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101. Homogenization of boundary value problems in plane domains with frequently alternating type of nonlinear boundary conditions: critical case

102. Total Domination in Rooted Product Graphs

103. On an Inequality for Legendre Polynomials

104. On Coding by (2,q)-Distance Fibonacci Numbers

105. The Consistency of the CUSUM-Type Estimator of the Change-Point and Its Application

106. Optimal and Nonoptimal Gronwall Lemmas

107. Geometric Inequalities of Bi-Warped Product Submanifolds of Nearly Kenmotsu Manifolds and Their Applications

108. Symmetric Identities for Carlitz’s Type Higher-Order (p,q)-Genocchi Polynomials

109. Estimates of Coefficient Functionals for Functions Convex in the Imaginary-Axis Direction

110. D-Stability of the Initial Value Problem for Symmetric Nonlinear Functional Differential Equations

111. On Singular Distributions With Statistical Structure

112. Interpolative Reich-Rus-Ciric and Hardy-Rogers Contraction on Quasi-Partial b-Metric Space and Related Fixed Point Results

113. Homological dimension of elementary amenable groups

114. Fixed Point Sets of k-Continuous Self-Maps of m-Iterated Digital Wedges

115. A Survey on Sharp Oscillation Conditions of Differential Equations with Several Delays

116. Strong Tolerance and Strong Universality of Interval Eigenvectors in a Max-ukasiewicz Algebra

117. Joint Eigenfunctions for the Relativistic Calogero–Moser Hamiltonians of Hyperbolic Type. III. Factorized Asymptotics

118. Finitary birepresentations of finitary bicategories

119. The KK-theory of amalgamated free products

120. Affine category O, Koszul duality and Zuckerman functors

121. On exponential bases and frames with non-linear phase functions and some applications

122. Coefficient Related Studies for New Classes of Bi-Univalent Functions

123. Convergence of a multidimensional Glimm-like scheme for the transport of fronts

124. Oscillatory Behavior of a Type of Generalized Proportional Fractional Differential Equations with Forcing and Damping Terms

125. Computational Approach to Enumerate Non-hyperelliptic Superspecial Curves of Genus 4

126. Multiparametric Contractions and Related Hardy-Roger Type Fixed Point Theorems

127. The Four-Parameters Wright Function of the Second kind and its Applications in FC

128. Analysis of Homotopy Decomposition Varieties in Quotient Topological Spaces

129. Large $m$ asymptotics for minimal partitions of the Dirichlet eigenvalue

130. The Sequential and Contractible Topological Embeddings of Functional Groups

131. Optimal stopping for the exponential of a Brownian bridge

132. Cone Metric Spaces over Topological Modules and Fixed Point Theorems for Lipschitz Mappings

133. Fixed Point Problems on Generalized Metric Spaces in Perov’s Sense

134. Normal form near orbit segments of convex Hamiltonian systems

135. On the wave equation with multiplicities and space-dependent irregular coefficients

136. Multifractal analysis of weighted ergodic averages

137. On the Cauchy Problem of Vectorial Thermostatted Kinetic Frameworks

138. Certain Hadamard Proportional Fractional Integral Inequalities

139. New Results on Elliptic Equations with Nonlocal Boundary Coefficient-Operator Conditions in UMD Spaces: Noncommutative Cases

140. A Poisson Problem of Transmission-type for the Stokes and Generalized Brinkman Systems in Complementary Lipschitz Domains in $\mathbb{R}^3$

141. Generic conformally flat hypersurfaces and surfaces in 3-sphere

142. A note on hypocoercivity for kinetic equations with heavy-tailed equilibrium

143. A note on the refined Strichartz estimates and maximal extension operator

144. Exceptional Set for Sums of Symmetric Mixed Powers of Primes

145. Densities of Generalized Stochastic areas and windings arising from Anti-de Sitter and Hopf fibrations

146. Projective and Non-Projective Varieties of Topological Decomposition of Groups with Embeddings

147. Uniqueness of compact ancient solutions to three-dimensional Ricci flow

148. Locally constrained curvature flows and geometric inequalities in hyperbolic space

149. Rigid local systems and finite general linear groups

150. Stability Estimates for Finite-Dimensional Distributions of Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Chains