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Management of a security company through skills of the security personell
- Source :
- Ljubljana
- Publication Year :
- 2018
- Publisher :
- A. Novak, 2018.
- Kot je mogoče razbrati že iz naslova tega diplomskega dela, je njegov primarni cilj predstaviti vodenje varnostnega podjetja in kompetence varnostnega osebja. Za boljše izhodišče in lažje razumevanje sta poleg že omenjenega v nalogi predstavljena tudi področje vodenja podjetja oziroma menedžmenta in področje kompetenc. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljeno vodenje organizacije, ki zajema vodenje oziroma menedžment podjetja, kjer avtorji poudarjajo, da je za uspešno delovanje nekega podjetja potrebno njegovo učinkovito vodenje. Za učinkovito delovanje podjetja je treba uspešno voditi tudi zaposlene oziroma delovno osebje. Vodja tako glede na svoje podrejene in delovne naloge izbira ustrezen način in slog vodenja, zato so v nalogi predstavljeni različni slogi in načini vodenja. Drugi del naloge je namenjen predstavitvi kompetenc. Sodelavce je lažje voditi, če so ustrezno kompetentni ali če jim ustrezne sposobnosti, ki jih potrebujejo pri svojem delu, priučimo z izobraževanjem oziroma usposabljanjem. Glede ocenjevanja kompetenc obstajajo številne metode, v nalogi pa sta predstavljeni dve najpogostejši, in sicer ocena kompetenc z metodo 360 stopinj in metoda opazovanja na delovnem mestu. Ustrezna usposobljenost pa še toliko bolj pride do izraza pri varnostnem osebju, ki se pri delu veliko ukvarja z ljudmi in je po potrebi primorano uporabiti tudi silo. V tem delu naloge je obravnavan tudi projekt Kompetenčni center za izobraževanje varnostnega osebja, ki je veliko pripomogel k dvigu usposobljenosti varnostnega osebja. V panogi zasebnega varovanja ima ustrezna kompetentnost velik pomen, saj lahko pripomore k dvigu ugleda celotne panoge. V tretjem delu naloge sta predstavljeni še analiza ankete varnostnikov in razprava o rezultatih. As it derives from the title of the thesis, its primary goal is to present the management of a security company and competences of the security personnel. For a better starting point and easier understanding, the thesis additionally presents the field of company management and the field of competences. The first part of the thesis presents organizational management, which includes the management of a company, where authors stress out that successful business performance of a company demands effective company management and on the other hand successful employee or staff management. Considering his subordinates and the work tasks, the manager chooses an appropriate type leadership type and style, therefore the thesis presents different leadership types and styles. The second part of the thesis presents competences. Co-workers are easier to lead, if they have the necessary competences for their work or if they acquire them through education or training. There are numerous method for the assessment of competences, but the thesis only presents the two most common ones, namely the assessment of competences with the method 360 degrees and the method of observation at the workplace. Appropriate qualifications stand out even further in the case of the security personnel, who have a lot of contact with people during work and are sometimes even forced to use force. This part of the thesis also discusses the project Competitive centre for the education of security personnel, which contributed a lot to raise the qualifications of the security personnel. Appropriate qualifications are of significant importance in the private security branch, since they can contribute to the raise of the entire branch’s reputation. The third part of the thesis presents the analysis of the survey among security personnel and the discussion about the results.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Ljubljana
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......1857..ebf6d30937be68e85453a9e214f67150