom, goljufija, vandalizem, požar, puščanje vode in puščanje plina. Pred izdelavo študije primera smo morali raziskati sisteme tehničnega varovanja, kot so: - mehansko varovanje, - odkrivanje, javljanje in avtomatsko gašenje požarov, - detekcijsko merjenje gorljivih plinov, - odkrivanje in javljanje v varnostno-nadzorni center ob vlomu ali ropu, - videonadzor, - pristopna kontrola, - pripomočki za elektronski nadzor blaga pred krajo, - kontrola ponarejenih bankovcev. Prav tako smo raziskali fizično varovanje podjetij (varnostnik, intervencija in odvoz denarja). V šestem poglavju je opravljena študija primera varnostnega sistema v trgovskem objektu Elektronabava, d. o. o. Diplomsko delo se zaključi z verifikacijo tez in povzetka glavnih ugotovitev in predlogov za večjo varnost v podjetju. The introductory part of the thesis presents the methodological approach used in the research. It defines the topic and goals, hypotheses and methods applied. Moreover, it describes the basic notions, which include: theft, robbery, burglary, fraud, vandalism, fire, water and gas leak. Before turning to the case study, we explored the following technical security systems: - mechanical security, - detection, reporting and automatic fire extinguishing, - combustible gas detection, - detection and reporting to the security control centre in case of burglary or robbery, - video surveillance, - access control, - anti-theft electronic control of goods, - counterfeit money control. The thesis also touches on providing physical security to companies (security guard, intervention and money transport). The sixth chapter contains the case study examining the security system on the retail property of Elektronabava d. o. o. The thesis concludes with a verification of hypotheses and a summary of findings and suggestions for improving security in the company.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Levstek, Alen and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
pooblastila ,private security ,power control ,measures ,nadzor ,security guards ,varnostniki ,municipal police officers ,občinsko redarstvo ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,wardens ,redarji ,ukrepi ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Varnost je dobrina, ki postaja vedno bolj cenjena. Velikokrat se ne zavedamo kaj vse bi se lahko zgodilo, če bi zatajile službe, ki opravljajo varnostne naloge na različnih področjih našega življenja. V diplomski nalogi smo podrobneje predstavili upravičenja varnostnikov in občinskih redarjev. Pogledali smo kako so se razvijali skozi zgodovino, katere ukrepe in pooblastila uporabljajo pri svojem delu, njihove naloge in kakšen je nadzor, da delo poteka v skladu z zakoni in da so njihove naloge opravljene profesionalno in strokovno. Prav tako smo obdelali tudi načela katera morajo upoštevati pri svojem delu, da nalogo opravijo strokovno in profesionalno. Predstavili smo tudi nadzor nad varnostniki in občinskimi redarji in kakšne so posledice ob neupoštevanju zakona pri izvajanju upravičenj in nalog, ki so jim zadane. Security is a commodity that is becoming increasingly appreciated. Many of us are not aware of what could happen, if security services stopped performing their role. In paper we presented the entitlement of security and community wardens. We looked at how they have evolved through history, which measures and powers are they using among their work, and what are their functions. We took closer look at inside work control which resoults that tasks are carried out professionally. On the other hand we have defined the principles that must be taken into account in their daily work. Furthermore, we presented methods of supervision over security guards and municipal wardens and possible consequences of disregarding the law in the exercise of entitlements and set tasks.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Herga, Bojan and Kramberger, Iztok
- Subjects
protivlomni sistemi ,varnostno-nadzorni center ,sprejemniki varnostnih signalov ,private security ,burglar alarm systems ,recipients of security signals ,udc:004.4'24:[332.812:728]654.924.3:351.7853.2) ,zasebno varovanje ,security-control center - Abstract
V podjetju Vargas-al, d. o. o. imamo nalogo, da s posodobitvijo varnostno-nadzornega centra izboljšamo konkurenčnost podjetja, zato bo v tem diplomskem delu največja pozornost namenjena analizi trga, na podlagi katere bo izbrana določena tehnološka oprema, pa tudi postavitvi infrastrukture za pošiljanje varnostnih signalov, sprejem in obdelavo teh podatkov. Predstavljena bosta delovanje takšnega centra in obdelava varnostnih signalov od varovanega objekta do prikaza tega v varnostno-nadzornem centru. Diplomsko delo bo govorilo tudi o pridobitvah s posodobitvami in nekoliko manj o splošnih pravilih ter splošnih zakonskih določilih, vendar se vse aktivnosti nahajajo znotraj standardov in zakonskih določil. S samostojnim pristopom smo znižali ceno investicije, predvsem pa pridobili znanja za nadaljnje vzdrževanje. Dodobra smo spoznali novo opremo, ki jo kot ponudnik moramo obvladovati. Hkrati smo odpravili napake in poenostavili določene procese, ki se po posodobitvi izvajajo samodejno. Vsi v podjetju smo ponosni na rezultate, ki so že vidni, s posodobitvijo pa smo resnično obogatili našo ponudbo. The goal of our company, Vargas-Al, d. o. o, is to raise our level of competitiveness by