259 results on '"Rakhman, A."'
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2. Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak dan Fraksi N-Hexan Daun Benalu (Dendrophthoe Pentandra (L.) Miq.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Bacillus subtilis dan Enterobacter aerogenes: Antibacterial Activity of Extract And N-Hexan Fraction of Benalu Leaves (Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq.) Against the Growth of Bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Enterobacter aerogenes
- Author
Hepriana, Yemima, Nastiti, Kunti, Kurniawati, Darini, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Hepriana, Yemima, Nastiti, Kunti, Kurniawati, Darini, and Hakim, Ali Rakhman
- Abstract
Tanaman Benalu (Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq.) merupakan salah satu kelompok tanaman yang dapat tumbuh liar, melekat menjadi parasit pada tanaman lain. Tanaman ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai antioksidan, antiinflamasi dan antibakteri. Mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak dan fraksi n-Hexan daun Benalu (Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq.) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Bacillus subtilis dan Enterobacter aerogenes. Metode yang digunakan adalah True Experimental yang membagi ekstrak dan fraksi n-Hexan menjadi beberapa kelompok perlakuan yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak dan fraksi 25%, 50%, dan 100%, serta kontrol negatif dan kontrol positif. Pengujian potensi antibakteri menggunakan metode difusi cakram dengan mengukur diameter zona hambat yang terbentuk.Hasil uji aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Bacillus subtilis dengan konsentrasi ekstrak 50; 100% diameter zona hambat sebesar 16,72; 22,28 mm. Sedangkan, dengan konsentrasi fraksi 50; 100% diameter zona hambat sebesar 9,90; 19,00 mm. Hasil uji aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Enterobacter aerogenes dengan konsentrasi ekstrak 25; 50; 100% diameter zona hambat sebesar 14,49; 17,43; 22,52 mm. Sedangkan, dengan konsentrasi fraksi 25; 50; 100% diameter zona hambat sebesar 2,19; 17,46; 18,18 mm. Pada penelitian ini ekstrak mempunyai zona hambat yang lebih besar terhadap bakteri Bacillus subtilis dan Enterobacter aerogenes daripada fraksi n-Hexan pada seluruh konsentrasi yang diujikan.
- Published
- 2024
3. Personal and organizational factors supporting Green HRM performance in the tourism industry
- Author
Komesty Sinaga, Endang, Suryadi, Edi, Lastaripar Goeltom, Andar Danova, Ucu Rakhman, Cecep, Susanto, Eko, Komesty Sinaga, Endang, Suryadi, Edi, Lastaripar Goeltom, Andar Danova, Ucu Rakhman, Cecep, and Susanto, Eko
- Abstract
This study examines the relationship between employees' green environmental behavior and environmentally friendly organizational performance. Using the SEM-PLS analysis method, this study involved 307 respondents of tourism actors by testing survey data in the form of structural models involving personal and organizational factors related to employees' green environmental behavior. The findings show a positive and significant influence of employees' green environmental behavior on the performance of environmentally friendly organizations. In addition, factors such as environmental literacy, environmental empowerment, and environmental leadership also have a significant influence on employees' green environmental behavior. However, it was found that factors such as employee religiosity, green environment self-efficacy, and green environment training did not significantly influence them. The study provides new insights into factors influencing employees' green environmental behavior and provides a solid foundation for developing workplace strategies and policies that support green environmental behavior.
- Published
- 2024
4. Pengaruh Aplikasi Jamur Tanah dan Kasgot terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kacang Edamame (Glycine max L. Merrill) pada Media Tercemar Timbal (Pb)
- Author
RAKHMAN, Hilmy Ihza and RAKHMAN, Hilmy Ihza
- Abstract
Kacang edamame (Glycine max L. Merrill) atau kedelai berbiji besar adalah tanaman legum introduksi dari Jepang yang dipanen muda. Edamame diminati oleh masyarakat, karena menjadi penyedia bahan pangan yang bergizi dan kaya protein nabati, sehingga kebutuhan di masyarakat cukup tinggi. Hingga saat ini, produksi edamame di Indonesia belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri, seperti pada pemenuhan kebutuhan negara Jepang, Indonesia hanya mampu memenuhi 6-7% saja. Berbagai faktor menjadi kendala dalam budidaya kacang edamame, salah satunya adalah lahan yang terdegradasi karena penggunaan pupuk dan pestisida tidak tepat sasaran. Akibatnya terjadi akumulasi logam berat dan pencemaran lahan pertanian, seperti di lahan sekitar TPA Gunung Tugel, Banyumas yang sudah terkontaminasi Pb melebihi ambang batasnya. Dampak nya adalah kualitasnya yang menurun dan pada tanaman berkurangnya kadar klorofil daun sehingga fotosintesis menjadi terganggu, terjadinya gejala nekrosis, dan pertumbuhan terhambat. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan bioremediasi. Bioremediasi merupakan proses terurainya limbah organik atau anorganik yang berasal dari senyawa berbahaya menjadi tidak berbahaya menggunakan organisme, seperti jamur tanah dan pupuk kasgot. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis jamur tanah dan dosis kasgot terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang edamame pada media yang tercemar logam timbal (Pb). Penelitian telah dilaksanakan di Screen House lahan kebun percobaan, Laboratorium Agronomi dan Hortikultura, serta Laboratorium Perlindungan Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman dari bulan April hingga Agustus 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan dua faktor perlakuan dan diulang tiga kali. Faktor pertama jenis jamur tanah (J), yaitu J1 (Tanpa jamur), J2 (Aspergillus niger) dan J3 (Penicillium citrinum), sedangkan faktor kedua dosis kasgot (K), yaitu K1 (Tanpa kasgot), K2 (5 ton/ha), K3 (10 ton/h
- Published
- 2024
5. Investigating the Pedagogic Competence of Pre-Service High School Teachers in Terms of Learning Planning Abilities
- Author
Rakhman, Fathor, Rosmiati, Satriawan, Muhammad, Rakhman, Fathor, Rosmiati, and Satriawan, Muhammad
- Abstract
One factor that determines teachers' success in teaching is the teacher's ability to plan lessons. Careful and good lesson planning can help create an effective learning environment, maximize students' potential, and increase their learning success. It also assists teachers in teaching in a more structured and directed manner, positively impacting student learning outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of pre-service high school teachers to plan lessons based on the Merdeka Curriculum. This research is a descriptive study with 37 pre-service high school teachers as subjects. Data were collected using angles, portfolios, and interview sheets which were then analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the pedagogic competence of pre-service high school teachers in terms of the ability to plan lessons according to the Merdeka Curriculum was 23% at a low level, 47% at a medium level, and 30% at a high level. Therefore, pre-service high school teacher's ability to plan to learn needs to be improved, especially in learning design scenarios and assessments. The results of this research contribute as input to related parties, in this case, the Institute of teacher education and Training Institutes, in developing teacher education and training programs that are relevant and adaptive to current educational developments.
- Published
- 2024
6. Investigating the Pedagogic Competence of Pre-Service High School Teachers in Terms of Learning Planning Abilities
- Author
Rakhman, Fathor, Rosmiati, Satriawan, Muhammad, Rakhman, Fathor, Rosmiati, and Satriawan, Muhammad
- Abstract
One factor that determines teachers' success in teaching is the teacher's ability to plan lessons. Careful and good lesson planning can help create an effective learning environment, maximize students' potential, and increase their learning success. It also assists teachers in teaching in a more structured and directed manner, positively impacting student learning outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of pre-service high school teachers to plan lessons based on the Merdeka Curriculum. This research is a descriptive study with 37 pre-service high school teachers as subjects. Data were collected using angles, portfolios, and interview sheets which were then analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the pedagogic competence of pre-service high school teachers in terms of the ability to plan lessons according to the Merdeka Curriculum was 23% at a low level, 47% at a medium level, and 30% at a high level. Therefore, pre-service high school teacher's ability to plan to learn needs to be improved, especially in learning design scenarios and assessments. The results of this research contribute as input to related parties, in this case, the Institute of teacher education and Training Institutes, in developing teacher education and training programs that are relevant and adaptive to current educational developments.
- Published
- 2024
7. Pengaruh Aplikasi Jamur Tanah dan Kasgot terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kacang Edamame (Glycine max L. Merrill) pada Media Tercemar Timbal (Pb)
- Author
RAKHMAN, Hilmy Ihza and RAKHMAN, Hilmy Ihza
- Abstract
Kacang edamame (Glycine max L. Merrill) atau kedelai berbiji besar adalah tanaman legum introduksi dari Jepang yang dipanen muda. Edamame diminati oleh masyarakat, karena menjadi penyedia bahan pangan yang bergizi dan kaya protein nabati, sehingga kebutuhan di masyarakat cukup tinggi. Hingga saat ini, produksi edamame di Indonesia belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri, seperti pada pemenuhan kebutuhan negara Jepang, Indonesia hanya mampu memenuhi 6-7% saja. Berbagai faktor menjadi kendala dalam budidaya kacang edamame, salah satunya adalah lahan yang terdegradasi karena penggunaan pupuk dan pestisida tidak tepat sasaran. Akibatnya terjadi akumulasi logam berat dan pencemaran lahan pertanian, seperti di lahan sekitar TPA Gunung Tugel, Banyumas yang sudah terkontaminasi Pb melebihi ambang batasnya. Dampak nya adalah kualitasnya yang menurun dan pada tanaman berkurangnya kadar klorofil daun sehingga fotosintesis menjadi terganggu, terjadinya gejala nekrosis, dan pertumbuhan terhambat. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan bioremediasi. Bioremediasi merupakan proses terurainya limbah organik atau anorganik yang berasal dari senyawa berbahaya menjadi tidak berbahaya menggunakan organisme, seperti jamur tanah dan pupuk kasgot. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis jamur tanah dan dosis kasgot terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang edamame pada media yang tercemar logam timbal (Pb). Penelitian telah dilaksanakan di Screen House lahan kebun percobaan, Laboratorium Agronomi dan Hortikultura, serta Laboratorium Perlindungan Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman dari bulan April hingga Agustus 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan dua faktor perlakuan dan diulang tiga kali. Faktor pertama jenis jamur tanah (J), yaitu J1 (Tanpa jamur), J2 (Aspergillus niger) dan J3 (Penicillium citrinum), sedangkan faktor kedua dosis kasgot (K), yaitu K1 (Tanpa kasgot), K2 (5 ton/ha), K3 (10 ton/h
- Published
- 2024
8. Personal and organizational factors supporting Green HRM performance in the tourism industry
- Author
Komesty Sinaga, Endang, Suryadi, Edi, Lastaripar Goeltom, Andar Danova, Ucu Rakhman, Cecep, Susanto, Eko, Komesty Sinaga, Endang, Suryadi, Edi, Lastaripar Goeltom, Andar Danova, Ucu Rakhman, Cecep, and Susanto, Eko
- Abstract
This study examines the relationship between employees' green environmental behavior and environmentally friendly organizational performance. Using the SEM-PLS analysis method, this study involved 307 respondents of tourism actors by testing survey data in the form of structural models involving personal and organizational factors related to employees' green environmental behavior. The findings show a positive and significant influence of employees' green environmental behavior on the performance of environmentally friendly organizations. In addition, factors such as environmental literacy, environmental empowerment, and environmental leadership also have a significant influence on employees' green environmental behavior. However, it was found that factors such as employee religiosity, green environment self-efficacy, and green environment training did not significantly influence them. The study provides new insights into factors influencing employees' green environmental behavior and provides a solid foundation for developing workplace strategies and policies that support green environmental behavior.
