31 results on '"Tanta, Ivan"'
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2. Odnos tiskanih medija i Rimokatoličke Crkve u Hrvatskoj u vrijeme SFRJ
- Author
Tanta, Ivan, Damjanović Tolj, Marina, Tanta, Ivan, and Damjanović Tolj, Marina
- Abstract
Odnos svjetovnih nacionalnih tiskanih medija prema Katoličkoj Crkvi u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1943. do 1990. godine je različit. Kako je u to vrijeme Hrvatska bila u sastavu komunističke Jugoslavije, na čelu s Josipom Brozom Titom koji je u državi uspostavio komunistički režim, medije je kontrolirala vlast. Osim medija Tito je i Crkvu želio staviti pod državnu upravu. Tadašnji zagrebački nadbiskupu Alojzije Stepinac posebno se tome suprotstavljao i gorljivo je branio odvajanje Crkve od njezine matice, Vatikana, po cijenu gubitka vlastite slobode. Stanovito olakšanje i slobodnije djelovanje klerici i vjerski tisak osjetili su 1966. godine, kada je SFR Jugoslavija potpisala sporazum sa Svetom Stolicom. Izborom Franje Kuharića za zagrebačkog nadbiskupa 1970. godine Crkva ponovno odgovara vlastima i medijima na njihove provokacije. Raspadom SFRJ mijenja se i stav nove hrvatske vlasti prema Katoličkoj Crkvi i kleru. Republika Hrvatska, samostalna i slobodna, donosi svoj prvi Ustav, čime radikalno mijenja svoj odnos prema katoličkom tisku i prisutnosti vjerske tematike u medijima., From 1943 to 1990 the attitude of secular, national and print media towards the Catholic Church in Croatia was diverse. During that period Croatia was a part of communist Yugoslavia, which was led by Josip Broz Tito who had established the communist regime. The media was controlled by the government. Tito wanted the Church to be under the government administration as well, which former archbishop Stepinac did not approve of and was strongly against the separation from Vatican. In 1966 there was a brief relief and possibility for freer action for clergy and religious media after the SFRY and Vatican signed a treaty. After Franjo Kuharić was elected as the new archbishop of Zagreb in 1970, the Church once more started fighting back to the authorities and the media. When SFRY disintegrated, the attitude of the new Croatian government towards Catholic Church and clergy altered. The Republic of Croatia, now free and independent, adopts its first Constitution thus radically changing their relationship towards the Catholic media and overall religious matter in the media.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Lesinger, Gordana, Nakić, Marija, Tanta, Ivan, Erceg, Aleksandar, and Požega, Željko
- Subjects
public relations, communication, tourism, tourist destination, pro- motion, Zadar County - Abstract
One of the fundamental roles of public relations in tourism is to inform the public and potential tourists about the offer of a tourist destination, highlight- ing the benefits offered by the destination and building its image. In tourism, it is necessary to consider the rapid development of new technologies that make a destination closer and more accessible to tourists and allow them to choose a destination based on numerous data and information. In a tourist offer, it is necessary to respect the wishes and interests of potential tourists. It is essential to establish two-way communication between service providers and guests, to insist on a partnership with guests, i.e., to obtain feedback so a tourist offer can be adjusted, improved, and modified following the needs of tourists. Therefore, the role of public relations in tourism is becoming increasingly important, and without a strategic approach, destinations will not be able to achieve their com- munication and promotional goals. This paper aims to determine the role of public relations in the development of tourist destinations, the importance of promotion in the development of tourist destinations, the application and operation of public relations tools in creating offers, and the representation of strategic determinants of public relations in destination development. To this end, primary research was conducted using a survey questionnaire that contains stakeholders’ views of a tourist destina- tion: public and private sectors, and an expert group. Based on the primary research, the central hypothesis of this paper was confirmed: public relations have an essential role in creating the development of a tourist destination. This is a scientific contribution to the role and importance of public relations in developing a tourist destination
- Published
- 2022
4. Communication of Dubrovnik under Siege with the World
- Author
Tanta, Ivan and Tafra-Vlahović, Majda
- Subjects
Dubrovnik ,city under siege ,communication ,friends of Dubrovnik - Abstract
