
Showing total 16 results
16 results

Search Results

1. Observed and Expected Mortality in Cohort Studies.

2. Hierarchical Regression for Analyses of Multiple Outcomes.

3. Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Incident Natural Menopause in Midlife Women: The Mediating Role of Sex Hormones.

4. Time-to-Event Analysis of Fine Particle Air Pollution and Preterm Birth: Results From North Carolina, 2001–2005.

5. Does Fetal Growth Restriction Cause Later Obesity? Pitfalls in Analyzing Causal Mediators as Confounders.

6. Alternative Approaches to Assessing Nonresponse Bias in Longitudinal Survey Estimates: An Application to Substance-Use Outcomes Among Young Adults in the United States.

7. Healthy Aging 5 Years After a Period of Daily Supplementation With Antioxidant Nutrients: A Post Hoc Analysis of the French Randomized Trial SU.VI.MAX.

8. Indoor Exposure to Particulate Matter and Age at First Acute Lower Respiratory Infection in a Low-Income Urban Community in Bangladesh.

9. Dietary Flavonoid and Proanthocyanidin Intakes and Prostate Cancer Risk in a Prospective Cohort of US Men.

10. Racism, Segregation, and Risk of Obesity in the Black Women's Health Study.

11. Long-term Association Between Leisure-time Physical Activity and Changes in Happiness: Analysis of the Prospective National Population Health Survey.

12. Arsenic Exposure, Diabetes Prevalence, and Diabetes Control in the Strong Heart Study.

13. Parental Incarceration and Gender-based Risks for Increased Body Mass Index: Evidence From the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health in the United States.

14. Differential Associations of Job Control Components With Mortality: A Cohort Study, 1986–2005.

15. Environmental and Urinary Markers of Prenatal Exposure to Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products, Fetal Growth, and Duration of Gestation in the PELAGIE Birth Cohort (Brittany, France, 2002–2006).

16. Maternal Exposure to Ambient Temperature and the Risks of Preterm Birth and Stillbirth in Brisbane, Australia.