
Showing total 107 results
107 results

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1. Function, life histories, and biographies of Lower Paleolithic patinated flint tools from Late Acheulian Revadim, Israel.

2. The stone-to-metal transition reflected in the Iron Age copper production sites of Timna Valley, Israel.

3. Complexity Without Monumentality in Biblical Times.

4. The Aging of a Great Woman from Florida: Wilma E. Davis

5. Late Acheulian Jaljulia - Early human occupations in the paleo-landscape of the central coastal plain of Israel.

6. Predictive modelling in paleoenvironmental reconstruction: The micromammals of Manot Cave, Israel.

7. Early line and hook fishing at the Epipaleolithic site of Jordan River Dureijat (Northern Israel).

8. Complexity and sophistication of Early Middle Paleolithic flint tools revealed through use-wear analysis of tools from Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel.

9. An integrated study discloses chopping tools use from Late Acheulean Revadim (Israel).

10. Bioarchaeology: a profitable dialogue between microbiology and archaeology.

11. Difusionism and the Hebrew Bible.

12. A Hoard of Alexander II Zabinas Coins from Tell Iẓṭabba (Bet She'an), Israel.

13. Isotope systematics and chemical composition of tin ingots from Mochlos (Crete) and other Late Bronze Age sites in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: An ultimate key to tin provenance?

14. Food, Economy, and Culture at Tel Dor, Israel: A Diachronic Study of Faunal Remains from 15 Centuries of Occupation.

15. The Earliest Lead Object in the Levant.

16. Insights into the Social Structure of the PPNB Site of Kfar HaHoresh, Israel, Based on Dental Remains.

17. Fat residue and use-wear found on Acheulian biface and scraper associated with butchered elephant remains at the site of Revadim, Israel.

18. The Early Bronze Age at Tel Nagila.

19. Proto-Israelites: The Story of a Misleading Term.

20. Systematic blade production at late Lower Paleolithic (400-200 kyr) Qesem Cave, Israel.

21. The Acheulean massive scrapers of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov-a product of the biface chaîne opératoire.

22. The Archaeology of Jerusalem - Between Post-Modernism and Delegitimization.

23. Excavating Zion: Archaeology and Nation-making in Palestine/Israel.

24. Cypriot Barrel Juglets at Khirbet Qeiyafa and other Sites in the Levant: Cultural Aspects and Chronological Implications.

25. Post-war reconstruction and conservation of the historic Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem, 1967–1975.

26. Sitting on the tailing piles: creating extraction landscapes in Middle Pleistocene quarry complexes in the Levant.

27. Signs from a green desert: a preliminary examination of the archaeobotanical remains from a Byzantine dovecote near Shivta, Israel.

28. Anatomy of a Destruction: Crisis Architecture, Termination Rituals and the Fall of Canaanite Hazor.

29. Tribes, Borders, Landscapes and Reciprocal Relations: The Wadi Arabah and its Meaning.

30. Plant remains as a tool for reconstruction of the past environment, economy, and society: Archaeobotany in Israel.


32. Salvage the Profession, Not the Profits: Rejoinder.

33. Archaeology, Nation, and Race: Confronting the Past, Decolonizing the Future in Greece and Israel by Raphael Greenberg and Yannis Hamilakis (review).

34. Did the Byzantine Negev settlements exhaust the surrounding environment? A response to "Environment and horticulture in the Byzantine Negev Desert, Israel: sustainability, prosperity and enigmatic decline".

35. Intra-site variability in lithic recycling at Qesem Cave, Israel.

36. In the Footsteps of Bagira.

37. Settler-Colonialism and the Diary of an Israeli Settler in the Golan Heights: The Notebooks of Izhaki Gal.

38. Ramparts and walls: Building techniques of kites in the Negev Highland

39. Ancient agricultural irrigation systems in the oasis of Ein Gedi, Dead Sea, Israel

40. New Light on Long-Distance Ties in the Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic Near East.

41. A Hellenistic/Early Roman Shipwreck Assemblage off Ashkelon, Israel.


43. Four decades of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis and its contribution to the archaeology of the ancient land of Israel.

44. A brief outline summary of nonferrous archaeometallurgy in Israel.

45. On the shore of a fluctuating lake: Environmental evidence from Ohalo II (19,500 B.P.).

46. Is the Publication Glass Half Empty or Half Full? Comment on Kletter and De-Groot.

47. On the Archaeology of 10th Century bce Israel and the Idea of the 'State'.

48. Nomads in Archaeology: A Response to Finkelstein and Perevolotsky.

49. Persistent Neanderthal occupation of the open-air site of ‘Ein Qashish, Israel.

50. Tourism, heritage and politics: conflicts at the City of David, Jerusalem.