1. Medullary Thyroid Cancer – Feature Review and Update on Systemic Treatment
- Author
Nina Dabelić, Tomislav Jukić, Ana Fröbe, Nina Dabelić, Tomislav Jukić, and Ana Fröbe
- Abstract
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is a rare malignancy that originates from parafollicular (C cells) of the thyroid and accounts for 2-4% of all thyroid malignancies. MTC may be sporadic or inherited, the latter as part of the MEN 2 syndromes. Germline mutations in the RET proto-oncogene (REarranged during Transfection) are driver mutations in hereditary MTC, whereas somatic RET mutations and, less frequently, RAS mutations, have been described in tumor tissues of sporadic MTC. Genetic screening for germline mutations in RET proto-oncogene identifies gene carriers of germline mutations. That enables primary prevention (the avoidance of disease onset by total prophylactic thyroidectomy), or at least secondary prevention (early detection) of the disease. Radical surgery with complete tumor resection is still pivotal in attaining cure for MTC. Despite recent advances, the treatment of advanced, metastatic, and progressive MTC remains challenging. Metastatic MTC can have an indolent clinical course; therefore, it is necessary to assess which patient to cure and when to initiate the treatment. Multidisciplinary boards of various specialists involved in the diagnostics and therapy of the patients with MTC in highly specialized centers with a high volume of patients provide optimal patient management. Multikinase inhibitors (MKI) vandetanib and cabozantinib were approved for the treatment of progressive or symptomatic metastatic/unresectable MTC. Although these treatments have been shown to improve progression-free survival (PFS) with higher overall response rates (ORR) compared with placebo, no MKI has been shown to increase the overall survival (OS) yet, except in the subgroup of patients with RETM918T-mutations on cabozantinib therapy. As these drugs are nonselective, significant off-target toxicities may occur. Recently, next-generation small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have been developed. These highly selective RET-inhibitors are specifically designed, Medularni karcinomi štitnjače (MKŠ) rijetke su zloćudne bolesti podrijetla parafolikularnih (C-stanica) štitnjače i čine oko 2-4% svih zloćudnih tumora štitnjače. MKŠ može biti sporadičan ili nasljedan, potonji kao dio MEN 2 sindroma. N asljedne mutacije protoonkogena RET (od engl. REarranged during Transfection) pokretačke su mutacije kod nasljednih MKŠ, dok su somatske RET mutacije, ili, rjeđe, RAS mutacije, opisane u tumorskom tkivu kod sporadičnih MKŠ. Genetski probir na nasljedne mutacije protoonkogena RET identificira nosioce nasljednih genetskih mutacija. To omogućuje primarnu (sprječavanje razvoja bolesti provođenjem profilaktičke totalne tireoidektomije) ili barem sekundarnu prevenciju bolesti (rano otkrivanje MKŠ-a). Radikalna operacija s kompletnom resekcijom tumora još je uvijek ključna u postizanju izlječenja kod MKŠ. Naime, unatoč nedavnim dostignućima, liječenje uznapredovalog, metastatskog i progresivnog MKŠ-a i dalje predstavlja izazov. Metastatski MKŠ može biti indolentnog kliničkog tijeka, stoga je potrebno procijeniti kojeg bolesnika liječiti i kada liječenje započeti. Multidisciplinarni timovi različitih specijalista uključenih u dijagnostiku i liječenje bolesnika s MKŠ-om u visoko specijaliziranim centrima s velikim brojem bolesnika omogućuju njihovo optimalno zbrinjavanje. Multikinazni inhibitori (MKI) vandetanib i kabozantinib, odobreni su za liječenje progresivnog ili simptomatskog metastatskog/ neresektabilnog MKŠ. Premda je ovo liječenje pokazalo dobit u preživljenju bez progresije bolesti (PFS, od engl. Progression Free Survival) uz veću ukupnu stopu odgovora (ORR, od engl. Overall Response Rate) naspram placeba, MKI nisu polučili dobit u ukupnom preživljenju (OS, od engl. Overall Survival), osim kod podskupine bolesnika s RETM918T-mutacijama na terapiji kabozantinibom. Multikinazni inhibitori su neselektivni, stoga je moguća značajna toksičnost terapije. Nedavno su razvijene nove generacije tirozin-kinaznih inhibitora (TKI). Ovi visoko s
- Published
- 2020