upgrading our security control center that is why most of this diploma thesis is based on market analysis and the technological gear suitable for this market. First of all, the creation of infrastructure for sending security signals, their reception as well as processing is also discussed. What is more, the inner workings and processing of security signals sent from the object under supervision to their display in the security control center are also described in detail. We also present the gains made possible by these upgrades and briefly list the basic rules and legal provisions. We must emphasize, however, that all the activities are within the framework and standards of the law. We managed to reduce the costs of investments by helping independently but, most importantly, we also gained valuable skills for further maintenance. We also had the opportunity to achieve better understating of new hardware as well as test it which is crucial for any provider. Furthermore, we also simplified certain tasks which now perform automatically. All the employees of our company are very proud of the obtained results since we have certainly improved the supply by the help of our upgrades.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Šauperl, Katja and Dvojmoč, Miha
- Subjects
security job ,privat protection ,technical protection ,secirity personal ,varnostno osebje ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,diplomske naloge ,Secutiry manager ,varnostni manager ,pravna ureditev ,Law of personal protection ,varnostne službe ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Varnostni menedžer je kompleksen poklic, ki razen osnovnega znanja, ki ga pridobi na specializiranih visokošolskih programih, potrebuje za svoje delo večletne izkušnje na podobnih ali nižje zahtevnih delovnih mestih. V nekaj preteklih letih se je pričelo selektivno usposabljanje za pridobitev naziva varnostni menedžer, saj je postala potreba po tovrstnih poklicih z razvojem varovanja v zasebnem in državnem sektorju precejšnja. Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti je v svojem Katalogu strokovnih znanj za potrebe varnostnega menedžerja precej natančno opredelilo ves nabor znanj, izkušenj in spretnosti, ki bi jih naj varnostni menedžer obvladoval pred nastopom svojega dela v delovni organizaciji. Pri delu varnostnega menedžerja obstaja precej meril, ki jih mora oseba primerna za varnostnega menedžerja še posebej natančno upoštevati. Predvsem pa mora natančno poznati zakonodajo na področju varovanja ter poznati ukrepe in dolžnosti varnostnikov, ki delujejo v sistemu varovanja. Pri delu je predvsem pomembna zmožnost povezave teorije s prakso, kar privede k večji učinkovitosti in natančnosti izvajanja varovanja podjetij v vseh njenih aspektih. Varnostni menedžer mora razen povezovanja teorije s prakso obvladovati tudi poznavanje tehnologije, ki mu je na voljo pri opravljanju njegove dejavnosti. Ker mu organizacija dela in nadzor podrejenih ne sme biti tuj, pa ga v vsakdanji praksi in profesionalnosti veže tudi poklicna etika, ki je opredeljena v zakonskih in podzakonskih aktih. V podjetju je varnostni menedžer neprecenljiv pri pripravi celovite strategije varovanja, ki obsega: • zbiranje podatkov in informacij o varnostnih situacijah, • izdelovanje analiz o stanju varnosti v podjetju, • izdelovanje ocen ogroženosti, • izdelovanje stopenj tveganja v skladu s standardi, • izdelovanje programov varovanja, • izdelovanje fizičnih načrtov varovanja, • predlaga izboljšave na področju varovanja, itd. Security maneger is complex profession, that besides basic knowladge, that is acquired on specialized higher Educational programs, needs for his work a lot of experiance on field or in low complex jobs. Few years ago has started selective training for titile security manager, because the need for that kind of jobs become substantial, with development of security in private and national sector. Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities has in his Catalog of expert knowled for security maneger exact defined all set of knowladge, experiance and skills, that a security maneger schould have before he appeare his work at the working organisation. Fot the work of security manager there are a lot of standards, that suatable person for security manager must exactly consider. Especially he must know the laws on field of protection, know the measures and obligations of security guard, that works in protection system. At work it is important his ability to link theory with practice, that leads to bigger effectiveness and accuracy of protection company in all aspects. Secutity manager must besides linking of theory with practice, have also the knowladge of technologies, that is at his desposal at his working activity. Because organisation of his work and control of subordinates must not be foreign for him, he is in his everyday practice and profesionality bound by working ethics, that is defined in laws and executive act. In company security manager is priceless at preparing the strategy of protection, that covers: • collection of data and information about security situations, • making analysis about condition of security in company, • making assasment of treats, • making rate risk acording to standards, • making security programs and making physical plans of securuty, • make proposals about improvments on secutity area, etc.
