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Prenova spletnega mesta podjetja Ugoda

Authors :
Bevc, Lina
Javoršek, Dejana
Publication Year :


V današnjem poslovnem svetu spletno mesto pogosto predstavlja prvi stik potencialnega kupca s podjetjem. Zato je ključno, da je to informativno, vizualno privlačno, pregledno in enostavno za uporabo. S tem zadovoljuje potrebe uporabnikov, saj bodo ti v nasprotnem primeru spletno mesto zapustili in odšli na stran konkurence. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je bil analizirati spletno mesto podjetja Ugoda d.o.o. ter narediti prototip prenovljenega spletnega mesta, ki si prizadeva odpraviti ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti in s tem izboljšati uporabniško izkušnjo. Rezultati analize so pokazali stanje obstoječega spletnega mesta na tržišču, identificirali ključne uporabnike in njihove zahteve ter ugotovili prednosti in slabosti obstoječega spletnega mesta. Ugotovitve smo upoštevali pri izdelavi prototipa prenovljenega spletnega mesta. Tega smo po izdelavi testirali z namenom potrditi ali ovreči hipotezo: »Prenovljeno spletno mesto podjetja Ugoda bo uporabnikom bolj prijazno.« Rezultati testiranja so pokazali, da prototip prenovljenega spletnega mesta zagotavlja boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo. Podani so bili še nekateri nadaljnji predlogi, ki bi lahko v prihodnje še dodatno pripomogli k optimizaciji prenovljenega spletnega mesta. In today’s business world, the website often represents the first contact between the potential customer and the business. Therefore, it is essential, that the website is informative, visually appealing, visible and easy to use so that it meets the user’s needs. If the website does not fulfill these criteria, potential customers will go to the competitor’s site. The main purpose of the diploma thesis was to analyze the existing website of the company Ugoda d.o.o. and create a prototype of its redesign, which tries to solve the identified problems and thus improve user’s experience. The thesis analyzed the status of the existing website on the market, identified the key users, detected their expectations and pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of the website’s design. These findings were taken into account in the development process of the prototype of the redesigned website. The prototype was tested in order to confirm or deny the following hypothesis: “The redesigned website of the company Ugoda will be more user-friendly.” The results showed that the prototype of the redesigned website provides a better user experience. In addition, suggestions are made to further optimize the redesigned website.


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