48 results on '"Bakker, M.A.J."'
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2. Geoarcheologisch onderzoek naar de fundamenten van de korenmolen die gestaan heeft op de locatie Dorpsstraat 603 in Assendelft
- Author
Vos, P.C., Bakker, M.A.J., Doornenbal, P., Vries, S. de, and Deltares
- Subjects
korenmolen De Blijdschap ,Archaeology ,Molen van Terra ,Middeleeuwen laat: 1050 - 1500 nC (LME) ,Geodesy, physical geography ,Economie - Molen (EIM) ,Nieuwe tijd: 1500 - heden (NT) - Abstract
Door Deltares zijn geofysische metingen verricht naar het mogelijk voorkomen van restanten van de oude korenmolen De Blijdschap (of ook wel Molen van Terra genoemd) op het terrein aan de Dorpsstraat 603 te Assendelft. Deze molen heeft daar tot in het begin van de 20e eeuw (1907) gestaan waarna hij gesloopt is. De molen was van oorsprong zeer oud. Uit schriftelijke bronnen is bekend dat reeds voor 1441 op het perceel aan de Dorpsstraat 603 een molen gestaan heeft. Doel van het geofysisch onderzoek was het vaststellen of er nog fundamenten van de molen in de ondiepe ondergrond aanwezig waren, en of er mogelijk binnen het betreffende perceel zich nog oude, dichtgestorte greppels (of sloten) gevonden. Het uitgevoerde geofysisch onderzoek bestond uit magnetische en grondradar metingen. De geofysische meetresultaten (patronen of anomalieën) zijn in het veld met behulp van handboringen getoetst om daarmee de archeologische betekenis van deze meetresultaten te kunnen vaststellen. De conclusie van het onderzoek is dat uit de geofysische metingen concentrische of stervormige patronen naar voren komen op de locatie van de voormalige molen De Blijdschap. Met handboringen is aangetoond dat op deze locaties concentraties van heterogeen bouwmateriaal voorkomt, in de top van het veen, tot een diepte van maximaal 50 cm beneden (voormalig) maaiveld. Op basis van dit onderzoek kan worden gesteld dat er op het terrein hoogst waarschijnlijk geen intacte fundamenten van de molen meer voorkomen hetgeen suggereert dat deze bij de sloop van de molen eveneens zijn weggebroken. In het geval er nog resten aanwezig zijn, dan zijn ze – op basis van de geofysische patronen – minder dan een halve meter bij een halve meter groot. Er zijn op de geofysische beelden geen patronen te herkennen die duiden op de aanwezigheid van dichtgegooide sloten of greppels op het onderzochte terrein.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Prospectief geoarcheologisch onderzoek Duin en Bosch (gemeente Castricum)
- Author
Vos, P.C., Bakker, M.A.J., and Deltares
- Subjects
Archaeology ,georadar ,Geodesy, physical geography ,Begemann boringen - Abstract
In dit rapport worden de resultaten van het geoarcheologisch veldonderzoek beschreven dat in het voorjaar van 2011uitgevoerd is in het plangebied Duin en Bosch. Doel van het onderzoek was om op de toekomstige bouwlocaties (deelgebieden 1 t/m 10) de archeologische verwachting op laagniveau vast te stellen tot een diepte van maximaal 1 m -NAP. Deze kennis vormt de basis voor de adviezen van het archeologisch bureau Vestigia aan de opdrachtgever (PGB) ten aanzien van de archeologische risico’s bij de uitvoer van het geplande werkzaamheden op de bouwplekken. Aan de hand van deze risicoinventarisatie worden de archeologische vervolgstappen aanbevolen die uitgevoerd zouden moeten worden indien archeologische waarden bedreigd worden op de bouwplekken. Het veldonderzoek is uitgevoerd met georadar-opnamen en met 20 hoogkwalitatieve Begemann steekboringen. Met de georadar-opnamen (profielen) wordt een ruimtelijk beeld verkregen van de opbouw van de (duin)ondergrond. Met de ongestoorde, hoog kwalitatieve steekboringen kan worden vastgesteld of bodemlagen antropogeen zijn verstoord of niet. Bij deze aanpak is het grote voordeel, in vergelijking met de traditioneel gehanteerde boormethodiek, dat met de radarbeelden de opbouw van de ondiepe ondergrond (bijvoorbeeld duinkopjes, maar ook subrecente verstoringen) ruimtelijk in beeld gebracht wordt en dat ook lagen die antropogeen omgewerkt zijn ruimtelijk opgespoord kunnen worden. In de traditionele, prospectieve duinonderzoeken wordt er in essentie geprospecteerd op archeologische resten (materialen) die in de ondergrond aanwezig kunnen zijn. Probleem daarbij is echter dat in duinafzettingen de trefkans op archeologische resten doormiddel van booronderzoek veelal laag is en dat antropogene bodemomwerking als archeologische indicator over het hoofd wordt gezien. Voor het verwachtingsmodel is de ondiepe ondergrond tot 1 m onder NAP onderverdeeld in 4 hoofdeenheden: - Eenheid 1. Subrecent verstoorde gronden (inclusief leidingverstoringen, recent gesloopte bebouwing en dergelijke); - Eenheid 2. Oud Duinpakket met bodems, deels antropogeen omgewerkt; - Eenheid 3. Antropogene bodemlaag rond 0 NAP; - Eenheid 4. Strandzanden, washover afzettingen en Oer-IJ afzettingen. De eenheden 1 en 4 hebben een lage archeologische verwachting. De subrecent verstoorde bovengrond is archeologisch oninteressant. De dikte van deze laag aan maaiveld varieert tussen 0.5 en 1.5 m. Eenheid 4 betreft mariene aquatische afzettingen waar geen archeologische nederzettingsporen in te verwachten zijn (lage verwachting). Deze afzettingen liggen in het algemeen beneden 0,5 m –NAP. Eenheid 3 is een antropogene bodemlaag met hoge archeologische verwachting, Steekkernmonsters van deze laag zijn zichtbaar door de mens is omgewerkt / bewerkt. Eenheid 3 komt over het gehele terrein van het plangebied Duin en Bosch voor. In deze eenheid is aantreffen van nederzettingsresten binnen het plangebied goed mogelijk, vooral op relatief hogere locaties, die minder last gehad zullen hebben van het stijgende grondwater (vernatting). Eenheid 3 ligt in algemeen op een diepte rond 0 m NAP. Op de bouwlocaties is dit meestal op 2,5 tot 4,0 m onder het maaiveld. De bodems in het duinpakket (eenheid 2) tussen de verstoorde bovenlaag (eenheid 1) en de antropogene bodemlaag rond Om NAP (eenheid 3) zijn in een aantal gevallen lokaal antropogeen verstoord. De bodems van eenheid 2 representeren een (locale) stilstandfase in de duinzandverstuivingen. Het zijn daarmee niveaus waar de mens op gewoond en gewerkt kan hebben. Mogelijk zijn ook deze bodemlagen archeologisch relevant, zeker daar waar er aanwijzing is voor antropogene verstoring. Eenheid 2 heeft om deze reden oon matig hoge tot hoge archeologische verwachting. Op basis van de bestaande kennis over de geologische opbouw van het onderzoeksgebied wordt verwacht dat (1) de antropogeen verstoorde laag (Eenheid 3) op ca. Om NAP dateert uit de late ijzertijd / Romeinse tijd, en dat (i) de bodemlagen in het bovenliggende duinpakket van Romeinse / Vroeg Middeleeuwse ouderdom zijn. Voor een nadere precisering is het van belang om absolute dateringen te verkrijgen uit de (antropogeen verstoord) bodemlagen. Vooral Merovingische archeologische sporen hebben een hoge archeologische waarde. Het strekt daarom tot aanbeveling de bodemlagen in het duinzandpakket te dateren. De steekkeren bevatten geschikt materiaal voor C-ouderdomsbepalingen. Dit is nader gespecificeerd in het rapport.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Inventariserend veldonderzoek op de uitwerkingsplekken 1 en 2 binnen het plangebied Zuiderloo (Gemeente Heiloo)
- Author
Vos, P.C., Bakker, M.A.J., and Deltares
- Subjects
Archaeology ,georadar ,Geodesy, physical geography ,Begemann boringen - Abstract
In dit rapport worden de resultaten van het prospectief geoarcheologisch veldonderzoek beschreven dat in het voorjaar van 2011 is uitgevoerd binnen het plangebied Zuiderloo (gemeente Heiloo). Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd op twee deellocaties binnen het plangebied, namelijk de uitwerkingsplekken UWP1 en UWP2. Van uitwerkingsplek UWP 1 is alleen voor het noordelijk deelgebied (UWP 1 –Zevenhuizerlaan) prospectief veldonderzoek uitgevoerd. Het zuidelijk deel van uitwerkingsplek UWP 1 was reeds archeologisch onderzocht doormiddel van proefsleuven (2008) en een definitieve opgraving in het voorjaar van 2009 en het voorjaar van 2011. Ook in het uitwerkingsplekgebied UWP 2 is in het voorjaar 2011 al een beperkt proefsleufonderzoek uitgevoerd en de geoarcheologische onderzoeksresultaten zijn meegenomen in deze rapportage. Het uitgevoerde archeologisch onderzoek in het plangebied Zuiderloo heeft veel informatie opgeleverd over de geologische laagopbouw tot maximaal 3 m onder maaiveld in dit gebied. Het prospectief veldonderzoek in het gebied UWP 1– Zevenhuizerlaan en UWP 2 is uitgevoerd met behulp van georadaropnamen. De reflecties van de georadar metingen in het deelgebied UWP 1 – Zevenhuizerlaan zijn geologisch geïnterpreteerd op basis van de zuidelijk gelegen archeologische putten. De georadar profielen van UWP 2 zijn geïnterpreteerd aan de hand van de proefsleufinformatie uit 2011 en de 7 hoogkwalitatieve Begemann steekboringen. Met de georadar profielen is een ruimtelijk beeld verkregen van de opbouw van de (duin)ondergrond zoals duinkopjes en duinvalleien (depressies). Met ongestoorde, hoog kwalitatieve steekboringen in WP 2 is vastgesteld of bodemlagen in de duinzanden archeologisch (of subrecent) verstoord zijn of niet. De ruimtelijke patronen zijn weergegeven als in kaartraders, bijvoorbeeld de verbreiding van de subrecente verstoring in UWP 1 – Zevenhuizerlaan of in een 3D ondergrond model. Aan de hand van het veldonderzoek en de bestaande geogenetische kennis van het plangebied is voor de uitwerkingsplekken UWP 1 en UWP 2 een verwachtingsmodel opgesteld. Aan de hand van dit ondergrondmodel zijn aanbevelingen gemaakt voor het archeologisch vervolgonderzoek voor de gebieden UWP 1 - Zevenhuizerlaan en UWP 2; basisinformatie voor de op te stellen Programma’s van Eisen (PvE’s) en Plannen van Aanpak (PvA’s) voor het toekomstig archeologisch onderzoek in het plangebeid Zuiderloo. De onderscheiden laageenheden binnen UWP 1 en 2 hebben de volgende archeologische verwachting gekregen: - Eenheid 1. De bouwvoor is in het algemeen dikker dan 0.5 m en is archeologisch niet relevant. Alleen vondstmateriaal in secundaire positie kan aangetroffen worden.Eenheid 2. In de bovenste duinzanden kunnen restanten van een archeologisch omgewerkte laag uit de ijzertijd / Romeinse tijd en uit de middeleeuwse / nieuwe tijd voorkomen. Vooral in het oostelijk deel van