In the last quarter of 1991. and the first half of 1992. and beyond, communication of Dubrovnik under siege where the phone lines were cut off, was reduced to one satellite supported fax machine, lists of addresses with fax numbers of friends of the town scattered all over the world not believing that heavy artillery attacks on UNESCO protected town were indeed happening and a number of dedicated brave people who made it their mission to let the world know the truth. While the general story about who these people were and how these fragile communication ties operated is generally known, there has been no holistic project which would study this unique communication model studying retold memories, private diaries and notes and a great number of official correspondence and documents that remained untouched for decades, many of those documents being in private collections. The research project where these documents and narratives would be systematically studied is long overdue. Its value is interdisciplinary reaching into history, sociology, political and communication sciences, let alone non-fiction literature value of some of the personal accounts from the friends of Dubrovnik reaching out from the world with words of support and encouragement. Its magnitude and time consuming efforts which will be needed overcome by far the limits of one inter-disciplinary conference, but, at the same time, there is no better occasion to present its plan publicly to a knowledgeable audience seeking opinions and advice. We, therefore, plan a qualitative research which would include content analysis of documents from private and official sources and media and narrative analysis and interviews with witnesses and private notes of the deceased. In this introductory, very first phase of the project, this conference, we intend to present the studied events chronologically and show the draft of the project plan. We believe that Dubrovnik Media Days hosted by the Department of Communication of University of Dubrovnik is the very best platform to monitor and present the project as it progresses.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Felger, Branimir Lesinger Gordana Tanta Ivan
- Subjects
žene političarke ,prezentacija ,politička komunikacija ,nacionalne televizije ,parlamentarni izbori - Abstract
Neki autori tvrde da mediji različito prikazuju političare i političarke, odnosno drugačije izvještavaju o političarima nego o političarkama. S obzirom na to da je tema opsežna, u ovome radu pokušat ćemo elaborirati i dokazati tezu na primjeru medijskoga praćenja izborne kampanje za parlamentarne izbore 2016. godine u Hrvatskoj, i to na primjeru uredničke i novinarske selekcije tonskih ulomaka u izvještajima o kampanji. Dat će se odgovor na pitanje o tome koliko je u televizijskim prilozima bilo tonskih ulomaka u kojima se pojavljuju žene, a koliko je bilo ulomaka s izjavama muškaraca? Rad se temelji na istraživanju izbornih blokova središnjih informativnih emisija triju nacionalnih televizija – HRT, NOVA TV i RTL, u razdoblju izborne kampanje za parlamentarne izbore 2016. godine, dakle od 16. kolovoza 2016. do 9. rujna 2016. godine. Rad se zasniva na kvantitativnoj metodi brojanja tonskih ulomaka, dakle izjava političara i političarki, ali i ostalih sudionika javnoga života, u prilozima koje su informativni programi triju nacionalnih TV kuća uokvirile u izborni blok. Kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja pokušat će se dobiti i podatci o temama koje su dominirale u izjavama političarki i općenito žena u kampanji. Osim toga, prema sekundarnim izvorima podataka u radu ćemo pokušati pronaći i političke razloge neravnomjerne zastupljenosti žena i muškaraca u izbornim blokovima nacionalnih kuća tijekom kampanje. Oni se kriju, između ostaloga, ne samo u diskrecijskome pravu novinarskoga i uredničkoga odabira pojedinoga tonskog ulomka, već i u slaboj uključenosti žena na listama političkih stranaka, sudionika na parlamentarnim izborima 2016. godine. U radu se nećemo dotaknuti odnosa medija i načina prikazivanja žena političarki u odnosu na njihove muške kolege, u kontekstu omalovažavanja istih, spominjanjem tek njihova imena, bez prezimena, uokviravanja žena u kontekst „emotivnih majki“ i „vrijednih domaćica“, iako su ih medijski sadržaji prepuni. To će biti predmet nekih drugih istraživanja. Prezentirat ćemo i rezultate parlamentarnih izbora 2016. godine s naglaskom na rodnu neravnomjernost. Pored toga, bit će predstavljena i pojedina iskustva zemalja zapadne demokracije u medijskome praćenju izbora s naglaskom na rodne razlike. Nakon predstavljanja ciljeva i metodologije prezentirat ćemo i rezultate istraživanja.