- Published
- 2024
9. Study in Indonesia Pilot Academy, Why not? : A Website Representation of Critical Discourse Analysis
- Author
Hadi, Hastowo, Putra, Rangga Handika, Marantika, Adolf Andrea, Rakhman, M. Arief, Hadi, Hastowo, Putra, Rangga Handika, Marantika, Adolf Andrea, and Rakhman, M. Arief
- Abstract
Indonesia Pilot Academy utilizes language as an impactful tool to affect people’s perceptions. An electronic website is becoming increasingly vital for academy and candidate cadets by employing language as information and representation. The portrayal of Indonesia Pilot Academy represents the use of linguistic representation on the website and the contribution of this to understanding the overlapping factors that reinforce academic practices within the Indonesia flight-social structure. There are unanswered questions related to the study comparing and analyzing the diverse discourses used to represent Indonesia flight academy on its website regarding social constructs (e.g., gender and race). Then, the study aims to determine website language represented as academic quality, product, and social construct. The data was taken from the website of the academy. To that end, critical discourse analysis (CDA) is utilized to describe, analyze, and interpret the textual and visual representations of the Indonesia Pilot Academy website at the local, institutional, and societal levels. What is surprising is that the academy should encourage global political involvement with promotional discourse and visual images. This finding has important implications for fostering international promotional discourse and pictures to emphasize prestige and uniqueness.
- Published
- 2023
10. Study in Indonesia Pilot Academy, Why not? : A Website Representation of Critical Discourse Analysis
- Author
Hadi, Hastowo, Putra, Rangga Handika, Marantika, Adolf Andrea, Rakhman, M. Arief, Hadi, Hastowo, Putra, Rangga Handika, Marantika, Adolf Andrea, and Rakhman, M. Arief
- Abstract
Indonesia Pilot Academy utilizes language as an impactful tool to affect people’s perceptions. An electronic website is becoming increasingly vital for academy and candidate cadets by employing language as information and representation. The portrayal of Indonesia Pilot Academy represents the use of linguistic representation on the website and the contribution of this to understanding the overlapping factors that reinforce academic practices within the Indonesia flight-social structure. There are unanswered questions related to the study comparing and analyzing the diverse discourses used to represent Indonesia flight academy on its website regarding social constructs (e.g., gender and race). Then, the study aims to determine website language represented as academic quality, product, and social construct. The data was taken from the website of the academy. To that end, critical discourse analysis (CDA) is utilized to describe, analyze, and interpret the textual and visual representations of the Indonesia Pilot Academy website at the local, institutional, and societal levels. What is surprising is that the academy should encourage global political involvement with promotional discourse and visual images. This finding has important implications for fostering international promotional discourse and pictures to emphasize prestige and uniqueness.
- Published
- 2023
11. Inhibition of HMG-CoA Reductase Activity by Kersen Leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) to Prevent Hypercholesterolemia: Inhibisi HMG-CoA Reduktase Menggunakan Ekstrak Daun Kersen (Muntingia calabura L) Untuk Mencegah Hiperkolesterolemia
- Author
Tien, Tien, Ardiansyah, Nishar Rakhman, Sabandar, Carla Wulandari, Kardin, Laode, Aritrina, Pranita, Tien, Tien, Ardiansyah, Nishar Rakhman, Sabandar, Carla Wulandari, Kardin, Laode, and Aritrina, Pranita
- Abstract
Background: Hypercholesterolemia is a condition of total cholesterol level >200 mg/dL and LDL >130 mg/dL. HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-ethylglutaryl-coenzyme A) reductase is an enzyme that has a role in cholesterol biosynthesis. Hence, inhibition of this enzyme led to the decrement of cholesterol level. The extract of Kersen leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) is known to contain flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids, tannins, phenolic, and alkaloids. Flavonoids work by inhibiting the HMG-CoA reductase activity, so that mevalonate cannot be formed and thus decrease the cholesterol synthesis. Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the effect of Kersen leaves extract (M. calabura L.) in inhibiting the HMG-CoA reductase activity in vitro. Material and Methods: The study is a true experimental study with a post-test-only control group design. The independent variables were ethanol, methanol, and n-hexane extracts of Kersen leaves. Moreover, the percentage inhibition of the enzyme was the dependent variable. The test was conducted in vitro using UV-Vis spectrophotometry with pravastatin as a positive control. Results: The inhibitory effects of ethanol, methanol, n-hexane extracts of Kersen leaves, and pravastatin towards HMG-CoA reductase activity were 85.56%, 59.75%, 92.03%, and 99.58%, respectively. Post Hoc One-Way ANOVA showed that the p-values of pravastatin with ethanol, methanol, and n-hexane extracts were 0.687, 0.048, and 0.931, respectively. The n-hexane and ethanol extracts were potent for inhibiting the enzyme activity (p>0.05) comparable to pravastatin. Conclusion: The n-hexane and ethanol extracts of Kersen leaves could serve as a natural source of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor to prevent hypercholesterolemia.
- Published
- 2023
12. Inhibition of HMG-CoA Reductase Activity by Kersen Leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) to Prevent Hypercholesterolemia: Inhibisi HMG-CoA Reduktase Menggunakan Ekstrak Daun Kersen (Muntingia calabura L) Untuk Mencegah Hiperkolesterolemia
- Author
Tien, Tien, Ardiansyah, Nishar Rakhman, Sabandar, Carla Wulandari, Kardin, Laode, Aritrina, Pranita, Tien, Tien, Ardiansyah, Nishar Rakhman, Sabandar, Carla Wulandari, Kardin, Laode, and Aritrina, Pranita
- Abstract
Background: Hypercholesterolemia is a condition of total cholesterol level >200 mg/dL and LDL >130 mg/dL. HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-ethylglutaryl-coenzyme A) reductase is an enzyme that has a role in cholesterol biosynthesis. Hence, inhibition of this enzyme led to the decrement of cholesterol level. The extract of Kersen leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) is known to contain flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids, tannins, phenolic, and alkaloids. Flavonoids work by inhibiting the HMG-CoA reductase activity, so that mevalonate cannot be formed and thus decrease the cholesterol synthesis. Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the effect of Kersen leaves extract (M. calabura L.) in inhibiting the HMG-CoA reductase activity in vitro. Material and Methods: The study is a true experimental study with a post-test-only control group design. The independent variables were ethanol, methanol, and n-hexane extracts of Kersen leaves. Moreover, the percentage inhibition of the enzyme was the dependent variable. The test was conducted in vitro using UV-Vis spectrophotometry with pravastatin as a positive control. Results: The inhibitory effects of ethanol, methanol, n-hexane extracts of Kersen leaves, and pravastatin towards HMG-CoA reductase activity were 85.56%, 59.75%, 92.03%, and 99.58%, respectively. Post Hoc One-Way ANOVA showed that the p-values of pravastatin with ethanol, methanol, and n-hexane extracts were 0.687, 0.048, and 0.931, respectively. The n-hexane and ethanol extracts were potent for inhibiting the enzyme activity (p>0.05) comparable to pravastatin. Conclusion: The n-hexane and ethanol extracts of Kersen leaves could serve as a natural source of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor to prevent hypercholesterolemia.
- Published
- 2023
13. Analisis Toksisitas Akut Kombinasi Captopril dengan Rebusan Daun Sirsak pada Tikus Galur Wistar
- Author
Saputri, Rina, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, and Hakim, Ali Rakhman
- Abstract
Hypertension is a degenerative disease that requires lifelong therapy. Along with the development of time, nowadays people are more interested in consuming traditional medicine, especially by using plants. In addition to consuming soursop leaf decoction, people also continue to use conventional medicine to help control hypertension. The combination of conventional medicine and traditional medicine can cause unwanted reactions if not used in the right dosage, one of which is the risk of acute toxicity. Until now there is no published data showing the acute toxicity analysis of the combination of captopril with soursop leaf decoction. The purpose of the study was to determine the maximum dose of the combination of captopril and soursop leaf decoction that could be used. The method used in this study is an advanced experimental study with a random block design using 30 test animals divided into 10 groups. The results of the acute toxicity test conducted did not show any death of the test animals within 24 hours and up to 7 days of observation in all experimental groups. The results of the physical observation test for 7 days showed that all rats were in normal condition in all experimental groups. The conclusion of this study is that the combination of captopril up to a dose of 150 mg/day (dose in humans before conversion to test animals) + soursop leaf decoction with an effective dose of 300 ml (dose in humans before conversion to test animals) did not show any death and symptoms toxicity in test animals.
- Published
- 2022
14. Aktivitas Antioksidan Kulit Buah Cempedak (Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr.) asal Kalimantan Selatan
- Author
Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Savitri, Amanda Shelvia, Ujuldah, Anisa, Sadlia, Fitri, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Savitri, Amanda Shelvia, Ujuldah, Anisa, and Sadlia, Fitri
- Abstract
The increasing incidence of diseases related to oxidative stress among the human population has led to an increase in the consumption of natural antioxidants in the human diet. The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of cempedak fruit skin extract with 50% ethanol and 70% ethanol as solvents. The method used was testing of radical inhibitory activity with the DPPH method (1,1-diphenyl-picrylhydrazil) and as a positive control was vitamin C. The results of phytochemical screening were known to contain phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins. The results of the antioxidant activity of E50% obtained IC50 values of 650.07 ppm and IC50 of E70 of 1219.69 ppm. From these results, it can be concluded that the skin of the cempedak fruit does not have antioxidant activity.
- Published
- 2022
15. Aktivitas Antioksidan Kulit Buah Cempedak (Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr.) asal Kalimantan Selatan
- Author
Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Savitri, Amanda Shelvia, Ujuldah, Anisa, Sadlia, Fitri, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Savitri, Amanda Shelvia, Ujuldah, Anisa, and Sadlia, Fitri
- Abstract
The increasing incidence of diseases related to oxidative stress among the human population has led to an increase in the consumption of natural antioxidants in the human diet. The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of cempedak fruit skin extract with 50% ethanol and 70% ethanol as solvents. The method used was testing of radical inhibitory activity with the DPPH method (1,1-diphenyl-picrylhydrazil) and as a positive control was vitamin C. The results of phytochemical screening were known to contain phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins. The results of the antioxidant activity of E50% obtained IC50 values of 650.07 ppm and IC50 of E70 of 1219.69 ppm. From these results, it can be concluded that the skin of the cempedak fruit does not have antioxidant activity.