UWP 2 is deze archeologie op een diepte van ca. 0.4 en 1.4 m onder de bouwvoor aangetoond (Afb. 16 en 21). Ook in UWP 1- Zevenhuizerlaan kunnen deze sporen worden aangetroffen in laageenheid 2 onder de bouwvoor. - Eenheid 3. Deze bodem-/cultuurlaag uit de midden/late bronstijd komen vooral voor in het deelgebied UWP 1- Zevenhuizerlaan en hebben daar een hoge archeologische verwachting. Duinkopjes – zoals die van de grafheuvel in het opgegraven deel van UWP 1 – komen uit het georadar onderzoek niet naar voren. In uitwerkingsplek UWP 2 is de eenheid 3 niet of nauwelijks ontwikkeld. Locaal is een zwak ontwikkelde laag aangetoond. De archeologische verwachting is voor dit laagniveaus is daarom lager dan in UWP 1 maar waar de laag voorkomt worden Bronstijd sporen niet uitgesloten. - Eenheid 4. De ‘’schone’’ middelste duinzanden hebben een lage archeologische verwachting vanwege het actieve zandtransport bij de vorming. - Eenheid 5. Vroege bronstijd bodemlaag: humeuze / venige bodemlaag, organisch rijke afzetting gelaagd met dunne duinzand laagjes. Archeologie is tot nu toe in deze laageenheid niet gevonden, maar op relatief hoge locaties van eenheid 5 is de aanwezigheid van laat neolithicum / vroege bronstijd archeologie mogelijk. Eenheid 5 ligt relatief hoog in deelgebieden UWP 1 – Zevenhuizerlaan waar eenheid 6 een duinkop vormt. In gebied UWP 2 gaan van oost naar west de eenheden 5 en 6 omhoog. In de middelste zone van UWP 2 heeft de laageenheid heeft de laag een middel hoge verwachting. In het westelijk deel van UWP 2 is de verwachting laag omdat de eenheid 5 daar ontbreekt. In dit gebied ligt de bouwvoor direct op eenheid 6. - Eenheid 6. De ‘’schone’’ onderste duinzanden hebben eveneens een lage archeologische verwachting vanwege het eolisch zandtransport. - Eenheid 7. De strandzanden hebben een lage verwachting omdat ze in een frequent door de zee overstroomd milieu gevormd zijn. Dit rapport onderschrijft het archeologisch advies selectiebesluit uitwerkingsplek 2. De opvatting dat in het oostelijk deel van UWP 2 opgebrachte grond aanwezig is, wordt alleen niet gedeeld. In de onderzochte gebieden UWP 1 en UWP 2 is de bovengrond tot ca. 0.5 m onder maaiveld (of dieper) verstoord. De Begemann steekboringen, genomen in het oostelijk deel van UWP 2, laten deze verstoringsdiepte van de bouwvoor ook zien zonder dat er sprake is van duidelijke ophoging.
- Published
- 2022
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5. 3D geology in a 2D country: perspectives for geological surveying in the Netherlands
- Author
van der Meulen, M.J., Doornenbal, J.C., Gunnink, J.L., Stafleu, J., Schokker, J., Vernes, R.W., van Geer, F.C., van Gessel, S.F., Heteren, S., van Leeuwen, R.J.W., Bakker, M.A.J., Bogaard, P.J.F., Busschers, F.S., Griffioen, J., Gruijters, S.H.L.L., Kiden, P., Schroot, B.M., Simmelink, H.J., van Berkel, W.O., van der Krogt, R.A.A., Westerhoff, W.E., van Daalen, T.M., Environmental Sciences, Landscape functioning, Geocomputation and Hydrology, FG Landschapskunde, Gis, Hydrologie, Section Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Landscape functioning, Geocomputation and Hydrology, FG Landschapskunde, Gis, Hydrologie, and Section Environmental Sciences
- Subjects
Applied geoscience ,Process (engineering) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Earth & Environment ,Energy / Geological Survey Netherlands ,Hydrogeology ,Geologic modelling ,Geomodelling ,User expectations ,geological surveying ,Quality (business) ,mapping ,media_common ,Netherlands ,Government ,business.industry ,applied geoscience ,Spatial database ,Environmental resource management ,geomodelling ,Geology ,geodatabase ,Geologic map ,Geodatabase ,Mapping ,hydrogeology ,Oil and Gas ,Geological survey ,ELSS - Earth, Life and Social Sciences ,GM - Geomodelling AGEA - Advisory Group for Economic Affairs DIN - DINO ,business ,Geosciences ,Geological surveying - Abstract
Over the last ten to twenty years, geological surveys all over the world have been entangled in a process of digitisation. Their paper archives, built over many decades, have largely been replaced by electronic databases. The systematic production of geological map sheets is being replaced by 3D subsurface modelling, the results of which are distributed electronically. In the Netherlands, this transition is both being accelerated and concluded by a new law that will govern management and utilisation of subsurface information. Under this law, the Geological Survey of the Netherlands has been commissioned to build a key register for the subsurface: a single national database for subsurface data and information, which Dutch government bodies are obliged to use when making policies or decisions that pertain to, or can be affected by the subsurface. This requires the Survey to rethink and redesign a substantial part of its operation: from data acquisition and interpretation to delivery. It has also helped shape our view on geological surveying in the future.The key register, which is expected to start becoming operational in 2015, will contain vast quantities of subsurface data, as well as their interpretation into 3D models. The obligatory consultation of the register will raise user expectations of the reliability of all information it contains, and requires a strong focus on confidence issues. Building the necessary systems and meeting quality requirements is our biggest challenge in the upcoming years. The next step change will be towards building 4D models, which represent not only geological conditions in space, but also processes in time such as subsidence, anthropogenic effects, and those associated with global change.
- Published
- 2013
6. Characterisation of landfills using a multidisciplinary approach
- Author
Paap, B.F., Bakker, M.A.J., Hoekstra, N.K., and Oonk, H.
- Subjects
Site investigation ,Land surveying ,Earth & Environment ,Landfill ,EELS - Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences ,Geosciences ,PG - Petroleum Geosciences - Abstract
The Netherlands has about 3800 abandoned landfills with a total surface of about 9000 ha. As they are often located near urban areas and their influence extends into their surrounding environment they put pressure on available space. Most abandoned landfills were in use until the 1960s and 1970s. Their precise geometry and composition are often unknown. The same can be said about the internal processes and resulting short- and long-term risks of the landfills. As a result landfills are often poorly understood and only monitored by measuring surrounding groundwater composition. In order to gain a better understanding of landfills - especially of their outer boundaries and the lateral variation in composition - a multidisciplinary approach is used consisting of geophysical and chemical measurements to characterise landfills. The aim of this paper is to share experiences from two sites - an abandoned landfill at the Bergen site situated in the coastal realm of the Netherlands and a modern landfill situated at the Landgraaf site in inland, hilly terrain - with a clear focus on the geophysical results. For the considered case studies, continuous vertical electrical sounding and electromagnetic measurements appeared to be preferred geophysical techniques. In combination with chemical measurements they are suitable for detecting waste site boundaries and in addition provide information on the heterogeneity observed within the considered waste sites.
- Published
- 2011
7. 3D subsurface modelling reveals the shallow geology of Amsterdam
- Author
Schokker, J., primary, Bakker, M.A.J., additional, Dubelaar, C.W., additional, Dambrink, R.M., additional, and Harting, R., additional
- Published
- 2015
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8. Glacial Chronology over the Past 450 kyr Around the Margins of the Southern North Sea (UK and Netherlands) From Quartz Luminescence Dating
- Author
Pawley, S.M., Rose, J., Bailey, R.M., Rijsdijk, K.F., van Dijk, T.A., Bakker, M.A.J., Busschers, F., Davies, B., Roberts, D.H., and Marine and Fluvial Systems
- Subjects
METIS-258718 - Abstract
Terrestrial glacigenic deposits containing evidence for the repeated growth of former ice sheets are distributed widely in North America and continental Europe. The chronology of the younger component of these deposits during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is relatively well established, but considerably less is known about the extent and timing of earlier periods of Pleistocene glaciation. This study focuses on the well preserved glacigenic sediment and landform assemblages that are exposed across lowland areas of eastern Britain and the northern Netherlands, which document the repeated advance of Pleistocene British/Fennoscandinavian ice sheets. Previously, it is unknown whether the deposits belong to a single glaciation equated with Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12, or represent deposition over a number of separate cold climate stages. We have collected > 80 samples from glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits in this region for luminescence (OSL) dating with the approach of obtaining 5-10 replicate dates per stratigraphical unit. The luminescence characteristics of the samples including thermal stability, dose response, ability to measure a known dose, and presence of desirable components separated using LM-OSL (linear modulation) indicate that equivalent doses can be reliably measured across the timescale of interest. Furthermore, low concentrations of radioactive isotopes in sediments of this region enable the traditionally accepted age limit of luminescence dating to be considerably extended. The luminescence ages confirm that the largest glaciation in the UK occurred during MIS 12 (427 ± 26 kyr). An additional tight cluster of ages at 166 ± 8 kyr also indicates that major ice advances occurred synchronously in the UK and Netherlands during MIS 6, although the dimensions of the ice sheet in the UK appears to be of a similar or lesser extent than the LGM. This work also justifies that coherent sets of luminescence ages can be obtained with an overall uncertainty of < 10%, sufficient to delineate glaciation events at the isotope stage level but precluding discrimination of sub-isotope stage advances.
