
Showing total 36 results
36 results

Search Results

1. Effects of responsive breastfeeding intervention on breastfeeding and infant growth in China: A randomised controlled trial.

2. The prevalence of breastfeeding aversion response in Australia: A national cross‐sectional survey.

3. Dietary aflatoxin exposure of lactating mothers of children 0–6 months in Makueni County, Kenya.

4. A novel screening tool to predict severe acute malnutrition through automated monitoring of weight‐for‐age growth curves.

5. Predicting preschool children's emotional eating: The role of parents' emotional eating, feeding practices and child temperament.

6. Home gardening improves dietary diversity, a cluster‐randomized controlled trial among Tanzanian women.

7. Long‐term effects of a healthy eating blog in mothers and children.

8. Feeding during the first 3 days after birth other than breast milk is associated with early cessation of exclusive breastfeeding.

9. Breastfeed4Ghana: Design and evaluation of an innovative social media campaign.

10. Prevalence and predictors of overweight and obesity among Cameroonian women in a national survey and relationships with waist circumference and inflammation in Yaoundé and Douala.

11. Associations of maternal nutrition during pregnancy and post‐partum with maternal cognition and caregiving.

12. Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and intelligence quotients in the offspring at 8 years of age: Findings from the ALSPAC cohort.

13. Energy and nutrient intake increased by 47-67% when amylase was added to fortified blended foods-a study among 12- to 35-month-old Burkinabe children.

14. Nutritional status, food insecurity, and biodiversity among the Khasi in Meghalaya, North‐East India.

15. Nutritional status, food insecurity, and biodiversity among the Khasi in Meghalaya, North‐East India.

16. Mothers' groups enrich diet and culture through promoting traditional Quichua foods.

17. Dietary quality and household food insecurity among Mexican children and adolescents.

18. Association of maternal characteristics and behaviours with 4-year-old children's dietary patterns.

19. Association of prenatal lipid-based nutritional supplementation with fetal growth in rural Gambia.

20. Moderately elevated maternal homocysteine at preconception is inversely associated with cognitive performance in children 4 months and 6 years after birth.

21. Dietary patterns by cluster analysis in pregnant women: relationship with nutrient intakes and dietary patterns in 7-year-old offspring.

22. Effect of ready-to-use foods for preventing child undernutrition in Niger: analysis of a prospective intervention study over 15 months of follow-up.

23. Relapses from acute malnutrition and related factors in a community-based management programme in Burkina Faso.

24. Association between maternal vitamin E status and alpha-tocopherol levels in the newborn and colostrum.

25. Adding multiple micronutrient powders to a homestead food production programme yields marginally significant benefit on anaemia reduction among young children in Nepal.

26. Benefits of repeated individual dietary counselling in long-term weight control in women after delivery.

27. Early invitation to food and/or multiple micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy does not affect body composition in offspring at 54 months: follow-up of the MINIMat randomised trial, Bangladesh.

28. Effect of multivitamin supplements on weight gain during pregnancy among HIV-negative women in Tanzania.

29. Nutritional assessment of pregnant adolescents: comparison of two popular classification systems.

30. Influence of early life factors on body mass index trajectory during childhood: a population-based longitudinal analysis in the Western Brazilian Amazon.

31. Dairy intensification, mothers and children: an exploration of infant and young child feeding practices among rural dairy farmers in Kenya.

32. Maternal HIV is associated with reduced growth in the first year of life among infants in the Eastern region of Ghana: the Research to Improve Infant Nutrition and Growth ( RIING) Project.

33. Determinants of infant nutrition status in rural farming households before and after harvest.

34. Development of a dietary screening questionnaire to predict excessive weight gain in pregnancy.

35. Predictors of vitamin D status in New Zealand preschool children.

36. Dietary change mediates relationships between stress during pregnancy and infant head circumference measures: the QF2011 study.