- Published
- 2017
6. The Level of Credibility of Traditional and New Media in Reporting on Human Rights Issues
- Author
Tanta, Ivan, Barić-Šelmić, Snježana, and Levak, Tomislav
- Subjects
credibility ,traditional media ,new media ,human rights ,Croatia - Abstract
Attempting to find an answer to the question in the focus of this paper – are new mass media in Croatia more credible and socially responsible than traditional ones? – the authors explore several key aspects regarding the monitoring and processing of human rights issues in selected media. In addition to the theoretical foundation, several qualitative and quantitative research methods have been applied. These are primarily the comparative method and content analysis (of the texts themselves, but also the type of their graphic equipment) of three most popular daily newspapers (24 sata, Jutarnji list and Večernji list) and three most popular daily news portals (Index.hr, Net.hr and Tportal.hr) in the period from 15 February to 15 April 2016. The way in which the selected newspapers and Internet portals reported on issues related to human rights – with emphasis on the rights of religious, national, racial and other minorities – was compared. In parallel, between 10 and 20 March 2016, a survey among citizens was conducted by combining face-to-face and online survey questionnaires. All the above was realized to prove the hypothesis that traditional, especially printed media in Croatia are still more credible, and the results of this research confirm it. Although readership or following has for years now been on the side of Internet portals, the newspapers still clearly ensure greater credibility in the Croatian public with their approach and the way they process a topic, especially when serious topics such as human rights issues are concerned.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Felger, Branimir, Lesinger, Gordana, and Tanta, Ivan
- Subjects
public speaking ,communication ,impression of the public ,media ,javno govorništvo ,komunikacija ,dojam javnosti ,mediji - Abstract
U svim dosadašnjim radovima na temu umijeća govorništva istraživala su se verbalna i neverbalna komunikacija, stil, gestovni znakovi, držanje tijela, položaj trupa, pokreti nogu, govori u kontekstu vremena i prostora i sl., no slučaj nepoznavanja ili lošega poznavanja jezika zemlje kojoj je političar na čelu nije istraživan ni razrađen. A upravo je to slučaj s bivšim predsjednikom Vlade Republike Hrvatske Tihomirom Oreškovićem. Ovim se radom željelo ustanoviti kakav dojam ostavlja bivši premijer na javnost u kontekstu nepoznavanja hrvatskoga jezika. Također se pokušalo utvrditi koje odlike u javnome nastupu ima i kakav dojam one ostavljaju na javnost. Kako bi to utvrdili, za potrebe rada autori su proveli dubinski intervju sa stručnjacima iz područja društveno humanističkih znanosti koji su se osvrnuli na javni nastup i dojam koji bivši premijer ostavlja na javnost. Kako bismo kvantitativno argumentirali odgovore dobivene iz dubinskoga intervjua, dodatno je provedeno anketno istraživanje o dojmu koji ostavlja na ispitanike. Radi dodatne argumentacije analiziran je i sadržaj u obliku transkripata javnih nastupa premijera Oreškovića., All the previous works on the art of public speaking have investigated the verbal and nonverbal communication, style, gesture signs, posture, position of torso, leg movements, speaking in the context of time and space, etc. But the case of ignorance or poor knowledge of language of the country, whose head the politician is, has neither been investigated nor elaborated. And that is precisely the case with former Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković. The main intention of this paper is to determine what kind of impression the former Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković makes on the public in the context of lack of knowledge of the Croatian language. It also tried to find out his characteristics in public appearance and what impression they make on the public. In order to determine that, for the purpose of this paper we conducted in-depth interviews with experts in the field of social and human sciences that made a review of public appearance and impression that former Prime Minister Orešković made on general public. In order to quantitatively argue the answers obtained from in-depth interviews, we additionally conducted a survey where we examined the impression he made on respondents. For the purpose of additional argumentation the authors also analyzed the content in the form of transcripts of public appearances of former Prime Minister Orešković.
