
Showing total 102 results
102 results

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1. LOTUS: A single- and multitask machine learning algorithm for the prediction of cancer driver genes.

2. Transient crosslinking kinetics optimize gene cluster interactions.

3. A data-driven interactome of synergistic genes improves network-based cancer outcome prediction.

4. SFPEL-LPI: Sequence-based feature projection ensemble learning for predicting LncRNA-protein interactions.

5. Efficient pedigree recording for fast population genetics simulation.

6. A Scalable Computational Framework for Establishing Long-Term Behavior of Stochastic Reaction Networks.

7. A marginalized two-part Beta regression model for microbiome compositional data.

8. Correcting for batch effects in case-control microbiome studies.

9. A phylogenetic method to perform genome-wide association studies in microbes that accounts for population structure and recombination.

10. Bayesian inference of phylogenetic networks from bi-allelic genetic markers.

11. Fast and general tests of genetic interaction for genome-wide association studies.

12. ESPRIT-Forest: Parallel clustering of massive amplicon sequence data in subquadratic time.

13. Machine Learning Meta-analysis of Large Metagenomic Datasets: Tools and Biological Insights.

14. Modeling Mutual Exclusivity of Cancer Mutations.

15. Scaling up data curation using deep learning: An application to literature triage in genomic variation resources.

16. Leveraging functional annotations in genetic risk prediction for human complex diseases.

17. On measuring selection in cancer from subclonal mutation frequencies.

18. Executable pathway analysis using ensemble discrete-state modeling for large-scale data.

19. Benchmarking network propagation methods for disease gene identification.

20. Disease gene prediction for molecularly uncharacterized diseases.

21. Modeling the temporal dynamics of the gut microbial community in adults and infants.

22. Predicting three-dimensional genome organization with chromatin states.

23. Sparse discriminative latent characteristics for predicting cancer drug sensitivity from genomic features.

24. A computational framework To assess genome-wide distribution Of polymorphic human endogenous retrovirus-K In human populations.

25. ChIPulate: A comprehensive ChIP-seq simulation pipeline.

26. Evolutionary model for the unequal segregation of high copy plasmids.

27. Utilizing longitudinal microbiome taxonomic profiles to predict food allergy via Long Short-Term Memory networks.

28. PAIRUP-MS: Pathway analysis and imputation to relate unknowns in profiles from mass spectrometry-based metabolite data.

29. Exploring chromatin hierarchical organization via Markov State Modelling.

30. A likelihood approach to testing hypotheses on the co-evolution of epigenome and genome.

31. Local epigenomic state cannot discriminate interacting and non-interacting enhancer–promoter pairs with high accuracy.

32. Deepbinner: Demultiplexing barcoded Oxford Nanopore reads with deep convolutional neural networks.

33. A k-mer-based method for the identification of phenotype-associated genomic biomarkers and predicting phenotypes of sequenced bacteria.

34. Prediction of gene regulatory enhancers across species reveals evolutionarily conserved sequence properties.

35. SIG-DB: Leveraging homomorphic encryption to securely interrogate privately held genomic databases.

36. A loop-counting method for covariate-corrected low-rank biclustering of gene-expression and genome-wide association study data.

37. beachmat: A Bioconductor C++ API for accessing high-throughput biological data from a variety of R matrix types.

38. Using pseudoalignment and base quality to accurately quantify microbial community composition.

39. ChromoTrace: Computational reconstruction of 3D chromosome configurations for super-resolution microscopy.

40. Shared activity patterns arising at genetic susceptibility loci reveal underlying genomic and cellular architecture of human disease.

41. Association between expression of random gene sets and survival is evident in multiple cancer types and may be explained by sub-classification.

42. The development and application of bioinformatics core competencies to improve bioinformatics training and education.

43. Interactions between species introduce spurious associations in microbiome studies.

44. MPLasso: Inferring microbial association networks using prior microbial knowledge.

45. Predicting the pathogenicity of novel variants in mitochondrial tRNA with MitoTIP.

46. Strawberry: Fast and accurate genome-guided transcript reconstruction and quantification from RNA-Seq.

47. mixOmics: An R package for ‘omics feature selection and multiple data integration.

48. A quadratically regularized functional canonical correlation analysis for identifying the global structure of pleiotropy with NGS data.

49. A machine learning approach for predicting CRISPR-Cas9 cleavage efficiencies and patterns underlying its mechanism of action.

50. Variable habitat conditions drive species covariation in the human microbiota.