- Published
- 2022
16. Analisis Toksisitas Akut Kombinasi Captopril dengan Rebusan Daun Sirsak pada Tikus Galur Wistar
- Author
Saputri, Rina, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, and Hakim, Ali Rakhman
- Abstract
Hypertension is a degenerative disease that requires lifelong therapy. Along with the development of time, nowadays people are more interested in consuming traditional medicine, especially by using plants. In addition to consuming soursop leaf decoction, people also continue to use conventional medicine to help control hypertension. The combination of conventional medicine and traditional medicine can cause unwanted reactions if not used in the right dosage, one of which is the risk of acute toxicity. Until now there is no published data showing the acute toxicity analysis of the combination of captopril with soursop leaf decoction. The purpose of the study was to determine the maximum dose of the combination of captopril and soursop leaf decoction that could be used. The method used in this study is an advanced experimental study with a random block design using 30 test animals divided into 10 groups. The results of the acute toxicity test conducted did not show any death of the test animals within 24 hours and up to 7 days of observation in all experimental groups. The results of the physical observation test for 7 days showed that all rats were in normal condition in all experimental groups. The conclusion of this study is that the combination of captopril up to a dose of 150 mg/day (dose in humans before conversion to test animals) + soursop leaf decoction with an effective dose of 300 ml (dose in humans before conversion to test animals) did not show any death and symptoms toxicity in test animals.
- Published
- 2022
17. Probing for high-momentum protons in He 4 via the He 4 (e,e′p)X reactions
- Author
Iqbal, S, Iqbal, S, Benmokhtar, F, Ivanov, M, See, N, Aniol, K, Higinbotham, DW, Boyd, C, Gadsby, A, Goodwill, JS, Finton, D, Boyer, A, Gilad, S, Saha, A, Udias, JM, Ye, Z, Solvignon, P, Aguilera, P, Ahmed, Z, Albataineh, H, Allada, K, Anderson, B, Anez, D, Annand, J, Arrington, J, Averett, T, Baghdasaryan, H, Bai, X, Beck, A, Beck, S, Bellini, V, Camsonne, A, Chen, C, Chen, JP, Chirapatpimol, K, Cisbani, E, Dalton, MM, Daniel, A, Day, D, Deconinck, W, Defurne, M, Flay, D, Fomin, N, Friend, M, Frullani, S, Fuchey, E, Garibaldi, F, Gaskell, D, Gilman, R, Glamazdin, S, Gu, C, Guèye, P, Hanretty, C, Hansen, JO, Shabestari, MH, Huang, M, Jin, G, Kalantarians, N, Kang, H, Kelleher, A, Korover, I, Lerose, J, Leckey, J, Lindgren, R, Long, E, Mammei, J, Margaziotis, DJ, Markowitz, P, Meekins, D, Meziani, Z, Michaels, R, Mihovilovic, M, Muangma, N, Camacho, CM, Norum, B, Nuruzzaman, Pan, K, Phillips, S, Piasetzky, E, Pomerantz, I, Posik, M, Punjabi, V, Qian, X, Qiang, Y, Qiu, X, Reimer, PE, Rakhman, A, Riordan, S, Ron, G, Rondon-Aramayo, O, Selvy, L, Shahinyan, A, Shneor, R, Sirca, S, Slifer, K, Sparveris, N, Subedi, R, Sulkosky, V, Wang, D, Watson, JW, Weinstein, LB, Iqbal, S, Iqbal, S, Benmokhtar, F, Ivanov, M, See, N, Aniol, K, Higinbotham, DW, Boyd, C, Gadsby, A, Goodwill, JS, Finton, D, Boyer, A, Gilad, S, Saha, A, Udias, JM, Ye, Z, Solvignon, P, Aguilera, P, Ahmed, Z, Albataineh, H, Allada, K, Anderson, B, Anez, D, Annand, J, Arrington, J, Averett, T, Baghdasaryan, H, Bai, X, Beck, A, Beck, S, Bellini, V, Camsonne, A, Chen, C, Chen, JP, Chirapatpimol, K, Cisbani, E, Dalton, MM, Daniel, A, Day, D, Deconinck, W, Defurne, M, Flay, D, Fomin, N, Friend, M, Frullani, S, Fuchey, E, Garibaldi, F, Gaskell, D, Gilman, R, Glamazdin, S, Gu, C, Guèye, P, Hanretty, C, Hansen, JO, Shabestari, MH, Huang, M, Jin, G, Kalantarians, N, Kang, H, Kelleher, A, Korover, I, Lerose, J, Leckey, J, Lindgren, R, Long, E, Mammei, J, Margaziotis, DJ, Markowitz, P, Meekins, D, Meziani, Z, Michaels, R, Mihovilovic, M, Muangma, N, Camacho, CM, Norum, B, Nuruzzaman, Pan, K, Phillips, S, Piasetzky, E, Pomerantz, I, Posik, M, Punjabi, V, Qian, X, Qiang, Y, Qiu, X, Reimer, PE, Rakhman, A, Riordan, S, Ron, G, Rondon-Aramayo, O, Selvy, L, Shahinyan, A, Shneor, R, Sirca, S, Slifer, K, Sparveris, N, Subedi, R, Sulkosky, V, Wang, D, Watson, JW, and Weinstein, LB
- Abstract
Experimental cross sections for the He4(e,e′p)X reactions in the missing energy range from 0.017 to 0.022 GeV and up to a missing momentum of 0.632 GeV/c at xB=1.24 and Q2=2 (GeV/c)2 are reported. The data are compared to relativistic distorted-wave impulse approximation calculations for the He4(e,e′p)H3 channel. Significantly more events are observed for pm≥0.45 GeV/c than are predicted by the theoretical model, and striking fluctuations in the ratio of data to the theoretical model around pm=0.3GeV/c are possible signals of initial-state multinucleon correlations.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Prasetya, Teguh Budi, Rakhman, Arif Kurniar, Widyastuti, Niken, Prasetya, Teguh Budi, Rakhman, Arif Kurniar, and Widyastuti, Niken
- Abstract
Bagi sektor pertanian, irigasi adalah infrastruktur penunjang yang amat penting, sebab ketersediaan air pertanian amat menentukan produktivitas hasil panen. Namun membebankan pengelolaan irigasi pertnian kepada pemerintah jelas tidak mungkin, sebab dibandingkan dengan tntngan yang dihadapi tentu kemampuan pemerintah amatlah tidak memadai. Oleh karena itu, melalui Undang Undang no 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Sumberdaya Air pemerintah berusaha membagi peran dengan partisipasi masyarakat. Perkumpulan Petani Pemakai Air (P3A) adalah wadah yang disediakan bagi petani untuk ikut berperan aktif dalam pengelolaan rigasi, khususnya irigasi tersier. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya, P3A sendiri masih banyak menemui masalah, baik yang menyangkut aspek i manajemen, organisasi, sustainabilitas maupun kemampuan teknis pengelolaan irigasinya. Ini berakibat masih rendahnya kinerja P3A. Oleh karena itu penguatan kelembagaan P3A harus terus dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan strategi penguatan kelembagaan P3A yang baik untuk mendukung optimalisasi peran P3A dalam pengelolaan irigasi pertanian Kata Kunci: kelembagaan, strategi, irigasi
- Published
- 2022
19. Effectiveness of Variations of Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) on Self Care Behavior in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Tengku Chik Ditiro Hospital
- Author
Kartika, Kartika, Ismuntania, Ismuntania, Karmila, Karmila, Rakhman, Fakhryan, Kartika, Kartika, Ismuntania, Ismuntania, Karmila, Karmila, and Rakhman, Fakhryan
- Abstract
Background: Type 2 diabetes is one that is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. such as too much sugar consumption and lack of activity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of variations in Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) on self-care behavior in Type 2 DM patients at Tengku Chik Ditiro Hospital.Subjects and Method: The type of research conducted in this study was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest with controls. This research was conducted at Tengku Chik Ditiro Hospital, Aceh from February to August 2021. The study consisted of 3 groups, namely the control group, the group given DSME intervention, and the DSME variation group. The research was carried out in the sample in this study as many as 45 people with the provisions in each group 1:1:1 where each group there were 15 people. This study measures self care behavior before and after being given DSME. Data analysis was carried out using another paired-test and annova test.Results: After the intervention, the mean value of self-care behavior in the control group (Mean= 46.26; SD= 5.0), was higher than before (Mean= 43.33; SD= 8.24) but not statistically significant (p= 0.959), in the group. DSME (Mean= 66.67; SD= 5.77) was higher than before (Mean= 43.06; SD= 7.05), and statistically significant (p< 0.001), and in the variation group DSME (Mean= 68.46; SD= 6.92) was higher compared before (Mean= 44.7; SD= 8.72), and statistically significant (p< 0.001).Conclusion: DSME activities can help increase the ability of diabetic patients to carry out self-care behavior independently.Keywords: diabetes self management education, ankle brachial index, patientCorrespondence:Kartika. School of Health Science College Medika Nurul Islam. Jl. Cot Teungoh, Pidie, Aceh 24112, Indonesia. Email: dr.kartika85@gmail.com. Mobile: 082370882709.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2022), 07(01): 77-85DOI: https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2021.07.01.08
- Published
- 2022
20. Probing for high-momentum protons in He 4 via the He 4 (e,e′p)X reactions
- Author
Iqbal, S, Iqbal, S, Benmokhtar, F, Ivanov, M, See, N, Aniol, K, Higinbotham, DW, Boyd, C, Gadsby, A, Goodwill, JS, Finton, D, Boyer, A, Gilad, S, Saha, A, Udias, JM, Ye, Z, Solvignon, P, Aguilera, P, Ahmed, Z, Albataineh, H, Allada, K, Anderson, B, Anez, D, Annand, J, Arrington, J, Averett, T, Baghdasaryan, H, Bai, X, Beck, A, Beck, S, Bellini, V, Camsonne, A, Chen, C, Chen, JP, Chirapatpimol, K, Cisbani, E, Dalton, MM, Daniel, A, Day, D, Deconinck, W, Defurne, M, Flay, D, Fomin, N, Friend, M, Frullani, S, Fuchey, E, Garibaldi, F, Gaskell, D, Gilman, R, Glamazdin, S, Gu, C, Guèye, P, Hanretty, C, Hansen, JO, Shabestari, MH, Huang, M, Jin, G, Kalantarians, N, Kang, H, Kelleher, A, Korover, I, Lerose, J, Leckey, J, Lindgren, R, Long, E, Mammei, J, Margaziotis, DJ, Markowitz, P, Meekins, D, Meziani, Z, Michaels, R, Mihovilovic, M, Muangma, N, Camacho, CM, Norum, B, Nuruzzaman, Pan, K, Phillips, S, Piasetzky, E, Pomerantz, I, Posik, M, Punjabi, V, Qian, X, Qiang, Y, Qiu, X, Reimer, PE, Rakhman, A, Riordan, S, Ron, G, Rondon-Aramayo, O, Selvy, L, Shahinyan, A, Shneor, R, Sirca, S, Slifer, K, Sparveris, N, Subedi, R, Sulkosky, V, Wang, D, Watson, JW, Weinstein, LB, Iqbal, S, Iqbal, S, Benmokhtar, F, Ivanov, M, See, N, Aniol, K, Higinbotham, DW, Boyd, C, Gadsby, A, Goodwill, JS, Finton, D, Boyer, A, Gilad, S, Saha, A, Udias, JM, Ye, Z, Solvignon, P, Aguilera, P, Ahmed, Z, Albataineh, H, Allada, K, Anderson, B, Anez, D, Annand, J, Arrington, J, Averett, T, Baghdasaryan, H, Bai, X, Beck, A, Beck, S, Bellini, V, Camsonne, A, Chen, C, Chen, JP, Chirapatpimol, K, Cisbani, E, Dalton, MM, Daniel, A, Day, D, Deconinck, W, Defurne, M, Flay, D, Fomin, N, Friend, M, Frullani, S, Fuchey, E, Garibaldi, F, Gaskell, D, Gilman, R, Glamazdin, S, Gu, C, Guèye, P, Hanretty, C, Hansen, JO, Shabestari, MH, Huang, M, Jin, G, Kalantarians, N, Kang, H, Kelleher, A, Korover, I, Lerose, J, Leckey, J, Lindgren, R, Long, E, Mammei, J, Margaziotis, DJ, Markowitz, P, Meekins, D, Meziani, Z, Michaels, R, Mihovilovic, M, Muangma, N, Camacho, CM, Norum, B, Nuruzzaman, Pan, K, Phillips, S, Piasetzky, E, Pomerantz, I, Posik, M, Punjabi, V, Qian, X, Qiang, Y, Qiu, X, Reimer, PE, Rakhman, A, Riordan, S, Ron, G, Rondon-Aramayo, O, Selvy, L, Shahinyan, A, Shneor, R, Sirca, S, Slifer, K, Sparveris, N, Subedi, R, Sulkosky, V, Wang, D, Watson, JW, and Weinstein, LB
- Abstract
Experimental cross sections for the He4(e,e′p)X reactions in the missing energy range from 0.017 to 0.022 GeV and up to a missing momentum of 0.632 GeV/c at xB=1.24 and Q2=2 (GeV/c)2 are reported. The data are compared to relativistic distorted-wave impulse approximation calculations for the He4(e,e′p)H3 channel. Significantly more events are observed for pm≥0.45 GeV/c than are predicted by the theoretical model, and striking fluctuations in the ratio of data to the theoretical model around pm=0.3GeV/c are possible signals of initial-state multinucleon correlations.