- Published
- 2016
47. Analysis of demand for plural policing
- Author
Hafner, Tadej and Lobnikar, Branko
- Subjects
lokalna skupnost ,policijska dejavnost ,private security ,policija ,plural policing ,zagotavljanje varnosti ,detectives ,municipal wardens ,udc:351.74/.76+351.78(043.2) ,magistrska dela ,varnost ,občinsko redarstvo ,Zasavje ,detektivska dejavnost ,local self-governance ,pluralna policijska dejavnost ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Namen magistrske naloge je, da z analizo občinskih programov varnosti vseh treh občin v Zasavju, analizo podatkov kaznivih dejanj in drugih virov ogrožanja ter intervjujev z občinskimi svetniki na območju Zasavja, definiramo potrebe po pluralni policijski dejavnosti v statistični regiji Zasavje. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge smo z deskriptivno metodo ter analizo domače in tuje literature opisali pojme in dejstva pluralne policijske dejavnosti ter predstavili zgodovinsko in geografsko ozadje vseh treh občin v Zasavju. V drugem, empiričnem delu, je poudarek bolj na analitičnem pristopu, kjer smo z zbiranjem, primerjavo in obdelavo podatkov iz javnih virov, uradnih evidenc, zakonov, strokovne literature, spletnih strani in intervjujev z občinskimi svetniki iz občin Hrastnik, Trbovlje in Zagorja ob Savi, definirali potrebe po pluralni policijski dejavnosti v Zasavju. Ugotovili smo, da občinski svetniki v Zasavju niso v celoti seznanjeni s konceptom pluralne policijske dejavnosti, ter da je socialno stanje v Zasavju zaskrbljujoče, kar predstavlja pereč varnostni problem. Naša najpomembnejša in ključna ugotovitev te magistrske naloge je, da v Zasavju obstajajo potrebe po pluralni policijski dejavnosti. The purpose of the master's thesis is to determine the needs for plural policing in the statistical region of Zasavje through analysis of municipal programmes of all three of Zasavje's municipalities and analysis of criminal activity and other causes of threatening security along with interviews with local councilors in the area of Zasavje. In the theoretical part of the thesis we have, using the descriptive method and analysing domestic as well as foreign literature, described concepts and facts of plural policing and presented the geographical together with historical background of all three municipalities in Zasavje. In the second, empirical part, the focus was on analytical approach, which helped us to determine the needs for plural policing in Zasavje through collecting, comparing and processing data from public sources, official records, expert literature, websites and interviews with local councilors from municipalities of Hrastnik, Trbovlje and Zagorje ob Savi. We came to a conclusion that local councilors in Zasavje are not entirely familiar with the concept of plural policing and that the social situation in Zasavje is worrisome, which in itself is a topical security isseue. The most important and vital finding of this master's thesis is that in Zasavje needs for plural policing do exist.
