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Basics of the detective activity and international comparison

Authors :
Prešljić, Mitja
Dvojmoč, Miha
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
M. Prešljić, 2017.


Varnost je za človeka prav gotovo ena izmed največjih dobrin, h kateri teži že od rojstva. Ker pa smo v zadnjem času priča številnim izrednim varnostnim dogodkom, je pomembno, da se zavedamo, da je v naši bližini ogromno institucij, ki se trudijo doseči občutek največje možne varnosti. V največji meri varnost prav gotovo zagotavlja policija, so pa tudi druge organizacije, ki strankam nudijo plačljive varnostne storitve. Ena izmed teh so prav gotovo zasebni detektivi, ki v zameno za plačilo za stranko opravijo dogovorjeno storitev. Ti med drugim svetujejo na področju kaznivih ravnanj, pridobivajo pomembne podatke od oseb tudi s pomočjo vpogleda v številne evidence, pri svojem delu pa si pomagajo še s tehničnimi pripomočki. Detektivi zbrane podatke obdelajo in posredujejo naročniku. Pomembno je, da detektiv opravlja svojo dejavnost v skladu z Zakonom o detektivski dejavnosti, saj v kolikor deluje izven zakonskih okvirjev, pridobljeni podatki niso zakoniti in verodostojni na sodišču. Ker je bila detektivska dejavnost v začetku dokaj slabo opredeljena in jo je bilo zato treba podrobneje urediti, je leta 1994 stopil v veljavo prvi Zakon o detektivski dejavnosti. Omenjeno leto štejemo kot prelomnico detektivske dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji. V začetku smo podrobneje spoznali pravice, dolžnosti in zakonske okvire delovanja detektivov pri nas in v tujini. Analizirali smo tudi naslednje izbrane države: Nemčijo, Združene države Amerike in Hrvaško. V nadaljevanju smo potrdili ali ovrgli zastavljene hipoteze in sicer s pomočjo intervjujev ter s prebiranjem strokovne literature. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da je v Republiki Sloveniji zakonodaja veliko bolj dodelana kot v tujini in da slovenski zakonodajalec sledi pobudam detektivov ter jih tudi upošteva. Ker pa detektiv svoj poklic opravlja v zameno za plačilo, nas je zanimalo, ali povpraševanje po njihovih storitvah narašča ali upada. Za lažjo predstavo ter boljše razumevanje vsebine je opisan tudi praktični primer dela detektivov v Republiki Sloveniji. Safety is definitely one of the greatest goods for us humans, which we have been striving for since our birth. However, as we have recently witnessed a number of extraordinary security events, it is important to be aware that there are a lot of institutions in our vicinity trying to achieve a sense of maximum security. Security is certainly provided to the greatest extent by the police, but there are also other organisations offering payable security services to their customers. One of these are definitely private detectives who, in return for payment, perform a contracted service for a client. Among other things, they provide advice in the field of criminal behaviour, acquire important data from and on people, also through the insight into a number of records and by using various technical aids in their work. Detectives process the collected data and forward it to the client. It is important for the detective to carry out his activity in compliance with the Detective Activities Act because if he works outside the legal framework, the obtained data cannot be accepted before the court in terms of their legality and credibility. As the detective activity was initially rather poorly defined, it had to be regulated in detail, so in 1994 the first Detective Activities Act was brought into force. This year is considered a turning point in detective activity in the Republic of Slovenia. At the beginning, we have learnt more about the rights, duties and legal frameworks of detective activity in Slovenia and abroad. We have also analysed the following selected countries: Germany, United States of America and Croatia. In the continuation, we have confirmed or refuted the hypotheses, through interviews and by consulting scentific literature. The findings have shown that the legislation is much more developed in the Republic of Slovenia than in the rest of the world, and that the Slovenian legislator follows the initiatives of detectives and takes them into account. However, as the detective pursues his profession in exchange for payment, we were interested in whether the demand for their services is on the increase or decrease. A practical example of the work of detectives in the Republic of Slovenia is also described in order to facilitate the perception and better understanding of the content.


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