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452 results

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1. Forthcoming papers.

2. <em>Forthcoming Papers</em>.

3. Forthcoming papers.

4. Forthcoming papers.

5. Forthcoming papers.

6. Forthcoming Papers.

7. Forthcoming papers.

8. Forthcoming papers.

9. Forthcoming Papers.

10. Isolation and Purification of a Neurodepressing Hormone from the Eyestalk of <em>Procambarus bouvieri</em> (Ortmann).

11. Forthcoming papers.

12. The Specificity Requirements of Bacteriophage T4 Lysozyme.

13. Electron transfer between the hydrogenase from <em>Desulfovibrio vulgaris</em> (Hildenborough) and viologens. 2. Investigations by chronoamperometry.

14. The Peptide Moiety of Blood-Group-Specific Glycoproteins.

15. 50-S Ribosomal Proteins.

16. Subunits of <em>Panulirus japonicus</em> hemocyanin 2. Cooperativity of the homogeneous hexamers.

17. Purification and properties of the soluble cytochromes <em>c</em>-550 and <em>c</em>-556 from the bacterium <em>Aquaspirillum itersonii</em>.

18. Covalent Structure of Turnip Peroxidase 7.

19. Quantitative Film Detection of 3H and 14C in Polyacrylamide Gels by Fluorography.

20. Translation of Semliki-Forest-Virus 42-S RNA in a Mouse Cell-Free System to give Virus-Coat Proteins.

21. <em>Candida krusei</em> Cytochrome <em>c</em> : a Correction to the Sequence.

22. Prediction of protein–protein interaction sites in heterocomplexes with neural networks.

23. Purification and cloning of the mitochondrial branched‐chain amino acid aminotransferase from sheep placenta.

24. Dissection of the domain architecture of the α2macroglobulin-receptor-associated protein.

25. Different susceptibility of protein kinases to staurosporine inhibition.

26. A correlation-coefficient method to predicting protein-structural classes from amino acid compositions.

27. Development of the uncoupling protein in the rat brown-adipose tissue during the perinatal period.

28. Primary structure of neutral oligosaccharides derived from respiratory-mucus glycoproteins of a patient suffering from bronchiectasis, determined by combination of 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy and quantitative sugar analysis 2. Structure of 19 oligosaccharides having the GlcNAcβ(1 → 3)GalHAc-ol core (type 3) or the GlcNAcβ(1 → 3)[GlcNAcβ(1 → 6)]GalNAc-ol core (type 4)

29. Electrostatic effects and the dynamics of enzyme reactions at the surface of plant cells.

30. Protein Synthesis by Isolated <em>Acetabulavia</em> Chloroplasts.

31. The Amino-Acid Sequence of the α Subunit in Bovine Brain S-100a Protein.

32. The Primary Structure of the Constant Part of μ-Chain-Disease Protein BOT.

33. Lipoprotein Lipase: Some Effects of Activator Proteins.

34. Incorporation and Asymmetric Orientation of Glycophorin in Reconstituted Protein-Containing Vesicles.

35. The Purification, Characterization and Localization of a Parvalbumin-Like Protein from Chicken-Leg Muscle.

36. The Amino-Acid Sequence of the Major Parvalbumin from Thornback-Ray Muscle.

37. Préparation et caractérisation physio-chimique partielle de la transferrine sérique ovine.

38. Cooperative Effects of Initiation Factors and fMet-tRNA in the Formation of the 40-S Initiation Complex.

39. Determination of the Amino-Acid Sequence of the Ribosomal Protein S8 of <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

40. The Peptide Components of Bee Venom.

41. Two Forms of the DNA Ligase of Human Cells.

42. Tryptophanyl-Transfer Ribonucleic-Acid Synthetase from Beef Pancreas.

43. The Amino-Acid Sequence of the αA2 Chain of Bovine α-Crystallin.

44. Enzymic Hydrolysis of Colanic Acid.

45. Analytical-Band Centrifugation of an Active Enzyme-Substrate Complex.

46. Structure and Function of Human Semihemoglobins α and β.

47. Cell Walls of Teichoic Acid Deficient Mutant of Bacillus subtilis.

48. Primary Structure of Bovine Growth Hormone.

49. A weighing method for predicting protein structural class from amino acid composition.

50. Molecular characterization of six intermediate proteins in the processing of mouse protamine P2 precursor.