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Communication in Organisations as Fundamentals of Good Management or a Stumbling Block

Authors :
Škarica, Jadranka
Tanta, Ivan
Source :
Communication Management Review, Volume 01, Issue 02
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Communication Management Review, 2016.


The environment in which businesses operate is constantly changing and managers are often forced to make decisions that would help businesses adapt to changes. In this context, communication skills are very important especially in managing change in order to increase the quality of decisions and the likelihood that the employees will be motivated for successful implementation of changes. This study will provide an overview and an analysis of communication in organisations based on the results of the survey, and it will provide recommendations on how to effectively communicate changes. Recently published studies did not address the effectiveness of communication in implementing changes using survey questionnaires. The results obtained from the survey are applicable in practice and could be used by managers and employees to ensure a more successful implementation of inevitable change and to reduce the unwanted effects if the change is not communicated effectively.<br />Okruženje u kojem poduzeća posluju neprestano se mijenja i menadžeri su često prisiljeni donositi odluke koje bi pomogle poduzećima da se prilagode promjenama. U tom kontekstu, komunikacijske vještine su vrlo važne posebno u upravljanju promjenama kako bi se povećala kvaliteta odluka i vjerojatnost da će zaposlenici biti motivirani za uspješno provođenje promjena. Ovo istraživanje će dati pregled i analizu komunikacije u organizacijama na temelju rezultata ankete te će dati preporuke kako učinkovito komunicirati promjene. Nedavno objavljene studije nisu se bavile učinkovitošću komunikacije u provođenju promjena pomoću anketnih upitnika. Rezultati dobiveni anketom primjenjivi su u praksi te bi ih menadžeri i zaposlenici mogli koristiti kako bi osigurali uspješnije provođenje neizbježne promjene i smanjili neželjene učinke ukoliko se promjena ne komunicira učinkovito.


Language :
24596086 and 2459590X
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Communication Management Review
Accession number :