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1. Johan Vilhelm Snellman's-Finnish Philosopher, Writer, Diplomat-Statement 'Science Centers for All'

3. Influence of Rurality on Oral Cancer Trends among Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Member Countries—A Scoping Review.

4. Challenges, coping responses and supportive interventions for international and migrant students in academic nursing programs in major host countries: a scoping review with a gender lens.

5. Cultural inclusivity and diversity in dementia friendly communities: An integrative review.

6. Towards an Implementation‐STakeholder Engagement Model (I‐STEM) for improving health and social care services.

7. Implementation and maintenance of patient navigation programs linking primary care with community-based health and social services: a scoping literature review.

8. The Impact of Emerging Technology in Physics over the Past Three Decades

9. Design for All – Design for Disabled: How important is anthropometry?

10. Drug consumption rooms: A systematic review of evaluation methodologies.

11. A systematic review of the determinants of seafood consumption.

12. Chatbots in Libraries: A Systematic Literature Review

13. Prevalence of Loneliness in Older Adults: A Scoping Review.

14. Something special, something unique: Perspectives of experts by experience in mental health nursing education on their contribution.

15. Developing, Purchasing, Implementing and Monitoring AI Tools in Radiology: Practical Considerations. A Multi-Society Statement From the ACR, CAR, ESR, RANZCR & RSNA.

16. International publication trends in basic, applied, and conceptual behavior‐analytic journals.

17. Understanding Literacy as Human Practice: Exploring Stories about (People Like) Us

18. What Is the Purpose of Playwork?

19. How do we start? An approach to learning analytics adoption in higher education.

20. International insights about a holistic model of teaching competence for a digital era: the digital teacher framework reviewed.

21. Paediatric International Nursing Study: using person-centred key performance indicators to benchmark children's services.

22. The Current States, Challenges, Ongoing Efforts, and Future Perspectives of Pharmaceutical Excipients in Pediatric Patients in Each Country and Region.

23. One of society's most vulnerable groups? A systematically conducted literature review exploring the vulnerability of deafblind people.


25. Island tales: culturally-filtered narratives about island creation through land submergence incorporate millennia-old memories of postglacial sea-level rise.

26. Factors influencing sustainability of online platforms for professionals: a mixed-method study in OECD countries.

27. Creative Pedagogies: A Systematic Review

28. Cool, funky and creative? The creative class and preferences for leisure and culture.

29. How Sedentary are Older People? A Systematic Review of the Amount of Sedentary Behavior.

30. The Interaction between Belongingness and Bullying in Relation to the Mathematics Achievement of Fourth and Eighth-Grade Students on the 2011 TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study)

31. Adaptive Resilience and Creativity: Learning Cities Mobilizing COVID Responses, Expanding Networks

32. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference: e-Learning 2021, Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2021) (15th, Virtual, July 20-23, 2021)

33. Structure of Dark Triad Dirty Dozen Across Eight World Regions.

34. Food Value Chain Coordination in Practice: European and Australian Case Studies of the Creation of Chain Good Innovations.

35. A Systematic Review of Media Multitasking in Educational Contexts: Trends, Gaps, and Antecedents

36. Mathematics Anxiety as a Mediator for Gender Differences in 2012 PISA Mathematics Scores

37. A critical review of career research and assistance through the cultural lens: towards cultural praxis of athletes' careers.

38. Perceived barriers to whistle blowing in healthcare amongst healthcare professionals: An integrative review.

39. Effect of Sports Health and Exercise Research on Olympic Game Success: An Analytical and Correlational Survey

40. COVID-19 Crisis, Impacts on Catholic Schools, and Potential Responses. Part I: Developed Countries with Focus on the United States

41. Application of Blockchain Technology in Higher Education

42. Relations and Locations: New Topological Spatio-Temporalities in Education

43. Mastering Humanitarianism? A Survey of Postgraduate Humanitarian Courses

44. Mapping Students' Readiness for E-Learning in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

45. Creative Education or Educational Creativity: Integrating Arts, Social Emotional Aspects and Creative Learning Environments

46. A Review of Work-Integrated Learning for PhD Students

47. Enacting governance through strategy: A comparative study of governance configurations in Sydney and Vienna.

48. Stakeholders' participation in the development of the new accounting rules regarding the impairment of financial assets.

49. A comparison of the health status of European Roma and Australian Aborigines.

50. Older people's views in relation to risk of falling and need for intervention: a meta-ethnography.