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1. 3种咬合纸在人工种植牙修复中的应用效果比较.

2. 服务强国建设, 推进新时代青少年和学校体育高质量发展一一第一届全&#22269...

3. [Blue paper on Alzheimer's disease in China(Simplified Version)].

5. 2016-2021 年中文口腔医学类核心期刊高被引论文特征分析.

6. [Application of paper-based microfluidics in point-of-care testing].

11. [Effects of three sequential occlusal adjustment methods by articulating papers on the characteristics of implant delayed occlusion for single molar].

12. [Significance of bacteria detection with filter paper method on diagnosis of diabetic foot wound infection].

13. [Detection of IgG protein in human urine based on vertical flow paper microfluidic chip].

14. [Analysis of the characteristics of retracted scientific papers in the field of global liver diseases published by Chinese scholars].

18. [Influence of paper mixing pads thickness on the compressive strength of glass ionomer cement].

22. [Blue paper of China sudden cardiac death prevention and rescue system construction (2022)].

23. [Understanding the behavioural and social drivers of vaccine uptake: introduction and implications of World Health Organization Position Paper, 2022].

24. Camera-ready Form for Shohi-kagakukaishi -- For Papers Written in Japanese --.

26. 织物/纸基柔性印刷电子薄膜导电性能研究.

27. [Method for environmental management in paper industry based on pollution control technology simulation].

28. [Concentrations, distribution characteristics and electron beam radiolysis degradation of PCDD/Fs in waste water from a paper mill].

31. [Introduction and implications of WHO position paper: vaccines against influenza, May 2022].

33. [Application of enzymes in pulp and paper industry].

34. [Diagnostic value of a novel test paper detection of ECP in nasal secretion for allergic rhinitis].

37. 体育学科知识创新溢出研究--以《体育学刊》2001--2 0 1 7年载文为例s.

38. Basic Study on Dye Adsorption of Textiles Made from Japanese Paper (Wa-shi).

39. 纸为书用--论纸张大规模生产对早期书法艺术发展的影响.

40. [Characterization of Humicola insolens cutinase-tachystatin A2 fusion protein and its application in treatment of recycled paper stickies].

41. [Manual reduction of 90 degree bending elbow and external fixation with paper splint for treatment of type I capitellum fractures].

42. [Study on analysis of copy paper by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy].

43. [Method of creating a paper phantom for SPECT evaluation].

44. [Evolution of Material Metabolism in China's Pulp and Paper Industry].

45. [Applications of microfluidic paper-based chips in environmental analysis and detection].

46. [Isothermal studies on liquid-phase adsorption of bisphenol A and dibutyl phthalate by paper].

47. 汉代古纸的断代之我见.

48. 自动化学科国家杰出青年科学 基金申请人代表性论著期刊 影响力分析.

49. [Utilization of organic resources in paper pulp waste liquid].