- Published
- 2016
48. Private detective's gathering of information on illicit drug abuse at work
- Author
Kocijan, Špela and Sotlar, Andrej
- Subjects
pooblastila ,delovno mesto ,private detective activity ,naloge ,private detective ,illegal drugs ,workplace ,detektivi ,zaposleni ,diplomske naloge ,prepovedane droge ,detektivska dejavnost ,rapid immunochromatographic test for drugs ,udc:[351.746.2+351.761]:331.4(043.2) ,zasebno varovanje - Abstract
Področje detektivske dejavnosti, ki je opredeljena kot dejavnost zbiranja, obdelave, posredovanja podatkov in informacij ter svetovanja na področju preprečevanja kaznivih ravnanj, je urejeno v Zakonu o detektivski dejavnosti. Zakon taksativno določa delovna področja, o katerih lahko detektiv za naročnika pridobiva podatke in informacije, med drugim lahko pridobiva tudi informacije o delu pod vplivom alkohola ali drog. Podjetja za raziskovanje tovrstnih disciplinskih kršitev svojih zaposlenih vse pogosteje pooblastijo detektive. Sodelovanje med detektivom in podjetji je v primerih ugotavljanja dela pod vplivom alkohola pogosto. Čeprav ni predpisa, ki bi postopek in način ugotavljanja alkoholiziranosti celovito določal, smo priča dolgoletni praksi ugotavljanja alkoholiziranosti. S sodno presojo so se izoblikovali kriteriji zakonitosti, ki določajo možne načine ugotavljanja alkoholiziranosti, kdo lahko alkoholiziranost ugotavlja, potrebno usposobljenost za ravnanje z napravo (alkoskopom), sprejemljive naprave ter njihovo tehnično brezhibnost. Izjemno redko pa detektivi pridobivajo informacije o delu pod vplivom drog. Sodne prakse, kjer bi bili zajeti primeri, ko bi delodajalec oz. v njegovem imenu detektiv ugotavljal delo pod vplivom prepovedanih drog, še ni. Problematika ugotavljanja in dokazovanja dela pod vplivom prepovedanih drog je prisotna, delodajalcem in detektivom pa pušča mnoga odprta vprašanja, saj ni pravnega predpisa, ki bi omenjeno področje celovito urejal. Zaradi pomanjkanja predpisov, ki bi določali kriterije potrebne strokovnosti in zakonitosti, diplomsko delo skuša operacionalizirati celoten postopek in način pridobivanja informacij o delu pod vplivom prepovedanih drog, ki bi bil v največji meri namenjen delodajalcem in detektivom kot zunanjim pooblaščenim izvajalcem. Področje ugotavljanja dela pod vplivom prepovedanih drog je zahtevnejše od ugotavljanja alkoholiziranosti, zato je treba pristopiti k vsaj delni normativni ureditvi tega področja. The Detective Activities Act regulates detective activities, which are defined as the collection, processing and transmission of data and information, and the provision of advice on crime prevention. The Act exhaustively defines the areas in which the private detective can gather data and information for the client, which also includes information about work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It appears that companies increasingly authorise detectives to gather information about various disciplinary offences. Cooperation between the private detective and the client is very common during investigations of work under the influence of alcohol. Despite the absence of a thorough regulation of the procedure and manner of determining alcohol intoxication, there is a long-standing practice of determining such intoxication. However, a number of criteria of legality have been developed through judicial review – different ways to determine alcohol intoxication, who can determine it, the capacity to use the device (breathalyser), acceptable devices and their technical condition. It is important to note that detectives rarely acquire information about work under the influence of drugs. Case law involving cases of employers (and detectives) investigating work under the influence of illegal drugs does not exist. The issue of determining and proving work under the influence of illegal drugs is actually very difficult because both employers and detectives are left with many questions due to the lack of a legislative provision that would fully regulate the area. The lack of legislative provisions establishing the necessary criteria of professional competence and legality prompted us to operationalise the entire process of acquiring information about work under the influence of illegal drugs. It would be primarily intended for employers and detectives as authorised external service providers. A respected detective and an expert witness in the field of forensic toxicology and alcoholometry also provided their opinions and guidelines. We believe that investigation of work under the influence of illegal drugs is more demanding than investigation of alcohol-related offences. To this end, we advocate at least a partial regulatory framework of this area.