- Published
- 2022
21. Analisis performa perpindahan panas nanofluida berbasis double-wall carbon nanotube (DWCNT) pada shell and tube heat exchanger dengan segmental baffle / Dhani Rakhman Firdaus</p>
- Author
Firdaus, Dhani Rakhman, 1. Rr. Poppy Puspitasari ; 2. Avita Ayu Permanasari, Firdaus, Dhani Rakhman, and 1. Rr. Poppy Puspitasari ; 2. Avita Ayu Permanasari
- Abstract
RINGKASAN nbsp Dhani Rakhman Firdaus. 2021. Analisis Performa Perpindahan Panas Nanofluida Berbasis Double-wall Carbon nanotube (DWCNT) Pada Shell And TubeHeat Exchanger Dengan Segmental Baffle. Skripsi. Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Rr. Poppy Puspitasari S.Pd. M.T. Ph. D (II) Avita Ayu Permanasari S.T. M.T. Kata Kunci Sifat Termofisik DWCNT Heat Exchanger Perpindahan Panas. Proses eksperimental dilakukan pada makalah ini untuk mengetahui nilai koefiien perpindahan panas konveksi koefisien perpindahan panas menyeluruh dan laju perpindahan panas nanofluida berbasis nanopartikel DWCNT (double-wall carbon nanotube) yang diaplikasikan pada alat shell and tube heat exchanger. Kelebihan penggunaan nanopartikel DWCNT adalah nilai konduktivitas termal yang tinggi. Fraksi volume nanopartikel sebesar 0.1% 0.3% dan 0.5% dengan penambahan surfaktan PVP. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengetahui performa perpindahan panas yang diaplikasikan pada tipe alat shell and tube heat exchanger dengan variasi no-baffle baffle tegak dan baffle sudut 35 . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan performa perpindahan panas dengan memanfaatkan nanofluida berbasis nanopartikel DWCNT. Hasilnya menunjukkan peningkatan nilai koefisien perpindahan panas konveksi dan koefisien perpindahan panas menyeluruh ketika menggunakan nanofluida DWCNT daripada menggunakan fluida dasar. Peningkatan fraksi volume nanopartikel DWCNT juga diiringi dengan peningkatan kinerja perpindahan panas yang dihasilkan. Konduktivitas termal tertinggi dihasilkan dengan penambahan fraksi volume nanopartikel DWCNT 0 5% yaitu sebesar 0 640 W/m.K. Laju perpindahan panas tertinggi dihasilkan dengan penambahan fraksi volume 0 5% PVP 0 02% dengan nilai sebesar 70 191 W.
- Published
- 2022
22. Analisis performa perpindahan panas nanofluida berbasis double-wall carbon nanotube (DWCNT) pada shell and tube heat exchanger dengan segmental baffle / Dhani Rakhman Firdaus
- Author
Firdaus, Dhani Rakhman and Firdaus, Dhani Rakhman
- Abstract
RINGKASAN Dhani Rakhman Firdaus. 2021. Analisis Performa Perpindahan Panas Nanofluida Berbasis Double-wall Carbon nanotube (DWCNT) Pada Shell And TubeHeat Exchanger Dengan Segmental Baffle. Skripsi. Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Rr. Poppy Puspitasari S.Pd. M.T. Ph. D (II) Avita Ayu Permanasari S.T. M.T. Kata Kunci Sifat Termofisik DWCNT Heat Exchanger Perpindahan Panas. Proses eksperimental dilakukan pada makalah ini untuk mengetahui nilai koefiien perpindahan panas konveksi koefisien perpindahan panas menyeluruh dan laju perpindahan panas nanofluida berbasis nanopartikel DWCNT (double-wall carbon nanotube) yang diaplikasikan pada alat shell and tube heat exchanger. Kelebihan penggunaan nanopartikel DWCNT adalah nilai konduktivitas termal yang tinggi. Fraksi volume nanopartikel sebesar 0.1% 0.3% dan 0.5% dengan penambahan surfaktan PVP. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengetahui performa perpindahan panas yang diaplikasikan pada tipe alat shell and tube heat exchanger dengan variasi no-baffle baffle tegak dan baffle sudut 35 . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan performa perpindahan panas dengan memanfaatkan nanofluida berbasis nanopartikel DWCNT. Hasilnya menunjukkan peningkatan nilai koefisien perpindahan panas konveksi dan koefisien perpindahan panas menyeluruh ketika menggunakan nanofluida DWCNT daripada menggunakan fluida dasar. Peningkatan fraksi volume nanopartikel DWCNT juga diiringi dengan peningkatan kinerja perpindahan panas yang dihasilkan. Konduktivitas termal tertinggi dihasilkan dengan penambahan fraksi volume nanopartikel DWCNT 0 5% yaitu sebesar 0 640 W/m.K. Laju perpindahan panas tertinggi dihasilkan dengan penambahan fraksi volume 0 5% PVP 0 02% dengan nilai sebesar 70 191 W.
- Published
- 2022
23. Lubricant Products Distribution Route Determination Using Tabu Search Algorithm
- Author
Farizal F., Arie Rakhman Hakim, Erliza, Ayu, Irene Desella Setiawan, Farizal F., Arie Rakhman Hakim, Erliza, Ayu, and Irene Desella Setiawan
- Abstract
Determination of effective and efficient routes and delivery scheduling plays an important role in optimizing the logistic cost of a company. This paper addresses the vehicle routing problem with time window for a proposed distribution system that aims to deliver lubricant products with minimum total distance and minimum number of vehicles. Tabu search algorithm is used to solve the problem. As the result, total travel distance for lubricants delivered in box, drum, and pail is 539.90 km, 543.60 km and 453.30 km, respectively. The minimum number of vehicles needed is 10 trucks. The results reduce 38.70% of the current logistic cost.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Prasetya, Teguh Budi, Rakhman, Arif Kurniar, Widyastuti, Niken, Prasetya, Teguh Budi, Rakhman, Arif Kurniar, and Widyastuti, Niken
- Abstract
Bagi sektor pertanian, irigasi adalah infrastruktur penunjang yang amat penting, sebab ketersediaan air pertanian amat menentukan produktivitas hasil panen. Namun membebankan pengelolaan irigasi pertnian kepada pemerintah jelas tidak mungkin, sebab dibandingkan dengan tntngan yang dihadapi tentu kemampuan pemerintah amatlah tidak memadai. Oleh karena itu, melalui Undang Undang no 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Sumberdaya Air pemerintah berusaha membagi peran dengan partisipasi masyarakat. Perkumpulan Petani Pemakai Air (P3A) adalah wadah yang disediakan bagi petani untuk ikut berperan aktif dalam pengelolaan rigasi, khususnya irigasi tersier. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya, P3A sendiri masih banyak menemui masalah, baik yang menyangkut aspek i manajemen, organisasi, sustainabilitas maupun kemampuan teknis pengelolaan irigasinya. Ini berakibat masih rendahnya kinerja P3A. Oleh karena itu penguatan kelembagaan P3A harus terus dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan strategi penguatan kelembagaan P3A yang baik untuk mendukung optimalisasi peran P3A dalam pengelolaan irigasi pertanian Kata Kunci: kelembagaan, strategi, irigasi
- Published
- 2022
25. Analisis performa perpindahan panas nanofluida berbasis double-wall carbon nanotube (DWCNT) pada shell and tube heat exchanger dengan segmental baffle / Dhani Rakhman Firdaus
- Author
Firdaus, Dhani Rakhman and Firdaus, Dhani Rakhman
- Abstract
RINGKASAN Dhani Rakhman Firdaus. 2021. Analisis Performa Perpindahan Panas Nanofluida Berbasis Double-wall Carbon nanotube (DWCNT) Pada Shell And TubeHeat Exchanger Dengan Segmental Baffle. Skripsi. Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Rr. Poppy Puspitasari S.Pd. M.T. Ph. D (II) Avita Ayu Permanasari S.T. M.T. Kata Kunci Sifat Termofisik DWCNT Heat Exchanger Perpindahan Panas. Proses eksperimental dilakukan pada makalah ini untuk mengetahui nilai koefiien perpindahan panas konveksi koefisien perpindahan panas menyeluruh dan laju perpindahan panas nanofluida berbasis nanopartikel DWCNT (double-wall carbon nanotube) yang diaplikasikan pada alat shell and tube heat exchanger. Kelebihan penggunaan nanopartikel DWCNT adalah nilai konduktivitas termal yang tinggi. Fraksi volume nanopartikel sebesar 0.1% 0.3% dan 0.5% dengan penambahan surfaktan PVP. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengetahui performa perpindahan panas yang diaplikasikan pada tipe alat shell and tube heat exchanger dengan variasi no-baffle baffle tegak dan baffle sudut 35 . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan performa perpindahan panas dengan memanfaatkan nanofluida berbasis nanopartikel DWCNT. Hasilnya menunjukkan peningkatan nilai koefisien perpindahan panas konveksi dan koefisien perpindahan panas menyeluruh ketika menggunakan nanofluida DWCNT daripada menggunakan fluida dasar. Peningkatan fraksi volume nanopartikel DWCNT juga diiringi dengan peningkatan kinerja perpindahan panas yang dihasilkan. Konduktivitas termal tertinggi dihasilkan dengan penambahan fraksi volume nanopartikel DWCNT 0 5% yaitu sebesar 0 640 W/m.K. Laju perpindahan panas tertinggi dihasilkan dengan penambahan fraksi volume 0 5% PVP 0 02% dengan nilai sebesar 70 191 W.