- Published
- 2017
8. Communication in Organisations as Fundamentals of Good Management or a Stumbling Block
- Author
Škarica, Jadranka and Tanta, Ivan
- Subjects
poslovne organizacije, upravljanje promjenama, komunikacija, donošenje odluka, implementacija promjena, organizacijske promjene, procesi restrukturiranja ,business organisations ,change management ,communication ,decision making ,implementing change ,organisational changes ,restructuring processes - Abstract
The environment in which businesses operate is constantly changing and managers are often forced to make decisions that would help businesses adapt to changes. In this context, communication skills are very important especially in managing change in order to increase the quality of decisions and the likelihood that the employees will be motivated for successful implementation of changes. This study will provide an overview and an analysis of communication in organisations based on the results of the survey, and it will provide recommendations on how to effectively communicate changes. Recently published studies did not address the effectiveness of communication in implementing changes using survey questionnaires. The results obtained from the survey are applicable in practice and could be used by managers and employees to ensure a more successful implementation of inevitable change and to reduce the unwanted effects if the change is not communicated effectively., Okruženje u kojem poduzeća posluju neprestano se mijenja i menadžeri su često prisiljeni donositi odluke koje bi pomogle poduzećima da se prilagode promjenama. U tom kontekstu, komunikacijske vještine su vrlo važne posebno u upravljanju promjenama kako bi se povećala kvaliteta odluka i vjerojatnost da će zaposlenici biti motivirani za uspješno provođenje promjena. Ovo istraživanje će dati pregled i analizu komunikacije u organizacijama na temelju rezultata ankete te će dati preporuke kako učinkovito komunicirati promjene. Nedavno objavljene studije nisu se bavile učinkovitošću komunikacije u provođenju promjena pomoću anketnih upitnika. Rezultati dobiveni anketom primjenjivi su u praksi te bi ih menadžeri i zaposlenici mogli koristiti kako bi osigurali uspješnije provođenje neizbježne promjene i smanjili neželjene učinke ukoliko se promjena ne komunicira učinkovito.
- Published
- 2016
9. Problems of the Media in the Development of Croatian Society
- Author
Tanta, Ivan and Kršul, Svea
- Subjects
Education ,Communication ,Journalists ,Publishers ,Transition - Abstract
The problems of Croatian media are not just a global recession and a relatively small market for a relatively large number of media outlets, which leads to a well-known phenomenon called "the terror of success", but also the lack of education of journalists. Education of people working in the media, on the other hand, arises from the mirror image of the entire society in which no less than 40.37 percent of the population older than 15 years of age has only complete or even incomplete primary education. Moreover, 47.06 percent of the population has a complete or incomplete secondary education. The sum of these two data points to the profile of the consumers of the media, which confirms the thesis that the media can not be qualitatively better either. In other words, the media have conformed to a stereotype that many owners and editors repeat as they shape the media content that consumers require. Subsequently, they consciously create an inverted spiral in which all products are constantly adapted to a simpler program for the uneducated market. The conclusion imposes itself, uneducated journalists supply information to the uneducated market. It will take us many years to break with this tradition, and start moving in the opposite direction.
- Published
- 2015
10. The discrepancy in the perception of the public- political speech in elections for the European Parliament
- Author
Tanta, Ivan, Lesinger, Gordana, and Gluvačević, Dejan
- Subjects
public speaking, political communication, keywords, European Parliament, discrepancy - Abstract
This paper deals primarily with keywords in political and public speeches of Croatian politicians and their impact on voters throughout the campaign for elections to the European Parliament. We have analyzed the survey results, and compared them with speeches of six elected candidates for the European Parliament, according to six keywords in the field of economics, culture, science, education, health and welfare. The issues that the public considers politicians should talk about and what politicians are really saying in their speeches, according to research, do not coincide. Also, areas such as education and science are neglected in political communication. This is a continuation of research into the discrepancies in the perception of the public political speech, in relation to political communication and understanding of the current situation and predicts possible directions of further development of political communication in Croatia.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Felger, Branimir, primary, Lesinger, Gordana, additional, and Tanta, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2017
- Full Text
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12. The Attitudes of General Practitioners in Croatia toward Interpersonal Communication and Adherence.
