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1. Fluorescent pseudomonad population sizes baited from soils under pure birch, pure Douglas-fir, and mixed forest stands and their antagonism toward Armillaria ostoyae in vitro.

2. Decomposition of broadleaf and needle litter in forests of British Columbia: influences of litter type, forest type, and litter mixtures .

3. A comparison of several methods for estimating light under a paper birch mixedwood stand

5. Fuzzy set theory based methodology for the analysis of measurement uncertainties in river discharge and stage.

6. Assessment of interspecific competition using relative height and distance indices in an age sequence of seral interior cedar–hemlock forests in British Columbia.

7. Timing and tectonic setting of Stikine Terrane magmatism, Babine-Takla lakes area, central British Columbia.

8. Geochronology of mid-Cretaceous to Eocene magmatism, Babine porphyry copper district, central British Columbia.

9. Characteristics of forest legacies following two mountain pine beetle outbreaks in British Columbia, Canada.

10. Is scientific inquiry still incompatible with government information control? A quarter-century later.

11. A robust optimization approach protected harvest scheduling decisions against uncertainty.

12. Stratigraphic evidence for multiple Holocene advances of Lillooet Glacier, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia.

13. Large Holocene landslides from Pylon Peak, southwestern British Columbia.

14. The effects of forest harvesting and best management practices on streamflow and suspended sediment concentrations during snowmelt in headwater streams in sub-boreal forests of British Columbia, Canada.

15. Conodont biostratigraphy of the Lower to Middle Devonian Deserters Formation (new), Road River Group, northeastern British Columbia.

16. Effect of ageing on stiffness of very loose sand.

17. Microplastics in subsurface water and zooplankton from eight lakes in British Columbia.

18. Effects of postharvest deficit irrigation on sweet cherry (Prunus avium) in five Okanagan Valley, Canada, orchards: II. Phenology, cold hardiness, fruit yield, and quality.

19. Preliminary investigations of ground failures triggered during the mid-November 2021 atmospheric river event along the southwestern British Columbia highway corridors.

20. Biochar-compost mixture and cover crop effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics, yield, and fruit quality in an irrigated vineyard.

21. Deep long-period earthquakes near Mount Meager, British Columbia.

22. Tectonic implications of 40Ar/39Ar muscovite dates from the Mt. Haley stock and Lussier River stock, near Fort Steele, British Columbia.

23. Structure and dynamics of trembling aspen – white spruce mixed stands near Fort Nelson, B.C.

24. Development of late Paleozoic volcanic arcs in the Canadian Cordillera: an example from the Klinkit Group, northern British Columbia and southern Yukon.

25. Short visits reveal consistent patterns of interyear and intercolony variation in seabird nestling diet and performance.

26. Early Turonian (Late Cretaceous) age of the Tuskoola sandstone Pine River area, northeastern British Columbia.

27. Marine reptiles from the Nanaimo Group (Upper Cretaceous) of Vancouver Island.

28. Relay Mountain Group, Tyaughton–Methow basin, southwest British Columbia: a major Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous terrane overlap assemblage.

29. Dextral strike-slip faulting in the Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia: a natural example of wrench tectonics in relation to Cordilleran tectonics.

30. Nature of the basement to Quesnel Terrane near Christina Lake, southeastern British Columbia.

31. Eocambrian granite clasts in southern British Columbia shed light on Cordilleran hinterland crust.

32. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Port Moody Interstade, a nonglacial interval in southwestern British Columbia at about 18 000 [sup 14] C years BP.

33. New U–Pb age constraints on latest Cretaceous magmatism and associated mineralization in the Fawnie Range, Nechako Plateau, central British Columbia.

34. Late Quaternary glacial and interglacial environments of the Nechako River - Cheslatta Lake area, central British Columbia.


36. Discovery of a significant cave entrance in stripe karst, Horsethief Creek Group, Wells Gray Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada.

37. Linking anglers, fish, and management in a catch-and-release steelhead trout fishery.

38. Coarse woody debris in the old-growth forests of British Columbia.

39. Canada's Wild Salmon Policy: an assessment of conservation progress in British Columbia.

40. Late Holocene glacial activity at Bromley Glacier, Cambria Icefield, northern British Columbia Coast Mountains, Canada.

42. Ribeiroia ondatrae causes limb abnormalities in a Canadian amphibian community.

43. Environmental pathways of potential impacts to human health from oil and gas development in northeast British Columbia, Canada.

44. An unusual stone circle, Chilcotin Range, British Columbia, Canada.

45. Sockeye salmon () return after an absence of nearly 90 years: a case of reversion to anadromy.

46. Assessing the effect of measurement error in age on dominant height and site index estimates.

47. Late Holocene glacial activity in Manatee Valley, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada.

48. An istiodactylid pterosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group, Hornby Island, British Columbia, Canada.

49. Ediacaran body and trace fossils in Miette Group (Windermere Supergroup) near Salient Mountain, British Columbia, Canada.

50. The role of wind in determining the timing of the spring bloom in the Strait of Georgia.