- Published
- 2008
9. Reconstructing North Sea palaeolandscapes from 3D and high-density 2D seismic data: An overview
- Author
Heteren, S. van, Meekes, J.A.C., Bakker, M.A.J., Gaffney, V., Fitch, S., Gearey, B.R., Paap, B.F., Heteren, S. van, Meekes, J.A.C., Bakker, M.A.J., Gaffney, V., Fitch, S., Gearey, B.R., and Paap, B.F.
- Abstract
The North Sea subsurface shows the marks of long-term tectonic subsidence. Much of it contains a thick record of glacial and interglacial deposits and landscapes, formed during multiple glacial cycles and the associated regressions and transgressions during the past two million years. At times of lower sea level than today, areas that are presently submerged were fertile lowlands more favourable for hunting and gathering than the surrounding upland. These drowned lowlands are not captured by traditional 1:250,000 geological maps of the North Sea subsurface because the underlying seismic and core data are commonly too widely spaced to achieve this. Palaeolandscape mapping requires identification of building blocks with spatial scales in the order of 1 km or less. As high-density 2D and high-quality 3D seismics are becoming available for an increasing part of the North Sea, glacial and interglacial palaeolandscapes can be reconstructed for more and more areas. An overview of published palaeolandscape reconstructions shows that shallow time slices through 3D data provide map views that are very suitable for the identification of landscape elements. For optimal results, each time slice needs to be validated and ground-truthed with 2D seismics and with descriptions and analyses of cores and borehole samples. Interpretations should be made by teams of geoscientists with a sufficiently broad range of expertise to recognise and classify even subtle or unfamiliar patterns and features. The resulting reconstructions will provide a context and an environmental setting for Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic societies and finds. © Netherlands Journal of Geosciences Foundation 2014.
- Published
- 2014
10. Reconstructing North Sea palaeolandscapes from 3D and high-density 2D seismic data: An overview – ERRATUM
- Author
van Heteren, S., primary, Meekes, J.A.C., additional, Bakker, M.A.J., additional, Gaffney, V., additional, Fitch, S., additional, Gearey, B.R., additional, and Paap, B.F., additional
- Published
- 2014
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11. 3D geology in a 2D country: perspectives for geological surveying in the Netherlands
- Author
Environmental Sciences, Landscape functioning, Geocomputation and Hydrology, FG Landschapskunde, Gis, Hydrologie, Section Environmental Sciences, van der Meulen, M.J., Doornenbal, J.C., Gunnink, J.L., Stafleu, J., Schokker, J., Vernes, R.W., van Geer, F.C., van Gessel, S.F., Heteren, S., van Leeuwen, R.J.W., Bakker, M.A.J., Bogaard, P.J.F., Busschers, F.S., Griffioen, J., Gruijters, S.H.L.L., Kiden, P., Schroot, B.M., Simmelink, H.J., van Berkel, W.O., van der Krogt, R.A.A., Westerhoff, W.E., van Daalen, T.M., Environmental Sciences, Landscape functioning, Geocomputation and Hydrology, FG Landschapskunde, Gis, Hydrologie, Section Environmental Sciences, van der Meulen, M.J., Doornenbal, J.C., Gunnink, J.L., Stafleu, J., Schokker, J., Vernes, R.W., van Geer, F.C., van Gessel, S.F., Heteren, S., van Leeuwen, R.J.W., Bakker, M.A.J., Bogaard, P.J.F., Busschers, F.S., Griffioen, J., Gruijters, S.H.L.L., Kiden, P., Schroot, B.M., Simmelink, H.J., van Berkel, W.O., van der Krogt, R.A.A., Westerhoff, W.E., and van Daalen, T.M.
- Published
- 2013
12. Using 18th century storm-surge data from the Dutch Coast to improve the confidence in flood-risk estimates
- Author
Baart, F. (author), Bakker, M.A.J. (author), Van Dongeren, A. (author), Den Heijer, C. (author), Van Heteren, S. (author), Smit, M.W.J. (author), Van Koningsveld, M. (author), Pool, A. (author), Baart, F. (author), Bakker, M.A.J. (author), Van Dongeren, A. (author), Den Heijer, C. (author), Van Heteren, S. (author), Smit, M.W.J. (author), Van Koningsveld, M. (author), and Pool, A. (author)
- Abstract
For the design of cost-effective coastal defence a precise estimate is needed of the 1/10 000 per year storm surge. A more precise estimate requires more observations. Therefore, the three greatest storm surges that hit the northern part of the Holland Coast in the 18th century are reconstructed. The reconstructions are based on paintings, drawings, written records and shell deposits that have recently appeared. The storm-surge levels of these storms have been estimated using numerical modelling of the coastal processes. Here we show how these reconstructions can be used in combination with extreme value statistics to give a more confident estimate of low probability events., Hydraulic Engineering, Civil Engineering and Geosciences
- Published
- 2011
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13. Using 18th century storm-surge data from the Dutch Coast to improve the confidence in flood-risk estimates
- Author
Baart, F., Bakker, M.A.J., Van Dongeren, A., Den Heijer, C., Van Heteren, S., Smit, M.W.J., Van Koningsveld, M., Pool, A., Baart, F., Bakker, M.A.J., Van Dongeren, A., Den Heijer, C., Van Heteren, S., Smit, M.W.J., Van Koningsveld, M., and Pool, A.
- Abstract
For the design of cost-effective coastal defence a precise estimate is needed of the 1/10 000 per year storm surge. A more precise estimate requires more observations. Therefore, the three greatest storm surges that hit the northern part of the Holland Coast in the 18th century are reconstructed. The reconstructions are based on paintings, drawings, written records and shell deposits that have recently appeared. The storm-surge levels of these storms have been estimated using numerical modelling of the coastal processes. Here we show how these reconstructions can be used in combination with extreme value statistics to give a more confident estimate of low probability events., For the design of cost-effective coastal defence a precise estimate is needed of the 1/10 000 per year storm surge. A more precise estimate requires more observations. Therefore, the three greatest storm surges that hit the northern part of the Holland Coast in the 18th century are reconstructed. The reconstructions are based on paintings, drawings, written records and shell deposits that have recently appeared. The storm-surge levels of these storms have been estimated using numerical modelling of the coastal processes. Here we show how these reconstructions can be used in combination with extreme value statistics to give a more confident estimate of low probability events.
- Published
- 2011
14. Sox4 mediates Tbx3 transcriptional regulation of the gap junction protein Cx43
- Author
Boogerd, C.J., Wong, L.Y., van den Boogaard, M., Bakker, M.A.J., Tessadori, F., Bakkers, J., 't Hoen, P.A.C., Moorman, A.F., Christoffels, V.M., Barnett, P., Boogerd, C.J., Wong, L.Y., van den Boogaard, M., Bakker, M.A.J., Tessadori, F., Bakkers, J., 't Hoen, P.A.C., Moorman, A.F., Christoffels, V.M., and Barnett, P.
- Abstract
Tbx3, a T-box transcription factor, regulates key steps in development of the heart and other organ systems. Here, we identify Sox4 as an interacting partner of Tbx3. Pull-down and nuclear retention assays verify this interaction and in situ hybridization reveals Tbx3 and Sox4 to co-localize extensively in the embryo including the atrioventricular and outflow tract cushion mesenchyme and a small area of interventricular myocardium. Tbx3, SOX4, and SOX2 ChIP data, identify a region in intron 1 of Gja1 bound by all tree proteins and subsequent ChIP experiments verify that this sequence is bound, in vivo, in the developing heart. In a luciferase reporter assay, this element displays a synergistic antagonistic response to co-transfection of Tbx3 and Sox4 and in vivo, in zebrafish, drives expression of a reporter in the heart, confirming its function as a cardiac enhancer. Mechanistically, we postulate that Sox4 is a mediator of Tbx3 transcriptional activity. [KEYWORDS: Amino Acid Sequence; Animals; COS Cells; Cercopithecus aethiops; Connexin 43/ genetics; Gene Expression Regulation; Humans; Male; Mice; Molecular Sequence Data; SOXC Transcription Factors/chemistry/ metabolism; T-Box Domain Proteins/ metabolism; Transcription, Genetic; Zebrafish], Tbx3, a T-box transcription factor, regulates key steps in development of the heart and other organ systems. Here, we identify Sox4 as an interacting partner of Tbx3. Pull-down and nuclear retention assays verify this interaction and in situ hybridization reveals Tbx3 and Sox4 to co-localize extensively in the embryo including the atrioventricular and outflow tract cushion mesenchyme and a small area of interventricular myocardium. Tbx3, SOX4, and SOX2 ChIP data, identify a region in intron 1 of Gja1 bound by all tree proteins and subsequent ChIP experiments verify that this sequence is bound, in vivo, in the developing heart. In a luciferase reporter assay, this element displays a synergistic antagonistic response to co-transfection of Tbx3 and Sox4 and in vivo, in zebrafish, drives expression of a reporter in the heart, confirming its function as a cardiac enhancer. Mechanistically, we postulate that Sox4 is a mediator of Tbx3 transcriptional activity. [KEYWORDS: Amino Acid Sequence; Animals; COS Cells; Cercopithecus aethiops; Connexin 43/ genetics; Gene Expression Regulation; Humans; Male; Mice; Molecular Sequence Data; SOXC Transcription Factors/chemistry/ metabolism; T-Box Domain Proteins/ metabolism; Transcription, Genetic; Zebrafish]
- Published
- 2011
15. Ground-penetrating radar profiling on embanked floodplains
- Author
Bakker, M.A.J., Maljers, D., Weerts, H.J.T., Bakker, M.A.J., Maljers, D., and Weerts, H.J.T.