- Author
Gongola, Ana, Tanta, Ivan, and Sviličić, Nikša
- Subjects
INTERPERSONAL communication ,GENERAL practitioners ,LIFESTYLES ,COMMUNICATIVE competence - Abstract
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Felger, Branimir, Tanta, Ivan, and Lesinger, Gordana
- Subjects
SEX discrimination ,EMPLOYMENT discrimination ,BUSINESSWOMEN ,SOCIAL conditions of women - Abstract
Copyright of Ekonomski Vjesnik is the property of Ekonomski Vjesnik and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
14. Kriza komuniciranja imidža i identiteta Struke i praktičara za odnose s javnošću.
- Author
Malinić, Tena, Lesinger, Gordana, and Tanta, Ivan
- Abstract
Copyright of Media & Communication / Mediji i Komunikacije is the property of Academy of Social Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of HUM: Journal of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Mostar is the property of University of Mostar, Faculty of Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
16. Mediatisation or PR-ization of Public - Media Communication - Analysis of Mediated Communication of Zoran Milanović.
- Author
Tanta, Ivan and Lesinger, Gordana
- Subjects
POLITICIANS ,PUBLIC relations ,MASS media ,MEDICAL informatics ,PATIENT monitoring - Abstract
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Tanta, Ivan, Sablić, Zrinka, and Lisec, Klara
- Subjects
CRISIS communication ,CRISIS management ,PUBLIC relations ,EMERGENCY communication systems - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
18. The Discrepancy in the Perception of the Public-Political Speech in Croatia.
- Author
Tanta, Ivan and Lesinger, Gordana
- Subjects
POLITICAL communication ,POLITICAL oratory ,VOTER psychology ,MNEMONICS ,KEYWORDS ,PSYCHOLOGY - Abstract
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
19. Ethics of the Profession of Public Relations -Does the Public Relations Affects on Journalism in Croatia?
- Author
Tanta, Ivan and Lesinger, Gordana
- Subjects
JOURNALISM & public relations ,PUBLIC relations research ,PROFESSIONAL ethics ,JOURNALISTIC ethics ,PROFESSIONALISM ,PROFESSIONAL orientations - Abstract
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
20. Komunikacijski kompas.
- Author
Tanta, Ivan
- Published
- 2014
- Published
- 2023
22. The media presentation of the migration crisis: An analysis of the discourse on the Croatian women politicians.
- Author
Borčić, Nikolina and Glavač, Sara
- Abstract
This article analyses links between the archetypal myths in Croatian news stories and images of woman politicians transferring through the media to the public. A total of 73 articles have been empirically analysed using content analysis to identify master myths according to Jack Lule's classification in Croatian news articles about the migration crisis 2015. The analysis covers the period from 31 July 2015 to 8 November 2015. The articles have been selected by searching web extension of the newspapers Jutarnji list, Večernji list and 24sata from 31 July 2015 to 8 November 2015. The data has been selected, coded and analysed per chosen woman politicians, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Vesna Pusić, Mirela Holy, Ruža Tomašić and Milanka Opačić. The results show that the dominant myth in all analysed statements is the myth of a good mother. In doing so, the use of lexemes indicates a stereotyped and idealized social role of a woman who cares for and protects 'her family'. Two framing perspectives are evident: one is a patriarchal, protective and defensive attitude towards migrants, while the other is humanitarian, based on a positive attitude towards migrants. The article's value is that it provides a perspective on mythological narration within media texts, whereby the mythological narration could be used as a tool for stereotypical and ideological construction on politician's images in the media. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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23. The United States of America : The Cradle of Modern Public Relations
- Author
Žužić, Krešimira, Tanta, Ivan, Jakopović, Hrvoje, and Skoko, Božo
- Subjects
rodonačelnici ,krizno komuniciranje ,Sjedinjene Američke Države ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija ,propaganda ,odnosi s javnošću - Abstract
U ovom specijalističkom radu, autorica se bavi povijesnim pregledom odnosa s javnošću u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Upravo su tamo, 20-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, nastali odnosi s javnošću kakve danas poznajemo. Bilo da je riječ o ratnoj propagandi, kriznom komuniciranju ili nošenju s izazovima koje su donijeli novi mediji i digitalizacija, SAD su pokazale kako se vrlo dobro snalaze plivajući nemirnim vodama odnosa s javnošću. U zaključku, kao i kroz cijeli rad, vidljivo je da Sjedinjene Američke Države nisu bile samo kritična točka razvoja modernih odnosa s javnošću, već su nastavile diktirati smjer u kojem se profesija razvija i danas.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Žužić, Krešimira and Tanta, Ivan
- Subjects
rodonačelnici ,krizno komuniciranje ,Sjedinjene Američke Države ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija ,propaganda ,odnosi s javnošću - Abstract
U ovom specijalističkom radu, autorica se bavi povijesnim pregledom odnosa s javnošću u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Upravo su tamo, 20-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, nastali odnosi s javnošću kakve danas poznajemo. Bilo da je riječ o ratnoj propagandi, kriznom komuniciranju ili nošenju s izazovima koje su donijeli novi mediji i digitalizacija, SAD su pokazale kako se vrlo dobro snalaze plivajući nemirnim vodama odnosa s javnošću. U zaključku, kao i kroz cijeli rad, vidljivo je da Sjedinjene Američke Države nisu bile samo kritična točka razvoja modernih odnosa s javnošću, već su nastavile diktirati smjer u kojem se profesija razvija i danas.