- Published
- 2022
26. Karakterisasi dan Formulasi Nanopartikel Ekstrak Tanaman Bundung (Actinoscirpus grossus) dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Basis Kitosan dan Na-TPP Menggunakan Metode Gelasi Ionik: Characterization and Formulation of Nanoparticles Extract of Bundung Plant (Actinoscirpus grossus) with Variations in Concentration of Chitosan and Na-TPP Bases Using the Ionic Gelation Method
- Author
Windy, Yuditha Mutia, Dilla, Khaliza Natasya, Claudia, Jesika, Noval, Noval, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Windy, Yuditha Mutia, Dilla, Khaliza Natasya, Claudia, Jesika, Noval, Noval, and Hakim, Ali Rakhman
- Abstract
Bundung plant extract contains flavonoid secondary metabolite compounds that have the potential to kill Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and inhibit the fungus Candida albicans. Its utilization uses nanoparticle technology because the ability to penetrate cell walls can be penetrated by the size of colloidal particles. Nanoparticles are technologies that have a size of 10-1000 nm. The formation of nanoparticles using chitosan polymer and Na-TPP can produce preparations with good stability. This study aims to determine the characterization and formulation of nanoparticles and the effect of the concentration of chitosan and Na-TPP on the characterization of nanoparticles of plant extracts. This research is an experimental laboratory with a quasi-experimental design method and a one-group posttest-only research design. Bundung plant extracts formulated into nanoparticles with various concentrations of formula 1 (chitosan 0.1% and Na-TPP 0.2%), formula 2 (chitosan 0.15% and Na-TPP 0.15%), and formula 3 (chitosan 0.2% and Na-TPP 0.1%). Then organoleptic and characterization tests were carried out in particle size tests, zeta potential, and data were analyzed by ANOVA. All formulas showed nanoparticle size. The results of the nanoparticle characterization of the extract of the Bundung plant showed that F2 was the formula with the smallest particle size of 328.8 nm, but for the zeta potential value, the stable formula was F3 because it had a zeta potential value close to +/-30mV, i.e., 10.4mV. The statistical results of One Way ANOVA show that the significance value is <0.05, which means that there is an effect of variations in the concentration of chitosan and Na-TPP. Variations in the concentration of chitosan and Na-TPP in each formula can affect the particle size and zeta potential value.
- Published
- 2022
27. Karakterisasi dan Formulasi Nanopartikel Ekstrak Tanaman Bundung (Actinoscirpus grossus) dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Basis Kitosan dan Na-TPP Menggunakan Metode Gelasi Ionik: Characterization and Formulation of Nanoparticles Extract of Bundung Plant (Actinoscirpus grossus) with Variations in Concentration of Chitosan and Na-TPP Bases Using the Ionic Gelation Method
- Author
Windy, Yuditha Mutia, Dilla, Khaliza Natasya, Claudia, Jesika, Noval, Noval, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Windy, Yuditha Mutia, Dilla, Khaliza Natasya, Claudia, Jesika, Noval, Noval, and Hakim, Ali Rakhman
- Abstract
Bundung plant extract contains flavonoid secondary metabolite compounds that have the potential to kill Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and inhibit the fungus Candida albicans. Its utilization uses nanoparticle technology because the ability to penetrate cell walls can be penetrated by the size of colloidal particles. Nanoparticles are technologies that have a size of 10-1000 nm. The formation of nanoparticles using chitosan polymer and Na-TPP can produce preparations with good stability. This study aims to determine the characterization and formulation of nanoparticles and the effect of the concentration of chitosan and Na-TPP on the characterization of nanoparticles of plant extracts. This research is an experimental laboratory with a quasi-experimental design method and a one-group posttest-only research design. Bundung plant extracts formulated into nanoparticles with various concentrations of formula 1 (chitosan 0.1% and Na-TPP 0.2%), formula 2 (chitosan 0.15% and Na-TPP 0.15%), and formula 3 (chitosan 0.2% and Na-TPP 0.1%). Then organoleptic and characterization tests were carried out in particle size tests, zeta potential, and data were analyzed by ANOVA. All formulas showed nanoparticle size. The results of the nanoparticle characterization of the extract of the Bundung plant showed that F2 was the formula with the smallest particle size of 328.8 nm, but for the zeta potential value, the stable formula was F3 because it had a zeta potential value close to +/-30mV, i.e., 10.4mV. The statistical results of One Way ANOVA show that the significance value is <0.05, which means that there is an effect of variations in the concentration of chitosan and Na-TPP. Variations in the concentration of chitosan and Na-TPP in each formula can affect the particle size and zeta potential value.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Prasetya, Teguh Budi, Rakhman, Arif Kurniar, Widyastuti, Niken, Prasetya, Teguh Budi, Rakhman, Arif Kurniar, and Widyastuti, Niken
- Abstract
Bagi sektor pertanian, irigasi adalah infrastruktur penunjang yang amat penting, sebab ketersediaan air pertanian amat menentukan produktivitas hasil panen. Namun membebankan pengelolaan irigasi pertnian kepada pemerintah jelas tidak mungkin, sebab dibandingkan dengan tntngan yang dihadapi tentu kemampuan pemerintah amatlah tidak memadai. Oleh karena itu, melalui Undang Undang no 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Sumberdaya Air pemerintah berusaha membagi peran dengan partisipasi masyarakat. Perkumpulan Petani Pemakai Air (P3A) adalah wadah yang disediakan bagi petani untuk ikut berperan aktif dalam pengelolaan rigasi, khususnya irigasi tersier. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya, P3A sendiri masih banyak menemui masalah, baik yang menyangkut aspek i manajemen, organisasi, sustainabilitas maupun kemampuan teknis pengelolaan irigasinya. Ini berakibat masih rendahnya kinerja P3A. Oleh karena itu penguatan kelembagaan P3A harus terus dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan strategi penguatan kelembagaan P3A yang baik untuk mendukung optimalisasi peran P3A dalam pengelolaan irigasi pertanian Kata Kunci: kelembagaan, strategi, irigasi
- Published
- 2022
29. Analisis Kestabilan Arus Kas UMKM Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19
- Author
NUGRAHA, Rakhman Pria and NUGRAHA, Rakhman Pria
- Abstract
ABSTRAK Coronavirus 2019 (nCoV-2019) pandemic atau yang biasa disebut dengan pandemi covid-19 memiliki dampak yang sangat signifikan di berbagai bidang. Ekonomi merupakan salah satu bidang yang terkena dampak cukup serius akibat pandemi covid-19 ini tidak terkecuali Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah atau UMKM yang merupakan salah satu tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi keuangan UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19, mengetahui kendala apa saja yang dihadapi UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19, dan mengetahui kestabilan arus kas UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pelaku UMKM di Kabupaten Banyumas sebagai narasumber. Kriteria narasumber yang dipilih merupakan UMKM yang memiliki catatan arus kas sebelum, dan selama masa pandemi covid-19 serta dapat survive selama masa pandemi covid-19. Beberapa strategi dan adaptasi dilakukan oleh narasumber baik dari segi keuangan maupun non-keuangan agar bisnisnya dapat bertahan selama masa pandemi covid-19. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara memindahkan bisnisnya dari kios yang disewa ke rumah pribadi untuk meminimalisir pengeluaran serta mengurangi jam produksi sesuai dengan permintaan pasar saja. Kata kunci : Arus kas; UMKM; covid-19.
- Published
- 2022
30. Analisis Kestabilan Arus Kas UMKM Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19
- Author
NUGRAHA, Rakhman Pria and NUGRAHA, Rakhman Pria
- Abstract
ABSTRAK Coronavirus 2019 (nCoV-2019) pandemic atau yang biasa disebut dengan pandemi covid-19 memiliki dampak yang sangat signifikan di berbagai bidang. Ekonomi merupakan salah satu bidang yang terkena dampak cukup serius akibat pandemi covid-19 ini tidak terkecuali Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah atau UMKM yang merupakan salah satu tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi keuangan UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19, mengetahui kendala apa saja yang dihadapi UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19, dan mengetahui kestabilan arus kas UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pelaku UMKM di Kabupaten Banyumas sebagai narasumber. Kriteria narasumber yang dipilih merupakan UMKM yang memiliki catatan arus kas sebelum, dan selama masa pandemi covid-19 serta dapat survive selama masa pandemi covid-19. Beberapa strategi dan adaptasi dilakukan oleh narasumber baik dari segi keuangan maupun non-keuangan agar bisnisnya dapat bertahan selama masa pandemi covid-19. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara memindahkan bisnisnya dari kios yang disewa ke rumah pribadi untuk meminimalisir pengeluaran serta mengurangi jam produksi sesuai dengan permintaan pasar saja. Kata kunci : Arus kas; UMKM; covid-19.
- Published
- 2022
31. Aktivitas Antioksidan Kulit Buah Cempedak (Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr.) asal Kalimantan Selatan: Antioxidant Activity of Cempedak Fruit Skin (Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr.) from South Kalimantan
- Author
Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Savitri, Amanda Shelvia, Ujuldah, Anisa, Sadlia, Fitri, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Savitri, Amanda Shelvia, Ujuldah, Anisa, and Sadlia, Fitri
- Abstract
The increasing incidence of diseases related to oxidative stress among the human population has led to an increase in the consumption of natural antioxidants in the human diet. The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of cempedak fruit skin extract with 50% ethanol and 70% ethanol as solvents. The method used was testing of radical inhibitory activity with the DPPH method (1,1-diphenyl-picrylhydrazil) and as a positive control was vitamin C. The results of phytochemical screening were known to contain phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins. The results of the antioxidant activity of E50% obtained IC50 values of 650.07 ppm and IC50 of E70 of 1219.69 ppm. From these results, it can be concluded that the skin of the cempedak fruit does not have antioxidant activity.
