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Ramsey, Paper, Scissors

Authors :
Jacob Fox
Xiaoyu He
Yuval Wigderson
Source :
Random Structures & Algorithms. 57:1157-1173
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Wiley, 2020.


We introduce a graph Ramsey game called Ramsey, Paper, Scissors. This game has two players, Proposer and Decider. Starting from an empty graph on $n$ vertices, on each turn Proposer proposes a potential edge and Decider simultaneously decides (without knowing Proposer's choice) whether to add it to the graph. Proposer cannot propose an edge which would create a triangle in the graph. The game ends when Proposer has no legal moves remaining, and Proposer wins if the final graph has independence number at least $s$. We prove a threshold phenomenon exists for this game by exhibiting randomized strategies for both players that are optimal up to constants. Namely, there exist constants $0B\sqrt{n}\log{n}$. This is a factor of $\Theta(\sqrt{\log{n}})$ larger than the lower bound coming from the off-diagonal Ramsey number $r(3,s)$.


10982418 and 10429832
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Random Structures & Algorithms
Accession number :