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1. Krugman's Papers in Regional Science: The 100 dollar bill on the sidewalk is gone and the 2008 Nobel Prize well-deserved.

2. Firm location and monopolistic competition.

3. Agglomeration and regional employment dynamics* Agglomeration and regional employment dynamics.

4. A location quotient approach to producing regional production multipliers for the Irish economy.

5. Price and quantity competition yield the same location equilibria in a circular market.

6. Interregional labour migration and real wage disparities: Evidence from Japan.

7. Testing and explaining economic resilience with an application to Italian regions.

8. The accessibility to employment offices in the Spanish labour market* The accessibility to employment offices in the Spanish labour market.

9. Public investment and regional growth and convergence: Evidence from Greece* Public investment and regional growth and convergence: Evidence from Greece.

10. Infrastructure and regional growth in the European Union* Infrastructure and regional growth in the European Union.

11. Can a knowledge-based cluster be created? The case of the Barcelona 22@ district*.

12. Spatial pattern and domestic tourism: An econometric analysis using inter-regional monetary flows by type of journey*.

13. Measuring science: Spatial investigation of academic opportunities in Belgium.

14. The spatial evolution of regional GDP disparities in the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ Europe.

15. Alternative approaches to trip distribution modelling: A retrospective review and suggestions for combining different approaches.

16. The geographical and institutional proximity of research collaboration.

17. Space versus networks in the geography of innovation: A European analysis.

18. Social distance versus spatial distance in R&D cooperation: Empirical evidence from European collaboration choices in micro and nanotechnologies.

19. Testing for labour pooling as a source of agglomeration economies: Evidence for labour markets in England and Wales.

20. Path dependence, institutions and the density of economic activities: Evidence from Italian cities.

21. Urban spatial structure, agglomeration economies, and economic growth in Barcelona: An intra-metropolitan perspective*.

22. Heterogeneous skills, migration, and commuting Heterogeneous skills, migration, and commuting.

23. Social networks and regional recruitment of foreign labour: Firm recruitment methods and spatial sorting in Denmark* Social networks and regional recruitment of foreign labour: Firm recruitment methods and spatial sorting in Denmark.

24. Proximity and collaboration in European nanotechnology.

25. Exploring spatial features of science-industry partnerships: A study on French data.

26. Variations on economic convergence: The case of the United States.

27. A comparison of four model specifications for describing small heterogeneous space-time datasets: Sugar cane production in Puerto Rico, 1958/59–1973/74.

28. Regional disparities in the European Union: Convergence and agglomeration.

29. Knowledge, networks of cities and growth in regional urban systems.

30. Do geographical agglomeration, growth and equity conflict?

31. Why some regions will decline: A Canadian case study with thoughts on local development strategies.

32. What city amenities matter in attracting smart people?

33. Firm heterogeneity and the localization of economic activities.

34. spMorph: An exploratory space-time analysis tool for describing processes of spatial redistribution.

35. Defining and measuring urban regions: A sensitivity analysis.

36. Creative clustering: The location of independent inventors.

37. The geography of innovation in a small metropolitan region: An intra-regional approach in Luxembourg.

38. Agglomeration and relocation: Manufacturing plant relocation in Korea.

39. Zipf, Gibrat and geography: Evidence from China, India and Brazil.

40. Closing the gap between absolute and relative measures of localization, concentration or specialization.

41. Trade costs in empirical New Economic Geography.

42. A model of economic geography with demand-pull and congestion costs.

43. Regional business cycles in New Zealand: Do they exist? What might drive them?

44. ERSA Conference participation: does location matter?

45. Sub-national growth rate differentials in South Africa: an econometric analysis.

46. Empirical growth models with spatial effects.

47. Identification of spatial agglomerations in the German food processing industry.

48. Spatial agglomeration and productivity in Italy: A panel smooth transition regression approach.

49. Regional unemployment structure and new firm formation.

50. Micro-geographies of creative industries clusters in Europe: From hot spots to assemblages.