- Published
- 2022
32. Analisis Toksisitas Akut Kombinasi Captopril dengan Rebusan Daun Sirsak pada Tikus Galur Wistar: Acute Toxicity Analysis of Captopril Combination with Soursop Leaf Decoction in Wistar Strain Rats
- Author
Saputri, Rina, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, and Hakim, Ali Rakhman
- Abstract
Hypertension is a degenerative disease that requires lifelong therapy. Along with the development of time, nowadays people are more interested in consuming traditional medicine, especially by using plants. In addition to consuming soursop leaf decoction, people also continue to use conventional medicine to help control hypertension. The combination of conventional medicine and traditional medicine can cause unwanted reactions if not used in the right dosage, one of which is the risk of acute toxicity. Until now there is no published data showing the acute toxicity analysis of the combination of captopril with soursop leaf decoction. The purpose of the study was to determine the maximum dose of the combination of captopril and soursop leaf decoction that could be used. The method used in this study is an advanced experimental study with a random block design using 30 test animals divided into 10 groups. The results of the acute toxicity test conducted did not show any death of the test animals within 24 hours and up to 7 days of observation in all experimental groups. The results of the physical observation test for 7 days showed that all rats were in normal condition in all experimental groups. The conclusion of this study is that the combination of captopril up to a dose of 150 mg/day (dose in humans before conversion to test animals) + soursop leaf decoction with an effective dose of 300 ml (dose in humans before conversion to test animals) did not show any death and symptoms toxicity in test animals.
- Published
- 2022
33. Analisis Toksisitas Akut Kombinasi Captopril dengan Rebusan Daun Sirsak pada Tikus Galur Wistar: Acute Toxicity Analysis of Captopril Combination with Soursop Leaf Decoction in Wistar Strain Rats
- Author
Saputri, Rina, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, and Hakim, Ali Rakhman
- Abstract
Hypertension is a degenerative disease that requires lifelong therapy. Along with the development of time, nowadays people are more interested in consuming traditional medicine, especially by using plants. In addition to consuming soursop leaf decoction, people also continue to use conventional medicine to help control hypertension. The combination of conventional medicine and traditional medicine can cause unwanted reactions if not used in the right dosage, one of which is the risk of acute toxicity. Until now there is no published data showing the acute toxicity analysis of the combination of captopril with soursop leaf decoction. The purpose of the study was to determine the maximum dose of the combination of captopril and soursop leaf decoction that could be used. The method used in this study is an advanced experimental study with a random block design using 30 test animals divided into 10 groups. The results of the acute toxicity test conducted did not show any death of the test animals within 24 hours and up to 7 days of observation in all experimental groups. The results of the physical observation test for 7 days showed that all rats were in normal condition in all experimental groups. The conclusion of this study is that the combination of captopril up to a dose of 150 mg/day (dose in humans before conversion to test animals) + soursop leaf decoction with an effective dose of 300 ml (dose in humans before conversion to test animals) did not show any death and symptoms toxicity in test animals.
- Published
- 2022
34. Aktivitas Antioksidan Kulit Buah Cempedak (Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr.) asal Kalimantan Selatan: Antioxidant Activity of Cempedak Fruit Skin (Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr.) from South Kalimantan
- Author
Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Savitri, Amanda Shelvia, Ujuldah, Anisa, Sadlia, Fitri, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Saputri, Rina, Savitri, Amanda Shelvia, Ujuldah, Anisa, and Sadlia, Fitri
- Abstract
The increasing incidence of diseases related to oxidative stress among the human population has led to an increase in the consumption of natural antioxidants in the human diet. The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of cempedak fruit skin extract with 50% ethanol and 70% ethanol as solvents. The method used was testing of radical inhibitory activity with the DPPH method (1,1-diphenyl-picrylhydrazil) and as a positive control was vitamin C. The results of phytochemical screening were known to contain phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins. The results of the antioxidant activity of E50% obtained IC50 values of 650.07 ppm and IC50 of E70 of 1219.69 ppm. From these results, it can be concluded that the skin of the cempedak fruit does not have antioxidant activity.
- Published
- 2022
35. Analisis Kestabilan Arus Kas UMKM Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19
- Author
NUGRAHA, Rakhman Pria and NUGRAHA, Rakhman Pria
- Abstract
ABSTRAK Coronavirus 2019 (nCoV-2019) pandemic atau yang biasa disebut dengan pandemi covid-19 memiliki dampak yang sangat signifikan di berbagai bidang. Ekonomi merupakan salah satu bidang yang terkena dampak cukup serius akibat pandemi covid-19 ini tidak terkecuali Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah atau UMKM yang merupakan salah satu tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi keuangan UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19, mengetahui kendala apa saja yang dihadapi UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19, dan mengetahui kestabilan arus kas UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pelaku UMKM di Kabupaten Banyumas sebagai narasumber. Kriteria narasumber yang dipilih merupakan UMKM yang memiliki catatan arus kas sebelum, dan selama masa pandemi covid-19 serta dapat survive selama masa pandemi covid-19. Beberapa strategi dan adaptasi dilakukan oleh narasumber baik dari segi keuangan maupun non-keuangan agar bisnisnya dapat bertahan selama masa pandemi covid-19. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara memindahkan bisnisnya dari kios yang disewa ke rumah pribadi untuk meminimalisir pengeluaran serta mengurangi jam produksi sesuai dengan permintaan pasar saja. Kata kunci : Arus kas; UMKM; covid-19.
- Published
- 2022
36. Analisis Kestabilan Arus Kas UMKM Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19
- Author
NUGRAHA, Rakhman Pria and NUGRAHA, Rakhman Pria
- Abstract
ABSTRAK Coronavirus 2019 (nCoV-2019) pandemic atau yang biasa disebut dengan pandemi covid-19 memiliki dampak yang sangat signifikan di berbagai bidang. Ekonomi merupakan salah satu bidang yang terkena dampak cukup serius akibat pandemi covid-19 ini tidak terkecuali Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah atau UMKM yang merupakan salah satu tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi keuangan UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19, mengetahui kendala apa saja yang dihadapi UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19, dan mengetahui kestabilan arus kas UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pelaku UMKM di Kabupaten Banyumas sebagai narasumber. Kriteria narasumber yang dipilih merupakan UMKM yang memiliki catatan arus kas sebelum, dan selama masa pandemi covid-19 serta dapat survive selama masa pandemi covid-19. Beberapa strategi dan adaptasi dilakukan oleh narasumber baik dari segi keuangan maupun non-keuangan agar bisnisnya dapat bertahan selama masa pandemi covid-19. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara memindahkan bisnisnya dari kios yang disewa ke rumah pribadi untuk meminimalisir pengeluaran serta mengurangi jam produksi sesuai dengan permintaan pasar saja. Kata kunci : Arus kas; UMKM; covid-19.
- Published
- 2022
37. Social Service (PKM) of Women’s Group of Family Welfare and Empowerment in Cultivating Broiler Rabbits and Processing them in RT. 04 RW. 03, Cipayung Village: PKM Kelompok Ibu PKK Budidaya Kelinci Pedaging dan Cara Pengolahannya di RT. 04 RW. 03 Kelurahan Cipayung
- Author
Mursito, Hardian, Awaludin, Aulia Ar Rakhman, Nedeak, Theresia Evy Yulianti, Mursito, Hardian, Awaludin, Aulia Ar Rakhman, and Nedeak, Theresia Evy Yulianti
- Abstract
In general, the residents of RT 004 RW 03 have a level of education at the junior and senior high school levels. This is due to the economic factors and the absence of encouragement from parents for their children to continue their education to a higher level. Moreover, women who do not continue their education at school are unemployed or decide to become housewives, because they do not have the skills to live independently. Most of the mothers are only housewives who only take care of their children and husbands. This condition cannot improve the economic condition of the family that is not fixed and coupled with the high economic burden that requires each family to be able to think creatively in order to survive amid the economic pressure. The objectives of this community service activity included: Assisting women’s group of Family Welfare and Empowerment in the formation of business groups, assisting women’s group of Family Welfare and Empowerment on how to utilize and cultivate the broiler rabbits as a small entrepreneur. The implementation of this training activity was expected to help in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in rabbit cultivation for underprivileged people through the formation of a small business group of women of Family Welfare and Empowerment and in the form of published scientific articles. Abstrak Warga masyarakat yang berada di RT 004 RW 03 pada umumnya adalah lulusan SMP dan SMU. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor ekonomi dan tidak adanya dorongan dari orang tua agar anak-anak mereka melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Terlebih anak perempuan yang tidak melanjutkan sekolah akhirnya menganggur atau hidup berumah tangga, karena mereka tidak mempunyai bekal keterampilan untuk bisa hidup mandiri. Sebagian besar ibu-ibu hanya sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang hanya mengurusi anak dan suaminya. Kondisi ini tidak dapat memperbaiki kondisi ekonomi keluarga, penghasilan yang tidak tetap dan ditambah beban ekonomi yang tinggi menuntut
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Rakhman, Aditiya and Rakhman, Aditiya
- Abstract
This study aims to determine and analyze the Administrative Policy of Land Tenure implementation over State Land in Tenggarong District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. This research is qualitative research with informants selected by six people. We were collecting data using research, interviews, and library documentation. The results showed that the policy was running not optimal because there was no socialization of the stages of making SKPT to all residents, limited human resources, and no operational budget for land measurement.Keywords: policy, land administration, land tenure, state land
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Rakhman, Aditiya and Rakhman, Aditiya
- Abstract
This study aims to determine and analyze the Administrative Policy of Land Tenure implementation over State Land in Tenggarong District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. This research is qualitative research with informants selected by six people. We were collecting data using research, interviews, and library documentation. The results showed that the policy was running not optimal because there was no socialization of the stages of making SKPT to all residents, limited human resources, and no operational budget for land measurement.Keywords: policy, land administration, land tenure, state land
- Published
- 2021
40. Narrative Review: Implementasi Distribusi Obat yang Baik di Pedagang Besar Farmasi
- Author
Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Saputri, Rina, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Saputri, Rina, and Hakim, Ali Rakhman
- Abstract
Distribution of pharmaceutical products from the pharmaceutical industry before reaching the pharmacy service point must be through wholesale. Good distribution practice methods are a set of standardized routine working methods, which ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products remain intact from the very beginning to the end of the expiration period. Good distribution practice methods must be implemented by all wholesale in Indonesia so that wholesale operations can run effectively and efficiently. All pharmaceutical wholesalers must have standard operating procedures, personnel with integrity, and a good documentation system.
- Published
- 2021
41. Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kepatuhan Pasien di Kabupaten Banjar
- Author
Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Saputri, Rina, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Indriyani, Reny, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Saputri, Rina, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, and Indriyani, Reny
- Abstract
Hypertension is still the most common disease in the world. South Kalimantan Province in 2018 became the province with the highest number of hypertension sufferers in Indonesia. Hypertensive patients will undergo hypertension therapy for the rest of their lives so that blood pressure can still be well controlled. Lifelong therapy can reduce patient compliance in taking hypertension drugs; this can result in failed therapeutic goals and lead to the emergence of other diseases such as myocardial infarction and others. The purpose of this study was to analyze sociodemographic factors and clinical factors that may be related to patient compliance in taking hypertension drugs in Banjar Regency. The results showed that the majority of respondents had low compliance in consuming hypertension drugs. The analysis showed that sociodemographic factors such as gender, age, occupation, and place of getting the drug and clinical factors in the form of drugs used and blood pressure control did not show a significant relationship. The education factor shows a p-value < 0.05, which indicates the education factor has a significant relationship.