- Published
- 2016
49. Analysis of performance, results and quality of the training of security officers in the Competence centre, and analysis of security officers' job satisfaction
- Author
Klisura, Vesna and Bren, Matevž
- Subjects
usposabljanje ,izobraževanje ,Competence Centre for education ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,private security ,and training of security personnel ,kompetenčni model ,security ,security officers ,ongoing training ,magistrska dela ,zasebno varovanje ,varnostniki - Abstract
Varnost je ena izmed osnovnih človeških potreb, vendar ni več dosegljiva vsakomur. Zasebno varovanje je tako postalo del vseh javnih in zasebnih ustanov. Delo varnostnikov je odgovorno in od njih zahteva, da ga opravijo zakonito, učinkovito in hitro ter v skladu z Zakonom o zasebnem varovanju. Kompetenčni center za izobraževanje, izpopolnjevanje in usposabljanje varnostnega osebja, ki deluje v okviru Čas – Zasebne šole za varnostno izobraževanje d.o.o., ima namen z notranjimi, obdobnimi in specialističnimi usposabljanji, izboljšati strokovno znanje varnostnikov. Namen magistrskega dela je proučiti poznavanje ukrepov in drugih sredstev varnostnikov pred in po notranjem usposabljanju. Prav tako bomo raziskovali zadovoljstvo varnostnikov s poklicno kariero in njihovo zadovoljstvo z notranjim usposabljanjem ter kako se njihova mnenja razlikujejo glede na starost, izobrazbo in delovno dobo. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili teoretična izhodišča in Kompetenčni center za izobraževanje, izpopolnjevanje in usposabljanje varnostnega osebja. V empiričnem delu pa smo na podlagi analiz z anketo zbranih podatkov ugotovili, da varnostniki slabo poznajo svoje ukrepe in druga sredstva, notranje usposabljanje pa jim je to znanje občutno izboljšalo. Varnostniki so bili z notranjim usposabljanjem zelo zadovoljni dobra polovica je zadovoljnih s svojo poklicno kariero: bolj so zadovoljni starejši, manj izobraženi in dalj časa delujoči kolegi. Security remains one of the basic human needs, but it is not any longer accessible to everybody. Private security has become part of every public and private institution. The work of security officers is very demanding and full of responsibilities. They have to do it legally, efficiently, fast and in compliance with the Private Security Act. The Competence Centre for education, ongoing training, and training of security personnel works within Čas, which is a Private school for security education, offers internal, periodical and specialized training courses with a purpose to improve expert knowledge of security officers. The aim of this master thesis is to collect information about the knowledge of actions and other means of security officers before and after internal training. The research will also be made to investigate how security officers are satisfied with their career, how they are satisfied with the internal education and if opinions of security officers differ in coherence with their age, gender and years of work. The theoretical part of the thesis presents the theoretical starting points and the Security Competence Centre itself, such as on going training and training of security personnel. In the empirical part of the thesis presents the analysed data collected by a survey. We found out that the security officers have poor knowledge about their actions and other means before internal training and that it is significantly improved after the training. The satisfaction with the internal education is very high. Regarding security officers' job satisfaction, only slightly more than a half security officers are satisfied with their career: more satisfied are older coleagues with a longer career but lower education level.