- Published
- 2007
16. Geophysical Investigation of a Dutch Levee and Canal Using Various Seismic and GPR Techniques
- Author
Noorlandt, R.P., primary, de Kleine, M.P.E., additional, Kruiver, P.P., additional, Bakker, M.A.J., additional, Mesdag, C.S., additional, and Hoogendoorn, R.M., additional
- Published
- 2011
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17. Field report of the University of Amsterdam expedition to Greenland: Greenland ice margin experiment (Gimex) 1993
- Author
van der Meer, J.J.M., van Tatenhove, F.G.M., Bakker, M.A.J., Bloetjes, O.A.J., Dijk, T., and Faculteit der Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen
- Published
- 1994
18. Ground-penetrating radar profiling on embanked floodplains
- Author
Bakker, M.A.J., primary, Maljers, D., additional, and Weerts, H.J.T., additional
- Published
- 2007
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19. Winds of Change: Urgent Challenges and Emerging Opportunities in Submerged Prehistory, a Perspective from the North Sea.
- Author
Gaffney, Vincent, Harding, Rachel, Fitch, Simon, Walker, James, Boothby, Victoria, and Fraser, Andrew Iain
- Subjects
PREHISTORIC settlements ,CONTINENTAL shelf ,LAND settlement ,LAND settlement patterns ,CULTURAL property ,CULTURAL landscapes ,LANDSCAPE archaeology - Abstract
Development of the continental shelf has accelerated significantly as nations around the world seek to harness offshore renewable energy. Many areas marked for development align with submerged palaeolandscapes. Poorly understood and difficult to protect, these vulnerable, prehistoric landscapes provide specific challenges for heritage management. Indeed, there now appears to be a schism between what underwater cultural heritage policy intends and what it is achieving in practice. Shortcomings in international and national legislature ensures that large parts of the continental shelf, including areas under development, may have little or no legal protection. Increasingly impacted by extensive development, these unique cultural landscapes are ever more at risk. However, heritage challenges posed by such development also create opportunities. An immense amount of data is being generated by development, and there is an opportunity to establish broader cooperative relationships involving industrial stakeholders, national curators, government bodies, and heritage professionals. As a matter of urgency, the archaeological community must better engage with the offshore sector and development process. If achieved, we may revolutionise our knowledge of submerged prehistoric settlement and land use. Otherwise, our capacity to reconstruct prehistoric settlement patterns, learn from past climate change, or simply manage what are among the best-preserved postglacial landscapes globally may be irreparably undermined. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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20. Holistic 3D Model of an Urban Area in Norway: An Integration of Geophysical, Geotechnical, Remote Sensing, and Geological Methods.
- Author
Gutierrez, Ivan, Weibull, Wiktor, Watson, Lisa, Olsen, Thomas Meldahl, and Escalona, Alejandro
- Subjects
REMOTE sensing ,GROUND penetrating radar ,GEOLOGICAL mapping ,GEOLOGICAL maps ,BEDROCK ,SHORELINES ,BOREHOLES - Abstract
Understanding the distribution and characterization of natural and non-natural materials on the surface and near-subsurface is important for the development of infrastructure projects. This may be a challenge in highly urbanized areas, where outcrops are scarce, and anthropogenic activities have altered the morphological expression of the landscape. This study tests the integration of ground-penetrating radar (GPR), borehole drilling, aerial imagery, geological mapping, and aerial laser scanning as complementary mapping tools for determining the stratigraphy of glacial and post-glacial Quaternary sediments, the depth to the bedrock, and the distribution of anthropogenic material in Mosvatnet, a lake in Stavanger, Norway. The integration proved to be efficient and enabled the generation of a 3D holistic model, which provided a broad understanding of the subsurface geology and the induced anthropogenic changes in the area through time. Bedrock, till, fluvioglacial, and lacustrine geological units were modeled. Accumulations of post-glacial organic matter were mapped, and the distribution of non-natural infill material was determined. The interpreted dataset suggests that the eastern shoreline of Mosvatnet has artificially prograded about one hundred meters westward since the 1930s and the elevation of the corresponding area has increased by about ten meters relative to the lake level. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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21. Improving Estuarine Flood Risk Knowledge through Documentary Data Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis.
- Author
Rilo, Ana, Tavares, Alexandre Oliveira, Freire, Paula, Zêzere, José Luís, and Haigh, Ivan D.
- Subjects
FLOOD risk ,FLOOD warning systems ,FLOOD damage ,EXTRACTION techniques ,DATA mining ,HISTORICAL source material - Abstract
Estuarine margins are usually heavily occupied areas that are commonly affected by compound flooding triggers originating from different sources (e.g., coastal, fluvial, and pluvial). Therefore, estuarine flood management remains a challenge due to the need to combine the distinct dimensions of flood triggers and damages. Past flood data are critical for improve our understanding of flood risks in these areas, while providing the basis for a preliminary flood risk assessment, as required by European Floods Directive. This paper presents a spin-off database of estuarine flood events built upon previously existing databases and a framework for working with qualitative past flood information using multiple correspondence analysis. The methodology is presented, with steps ranging from a spin-off database building process to information extraction techniques, and the statistical method used was further explored through the study of information acquired from the categories and their relation to the dimensions. This work enabled the extraction of the most relevant estuarine flood risk indicators and demonstrates the transversal importance of triggers, since they are of utmost importance for the characterization of estuarine flood risks. The results showed a relation between sets of triggers and damages that are related to estuarine margin land use, demonstrating their ability to inform flood risk management options. This work provides a consistent and coherent approach to use qualitative information on past floods, as a useful contribution in the context of scarce data, where measured and documentary data are not simultaneously available. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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22. Modelling the effects of normal faulting on alluvial river meandering.
- Author
Woolderink, Hessel A. G., Weisscher, Steven A. H., Kleinhans, Maarten G., Kasse, Cornelis, and van Balen, Ronald T.
- Subjects
MEANDERING rivers ,ALLUVIAL streams ,RIVER channels ,FAULT zones ,FLOODPLAINS ,FLOW velocity ,FLUVIAL geomorphology ,SURFACE fault ruptures - Abstract
The meandering of alluvial rivers may be forced by normal faulting due to tectonically altered topographic gradients of the river valley and channel at and near the fault zone. Normal faulting can affect river meandering by either instantaneous (e.g. surface‐rupturing earthquakes) or gradual displacement. To enhance our understanding of river channel response to tectonic faulting at the fault zone scale we used the physics‐based, two‐dimensional morphodynamic model Nays2D to simulate the responses of a laboratory‐scale alluvial river with vegetated floodplain to various faulting and offset scenarios. The results of a model with normal fault downstepping in the downstream direction show that channel sinuosity and bend radius increase up to a maximum as a result of the faulting‐enhanced valley gradient. Hereafter, a chute cutoff reduces channel sinuosity to a new dynamic equilibrium value that is generally higher than the pre‐faulting sinuosity. A scenario where a normal fault downsteps in the upstream direction leads to reduced morphological change upstream of the fault due to a backwater effect induced by the faulting. The position within a meander bend at which faulting occurs has a profound influence on the evolution of sinuosity; fault locations that enhance flow velocities over the point bar during floods result in a faster sinuosity increase and subsequent chute cutoff than locations that enhance flow velocity directed towards the floodplain. This upward causation from the bend scale to the reach and floodplain scale arises from the complex interactions between meandering and floodplain and the nonlinearities of the sediment transport and chute cutoff processes. Our model results provide a guideline to include process‐based reasoning in the interpretation of geomorphological and sedimentological observations of fluvial response to faulting. The combination of these approaches leads to better predictions of possible effects of faulting on alluvial river meandering. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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23. Characterising Dutch forests, wetlands and cultivated lands on the basis of phytolith assemblages.
- Author
de Wolf, Iris K., McMichael, Crystal N.H., Philip, Annemarie L., and Gosling, William D.
- Abstract
Palaeoecological reconstructions in the Netherlands are commonly based on pollen and macrofossil analysis, but can be limited if the preservation of organic material is poor. Phytoliths, biogenic silica, do not have this limitation and preserve in settings where other macro- and microfossils do not. Little is known about how phytolith assemblages preserved in soils and sediments reflect the parent vegetation in north-western European systems, so it is currently difficult to contextualise past environments. Here, we characterise phytolith assemblages for soil samples recovered from three major vegetation types in the Netherlands to provide reference data for future reconstructions of past vegetation change. We collected 42 soil surface samples from forests, wetlands and agricultural fields across the Netherlands and characterised the phytolith assemblages they contained. We identified the different phytolith morphotypes and quantified the percentages and concentrations (#phytoliths/cm
3 soil) in each sample. We used non-metric multidimensional scaling to assess the variation in phytolith assemblage composition within, and between, the three vegetation types. The phytolith assemblages analysed from the forests, wetlands and agricultural fields were clearly distinguishable from each other. Agricultural fields were dominated by four phytolith morphotypes of grass silica short cells (GSSCs): rondel (tabular), cross type 1 (>15 µm), rondel (elongated) and disturbance or crop phytoliths. Forests settings had significantly higher amounts of different arboreal phytoliths (large and small spheroid rugose) compared with other vegetation types. Wetlands could be identified by significantly higher amounts of Cyperaceae phytoliths (papillate) and other GSSCs (saddle and bilobates with thick castula). Phytolith assemblages could distinguish different subtypes of vegetation within forest and wetland areas, while differences between agricultural systems could not be identified. Our study demonstrates that phytoliths preserved in soils or sediments can be used to separate major vegetation types across the Netherlands. Thus, these results support the hypothesis that phytoliths can be used to infer past environmental conditions in palaeoecological reconstructions. We suggest that future work should: (1) focus on characterising which phytolith types are produced by the commonest tree, wetland, shrub and herb species in the Netherlands and (2) characterise phytolith assemblages across a wider array of vegetation types in north-western European systems to increase the capability for quantitative reconstructions using phytolith assemblages. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2022
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24. Capturing spatial variability in the regional Ground Motion Model of Groningen, the Netherlands.