- Published
- 2021
42. Narrative Review: Implementasi Distribusi Obat yang Baik di Pedagang Besar Farmasi
- Author
Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Saputri, Rina, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Saputri, Rina, and Hakim, Ali Rakhman
- Abstract
Distribution of pharmaceutical products from the pharmaceutical industry before reaching the pharmacy service point must be through wholesale. Good distribution practice methods are a set of standardized routine working methods, which ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products remain intact from the very beginning to the end of the expiration period. Good distribution practice methods must be implemented by all wholesale in Indonesia so that wholesale operations can run effectively and efficiently. All pharmaceutical wholesalers must have standard operating procedures, personnel with integrity, and a good documentation system.
- Published
- 2021
43. Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kepatuhan Pasien di Kabupaten Banjar
- Author
Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Saputri, Rina, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, Indriyani, Reny, Mustaqimah, Mustaqimah, Saputri, Rina, Hakim, Ali Rakhman, and Indriyani, Reny
- Abstract
Hypertension is still the most common disease in the world. South Kalimantan Province in 2018 became the province with the highest number of hypertension sufferers in Indonesia. Hypertensive patients will undergo hypertension therapy for the rest of their lives so that blood pressure can still be well controlled. Lifelong therapy can reduce patient compliance in taking hypertension drugs; this can result in failed therapeutic goals and lead to the emergence of other diseases such as myocardial infarction and others. The purpose of this study was to analyze sociodemographic factors and clinical factors that may be related to patient compliance in taking hypertension drugs in Banjar Regency. The results showed that the majority of respondents had low compliance in consuming hypertension drugs. The analysis showed that sociodemographic factors such as gender, age, occupation, and place of getting the drug and clinical factors in the form of drugs used and blood pressure control did not show a significant relationship. The education factor shows a p-value < 0.05, which indicates the education factor has a significant relationship.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Rosyidah, Ummi; Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Setyawati, Astri; Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Awaludin, Aulia Ar Rakhman; Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta., Rosyidah, Ummi; Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Setyawati, Astri; Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, and Awaludin, Aulia Ar Rakhman; Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta.
- Abstract
This research is a type of research and development which focuses on developing teaching materials for Basic Algebra courses which aim to improve understanding of mathematical concepts. Broadly speaking, the development model used in this study consists of 3 stages, namely the preliminary, development and evaluation stages. In the preliminary stage, the researcher conducted a literature study and analysis of course descriptions and identified teaching materials for Basic Algebra courses. The teaching materials developed are tested for validity, practicality and effectiveness. From the results of the module validation analysis, it was obtained 84.25 with good categories. The small scale trial obtained 38.7 with good category. The results of the analysis of the practicality of teaching materials during four meetings obtained an average score of 25.25 from the ideal score of 30 or 84.17 in the very good category. The result of the analysis of the effectiveness of the average score of the teaching profile of the lecturers using basic algebra teaching materials based on the maple-assisted scientific approach is 50.25 from the ideal score of 56 or 89.73% with the very good category. The average score of the learning activity profile of students who use basic algebra teaching materials based on the maple-assisted scientific approach is 44.5 from the ideal score of 52 or 85.58% in the very good category. From the analysis of the results of the test for understanding mathematical concepts, the total average is 0.58 with the moderate category, which can be concluded that the teaching materials for basic algebra courses with a scientific approach
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Rosyidah, Ummi; Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Setyawati, Astri; Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Awaludin, Aulia Ar Rakhman; Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta., Rosyidah, Ummi; Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Setyawati, Astri; Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, and Awaludin, Aulia Ar Rakhman; Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta.
- Abstract
This research is a type of research and development which focuses on developing teaching materials for Basic Algebra courses which aim to improve understanding of mathematical concepts. Broadly speaking, the development model used in this study consists of 3 stages, namely the preliminary, development and evaluation stages. In the preliminary stage, the researcher conducted a literature study and analysis of course descriptions and identified teaching materials for Basic Algebra courses. The teaching materials developed are tested for validity, practicality and effectiveness. From the results of the module validation analysis, it was obtained 84.25 with good categories. The small scale trial obtained 38.7 with good category. The results of the analysis of the practicality of teaching materials during four meetings obtained an average score of 25.25 from the ideal score of 30 or 84.17 in the very good category. The result of the analysis of the effectiveness of the average score of the teaching profile of the lecturers using basic algebra teaching materials based on the maple-assisted scientific approach is 50.25 from the ideal score of 56 or 89.73% with the very good category. The average score of the learning activity profile of students who use basic algebra teaching materials based on the maple-assisted scientific approach is 44.5 from the ideal score of 52 or 85.58% in the very good category. From the analysis of the results of the test for understanding mathematical concepts, the total average is 0.58 with the moderate category, which can be concluded that the teaching materials for basic algebra courses with a scientific approach
- Published
- 2021
46. Deeply virtual Compton scattering off the neutron
- Author
Benali, M., Desnault, C., Mazouz, M., Ahmed, Z., Albataineh, H., Allada, K., Aniol, K. A., Bellini, V., Boeglin, W., Bertin, P., Brossard, M., Camsonne, A., Canan, M., Chandavar, S., Chen, C., Chen, J. -P., Defurne, M., de Jager, C. W., de Leo, R., Deur, A., Fassi, L. El, Ent, R., Flay, D., Friend, M., Fuchey, E., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gaskell, D., Giusa, A., Glamazdin, O., Golge, S., Gomez, J., Hansen, O., Higinbotham, D., Holmstrom, T., Horn, T., Huang, J., Huang, M., Huber, G. M., Hyde, C. E., Iqbal, S., Itard, F., Kang, Ho., Kang, Hy., Kelleher, A., Keppel, C., Koirala, S., Korover, I., LeRose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Long, E., Magne, M., Mammei, J., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Jimenez-Arguello, A. Marti, Meddi, F., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Mihovilovic, M., Muangma, N., Camacho, C. Munoz, Nadel-Turonski, P., Nuruzzaman, N., Paremuzyan, R., Pomatsalyuk, R., Puckett, A., Punjabi, V., Qiang, Y., Rakhman, A., Rashad, M. N. H., Riordan, S., Roche, J., Russo, G., Sabatie, F., Saenboonruang, K., Saha, A., Sawatzky, B., Selvy, L., Shahinyan, A., Sirca, S., Solvignon, P., Sperduto, M. L., Subedi, R., Sulkosky, V., Sutera, C., Tobias, W. A., Urciuoli, G. M., Wang, D., Wojtsekhowski, B., Yao, H., Ye, Z., Zana, L., Zhan, X., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Zhao, Z., Zheng, X., Zhu, P., Benali, M., Desnault, C., Mazouz, M., Ahmed, Z., Albataineh, H., Allada, K., Aniol, K. A., Bellini, V., Boeglin, W., Bertin, P., Brossard, M., Camsonne, A., Canan, M., Chandavar, S., Chen, C., Chen, J. -P., Defurne, M., de Jager, C. W., de Leo, R., Deur, A., Fassi, L. El, Ent, R., Flay, D., Friend, M., Fuchey, E., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gaskell, D., Giusa, A., Glamazdin, O., Golge, S., Gomez, J., Hansen, O., Higinbotham, D., Holmstrom, T., Horn, T., Huang, J., Huang, M., Huber, G. M., Hyde, C. E., Iqbal, S., Itard, F., Kang, Ho., Kang, Hy., Kelleher, A., Keppel, C., Koirala, S., Korover, I., LeRose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Long, E., Magne, M., Mammei, J., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Jimenez-Arguello, A. Marti, Meddi, F., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Mihovilovic, M., Muangma, N., Camacho, C. Munoz, Nadel-Turonski, P., Nuruzzaman, N., Paremuzyan, R., Pomatsalyuk, R., Puckett, A., Punjabi, V., Qiang, Y., Rakhman, A., Rashad, M. N. H., Riordan, S., Roche, J., Russo, G., Sabatie, F., Saenboonruang, K., Saha, A., Sawatzky, B., Selvy, L., Shahinyan, A., Sirca, S., Solvignon, P., Sperduto, M. L., Subedi, R., Sulkosky, V., Sutera, C., Tobias, W. A., Urciuoli, G. M., Wang, D., Wojtsekhowski, B., Yao, H., Ye, Z., Zana, L., Zhan, X., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Zhao, Z., Zheng, X., and Zhu, P.
- Abstract
The three-dimensional structure of nucleons (protons and neutrons) is embedded in so-called generalized parton distributions, which are accessible from deeply virtual Compton scattering. In this process, a high energy electron is scattered off a nucleon by exchanging a virtual photon. Then, a highly-energetic real photon is emitted from one of the quarks inside the nucleon, which carries information on the quark's transverse position and longitudinal momentum. By measuring the cross-section of deeply virtual Compton scattering, Compton form factors related to the generalized parton distributions can be extracted. Here, we report the observation of unpolarized deeply virtual Compton scattering off a deuterium target. From the measured photon-electroproduction cross-sections, we have extracted the cross-section of a quasi-free neutron and a coherent deuteron. Due to the approximate isospin symmetry of quantum chromodynamics, we can determine the contributions from the different quark flavours to the helicity-conserved Compton form factors by combining our measurements with previous ones probing the proton's internal structure. These results advance our understanding of the description of the nucleon structure, which is important to solve the proton spin puzzle.