- Published
- 2021
25. Korporativno i krizno komuniciranje u odnosima s javnošću
- Author
Marjančević, Nikolina and Tanta, Ivan
- Subjects
Communication ,Agrokor ,kriza ,Corporate ,reputacija ,Crisis ,komunikacija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Odnosi s javnošću ,Identity ,Image ,identitet ,Korporacija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Public Relations ,imidž ,Reputation - Abstract
U završnom radu obradit će se teme korporacijsko komuniciranje i krizno komuniciranje te će se napraviti analiza u kriznog komuniciranja u korporaciji Agrokor. U korporacijskom komuniciranju objasnit će se pojmovi kao što je korporacija i što je komuniciranje, ali i sve do načina komuniciranja u korporaciji i na koji način se treba komunicirati, također bit će i objašnjeni pojmovi kao što su identitet, imidž i reputacija. U kriznom komuniciranju je na samom početku objašnjena riječ kriza, pa su potom predstavljeni načini do kojih može doći do krize u korporaciji, tijek krize, ali i načini i savjeti kako brže i bezbolnije prebroditi krizu u korporaciji, koje je vremensko razdoblje značajno za uspostavljanje komunikacije s medijima. Također u završnom radu je predstavljena analiza kriznog komuniciranja korporacije Agrokor i na koji način je ova korporacija komunicirala interno, ali i eksterno tijekom svoje krize i koje su temeljne pogreške učinjene tijekom njihove komunikacije u samoj krizi. In this final paper, topics that will be discussed is corporate communication and crisis communications and also in this final paper will be presented case studies in crisis communication on the example of the Agrokor Corporation. In part Corporate Communications I will explain concepts such as corporation and communication, how to communicate in a corporation and how to actually communicate, in the paper will also be explained concepts such as identity, image and reputation. At the very beginning of crisis communication, the word crisis was explained, and then the ways in which a crisis could be experienced in the corporation, the course of the crisis, as well as the ways and tricks to move faster and painlessly into the corporate crisis, and which is a time period of communication with the media. Also in this final paper was explained and presented a case study based on Agrokor and how this corporation communicated internally but also externally during its crisis and which fundamental mistakes were made during their communication in the crisis itself.
- Published
- 2018
26. Verbalna i neverbalna komunikacija Donalda Trumpa
- Author
Varoščić, Lucija and Tanta, Ivan
- Subjects
neverbalni aspekti ,verbalni aspekti ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Communicology ,medijska komunikacija (Twitter) ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Komunikologija ,Donald Trump - Abstract
Komunikacija je nezaobilazna u današnjem, svakodnevnom životu. Javne osobe, kao što je Donald Trump, stavljene su pod mikroskop medija i vrlo često se proučavaju njihovi verbalni aspekti i neverbalni aspekti komunikacije. Donald Trump je predstavljen kao nova ličnost u javnoj sferi, s obzirom na njegovo razvijanje medijske komunikaciju putem društvenih mreža pa i samim njegovim stavom, ponašanjem i cjelokupnom slikom. Iz tog razloga se stručnjaci zapitkuju u kojem smjeru ide politička komunikacija kakvom sada upravlja Donald Trump. Kombinacijom ove dvije vrste komunikacije, gdje ono što se izgovori u verbalnom dijelu se nadopunjuje u neverbalnom, pa se tako može saznati što se krije iza ekspresije lica ili pokreta ruku, a što možda Trump nije riječima zabilježio.