- Author
Kruiver, Pauline P., Pefkos, Manos, Rodriguez-Marek, Adrian, Campman, Xander, Ooms-Asshoff, Kira, Chmiel, Małgorzata, Lavoué, Anaïs, Stafford, Peter J., and van Elk, Jan
- Abstract
Long-term exploration of the Groningen gas field in the Netherlands led to induced seismicity. Over the past nine years, an increasingly sophisticated Ground Motion Model (GMM) has been developed to assess the site response and the related seismic hazard. The GMM output strongly depends on the shear-wave velocity (V
S ), among other input parameters. To date, VS model data from soil profiles (Kruiver et al., Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(9): 3555–3580, 2017; Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 96(5): s215–s233, 2017) have been used in the GMM. Recently, new VS profiles above the Groningen gas field were constructed using ambient noise surface wave tomography. These so-called field VS data, even though spatially limited, provide an independent source of VS to check whether the level of spatial variability in the GMM is sufficient. Here, we compared amplification factors (AF) for two sites (Borgsweer and Loppersum) calculated with the model VS and the field VS (Chmiel et al., Geophysical Journal International, 218(3), 1781–1795, 2019 and new data). Our AF results over periods relevant for seismic risk (0.01–1.0 s) show that model and field VS profiles agree within the uncertainty range generally accepted in geo-engineering. In addition, we compared modelled spectral accelerations using either field VS or model VS in Loppersum to the recordings of an earthquake that occurred during the monitoring period (ML 3.4 Zeerijp on 8 January 2018). The modelled spectral accelerations at the surface for both field VS and model VS are coherent with the earthquake data for the resonance periods representative of most buildings in Groningen (T = 0.2 and 0.3 s). These results confirm that the currently used VS model in the GMM captures spatial variability in the site response and represents reliable input for the site response calculations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2022
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25. Modern and historical tropical cyclone and tsunami deposits at the coast of Myanmar: Implications for their identification and preservation in the geological record.
- Author
Brill, Dominik, Seeger, Katharina, Pint, Anna, Reize, Felix, Hlaing, Kay Thwe, Seeliger, Martin, Opitz, Stephan, Win, Khin Mi Mi, Nyunt, Win Thuzar, Aye, Nilar, Aung, Aung, Kyaw, Kyaw, Kraas, Frauke, Brückner, Helmut, and Costa, Pedro
- Subjects
TROPICAL cyclones ,TSUNAMI hazard zones ,BEACH ridges ,INDIAN Ocean Tsunami, 2004 ,TSUNAMIS ,OPTICALLY stimulated luminescence - Abstract
The catastrophic storm surge of tropical cyclone Nargis in May 2008 demonstrated Myanmar's exposure to coastal flooding. The investigation of sediments left by tropical cyclone Nargis and its predecessors is an important contribution to prepare for the impact of future tropical cyclones and tsunamis in the region, because they may extend the database for long‐term hazard assessment beyond the relatively short instrumental and historical record. This study, for the first time, presents deposits of modern and historical tropical cyclones and tsunamis from the coast of Myanmar. The aim is to establish regional sedimentary characteristics that may help to identify and discriminate cyclones and tsunamis in the geological record, and to document post‐depositional changes due to tropical weathering in the first years after deposition. These findings if used to interpret older deposits will extend the existing instrumental record of flooding events in Myanmar. Evaluating deposits that can be related to specific events, such as the 2006 tropical cyclone Mala and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, indicates similar sedimentary characteristics for both types of sediments. Landward thinning and fining trends, littoral sediment sources and sharp lower contacts allow for the differentiation from underlying deposits, while discrimination between tropical cyclone and tsunami origin is challenging based on the applied methods. The modern analogues also demonstrate a rather low preservation potential of the sand sheets due to carbonate dissolution, formation of organic top soils, and coastal erosion. However, in coastal depressions sand sheets of sufficient thickness (>10 cm) may be preserved where the shoreline is prograding or stable. In the most seaward swale of a beach‐ridge plain at the Rakhine coast, two sand sheets have been identified in addition to the deposits of 2006 tropical cyclone Mala. Based on a combination of optically stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon and 137Cs dating, the younger sand layer is related to 1982 tropical cyclone Gwa, while the older sand layer is most probably the result of an event that took place prior to 1950. Comparison with historical records indicates that the archive is only sensitive to tropical cyclones of category 4 (or higher) with landfall directly in or a few tens of kilometres north of the study area. While the presented tropical cyclone records are restricted to the last 100 years, optically stimulated luminescence ages of the beach ridges indicate that the swales landward of the one investigated in this study might provide tropical cyclone information for at least the past 700 years. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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26. Modelling the Distribution and Quality of Sand and Gravel Resources in 3D: a Case Study in the Thames Basin, UK.
- Author
Mee, K., Marchant, B. P., Mankelow, J. M., and Bide, T. P.
- Subjects
MINE waste ,GRAVEL ,SOIL texture ,SAND ,TEXTURE mapping ,BOREHOLES - Abstract
Three-dimensional (3D) models are often utilised to assess the presence of sand and gravel deposits. Expanding these models to provide a better indication of the suitability of the deposit as aggregate for use in construction would be advantageous. This, however, leads to statistical challenges. To be effective, models must be able to reflect the interdependencies between different criteria (e.g. depth to deposit, thickness of deposit, ratio of mineral to waste, proportion of 'fines') as well as the inherent uncertainty introduced because models are derived from a limited set of boreholes in a study region. Using legacy borehole data collected during a systematic survey of sand and gravel deposits in the UK, we have developed a 3D model for a 2400 km
2 region close to Reading, southern England. In developing the model, we have reassessed the borehole grading data to reflect modern extraction criteria and explored the most suitable statistical modelling technique. The additive log-ratio transform and the linear model of coregionalization have been applied, techniques that have been previously used to map soil texture classes in two dimensions, to assess the quality of sand and gravel deposits in the area. The application of these statistical techniques leads to a model which can be used to generate thousands of plausible realisations of the deposit which fully reflect the extent of model uncertainty. The approach offers potential to improve regional-scale mineral planning by providing an enhanced understanding of sand and gravel deposits and the extent to which they meet current extraction criteria. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2019
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27. Wave propagation modelling of induced earthquakes at the Groningen gas production site.
- Author
Paap, Bob, Kraaijpoel, Dirk, Bakker, Marcel, and Gharti, Hom Nath
- Subjects
THEORY of wave motion ,GAS extraction ,GAS fields ,SEISMOLOGY ,INDUCED seismicity - Abstract
Gas extraction from the Groningen natural gas field, situated in the Netherlands, frequently induces earthquakes in the reservoir that cause damage to buildings, and pose a safety hazard and a nuisance to the local population. Due to the dependence of the national heating infrastructure on Groningen gas, the short-term mitigation measures are mostly limited to a combination of spatiotemporal redistribution of gas production and strengthening measures for buildings. All options become more effective with a better understanding of both source processes and seismic wave propagation. Detailed wave propagation simulations improve both the inference of source processes from observed ground motions and the forecast of ground motions as input for hazard studies and seismic network design. The velocity structure at the Groningen site is relatively complex, including both deep high-velocity and shallow low-velocity deposits showing significant thickness variations over relatively small spatial extents. We performed a detailed 3-D wave propagation modelling study for an induced earthquake in the Groningen natural gas field using the spectral - element method. We considered an earthquake that nucleated along a normal fault with local magnitude of $${{{M}}_{\rm{L}}} = {\rm{\ }}3$$. We created a dense mesh with element size varying from 12 to 96 m, such that with a dominant source frequency of 7 Hz, waveforms with a frequency content up to 10 Hz could be accurately modelled. The velocity/density model is constructed using a 3-D geological model of the area, including both deep high-velocity salt deposits overlying the source region and shallow low-velocity sediments present in a deep and narrow tunnel valley. The results show that the 3-D density/velocity model in the Groningen area clearly plays a large role in the wave propagation and resulting surface ground motions, and causes significant lateral variations in site response. The high-velocity salt deposits have a dispersive effect on the radiated wavefield, reducing the seismic energy reaching the surface near the epicentre. In turn, the presence of low-velocity tunnel valley deposits can locally cause a significant increase in peak ground acceleration. Here we study induced seismicity on a local scale and use SPECFEM3D to conduct full waveform simulations and show how local velocity variations can affect seismic records. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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28. Geo- en archeolandschappelijk onderzoek bij het archeologisch proefsleufonderzoek op Middensluiseiland
- Author
Vos, P.C., Bunnik, F., Vernimmen, T., Bosman, W., Deutzenberg, S., Vries, S. de, Bakker, M.A.J., Doornenbal, P., and Deltares
- Subjects
Archaeology ,Geodesy, physical geography - Abstract
Omdat in de ondergrond van het te ontgraven deel van Middensluiseiland bodems aanwezig waren - en omdat in vergelijkbare duinafzettingen in de omgeving archeologische nederzetingssporen waren gevonden - werd door Rijkswaterstaat (in samenspraak met het RACM) besloten om een archeologisch proefsleufonderzoek uit te voeren naar het mogelijk voorkomen van archeologische resten in het te ontgraven deel van het havenhoofd. Het proefsleufonderzoek vond plaats in de eerste drie weken van december 2007 en werd uitgevoerd door het archeologisch bedrijf Hollandia te Zaandijk. Er is een proefsleuf midden over het eiland gegraven met een maximale diepte van 4 à 5 m onder maaiveld. Om instortingsgevaar te voorkomen, werd de sleuf ‘getrapt’ aangelegd. Aan TNO Bouw en Ondergrond (TNO BenO, BU Bodem en Grondwater) - vanaf 1 januari 2008 opgegaan in het nieuwe kennisinstituut Deltares - werd gevraagd het archeologisch proefsleufonderzoek geologisch te begeleiden en op te nemen, ten einde een geolandschappelijk rapport over de duingeschiedenis op te stellen met daarbij speciale aandacht voor de menselijke invloed op de landschapsprocessen in dit gebied. De resultaten van dit geo- en archeolandschappelijk onderzoek worden beschreven in dit rapport. Voorafgaand aan het proefsleuf onderzoek zijn georadar opnamen gemaakt over het tracé van de sleuf. Georadar is een techniek waarmee in de bodem kan worden gekeken zonder deze verder te verstoren. In het veld werd de ontsloten profielwand aan de noordzijde van de proefsleuf geologisch opgenomen. Om de 20 meter werd een profielkolom van 2 meter breed ingetekend, gefotografeerd en de voorkomende lagen sedimentologisch beschreven. In die delen waar bijzondere geologische of archeologische verschijnselen aanwezig waren werd het profiel over een groter traject opgenomen. De geologisch opgenomen delen van het profiel werden profielwanden (1 t/m 24) genoemd. In de opgenomen profielwanden werden monsters genomen om de ouderdom van de duinzandafzettingen, de bodemlagen in het duinzand en het onderliggende strandzand te dateren. Ook werden uit de bodems pollen- (stuifmeelkorrels) en monsters van macroresten- (plantenresten, waaronder zaden) genomen voor de reconstructie van de vegetatie ten tijde van de duinvorming.
