Dandanes sta splet in izdelava spletne strani postala nuja za podjetja. Podjetja so spoznala, da jim prinašata nove poslovne možnosti ter jim kakovostno spletno mesto prinaša konkurenčno prednost pred ostalimi podjetji. Spletna predstavitev podjetja je torej ključnega pomena, saj tudi odloča o tem, ali bomo obiskovalca našega spletnega mesta prepričali z mestom in se bo redno vračal na njo, ali pa bo našo spletno mesto zapustil razočaran. V diplomskem delu smo opredelili spletno mesto in spletno stran, kakšne vrste spletnih mest vse poznamo in kateri so specifični elementi spletnih mest. Opisali smo tudi kriterije in značilnosti dobrih in slabih spletnih mest, ki so nam bili zelo v pomoč pri nadaljnjem analiziranju spletnega mesta. Opisali smo tudi kakšna je uporabnost spletnih mest in kakšni so trendi spletnih mest v današnjem času, saj se vsako leto spreminjajo. Če sledimo najnovejšim trendom, bomo skoraj zagotovljeno vedno imeli obiskovalce na našem spletnem mestu. Na koncu pa smo še opisali predstavitev podjetja na spletu. Pri pisanju smo se omejili na razpoložljivo literaturo in informacije, ki niso zaupne narave ter predvsem na vire, ki so na voljo na spletu, ker smo mnenja, da je takšna tema diplomskega dela, o katerem se da veliko izbrskati na spletu. Torej tako teoretičnemu delu sledi praktični del, v katerem smo pridobljena teoretična znanja uporabili za analizo spletno mesto Steklarstvobreg.com. Analizirali smo jo glede na vsebino, vrsto spletnega mesta, oblikovno podobo, navigacijo, interaktivnost in uporabnost ter podali predlog za izboljšavo spletnega mesta. Analizirano spletno mesto je zastarelo spletno mesto, ki ga podjetje ne vzdržuje in že od leta 2014 ostaja enako, brez večjih sprememb. Zato smo se odločili, da ustvarimo novo spletno mesto za to podjetje in upoštevamo najnovejše trende, ki smo jih v teoriji opisali. Tega smo se lotili prek spleta, na Wixsite.com, kjer lahko zastonj in brez večjega napora ustvarimo novo spletno mesto. Za kakovostno spletno mesto je potrebno upoštevati najnovejše trende ter spletno mesto redno in učinkovito vzdrževati. Predvsem pa je potrebno prisluhniti željam ter potrebam obiskovalcev spletnih mest, saj bodo ti v prihodnosti edini vir, s katerim bo poslovanje podjetja uspešno delovalo. Today, the internet and posting of a webpage on it have become a necessity for companies which have realised that these two bring new business opportunities and that a quality webpage provides a competitive advantage over other companies. On-line placement of the company is therefore of key importance since it decides whether the person who visits a web page is attracted by it and will regularly return to it, or the visitor will leave it disappointed. This diploma thesis defines the website and the webpage, which types of webpages there are, and what the specific elements of a webpage are. We have described the criteria and characteristics of good and bad webpages which were of great help with the further analysis of the webpage. Furthermore, the usefulness of websites is presented along with the current trends for websites since they change yearly. If we follow the latest trends, this will almost certainly constantly bring visitors to a webpage. Finally, the company's on-line presentation is described. During the writing of the thesis, we limited ourselves to the available sources and information which were not of confidential nature, and especially to sources available on the internet since we believe that the topic of this diploma work is such that provides plenty of information on-line. The theoretical part is thus followed by a practical part in which the acquired theoretical knowledge is used for the analysis of the webpage Steklarstvobreg.com. It was analysed according to content, type of the website, design image, navigation, interactivity, and usefulness, and suggestions were made for the improvement of the webpage. The analysed webpage is an outdated webpage, unmaintained by the company and has remained the same since 2014, lacking any major updates. Thus, we have decided to create a new webpage for this company considering the latest trends described in the theoretical part. This was done on-line, at Wixsite.com, where anyone can create a new website free of charge and with fairly little effort. To have a quality website, one needs to consider the latest trends and update the webpage regularly and efficiently. But above all, the wishes and needs of website visitors need to be heard since in the future they will be the only source for the successful operation of the company.