- Published
- 2018
27. The hybrid media functioning and hybrid media system
- Author
Ilić, Sara and Tanta, Ivan
- Subjects
mediji ,hybrid functioning ,social media ,media ,blog ,društvene mreže ,blogs ,public relations ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences ,hibridno djelovanje ,odnosi s javnošću - Abstract
Mediji dio su naših života već nekoliko stoljeća, bez njih svakodnevni život je ne zamisliv još od početaka. Danas su mediji u potpunosti postali masovni i dostupni širokim masama. Mediji više nisu samo kanal za informiranje već su i sredstvo izražavanja svakoga pojedinca. Pojavnom blogova, foruma, društvenih mreža i platformi poput YouTube-a došlo je i do pojave građanskog novinarstva. S obzirom da svaka osoba ima pravo i prostor iskazati svoje mišljenje i biti nekome biti izvor informiranja tradicionalno novinarstvo s jedne strane gubi na svrsi, a druge strane i novinarima ove platforme mogu biti izvori. Problem kod novih medija ove vrste je autentičnost i točnost stoga bi sve preuzete informacije trebale biti provjerene. Danas se mediji koriste i u druge svrhe kao što su manipulacija, cyber napadi, stvaranje slike o svijetu u kojemu živimo, negativni ili pozitivni utjecaj. S promjenom medija, došlo je do promjene novinarstva, ali i odnosa s javnošću koji su morali prilagoditi svoje tehnike direktnom odnosu s ciljanim javnostima, bez posrednika. Media has been part of our lives for several centuries, without them everyday life is unimaginable ever since the beginning. Today the media are fully become main stream and available to the masses. Media are no longer just a channel for information but are also the means of expressing each individual. Phenomenal blogs, forums, social networks and platforms like YouTube, there was an appearance of citizen journalism. Since every person has the right and place to express their opinion and to be someone's source of information, traditional journalism on the one hand loses its purpose, and the other hand journalists can use this platforms as a sources. The problem with new media of this type is authenticity and accuracy so all the information that you have received should be checked. Today, the media and used for other purposes such as manipulation, cyberattacks, creating a picture of the world in which we live, negative or positive impact. With media change, there has been a change in journalism but also in public relations that had to adapt their techniques to direct contact with targeted publics without intermediaries.
- Published
- 2018
28. Popularna kultura; Reality emisije
- Author
Grgić, Irena and Tanta, Ivan
- Subjects
popularna kultura ,Big Brother ,medijski spektakl ,reality emisije ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Masovni mediji ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Mass Media - Abstract
Big Brother, Ljubav je na selu, Život na vagi i Farma – samo su neke od emisija koje imamo prilike svakodnevno gledati na malim ekranima. Njihovi glavni akteri naši su poznanici, susjedi, prijatelji ili pak članovi najuže obitelji. Što nas toliko privlači u reality emisijama? Pruža li nam gledanje medijski kreirane stvarnosti veće zadovoljstvo od življenja u onoj vlastitoj? Jesmo li postali robovi medijskog spektakla uhodani u ulogu sveprisutnog voajera? Ima li intima cijenu? Koliko smo daleko spremni ići radi pet minuta slave? Što kada ta slava prođe?