- Published
- 2022
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29. Recent Coastal Dune Development: Effects of Sand Nourishments.
- Author
Bakker, Marcel A. J., van Heteren, Sytze, Vonhögen, Laura M., van der Spek, Ad J. F., and van der Valk, Bert
- Subjects
BEACH nourishment ,MONITORING of beach erosion ,COASTS ,COASTAL changes ,COASTAL zone management ,GROUND penetrating radar ,MARINE sediments - Abstract
Much of the Dutch coast has been subject to structural erosion. From 1990 onward, sand nourishments have been used under a government policy of dynamic preservation. Annual monitoring and field inspections show that the structural erosion has decreased or even turned into coastal progradation after 1990. The monitoring data concern only morphodynamics and thus supply limited information on system-related geological processes driving the observed changes. Recently acquired ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data help establish the origin of sedimentary elements within the beach-foredune area, determine their decadal-scale preservation potential under the present nourishment policy, and demonstrate temporal and spatial accretion/erosion variability along nourished coasts. GPR images from a nonnourished retrograding barrier section show historical storm surge deposits within the eroding foredune and accumulations of natural eolian sediment farther landward. GPR images from a heavily nourished, prograding site show that the accreted foredune and beach consist of nourishment embankments (20%), wind-blown units derived from nourished sand (70%), and progradational beach deposits (10%). The net volume of accretion at this site is approximately 200 m
3 /m. Remarkably, almost all sand nourished before 2000 has been washed away, except for embankments constructed in 1990. Analysis of meteorological data suggests that 1999 storm surges are responsible for this erosion. The relative longevity of post-2000 nourishments can be attributed to a combination of shoreface nourishment and favorable meteorological conditions. During a storm surge in 2007, water-lain embankments proved to be more resistant against wave erosion than nourished sand redistributed by wind, indicating the importance of grain size, roundness and packing in the durability of nourishments. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2012
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30. Radar stratigraphy of the glaciotectonically deformed deposits in the Isoniemi area, Haukipudas, Finland.
- Author
Pasanen, Antti
- Published
- 2009
31. A Comparative Study of the Effects of the 1872 Storm and Coastal Flood Risk Management in Denmark, Germany, and Sweden.
- Author
Hallin, Caroline, Hofstede, Jacobus L. A., Martinez, Grit, Jensen, Jürgen, Baron, Nina, Heimann, Thorsten, Kroon, Aart, Arns, Arne, Almström, Björn, Sørensen, Per, and Larson, Magnus
- Subjects
FLOOD risk ,FLOOD control ,STORM surges ,SEA level ,COLLECTIVE memory ,RISK perception ,WINDSTORMS - Abstract
From November 12th to 13th in 1872, an extreme coastal flood event occurred in the south Baltic Sea. An unusual combination of winds created a storm surge reaching up to 3.5 m above mean sea level, which is more than a meter higher than all other observations over the past 200 years. On the Danish, German, and Swedish coasts, about 300 people lost their lives. The consequences of the storm in Denmark and Germany were more severe than in Sweden, with significantly larger destruction and higher numbers of casualties. In Denmark and Germany, the 1872 storm has been more extensively documented and remembered and still influences local and regional risk awareness. A comparative study indicates that the collective memory of the 1872 storm is related to the background knowledge about floods, the damage extent, and the response to the storm. Flood marks and dikes help to remember the events. In general, coastal flood defence is to the largest degree implemented in the affected areas in Germany, followed by Denmark, and is almost absent in Sweden, corresponding to the extent of the collective memory of the 1872 storm. Within the affected countries, there is local variability of flood risk awareness associated with the collective memory of the storm. Also, the economic dependency on flood-prone areas and conflicting interests with the tourism industry have influence on flood protection decisions. The processes of climate change adaptation and implementation of the EU Floods Directive are slowly removing these differences in flood risk management approaches. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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32. Classification of Atlantic Coastal Sand Dune Vegetation Using In Situ, UAV, and Airborne Hyperspectral Data.
- Author
Laporte-Fauret, Quentin, Lubac, Bertrand, Castelle, Bruno, Michalet, Richard, Marieu, Vincent, Bombrun, Lionel, Launeau, Patrick, Giraud, Manuel, Normandin, Cassandra, and Rosebery, David
- Subjects
SAND dunes ,NORMALIZED difference vegetation index ,GROUND cover plants ,COASTAL zone management ,FRAGMENTED landscapes ,COASTAL mapping ,BROMELIACEAE - Abstract
Mapping coastal dune vegetation is critical to understand dune mobility and resilience in the context of climate change, sea level rise, and increased anthropogenic pressure. However, the identification of plant species from remotely sensed data is tedious and limited to broad vegetation communities, while such environments are dominated by fragmented and small-scale landscape patterns. In June 2019, a comprehensive multi-scale survey including unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), hyperspectral ground, and airborne data was conducted along approximately 20 km of a coastal dune system in southwest France. The objective was to generate an accurate mapping of the main sediment and plant species ground cover types in order to characterize the spatial distribution of coastal dune stability patterns. Field and UAV data were used to assess the quality of airborne data and generate a robust end-member spectral library. Next, a two-step classification approach, based on the normalized difference vegetation index and Random Forest classifier, was developed. Results show high performances with an overall accuracy of 100% and 92.5% for sand and vegetation ground cover types, respectively. Finally, a coastal dune stability index was computed across the entire study site. Different stability patterns were clearly identified along the coast, highlighting for the first time the high potential of this methodology to support coastal dune management. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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33. Estimating Annual Onshore Aeolian Sand Supply from the Intertidal Beach Using an Aggregated-Scale Transport Formula.
- Author
Duarte-Campos, Leonardo, Wijnberg, Kathelijne M., and Hulscher, Suzanne J. M. H.
- Subjects
In this paper, we explore an approach for annual-scale transport prediction from the intertidal beach, in which we aggregate the surface conditions of the intertidal beach, in particular moisture content and roughness, and use hourly monitoring data of wind speed and wind direction. For our case study area (Egmond Beach, The Netherlands), we include Argus video imagery in our analysis to assess the occurrence of aeolian sand transport. With the approach described to determine a characteristic moisture content value for aeolian transport, we obtained surface moisture values of 1.2% to 3.2% for wind average and wind gust respectively, implying that we need a quite dry beach. This indicates that the main area for aeolian transport corresponds to the upper part of the intertidal source, most likely the region between mean high tide line and spring high tide line. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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34. Roots of Routes. Mobilität Und Netzwerke Zwischen Vergangenheit Und Zukunft
- Author
Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci and Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci
- Abstract
Menschen und Räume waren schon immer durch Routen verbunden: Pfade, Wege und Straßen – zu Lande, zu Wasser und manchmal auch durch die Luft, über Stock und Stein ebenso wie über Holzbohlen, Pflaster und Asphalt. Menschen und Tiere folgten ihnen. Die Routen lenkten den Kreislauf von Rohstoffen und Waren. Sie bestimmten die Wege, auf denen die Menschen vor Elend und Gefahr flohen, und sie bildeten die physischen und imaginären Adern der Netzwerke zwischen Gemeinschaften. All diese kulturellen und biologischen Konnektivitäten sind die Bausteine für die Umgestaltung vergangener (und gegenwärtiger) Gesellschaften. In dieser Broschüre – der zweiten in der Broschürenreihe des Exzellenzclusters ROOTS an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel – legen wir die Wurzeln dieser Routen frei: Von den Anfängen in der Steinzeit bis in die heutige Zeit gab es ausgeprägte Routen, die den Austausch von Gegenständen, Praktiken und Wissen zwischen den Menschen ermöglichten. Viele dieser alten Routen sind heute nicht nur sichtbar geblieben, sondern sogar noch in Betrieb: von den Seidenstraßen, die die Kontinente überspannen, bis zu den lokalen Routen des Ochsenwegs in Schleswig-Holstein, von den Wasserwegen Mesopotamiens und den Flusswelten der Waldzone bis zu den spirituellen Routen der philosophischen Kontemplation. Aber auch Isolation und Unterbrechungen ehemals etablierter Routen, z.B. in der wikingerzeitlichen Diaspora, haben sich als richtungsweisend für kulturelle Entwicklungen erwiesen. In einem Kaleidoskop von Perspektiven wird die Rolle von Landschaft und Klima untersucht. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf jene Routen gelegt, auf denen Gegenstände, Rituale und damit auch kulturelle Praktiken transportiert wurden. Es wird gezeigt, dass religiöse Rituale, Wissen und sogar philosophische Erkenntnisse ihre Wurzeln in der Bewegung entlang von Routen haben. Diese und die vielen anderen Themen in diesem Heft veranschaulichen, wie sehr die Entwicklung menschlicher Gesellschaften von den Wegen bestimmt wird, über die sie miteinander verbunden oder nicht verbunden sind. Moderne Narrative einer grenzenlosen, offen zugänglichen Welt, die auf einer urban-industrialisierten Erfahrung (oder Agenda) beruhen, können Risse bekommen, wenn wir tief genug in die Vergangenheit blicken. Es sind die Pfade, die ganz konkreten Verbindungen im materiellen wie im geistigen Sinne, die das Leben der Menschen, ihr Dasein und ihre Entwicklung in der Welt beeinflussen. Kommunikation und Dialog entlang der Wege und Netzwerke müssen aufrechterhalten werden, denn sie der Garant für ein gutes Zusammenleben der Menschen auf dieser Welt waren und sind.