- Published
- 2016
50. Considering information collected by detectives as evidence in judicial proceedings
- Author
Marzidošek, Tilen and Sotlar, Andrej
- Subjects
pooblastila ,detective evidence ,detective work [Keywords] ,detektivi ,dokazi ,udc:351.746.2(043.2) ,sodišča ,diplomske naloge ,sick leave ,courts ,detektivska dejavnost ,zasebno varovanje ,judicial records - Abstract
S sprejetjem novega Zakona o detektivski dejavnosti leta 2011 se je detektivom delovno področje precej razširilo. Na podlagi novega zakona lahko detektivi pridobivajo informacije o pogrešanih osebah, povzročiteljih premoženjske in nepremoženjske škode, anonimnih pisanjih, dolžnikih, izgubljenih predmetih, spoštovanju konkurenčne klavzule, uspešnosti poslovnih subjektov, kaznivih dejanjih, ki se preganjajo na zasebno tožbo in dokaznem gradivu za naročnike. Z novimi področji dela detektivov, pa se postavlja vprašanje, ali detektivi svoje delo opravljajo v okviru zakonodaje. S tem mislimo predvsem na upoštevanje posameznikove pravice do zasebnosti. V diplomski nalogi smo preučevali končane sodne spise, pri katerih so dokazno gradivo zbrali detektivi. Sodni spis je celota vseh pisanj in njegovih prilog, ki se v okviru istovrstnih zadev nanašajo na isti subjekt. Večina sodnih spisov, katere smo predelali, so se nanašali na področje kršitev bolniške odsotnosti. Zbiranje podatkov od oseb ali iz javno dostopnih virov, uporaba tehničnih sredstev in osebna zaznava so metode dela, katerih se detektivi pri svojem delu največkrat poslužujejo. Za zbiranje dokaznega gradiva detektivi največkrat uporabljajo tehnična sredstva za slikovno in video snemanje. Ali sodišča v sodnih postopkih upoštevajo dokaze, katere so zbrali detektivi tekom dela, pa je odvisno od tega, ali so dokazi zbrani v okviru zakonodaje in ali so dokazi dovolj kvalitetni, da je iz njih mogoče identificirati kršitelja in njegovo kršitev. Raziskava je pokazala, da so sodniki v vseh sodnih postopkih sprejeli dokazno gradivo detektivov kot zakonito. To pomeni, da so detektivi v Republiki Sloveniji dobro podkovani z teoretičnim in praktičnim znanjem. Tega pa ne moramo trditi za Slovenske delodajalce. Iz raziskave smo ugotovili, da veliko število delodajalcev v pogodbe o zaposlitvi ne navede, da se lahko delavca nadzira med bolniškim staležem in da lahko delodajalec v primeru kršenja pravil pogodbe delavcu izredno ali redno odpove pogodbo o zaposlitvi. Delodajalci tudi niso upoštevali zakonskega časovnega okvirja za podajo odpovedi o zaposlitvi in pravico delavca, da se pred odpovedjo pogodbe o zaposlitvi izreče o očitani kršitvi. Prav tako bi morali delodajalci upoštevati, da pred odpovedjo pogodbe o zaposlitvi pridobijo dovoljenje inšpektorata za delo, da lahko delavcu zakonito odpovejo pogodbo o zaposlitvi ter da ne morajo odpovedati pogodbe o zaposlitvi osebam, ki so zaščitene z zakonom. In 2011, a new law was passed regarding detective work. With the Private Detective Services Act, detectives gained new entitlements. The new law allows detectives to collect information about missing people, perpetrators of pecuniary or non-pecuniary damages, anonymous letters, debtors, missing or lost objects, the adherence to the prohibition of competition and non-competition clauses, the performance and business operations of companies, offences prosecuted by private actions, and evidence. The new entitlements raise an important question: "Do detectives obey the law?" The proposed question mainly deals with the right to privacy. The practical part of this diploma thesis includes the study of completed judicial records, in which the presented evidence was collected by detectives. A judicial record consists of all documents and attachments related to the same court case. Most of court cases we considered were related to violations of 'sick leave'. Detectives use various methods when collecting information: collecting data from persons or publicly accessible sources, using technical means and engaging in surveillance. When collecting evidence, detectives usually use technical devices for capturing photographs and video recordings. Whether the courts will consider evidence collected by detectives or not depends on whether the evidence was collected within the framework of legislation and whether the perpetrator and his offence can be identified on the basis of the collected evidence. The result of the research shows that judges in judicial proceedings consider evidence presented by detectives as legally obtained. This proves that detectives in Slovenia are well-trained and educated. However, we cannot claim the same for Slovenian employers. The results of the research show that many employment contracts do not include articles on supervising the employees on sick leave and on the consequences of violating the contract. Employers often do not follow the law when terminating the employment contract: in some cases presented in the thesis, the employers terminated the contracts without informing the employees beforehand in other cases, the employers even gave notice to people protected by the law.
- Published
- 2016
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