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1,481 results

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1. CALL and Professionalisation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2021 (29th, Online, August 26-27, 2021)

2. Autonomous Schools, Achievement and Segregation. Discussion Paper No. 1968

3. Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented Online and On-Site during the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (44th, Chicago, Illinois, 2021). Volume 1

4. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01

5. CALL for Widening Participation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2020 (28th, Online, August 20-21, 2020)

6. How Should Massachusetts Reopen Its K-12 Schools in the Fall? Lessons from Abroad and Other States. White Paper No. 211

7. The Effectiveness of Online and Paper-Based Formative Assessment in the Learning of English as a Second Language

8. CALL Communities & Culture: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2016 (23rd, Limassol, Cyprus, August 24-27, 2016)

9. CALL in a Climate of Change: Adapting to Turbulent Global Conditions. Short Papers from EUROCALL 2017 (25th, Southampton, United Kingdom, August 23-26, 2017)

10. Comparing the Efficacy of Digital Flashcards versus Paper Flashcards to Improve Receptive and Productive L2 Vocabulary

11. New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice: Selected Papers from the Second Conference on Telecollaboration in Higher Education

12. How PARCC's False Rigor Stunts the Academic Growth of All Students. White Paper No. 135

13. The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 14-06

14. Japanese EFL Students' Reading Processes for Academic Papers in English

15. Cross-Border Higher Education for Regional Integration:Analysis of the JICA-RI Survey on Leading Universities in East Asia. JICA-RI Working Paper. No. 26

16. Internal Staff Allocation and the Changing Workload of Japanese Professoriate: A Multilevel Statistical Analysis with Simulations. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.1.13

17. Cross-Border Higher Education for Labor Market Needs: Mobility of Public-Funded Malaysian Students to Japan over Years. JICA-RI Working Paper. No. 29

18. Mission Statements of Japanese Civil Society Organizations Supporting International Students in the Kansai Area: Critical Discourse Analysis

19. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, Spring 2002.

20. The Global Competition for Talent: The Rapidly Changing Market for International Students and the Need for a Strategic Approach in the US. Research & Occasional Paper Series. CSHE.8.09

21. Family Policy in the US, Japan, Germany, Italy and France: Parental Leave, Child Benefits/Family Allowances, Child Care, Marriage/Cohabitation, and Divorce. A Briefing Paper Prepared by the Council on Contemporary Families.

22. Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (26th, Anaheim, California, 2003). Volume 2

23. Learner Autonomy: Learning from the Student's Voice. CLCS Occasional Paper.

24. Researching 'Inclusion.' Papers from the Annual Conference of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (30th, Nottingham, England, July 3-5, 2000).

25. Alleviating Comprehension Problems in Movies. Working Paper.

26. Gender Differences in Information Technology Usage: A U.S.-Japan Comparison. Working Paper 2004-2

27. A Japanese Perspective on Literacy and Biliteracy: A National Paper of Japan.

28. Scholarly Practitioners: The Education of Educators of Adults. Occasional Paper. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Training Adult Educators (3rd, Exeter, England, July 8-11, 1998).

29. Liberal Adult Education--Perspectives and Projects. A Discussion Paper in Continuing Education. Number 4.

30. The Japan Papers.

31. Japan Studies through the Lenses of Different Disciplines: First Yearbook of the Japan Studies Association. [Papers from the Japan Studies Association Annual Conference (San Diego, California, 1995)].

32. A Program of Research on the Role of Employer Training in Ameliorating Skill Shortages and Enhancing Productivity and Competitiveness. EQW Working Papers WP07.

33. Penn Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, Volume 6, Number 2.

34. Framing the Questions: A First Look at the Japanese Labor Market. EQW Working Papers.

35. Persisting Barriers: Changes in Educational Opportunities in Thirteen Countries. EUI Working Paper.

36. Matsuyama University's Statistical Studies (Using Annual Paid Vacation Research as the Basis for Student Development) through the Use of a Student's Graduation Thesis Results

37. Web Viewers for Educational VR Contents

38. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (14th, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 18-20, 2017)

39. The Multilayered Nature of 'Democratic Aspects' Leading to Equity: Considerations from Collaborative Activities between Schools and Communities in Japan and the United States

40. How Can We Prepare Learners to Realize an Equitable Society?: From the Perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

41. 'Why Are We Running Short of Teachers Even as the Birthrate Declines?': A Case Study of the Teacher Shortage in Public Schools in X Prefecture in Japan

42. Factor Analysis of Students' Perceived Needs Prior to Studies Abroad

43. The Role of English Medium Instruction in the Internationalisation of Japanese Universities: Approaches, Rationales, and Implications

44. 'I Found the Fish in Pronunciation Quiz #3!' Examining the Effect of a Game-Informed Site on Young Learners' L2 Pronunciation

45. The Role of CALL in the Ecology of Language Teachers' Well-Being and Professional Development

46. Using Augmented Reality for Collaborative Multimodal Storytelling

47. Strategies to Build a Community of Learners in Online Classes

48. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on e-Learning (Madeira, Portugal, July 1-4, 2016)

49. Education Provision to Every One: Comparing Perspectives from around the World. BCES Conference Books, Volume 14, Number 1

50. Education to Prevent Human Mechanisation in a Faculty of Informatics: Developing Learning Materials to Improve Students' Verbal Communication Skills