- Published
- 2023
35. Roots of Routes. Mobility and Networks Between the Past and the Future
- Author
Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci and Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci
- Abstract
People and spaces have always been connected by routes: paths, trails, roads – on land, on water and sometimes even through the air, over hill and dale as well as over wooden planks, pavement and asphalt. Humans and animals followed them. The routes directed the circulation of raw materials and goods. They determined the paths on which humans fled from misery and danger, and they constituted the physical and imagined veins of networks between communities. All these cultural and biological connectivities are the building blocks of reshaping past (and present) societies. In this booklet – the second in the booklet series of the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS at Kiel University – we uncover the roots of these routes: From the earliest stages of the Stone Age to the present day, there have been well-defined routes, which enabled the exchange of things, practices and knowledge between people. Many of these ancient routes are not only still visible today, but even continue to operate: from the Silk Roads spanning the continents to the local routes of the Ox Trail in Schleswig-Holstein, from the waterways of Mesopotamia and the river worlds of the forest zone to the spiritual routes of philosophical contemplation. Moreover, isolation and disruptions of formerly established routes, for example in the Viking diaspora, have also proven to be directional for cultural developments. In a kaleidoscope of perspectives, the roles of landscape and climate are examined. Special attention is given to those routes along which objects, rituals, and therefore also cultural practices were transported. Religious rituals, knowledge, even philosophical insights are shown to have their roots in movement along routes. These and the many other topics in this booklet illustrate to what extent the development of human societies is determined by the routes through which they are connected – or not connected. Modern narratives of a limitless, openly accessible world, grounded in an urban-industrialised experience (or agenda), can get cracks if we look deep enough into the past. It is the paths, the very concrete connections in a material as well as a spiritual sense that influence human lives, their existence and their development. Communication and dialogue along the routes and networks must be maintained, as they were and are the guarantors for a good coexistence of humans in this world.
- Published
- 2023
36. Environmental Humanities: a Rethinking of Landscape Archaeology? Interdisciplinary Academic Research Related to Different Perspectives of Landscapes
- Author
Edited by S.J. Kluiving, K. Liden, C. Fredengren and Edited by S.J. Kluiving, K. Liden, C. Fredengren
- Subjects
- Landscape archaeology--Congresses
- Abstract
There has been an increasing archaeological interest in human-animal-nature relations, where archaeology has shifted from a focus on deciphering meaning, or understanding symbols and the social construction of the landscape to an acknowledgement of how things, places and the environment contribute with their own agencies to the shaping of relations. This means that the environment cannot be regarded as a blank space that landscape meaning is projected onto. Parallel to this, the field of environmental humanities poses the question of how to work with the intermeshing of humans and their surroundings. To allow the environment back in as an active agent of change, means that landscape archaeology can deal better with issues such as global warming, an escalating loss of biodiversity as well as increasingly toxic environment. However, this does not leave human agency out of the equation. It is humans who reinforce the environmental challenges of today. The scholarly field of the humanities deal with questions like how is meaning attributed, what cultural factors drive human action, what role is played by ethics, how is landscape experienced emotionally, as well as how concepts derived from art, literature, and history function in such processes of meaning attribution and other cultural processes. This humanities approach is of outmost importance when dealing with climate and environmental challenges ahead and we need a new landscape archaeology that meets these challenges, but also that meets well across disciplinary boundaries. Here inspiration can be found in discussions with scholars in the emerging field of Environmental Humanities.
- Published
- 2021
37. Geological Records of Tsunamis and Other Extreme Waves
- Author
Max Engel, Jessica Pilarczyk, Simon Matthias May, Dominik Brill, Ed Garrett, Max Engel, Jessica Pilarczyk, Simon Matthias May, Dominik Brill, and Ed Garrett
- Subjects
- Archaeological geology, Tsunamis--Research
- Abstract
Geological Records of Tsunamis and Other Extreme Waves provides a systematic compendium with concise chapters on the concept and history of paleotsunami research, sediment types and sediment sources, field methods, sedimentary and geomorphological characteristics, as well as dating and modeling approaches. By contrasting tsunami deposits with those of competing mechanisms in the coastal zone such as storm waves and surges, and by embedding this field of research into the wider context of tsunami science, the book is also relevant to readers interested in paleotempestology, coastal sedimentary environments, or sea-level changes, and coastal hazard management. The effectiveness of paleotsunami records in coastal hazard-mitigation strategies strongly depends on the appropriate selection of research approaches and methods that are tailored to the site-specific environment and age of the deposits. In addition to summarizing the state-of-the-art in tsunami sedimentology, Geological Records of Tsunamis and Other Extreme Waves guides researchers through establishing an appropriate research design and how to develop reliable records of prehistoric events using field-based and laboratory methods, as well as modeling techniques. - Features a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in tsunami sedimentology and paleotsunami research - Offers advice on the most appropriate mapping, sampling, and analytical approaches for a wide variety of coastal settings and sedimentary environments - Provides methodological details for field sampling and the most important proxy analyses
- Published
- 2020
38. Oceans of Archaeology
- Author
Anders Fischer, Lisbeth Pedersen, Anders Fischer, and Lisbeth Pedersen
- Subjects
- Underwater archaeology--Europe, Coastal archaeology--Europe
- Abstract
Vast coastal plains that vanished below the waves thousands of years ago were highways to new territories and a cornucopia of natural riches for early humankind. Oceans of Archaeology presents these virtually unexplored areas of the archaeological world map. It scrutinises the submerged early prehistory of Europe and reveals a richness and diversity unmatched around the globe. Specialists from ten countries join forces to tell of flooded settlements, enigmatic sacred places, amazing art and skillful navigation. Multifarious traces of food preparation, flintworking, hunting and fishing vividly illustrate Stone Age daily life. While children's footprints lead the way to new investigations of early prehistoric life in these now inundated landscapes.
- Published
- 2018
39. Ground Penetrating Radar : Theory and Practice
- Author
Erica Carrick Utsi and Erica Carrick Utsi
- Subjects
- Ground penetrating radar
- Abstract
Ground Penetrating Radar: Theory and Practice is a practical guide to using this powerful underground surveying technique. The author uses her wide experience to explain the critical factors in using GPR and how parameters, such as wavelength, attenuation and loss need to be properly considered to obtain good survey results. The first chapter introduces the underlying physics and explains the formation of signal patterning. The next two chapters explain the significance of wavelengths for target detection, probing depths and resolution, and demonstrating the variety of signal presentation. Chapter four discusses why survey results are affected by water and air in the soil, and how this may affect depth readings. Additional chapters discuss a variety of methods for velocity calibration and suggests where they may be useful, challenging soil conditions and potential problem environments, data processing and a suite of useful techniques, amongst other important topics. The book gives a clear and formative guidance on understanding the critical factors in using GPR, as well as a checklist of surveying considerations. - Covers the critical, practical factors in using a ground penetrating radar, including troubleshooting appropriate equipment selection - Explains why wavelengths matter, providing practice calculations - Offers insight into how to spot ringing (echo effects) and air signals, and how to distinguish these from subsurface data - Enables the reader to understand the importance of calibration of transmission velocity and a range of methodsa
- Published
- 2017
40. Management of the Effects of Coastal Storms : Policy, Scientific and Historical Perspectives
- Author
Philippe Quevauviller, Paolo Ciavola, Emmanuel Garnier, Philippe Quevauviller, Paolo Ciavola, and Emmanuel Garnier
- Subjects
- Environmental protection--Planning, Coastal zone management
- Abstract
A large part of the world's coastlines consists of sandy beaches and dunes that may undergo dramatic changes during storms. Extreme storm events in some cases dominate the erosion history of the coastline and may have dramatic impacts on densely populated coastal areas. Policy, research and historical background are essential elements that need to be interconnected for effective coastal planning and management. This book discusses this framework, with Chapter 1 providing an insight into policy settings and science-policy interactions in the area of coastal risks related to storms and flooding, and integrated coastal zone management. This is followed by a review of the current understanding of the processes generating extreme coastal events, the morphological evolution of coastlines during and after the events, and the methods for monitoring the process as it occurs or for post-event appraisal. The final chapter discusses the importance of historical approaches regarding coastal threats, taking the Xynthia storm as an example.
- Published
- 2017
41. Geotechnical Safety and Risk V
- Author
Schweckendiek, Timo, IOS Press, Schweckendiek, Timo, and IOS Press
- Subjects
- Geotechnical engineering--Congresses, Environmental geotechnology--Risk assessment--Congresses
- Abstract
Geotechnical Risk and Safety V contains contributions presented at the 5th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (5th ISGSR, Rotterdam, 13-16 October 2015) which was organized under the auspices of the Geotechnical Safety Network (GEOSNet) and the following technical committees of the of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSGME): • TC304 Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment & Management • TC205 Safety and Serviceability in Geotechnical Design • TC212 Deep Foundations • TC302 Forensic Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical Risk and Safety V covers seven themes: 1. Geotechnical Risk Management and Risk Communication 2. Variability in Ground Conditions and Site Investigation 3. Reliability and Risk Analysis of Geotechnical Structures 4. Limit-state design in Geotechnical Engineering 5. Assessment and Management of Natural Hazards 6. Contractual and Legal Issues of Foundation and (Under)Ground Works 7. Case Studies, Monitoring and Observational Method The 5th ISGSR is the continuation of a series of symposiums and workshops on geotechnical risk and reliability, starting with LSD2000 (Melbourne, Australia), IWS2002 (Tokyo and Kamakura, Japan), LSD2003 (Cambridge, USA), Georisk2004 (Bangalore, India), Taipei2006 (Taipei, Taiwan), the 1st ISGSR (Shanghai, China, 2007), the 2nd ISGSR (Gifu, Japan, 2009), the 3rd ISGSR (Munich, Germany, 2011) and the 4th ISGSR (Hong Kong, 2013).
