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33 results

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1. Nutrition behaviour change communication causes sustained effects on IYCN knowledge in two cluster-randomised trials in Bangladesh.

2. Effects of an intervention on infant growth and development: evidence for different mechanisms at work.

3. Prenatal iron supplementation adjusted to maternal iron stores reduces behavioural problems in 4‐year‐old children.

4. Complementary feeding practices among rural Bangladeshi mothers: Results from WASH Benefits study.

5. The effect of electronic job aid assisted one‐to‐one counselling to support exclusive breastfeeding among 0–5‐month‐old infants in rural Bangladesh.

6. Childhood stunting and micronutrient status unaffected by RCT of micronutrient fortified drink.

7. The large‐scale community‐based programme 'Suchana' improved maternal healthcare practices in north‐eastern Bangladesh: Findings from a cluster randomized pre‐post study.

8. Evaluation of mobile phone‐based Positive Deviance/Hearth child undernutrition program in Cambodia.

9. Improved first trimester maternal iodine status with preconception supplementation: The Women First Trial.

10. Impacts of an egg intervention on nutrient adequacy among young Malawian children.

11. Economic evaluation of a reduced dosage of ready‐to‐use therapeutic foods to treat uncomplicated severe acute malnourished children aged 6–59 months in Burkina Faso.

12. Risk of malaria in young children after periconceptional iron supplementation.

13. Differential effects of a school‐based obesity prevention program: A cluster randomized trial.

14. Protein quality in ready‐to‐use supplementary foods for moderate wasting.

15. Snack food consumption among Bangladeshi children, supplementary data from a large RCT.

16. Newborn physical condition and breastfeeding behaviours: Secondary outcomes of a cluster‐randomized trial of prenatal lipid‐based nutrient supplements in Bangladesh.

17. Associations of maternal nutrition during pregnancy and post‐partum with maternal cognition and caregiving.

18. Energy and nutrient intake increased by 47-67% when amylase was added to fortified blended foods-a study among 12- to 35-month-old Burkinabe children.

19. Feeding behaviors during home-based treatment of moderate acute malnutrition using corn-soy blends or lipid-based nutrient supplements.

20. Association of prenatal lipid-based nutritional supplementation with fetal growth in rural Gambia.

21. Effect of ready-to-use foods for preventing child undernutrition in Niger: analysis of a prospective intervention study over 15 months of follow-up.

22. Group cell phones are feasible and acceptable for promoting optimal breastfeeding practices in a women's microcredit program in Nigeria.

23. Effectiveness of a community-based nutrition programme to improve child growth in rural Ethiopia: a cluster randomized trial.

24. Impact of lipid-based nutrient supplements and corn-soy blend on energy and nutrient intake among moderately underweight 8-18-month-old children participating in a clinical trial.

25. Adding multiple micronutrient powders to a homestead food production programme yields marginally significant benefit on anaemia reduction among young children in Nepal.

26. Benefits of repeated individual dietary counselling in long-term weight control in women after delivery.

27. Early invitation to food and/or multiple micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy does not affect body composition in offspring at 54 months: follow-up of the MINIMat randomised trial, Bangladesh.

28. Effect of multivitamin supplements on weight gain during pregnancy among HIV-negative women in Tanzania.

29. Effect of zinc intake on serum/plasma zinc status in infants: a meta-analysis.

30. Cluster-randomized trial on complementary and responsive feeding education to caregivers found improved dietary intake, growth and development among rural Indian toddlers.

31. Effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve child feeding practices and growth in rural China: updated results at 18 months of age.

32. The ABA intervention for improving breastfeeding initiation and continuation: Feasibility study results.

33. A behaviour change intervention with lipid‐based nutrient supplements had little impact on young child feeding indicators in rural Kenya.