- Published
- 2018
29. An Analysis of Fashion Trends via Vogue Journalism, Exemplified by on Influence of Vogue Magazines
- Author
Lulić, Niko and Tanta, Ivan
- Subjects
modno novinarstvo ,fashion magazine ,fashion journalism ,fashion trend ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Journalism ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Novinarstvo ,Vogue ,modni časopis ,modni trend - Abstract
Od ženskih časopisa sa krojačkim uzorcima do časopisa mode i stila sa milijunskim nakladama, modno novinarstvo naglim porastom u popularnosti danas predlaže, diktira i utjelovljuje stil. Zbog razgranatosti samog područja dolazimo do kolebljivosti oko definicije pojmova mode, stila i trenda. Modno novinarstvo oblikuje ženske živote u nedavnoj prošlosti te je i danas popularna interesna sfera velikom broju modno osviještenih, ali i onih manje, žena u modernom društvu. Odjeća te moda i stil koji se s njom pojavljuju danas su važan oblik izražavanja vlastitoga stila, karaktera i osobnosti. Uz sve liberalnije društvo i slobodu izražavanja, promjene u ponudi odjeće su česte te se stilovi individualaca učestalo mijenjaju zbog raznih trendova koja se šire kroz modno novinarstvo, društvene mreže isl. Čitateljima se nude najnovije informacije o modnim trendovima, zajedno sa prijedlozima i uputama modernog odijevanja i izražavanja vlastitog stila i osobnosti kroz odijevanje. Vogue se smatra modnom biblijom, dok se ostali časopisi pokušavaju definirati kroz manje tematske varijacije kako bi privukli specifičniju publiku. Kroz neinvazivne preporuke modni časopisi definiraju vlastiti stil i ženi predlažu, a ne nameću, varijacije u odijevanju koja ona sama bira održavajući vlastiti stil i izričaj, kroz informacije koje saznaje u modnim časopisima, koji su pak u suradnji sa modnom industrijom. From women's magazines with various tailoring patterns to fashion and style magazines with massive productions, fashion journalism with it's sudden growth in popularity dictates, suggests and embodies modern style. Due to various subjects in the field of fashion there's some uncertainty between the definitions of stlye, fashion and trend. Fashion journalism shaped everyday life for women in the recent past and is still to this day a subject of interest between women of various fashion interests. Clothing, and fashion and style that come with it, are important means of expressing your character and personality. With the society growing more liberal and with freedom of expression, various trends shape individual styles very commonly with the help of fashion journalism, social networks etc. The reader is offered latest information about fashion trends, paired with suggestions and guides about dressing fashionably and expressing your individuality and personality through the clothing. Vogue is considered the fashion bible, while the rest of the fashion magazines try to define their own style through thematical variations to attract a more specific audience. With friendly recommendations fashion magazines define their own style and suggest, not impose, variations in individuals styling by allowing the person to do their own picking while keeping their individual style and expression unhindered. This is done through information they learn in the fashion magazines, who are connected with the fashion industry creating a strong and inseparable alliance.
- Published
- 2016
30. La numérisation de la vie des jeunes : Regards pluridisciplinaires sur les usages juvéniles des médias sociaux
- Author
Nicole Boubée, Claire Safont-Mottay, Franck Martin, Nicole Boubée, Claire Safont-Mottay, and Franck Martin
- Abstract
Le smartphone est désormais dans presque toutes les poches. Annonce-t-il de nouvelles reconfigurations des pratiques communicationnelles et informationnelles des plus jeunes? Dans ce moment particulier d'accélération des évolutions techno-médiatiques et sociales, il importe de faire le point. Jusqu'ici, un certain consensus prévalait autour du potentiel émancipateur et capacitant de l'internet. Qu'en est-il dans la période actuelle marquée à la fois par l'emprise croissante des médias sociaux sur la vie des plus jeunes et par les inquiétudes que suscitent les industries de la relation et du contenu, surveillant et contrôlant les activités, y compris juvéniles?
- Published
- 2019
31. Religiöse Erinnerungsorte in Ostmitteleuropa : Konstitution und Konkurrenz im nationen- und epochenübergreifenden Zugriff
- Author
Joachim Bahlcke, Stefan Rohdewald, Thomas Wünsch, Joachim Bahlcke, Stefan Rohdewald, and Thomas Wünsch
- Subjects
- Investments, Foreign--Europe, Central, Regional planning--Europe, Eastern, Regional planning--Europe, Central, Investments, Foreign--Europe, Eastern
- Abstract
Das Handbuch versteht Religion als ein „kulturellen System“ in doppelter Hinsicht: als Zugang, der dem Forschungsanliegen einer neu verstandenen Erinnerungsgeschichte zu mehr Stringenz verhelfen kann. Und als Anstoß, die religiöse Vielfalt Ostmitteleuropas als Charakteristikum dieser Großregion herauszuarbeiten.
- Published
- 2013
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