- Published
- 2015
42. Handbook of Sea-Level Research
- Author
Ian Shennan, Antony J. Long, Benjamin P. Horton, Ian Shennan, Antony J. Long, and Benjamin P. Horton
- Subjects
- Sea level--Research, Climatic changes
- Abstract
Measuring sea-level change – be that rise or fall – is one of the most pressing scientific goals of our time and requires robust scientific approaches and techniques. This Handbook aims to provide a practical guide to readers interested in this challenge, from the initial design of research approaches through to the practical issues of data collection and interpretation from a diverse range of coastal environments. Building on thirty years of international research, the Handbook comprises 38 chapters that are authored by leading experts from around the world. The Handbook will be an important resource to scientists interested and involved in understanding sea-level changes across a broad range of disciplines, policy makers wanting to appreciate our current state of knowledge of sea-level change over different timescales, and many teachers at the university level, as well as advanced-level undergraduates and postgraduate research students, wanting to learn more about sea-level change. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com\go\shennan\sealevel
- Published
- 2015
43. ‘Vergeten’ Bandkeramiek
- Author
Ivo van Wijk, Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz, Piet van de Velde, Ivo van Wijk, Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz, and Piet van de Velde
- Subjects
- Bandkeramik culture--Netherlands, Pottery, Prehistoric--History.--Netherlands, Neolithic period--Netherlands, Excavations (Archaeology)--Netherlands, Antiquities, Prehistoric--Netherlands
- Abstract
Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland naar de vroegneolithische Lineaire Bandkeramiek cultuur of LBK (5250-4950 v. Chr.) heeft een lange geschiedenis. Sinds de eerste vondsten in 1925 werken amateur- en beroepsarcheologen er aan om onze kennis van deze cultuur te vergroten. Naast grote opgravingen die door de Universiteit Leiden zijn uitgevoerd, heeft veel (meest kleinschaliger) onderzoek plaatsgevonden dat minstens belangrijke aanvullende gegevens kan bieden, zo niet een ander licht kan werpen op de bestaande beeldvorming. Buiten het onderzoek van de Universiteit zijn publicaties echter summier of ontbreken geheel, ook die betreffende de eerste bandkeramische opgravingen. Het NWO-Odyssee onderzoeksproject _Terug naar de Bandkeramiek, ‘vergeten'onderzoeken van de Bandkeramiek_ heeft deze'vergeten'opgravingen boven water gehaald. Voor dit project is een selectie van deze kleinere bandkeramische opgravingen uitgewerkt en toegankelijk gemaakt voor (aansluitend) wetenschappelijk onderzoek als ook voor een groter publiek; daarnaast is er binnen het project kennisoverdracht geweest op een jongere generatie onderzoekers. In deze publicatie wordt de rijke onderzoeksgeschiedenis besproken en verslag gedaan van de opgravingen van veertien bandkeramische vindplaatsen in de Graetheideregio alsmede het gebied ten noorden van Maastricht. De (her)analyses van de geselecteerde onderzoeken worden per vindplaats gepresenteerd en in een synthetiserend kader geplaatst. De aandacht gaat daarbij uit naar: nederzettingsstructuur en landschappelijke inkadering (Van Wijk & Amkreutz), de chronologie van het bandkeramisch aardewerk (Van de Velde), het vuursteengebruik en de -herkomst (De Grooth), de stenen werktuigen (Verbaas), het non-bandkeramisch aardewerk (Brounen), het gebruik van oker (Wijnen), en de bandkeramische cultuurgewassen (Bakels). Als centraal thema wordt aan de hand van genoemde aspecten de bewoningsdynamiek ten oosten en westen van de Maas belicht Onder de algemene noemer van Lineaire Bandkeramiek blijkt een variabiliteit in het gebruik en herkomst van diverse gebruiksgoederen schuil te gaan die groter was dan aangenomen werd en die nu in onze analyses duidelijk naar voren komt. De ‘vergeten'onderzoeken van de Bandkeramiek krijgen op deze wijze alsnog de hun toekomende plaats in de onderzoeksgeschiedenis geboden.
- Published
- 2014
44. Coastal Environments and Global Change
- Author
Gerd Masselink, Roland Gehrels, Gerd Masselink, and Roland Gehrels
- Subjects
- Global warming, Coastal zone management, Environmental degradation, Coast changes, Coastal ecology, Water levels
- Abstract
The coastal zone is one of the most dynamic environments on our planet and is much affected by global change, especially sea-level rise. Coastal environments harbour valuable ecosystems, but they are also hugely important from a societal point of view. This book, which draws on the expertise of 21 leading international coastal scientists, represents an up-to-date account of coastal environments and past, present and future impacts of global change. The first chapter of the book outlines key principles that underpin coastal systems and their behaviour. This is followed by a discussion of key processes, including sea level change, sedimentation, storms, waves and tides, that drive coastal change. The main part of the book consists of a discussion of the main coastal environments (beaches, dunes, barriers, salt marshes, tidal flats, estuaries, coral reefs, deltas, rocky and glaciated coasts and coastal groundwater), and how these are affected by global change. The final chapter highlights strategies for coping with coastal change. Readership: final year undergraduate and postgraduate-level students on coastal courses in a wide range subjects, including geography, environmental management, geology, oceanography and coastal/civil engineering. The book will also be a valuable resource for researchers and applied scientists dealing with coastal environments. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/masselink/coastal
- Published
- 2014
45. Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology : A Closer Look
- Author
J. Ehlers, P.L. Gibbard, Philip D. Hughes, J. Ehlers, P.L. Gibbard, and Philip D. Hughes
- Subjects
- Paleoclimatology--Quaternary, Glacial landforms, Geology, Stratigraphic--Quaternary, Glaciology
- Abstract
The book presents an up-to-date, detailed overview of the Quaternary glaciations all over the world, not only with regard to stratigraphy but also with regard to major glacial landforms and the extent of the respective ice sheets. The locations of key sites are included. The information is presented in digital, uniformly prepared maps which can be used in a Geographical Information System (GIS) such as ArcView or ArcGIS. The accompanying text supplies the information on how the data were obtained (geomorphology, geological mapping, air photograph evaluation, satellite imagery), how the features were dated (14C, TL, relative stratigraphy) and how reliable they are supposed to be. All references to the underlying basic publications are included. Where controversial interpretations are possible e.g. in Siberia or Tibet, this is pointed out. As a result, the information on Quaternary glaciations worldwide will be much improved and supplied in a uniform digital format.The information on the glacial limits is compiled in digital form by the coordinators of the project, and is available for download at: http://booksite.elsevier.com/9780444534477/ - Completely updated detailed coverage of worldwide Quaternary glaciations - Information in digital, uniformly prepared maps which can be used in a GIS such as ArcView or ArcGis - Step-by-step guideline how to open and use ArcGis files - Possibility to convert the shapefiles into GoogleEarth kmz-files - Availability of chronological controls
- Published
- 2011
46. Ground Penetrating Radar Theory and Applications
- Author
Harry M. Jol and Harry M. Jol
- Subjects
- Ground penetrating radar
- Abstract
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a rapidly developing field that has seen tremendous progress over the past 15 years. The development of GPR spans aspects of geophysical science, technology, and a wide range of scientific and engineering applications. It is the breadth of applications that has made GPR such a valuable tool in the geophysical consulting and geotechnical engineering industries, has lead to its rapid development, and inspired new areas of research in academia. The topic of GPR has gone from not even being mentioned in geophysical texts ten years ago to being the focus of hundreds of research papers and special issues of journals dedicated to the topic. The explosion of primary literature devoted to GPR technology, theory and applications, has lead to a strong demand for an up-to-date synthesis and overview of this rapidly developing field. Because there are specifics in the utilization of GPR for different applications, a review of the current state of development of the applications along with the fundamental theory is required. This book will provide sufficient detail to allow both practitioners and newcomers to the area of GPR to use it as a handbook and primary research reference.•Review of GPR theory and applications by leaders in the field•Up-to-date information and references•Effective handbook and primary research reference for both experienced practitioners and newcomers
- Published
- 2009
47. Glaciotectonism
- Author
James S. Aber, Andrzej Ber, James S. Aber, and Andrzej Ber
- Subjects
- Glacial erosion, Glacial landforms
- Abstract
Glaciotectonism is an important component of modern glacial theory, gaining widespread recognition within the past 25 years. This book is outcome of compiling maps of glaciotectonic structures and landforms for North America and central Europe, which is the basis for better understanding the role of glaciotectonism as a key component of glacial theory.Glaciotectonism is intented to provide a comprehensive review and description of glaciotectonic phenomena. The subject matter is arranged in three broad sections. First, definitions, principles, and methodologies of glaciotectonics in the field as well as in the laboratory are described. Next, case histories of glaciotectonic structures and landforms from the land and continental shelf regions of North America and Eurasia are then covered in detail. Practical applications for mining, highway construction, and other human activities are also described. The last part of the book covers regional and continental distribution of glaciotectonic phenomena, dynamics of glaciotectonic deformation, and analogous non-glacial deformation.• Provides definitions, principles, and methodology of investigation for glaciotectonic phenomena • Features case histories of glaciotectonic structures and landforms from the glaciated land and continental shelf regions of North America and Eurasia• Analyzes mechanical and theoretical glaciotectonic deformation; analogous deformation of non-glacial origin
- Published
- 2007
48. Past Glacial Environments
- Author
John Menzies, Jaap van der Meer, John Menzies, and Jaap van der Meer
- Subjects
- Glaciers, Glacial epoch
- Abstract
Past Glacial Environments, Second Edition, presents a revised and updated version of the very successful first edition of Menzies'book, covering a breadth of topics with a focus on the recognition and analysis of former glacial environments, including the pre-Quaternary glaciations. The book is made up of chapters written by various geological experts from across the world, with the editor's expertise and experience bringing the chapters together. This new and updated volume includes at least 45% new material, along with five new chapters that include a section on techniques and methods. Additionally, this new edition is presented in full color and features a large collection of photographs, line diagrams, and tables with examples of glacial environments and landscapes that are drawn from a worldwide perspective. Informative knowledge boxes and case studies are included, helping users better understand critical issues and ideas. - Provides the most complete reference concerning the study of glacial processes and their geological, sedimentological, and geomorphological products - Comprised of chapters written by various geological experts from across the world - Includes specific case studies to alert readers to important ideas and issues - Uses text boxes throughout to explain key concepts from glacial literature - Presents full color photographs, line diagrams, and tables throughout
- Published
- 2002
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