Impinging jets are extensively investigated in numerous benchmarks. Such configurations are common in many industrial and engineering applications (e.g., manufacturing, material processing, electronic cooling, paper drying, textiles and tempering of glass). Various comprehensive reviews of jets impingement onto a motionless wall are available in the literature [1–9]. However, a small number of studies were devoted to the effects of the wall motion of impinging jets, on the flow structure and the heat transfer. The first study of a jet impingement on a moving wall was carried out experimentally by Subba Raju and Schlunder [10]. They investigated the heat transfer of a single jet impinging a moving belt. Huang et al. [11] performed numerically the case of a turbulent jet on a rectangular duct with surface motion effects. They have found that, when the plate velocity is great, Nusselt numbers becomes smaller around the area where the surface motion is opposed to that of the flow and augments when the moving wall and the flow evolve in the same direction. Zumbrunnen [12] have developed an analytical study for a single planar laminar impinging slot jet onto a moving plate subjected to a constant heat flux.They show that the heat transfer is more effective when the boundary layer development is slowed down by the plate motion. Chattopadhyay et al. [13] have numerically investigated the turbulent heat transfer of an array of slot jets impinging a moving plate using large Eddy simulation (LES), for jet exit Reynolds numbers ranging between 500 and 3000 and for several surface-jet velocities ratios R sj such as: 0 ≤ R sj ≤ 2. They found that the Nusselt number distribution over the plate becomes more uniform when the total heat transfer and the plate velocity decreases. Later, Chattopadhyay and Saha [14] used large Eddy simulation to investigate both the turbulent flow and the heat transfer resulting from a single slot jet impingement onto a moving hot isothermal plate. They have provided some results for a given jet exit Reynolds number of 5800 on a moving plate corresponding to a velocity ratio between 0 and 2. They were focused on the details of the flow structure, the velocity profiles and the turbulent shear stresses distribution. Similarly, the flow field of a confined turbulent slot air jet impinging perpendicularly a flat surface, was experimentally studied by Senter [15]. The experiments were carried out for a nozzle-to-plate spacing of eight slot nozzle thickness, at three Reynolds number (5300, 8000, and 10,600) and four surface-to-jet velocity ratios (0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0). Measurements are performed within the main regions of the jet. It appears that the flow structure patterns corresponding to a given surface-to-jet velocity ratio are independent with the jet exit Reynolds number between 5300 and 10,600. Also, a slight modification of the flow field is observed for a surface-to-jet velocity ratio of 0.25, whereas this effect is more significant for higher ratios of 0.5 and 1. On the other hand, Senter [15], determined the local Nusselt number by means the computation fluid dynamics (CFD) software Fluent using k–e WCP model for jet exit Reynolds number of Re = 10,600 and normalized plate velocities of 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0. This study proves that the local Nusselt number tends to significantly decrease followed by an increasing around the stagnation zone. Sharif and Banerjee [16] have achieved a numerical study by the CFD code Fluent, using the standard k–e turbulence model coupled to the enhanced wall treatment. They showed that the local Nusselt numbers along the moving plate exceed the values in the vicinity of the impinging region for the cases corresponding to lower plate velocities ratios, which can be explained by the thinning of dynamical and thermal boundary layers. These values decrease for greatest plate velocities induced by the parallel dominating shear driven flow. For a given plate velocity, the average Nusselt number close to the plate augments whilst the average skin friction coefficient decreases when jet exit Reynolds number increases. On the other hand, for a given jet exit Reynolds number, these two parameters slightly decrease for small velocity ratio, followed by an increase for greater values In the present paper, the case of a confined slot jet impinging perpendicularly a moving heated wall is numerically investigated (Fig. (Fig.1).1). This study complements both the previous work of Senter [15] and Sharif and Banerjee [16] by considering values of jet-plate velocity ratios greater than 1 (0 ≤ R sj ≤ 4). We extend the velocity ratio surface-jet because Zumbrunnen et al. [17] reported that the impingement surface velocity can exceed as much as ten (10) times the jet velocity in some industrial application such as hot rolling process. Open in a separate window Fig. 1 Configuration and parameters