- Published
- 2021
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47. Digital Movement of Opinion #IndonesiaTerserah on Social Media Twitter in The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Author
Rakhman, Fajar Rizali, Ramadhani, Rizky Wulan, Fatoni, Ahmad, Rakhman, Fajar Rizali, Ramadhani, Rizky Wulan, and Fatoni, Ahmad
- Abstract
The #IndonesiaTerserah Digital Movement of Opinion was used by netizens to express disappointment towards the government and the public related to the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study's purpose is to determine the perceptions or opinions formed in the community on the hashtag #IndonesiaTerserah during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used was a mixed method by combining quantitative methods for statistical calculations of communication networks with a sample of 2000 tweet data, 779 actors and 863 relations using Netlytic and Gephi, with the qualitative method to analyze text using the Digital Movement of Opinion, which describes and explains social networks and their network structures. The results showed that #IndonesiaTerserah was able to create mobility in the opinion of netizens in a communication network with the help of @radioelshinta and @cnnindonesia (Popular Actors), 449 Closeness Actors, @ridwanhr (Betweenness/Intermediary Actor), @donadam68, @reiza_patters, @ toperendusara1, @bangariza, @ kholil78 (Eigenvector/Significant Actor). Disappointment of netizens has mainly shown to people who were less aware of suppressing the number of Covid-19 in Indonesia with an analysis value of 32%; to the government in making confusing policies and unable to provide for daily needs with an analysis value of 21%, and to both of them at 11%. Moreover, the use of hashtags was interpreted widely and differently by 36%., Gerakan Opini Digital #IndonesiaTerserah digunakan oleh warganet untuk menunjukkan ekspresi kekecewaan pada pemerintah dan masyarakat terkait pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi atau opini yang terbentuk di masyarakat pada hashtag #IndonesiaTerserah di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu mixed methods dengan menggabungkan metode kuantitatif untuk perhitungan statistik jaringan komunikasi dengan sampel 2000 data tweet, 779 aktor dan 863 relasi menggunakan netlytic dan gephi, dengan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisis teks menggunakan Digital Movement of Opinion yang menggambarkan dan menjelaskan jaringan sosial beserta struktur jaringannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan #IndonesiaTerserah mampu menciptakan mobilitas pendapat warganet dalam suatu jaringan komunikasi dengan dibantu peran @radioelshinta, @cnnindonesia (aktor populer), 449 aktor kedekatan, @ridwanhr (aktor perantara), @donadam68, @reiza_patters, @toperendusara1, @bangariza, @kholil78 (aktor penting). Kekecewaan warganet terutama ditunjukkan kepada masyarakat yang kurang sadar dalam menekan angka persebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia dengan nilai analisis 32%, kepada pemerintah dalam membuat kebijakan yang membingungkan dan tidak dapat menyediakan kebutuhan dengan nilai analisis 21%, serta kepada keduanya sebesar 11%. Penggunaan hashtag dimaknai secara luas dan berbeda sebesar 36%.
- Published
- 2021
48. Digital Movement of Opinion #IndonesiaTerserah on Social Media Twitter in The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Author
Rakhman, Fajar Rizali, Ramadhani, Rizky Wulan, Fatoni, Ahmad, Rakhman, Fajar Rizali, Ramadhani, Rizky Wulan, and Fatoni, Ahmad
- Abstract
The #IndonesiaTerserah Digital Movement of Opinion was used by netizens to express disappointment towards the government and the public related to the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study's purpose is to determine the perceptions or opinions formed in the community on the hashtag #IndonesiaTerserah during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used was a mixed method by combining quantitative methods for statistical calculations of communication networks with a sample of 2000 tweet data, 779 actors and 863 relations using Netlytic and Gephi, with the qualitative method to analyze text using the Digital Movement of Opinion, which describes and explains social networks and their network structures. The results showed that #IndonesiaTerserah was able to create mobility in the opinion of netizens in a communication network with the help of @radioelshinta and @cnnindonesia (Popular Actors), 449 Closeness Actors, @ridwanhr (Betweenness/Intermediary Actor), @donadam68, @reiza_patters, @ toperendusara1, @bangariza, @ kholil78 (Eigenvector/Significant Actor). Disappointment of netizens has mainly shown to people who were less aware of suppressing the number of Covid-19 in Indonesia with an analysis value of 32%; to the government in making confusing policies and unable to provide for daily needs with an analysis value of 21%, and to both of them at 11%. Moreover, the use of hashtags was interpreted widely and differently by 36%., Gerakan Opini Digital #IndonesiaTerserah digunakan oleh warganet untuk menunjukkan ekspresi kekecewaan pada pemerintah dan masyarakat terkait pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi atau opini yang terbentuk di masyarakat pada hashtag #IndonesiaTerserah di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu mixed methods dengan menggabungkan metode kuantitatif untuk perhitungan statistik jaringan komunikasi dengan sampel 2000 data tweet, 779 aktor dan 863 relasi menggunakan netlytic dan gephi, dengan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisis teks menggunakan Digital Movement of Opinion yang menggambarkan dan menjelaskan jaringan sosial beserta struktur jaringannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan #IndonesiaTerserah mampu menciptakan mobilitas pendapat warganet dalam suatu jaringan komunikasi dengan dibantu peran @radioelshinta, @cnnindonesia (aktor populer), 449 aktor kedekatan, @ridwanhr (aktor perantara), @donadam68, @reiza_patters, @toperendusara1, @bangariza, @kholil78 (aktor penting). Kekecewaan warganet terutama ditunjukkan kepada masyarakat yang kurang sadar dalam menekan angka persebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia dengan nilai analisis 32%, kepada pemerintah dalam membuat kebijakan yang membingungkan dan tidak dapat menyediakan kebutuhan dengan nilai analisis 21%, serta kepada keduanya sebesar 11%. Penggunaan hashtag dimaknai secara luas dan berbeda sebesar 36%.
- Published
- 2021
49. Deeply virtual Compton scattering off the neutron
- Author
Benali, M., Desnault, C., Mazouz, M., Ahmed, Z., Albataineh, H., Allada, K., Aniol, K. A., Bellini, V., Boeglin, W., Bertin, P., Brossard, M., Camsonne, A., Canan, M., Chandavar, S., Chen, C., Chen, J. -P., Defurne, M., de Jager, C. W., de Leo, R., Deur, A., Fassi, L. El, Ent, R., Flay, D., Friend, M., Fuchey, E., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gaskell, D., Giusa, A., Glamazdin, O., Golge, S., Gomez, J., Hansen, O., Higinbotham, D., Holmstrom, T., Horn, T., Huang, J., Huang, M., Huber, G. M., Hyde, C. E., Iqbal, S., Itard, F., Kang, Ho., Kang, Hy., Kelleher, A., Keppel, C., Koirala, S., Korover, I., LeRose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Long, E., Magne, M., Mammei, J., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Jimenez-Arguello, A. Marti, Meddi, F., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Mihovilovic, M., Muangma, N., Camacho, C. Munoz, Nadel-Turonski, P., Nuruzzaman, N., Paremuzyan, R., Pomatsalyuk, R., Puckett, A., Punjabi, V., Qiang, Y., Rakhman, A., Rashad, M. N. H., Riordan, S., Roche, J., Russo, G., Sabatie, F., Saenboonruang, K., Saha, A., Sawatzky, B., Selvy, L., Shahinyan, A., Sirca, S., Solvignon, P., Sperduto, M. L., Subedi, R., Sulkosky, V., Sutera, C., Tobias, W. A., Urciuoli, G. M., Wang, D., Wojtsekhowski, B., Yao, H., Ye, Z., Zana, L., Zhan, X., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Zhao, Z., Zheng, X., Zhu, P., Benali, M., Desnault, C., Mazouz, M., Ahmed, Z., Albataineh, H., Allada, K., Aniol, K. A., Bellini, V., Boeglin, W., Bertin, P., Brossard, M., Camsonne, A., Canan, M., Chandavar, S., Chen, C., Chen, J. -P., Defurne, M., de Jager, C. W., de Leo, R., Deur, A., Fassi, L. El, Ent, R., Flay, D., Friend, M., Fuchey, E., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gaskell, D., Giusa, A., Glamazdin, O., Golge, S., Gomez, J., Hansen, O., Higinbotham, D., Holmstrom, T., Horn, T., Huang, J., Huang, M., Huber, G. M., Hyde, C. E., Iqbal, S., Itard, F., Kang, Ho., Kang, Hy., Kelleher, A., Keppel, C., Koirala, S., Korover, I., LeRose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Long, E., Magne, M., Mammei, J., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Jimenez-Arguello, A. Marti, Meddi, F., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Mihovilovic, M., Muangma, N., Camacho, C. Munoz, Nadel-Turonski, P., Nuruzzaman, N., Paremuzyan, R., Pomatsalyuk, R., Puckett, A., Punjabi, V., Qiang, Y., Rakhman, A., Rashad, M. N. H., Riordan, S., Roche, J., Russo, G., Sabatie, F., Saenboonruang, K., Saha, A., Sawatzky, B., Selvy, L., Shahinyan, A., Sirca, S., Solvignon, P., Sperduto, M. L., Subedi, R., Sulkosky, V., Sutera, C., Tobias, W. A., Urciuoli, G. M., Wang, D., Wojtsekhowski, B., Yao, H., Ye, Z., Zana, L., Zhan, X., Zhang, J., Zhao, B., Zhao, Z., Zheng, X., and Zhu, P.
- Abstract
The three-dimensional structure of nucleons (protons and neutrons) is embedded in so-called generalized parton distributions, which are accessible from deeply virtual Compton scattering. In this process, a high energy electron is scattered off a nucleon by exchanging a virtual photon. Then, a highly-energetic real photon is emitted from one of the quarks inside the nucleon, which carries information on the quark's transverse position and longitudinal momentum. By measuring the cross-section of deeply virtual Compton scattering, Compton form factors related to the generalized parton distributions can be extracted. Here, we report the observation of unpolarized deeply virtual Compton scattering off a deuterium target. From the measured photon-electroproduction cross-sections, we have extracted the cross-section of a quasi-free neutron and a coherent deuteron. Due to the approximate isospin symmetry of quantum chromodynamics, we can determine the contributions from the different quark flavours to the helicity-conserved Compton form factors by combining our measurements with previous ones probing the proton's internal structure. These results advance our understanding of the description of the nucleon structure, which is important to solve the proton spin puzzle.
- Published
- 2021
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50. Sistem Informasi Rekam Medik Pasien Sebagai Implementasi Big Data Dengan NIK di Pelayanan Kesehatan Kota Tegal
- Author
Rakhman, Arif, Umriaty, Umriaty, Bakti, Very Kurnia, Rakhman, Arif, Umriaty, Umriaty, and Bakti, Very Kurnia
- Abstract
Kemajuan teknologi kesehatan yang cepat dan akurat semakin menjadi kebutuhan utama para pengambil keputusan. Rumah sakit, klinik, puskesmas sebagai institusi yang menyimpan begitu banyak data juga membutuhkan pengolahan data yang benar dan tepat sehingga dapat disajikan dalam bentuk laporan. Sedangkan untuk menyimpan arsip rekam medis tradisional membutuhkan lahan yang luas dan rawan terkena dampak bencana alam dan kebakaran. Menurut sudut pandang pasien, dokumen fisik rekam medis seperti kartu medik, rontgen, hasil USG, hasil EKG dan lain-lain juga berisiko hilang atau rusak sehingga menjadi masalah. Dengan metode riset & development Borg and Gall yang dimodifikasi, Metode deskriptif dipergunakan untuk menghimpun kondisi yang ada di lapangan. Metode evaluatif dipergunakan untuk mengevaluasi Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Pasien di Pelayanan Kesehatan Kota Tegal yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk Aplikasi Implementasi Big Data dengan NIK, melalui evaluasi produk dan proses uji coba tersebut diharapkan dapat diperoleh masukan tentang kelebihan-kelebihan dan kekurangan-kekurangan dari produk tersebut. Dengan dibuatnya aplikasi rekam medis dapat mempermudah kinerja staff puskesmas dan dokter, serta sistem yang lebih efektif dan efisien dan data NIK sudah teritegrasi dengan sistem online.
- Published
- 2021
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