
Showing total 5,380 results
5,380 results

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1. Ramsey, Paper, Scissors

2. On D.Y. Gao and X. Lu paper 'On the extrema of a nonconvex functional with double-well potential in 1D'

3. A lattice-theoretic characterization of pure subgroups of Abelian groups

6. On the degree two entry of a Gorenstein $h$-vector and a conjecture of Stanley

7. Invariant means and fixed points: A sequel to Mitchell’s paper

8. A note concerning Fox’s paper on Fenchel’s conjecture

9. On a paper of Phelps

10. A note on a paper by J. A. Todd

11. Covering by homothets and illuminating convex bodies

12. On the minimum value of the condition number of polynomials

13. A note on a paper of Paul Hill and Charles Megibben

14. Note on a paper of Tsuzuku

15. Observations on a paper by Rosenblum

16. A fractional $$p(x,\cdot )$$-Laplacian problem involving a singular term

17. An improvement on Furstenberg’s intersection problem

18. On a class number formula of Hurwitz

19. Higher order Turán inequalities for the Riemann $\xi$-function

20. A Correction to the Paper 'Semi-Open Sets and Semicontinuity in Topological Spaces' by Norman Levine

21. Note on J. B. S. Haldane's Paper: 'The Exact Value of the Moments of the Distribution of χ 2 .'

22. The Groups of Steiner in Problems of Contact (Second Paper)

23. Notes on a paper by Sanov. II

24. Note Supplementary to the Paper 'On Certain Pairs of Transcendental Functions Whose Roots Separate Each Other'

25. Phase transitions of Best‐of‐two and Best‐of‐three on stochastic block models

26. A note on a paper of Palais

27. A note on my paper: 'On symmetric matrices whose eigenvalues satisfy linear inequalities'

28. A Note on the Preceding Paper

29. Errata in My Paper 'On a Special Class of Polynomials'

30. A Note on a Paper of J. D. Stein, Jr

31. Remarks on a paper of Hobby and Wright

32. A remark on Neuwirth and Newman’s paper: 'Positive 𝐻^{1/2} functions are constants'

33. The index conjecture for symmetric spaces

34. On some universal Morse–Sard type theorems

35. Packing colorings of subcubic outerplanar graphs

36. Bernoulliness of when is an irrational rotation: towards an explicit isomorphism

37. On Tetravalent Vertex-Transitive Bi-Circulants

38. On schizophrenic patterns in 𝑏-ary expansions of some irrational numbers

39. Constructing hyperelliptic curves with surjective Galois representations

40. Some congruences for generalized harmonic numbers and binomial coefficients with roots of unity

41. Ultrametric properties for valuation spaces of normal surface singularities

42. On connectivity, conductance and bootstrap percolation for a random k ‐out, age‐biased graph

43. Reproducing kernel orthogonal polynomials on the multinomial distribution

44. Comparison of probabilistic and deterministic point sets on the sphere

45. On the existence of optimal meshes in every convex domain on the plane

46. Positivity preservers forbidden to operate on diagonal blocks

47. Permutations of zero-sumsets in a finite vector space

48. The inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equation for weighted smooth vector-valued functions on strips with holes

49. CSP dichotomy for special triads

50. On exponential bases and frames with non-linear phase functions and some applications